blob: a1b5bb273f98dda6da6dd0e0904d5263fcbdcf37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library rewrite_async;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' show max;
import 'package:js_runtime/synced/async_await_error_codes.dart' as error_codes;
import '../common.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Pair;
import 'js.dart' as js;
/// Rewrites a [js.Fun] with async/sync*/async* functions and await and yield
/// (with dart-like semantics) to an equivalent function without these.
/// await-for is not handled and must be rewritten before. (Currently handled
/// in ssa/builder.dart).
/// When generating the input to this, special care must be taken that
/// parameters to sync* functions that are mutated in the body must be boxed.
/// (Currently handled in closure.dart).
/// Look at [rewriteFunction], [visitDartYield] and [visitAwait] for more
/// explanation.
abstract class AsyncRewriterBase extends js.NodeVisitor {
// Local variables are hoisted to the top of the function, so they are
// collected here.
List<js.VariableDeclaration> localVariables = [];
Map<js.Node, int> continueLabels = {};
Map<js.Node, int> breakLabels = {};
/// The label of a finally part.
Map<js.Block, int> finallyLabels = {};
/// The label of the catch handler of a [js.Try] or a [js.Fun] or [js.Catch].
/// These mark the points an error can be consumed.
/// - The handler of a [js.Fun] is the outermost and will rethrow the error.
/// - The handler of a [js.Try] will run the catch handler.
/// - The handler of a [js.Catch] is a synthetic handler that ensures the
/// right finally blocks are run if an error is thrown inside a
/// catch-handler.
Map<js.Node, int> handlerLabels = {};
int? exitLabel;
late int rethrowLabel;
/// A stack of all (surrounding) jump targets.
/// Jump targets are:
/// * The function, signalling a return or uncaught throw.
/// * Loops.
/// * LabeledStatements (also used for 'continue' when attached to loops).
/// * Try statements, for catch and finally handlers.
/// * Catch handlers, when inside a catch-part of a try, the catch-handler is
/// used to associate with a synthetic handler that will ensure the right
/// finally blocks are visited.
/// When jumping to a target it is necessary to visit all finallies that
/// are on the way to target (i.e. more nested than the jump target).
List<js.Node> jumpTargets = [];
List<Pair<String, String>> variableRenamings = [];
late final PreTranslationAnalysis analysis;
final String Function(String) safeVariableName;
// All the <x>Name variables are names of Javascript variables used in the
// transformed code.
/// Contains the result of an awaited expression, or a conditional or
/// lazy boolean operator.
/// For example a conditional expression is roughly translated like:
/// [[cond ? a : b]]
/// Becomes:
/// while true { // outer while loop
/// switch (goto) { // Simulates goto
/// ...
/// goto = [[cond]] ? thenLabel : elseLabel
/// break;
/// case thenLabel:
/// result = [[a]];
/// goto = joinLabel;
/// break;
/// case elseLabel:
/// result = [[b]];
/// case joinLabel:
/// // Now the result of computing the condition is in result.
/// ....
/// }
/// }
/// It is a parameter to the [body] function, so that [awaitStatement] can
/// call [body] with the result of an awaited Future.
js.VariableUse get result => js.VariableUse(resultName);
late final String resultName;
/// A parameter to the [bodyName] function. Indicating if we are in success
/// or error case.
late final String errorCodeName;
/// The inner function that is scheduled to do each await/yield,
/// and called to do a new iteration for sync*.
final js.Name bodyName;
/// Used to simulate a goto.
/// To "goto" a label, the label is assigned to this variable, and break out
/// of the switch to take another iteration in the while loop. See [addGoto]
js.VariableUse get goto => js.VariableUse(gotoName);
late final String gotoName;
/// Variable containing the label of the current error handler.
js.VariableUse get handler => js.VariableUse(handlerName);
late final String handlerName;
/// Set to `true` if any of the switch statement labels is a handler. At the
/// end of rewriting this is used to see if a shorter form of error handling
/// can be used. The shorter form could be a change in the method boilerplate,
/// in the state machine wrapper, or not implemented. [addErrorExit] can test
/// this to elide the error exit handler when there are no other handlers, or
/// set it to `true` if there is no shorter form.
bool hasHandlerLabels = false;
/// A stack of labels of finally blocks to visit, and the label to go to after
/// the last.
js.VariableUse get next => js.VariableUse(nextName);
late final String nextName;
/// The current returned value (a finally block may overwrite it).
js.VariableUse get returnValue => js.VariableUse(returnValueName);
late final String returnValueName;
/// Stores the current error when we are in the process of handling an error.
js.VariableUse get currentError => js.VariableUse(currentErrorName);
late final String currentErrorName;
/// The label of the outer loop.
/// Used if there are untransformed loops containing break or continues to
/// targets outside the loop.
late final String outerLabelName;
/// If javascript `this` is used, it is accessed via this variable, in the
/// [bodyName] function.
js.VariableUse get self => js.VariableUse(selfName);
late final String selfName;
/// The rewritten code can take type arguments. These are added if needed.
final List<String> typeArgumentNames = [];
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
// For error reporting only.
Spannable get spannable => _spannable ?? NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE;
final Spannable? _spannable;
int _currentLabel = 0;
// The highest temporary variable index currently in use.
int currentTempVarIndex = 0;
// The highest temporary variable index ever in use in this function.
int tempVarHighWaterMark = 0;
Map<int, js.VariableUse> tempVarNames = {};
bool get isAsync => false;
bool get isSyncStar => false;
bool get isAsyncStar => false;
this.reporter, this._spannable, this.safeVariableName, this.bodyName);
/// Initialize names used by the subClass.
void initializeNames();
/// Main entry point.
/// Rewrites a sync*/async/async* function to an equivalent normal function.
/// [spannable] can be passed to have a location for error messages.
js.Fun rewrite(
js.Fun node,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? exitSourceInformation) {
analysis = PreTranslationAnalysis(unsupported);
// To avoid name collisions with existing names, the fresh names are
// generated after the analysis.
resultName = freshName("result");
errorCodeName = freshName("errorCode");
gotoName = freshName("goto");
handlerName = freshName("handler");
nextName = freshName("next");
returnValueName = freshName("returnValue");
currentErrorName = freshName("currentError");
outerLabelName = freshName("outer");
selfName = freshName("self");
// Initialize names specific to the subclass.
return rewriteFunction(node, bodySourceInformation, exitSourceInformation);
js.Expression get currentErrorHandler {
return js.number(handlerLabels[
jumpTargets.lastWhere((node) => handlerLabels[node] != null)]!);
int allocateTempVar() {
assert(tempVarHighWaterMark >= currentTempVarIndex);
tempVarHighWaterMark = max(currentTempVarIndex, tempVarHighWaterMark);
return currentTempVarIndex;
js.VariableUse useTempVar(int i) {
return tempVarNames[i] ??= js.VariableUse(freshName("temp$i"));
/// Generates a variable name with [safeVariableName] based on [originalName]
/// with a suffix to guarantee it does not collide with already used names.
String freshName(String originalName) {
String safeName = safeVariableName(originalName);
String result = safeName;
int counter = 1;
while (analysis.usedNames.contains(result)) {
result = "$safeName$counter";
return result;
List<js.Expression> processTypeArguments(List<js.Expression>? types) {
if (types == null) {
String name = freshName('type');
return [js.VariableUse(name)];
return types;
/// All the pieces are collected in this map, to create a switch with a case
/// for each label.
/// The order is important due to fall-through control flow, therefore the
/// type is explicitly LinkedHashMap.
Map<int, List<js.Statement>> labelledParts = LinkedHashMap();
/// Description of each label for readability of the non-minified output.
Map<int, String> labelComments = {};
/// True if the function has any try blocks containing await.
bool hasTryBlocks = false;
/// True if the traversion currently is inside a loop or switch for which
/// [shouldTransform] is false.
bool insideUntranslatedBreakable = false;
/// True if a label is used to break to an outer switch-statement.
bool hasJumpThoughOuterLabel = false;
/// True if there is a catch-handler protected by a finally with no enclosing
/// catch-handlers.
bool needsRethrow = false;
/// Buffer for collecting translated statements belonging to the same switch
/// case.
List<js.Statement> currentStatementBuffer = [];
// Labels will become cases in the big switch expression, and `goto label`
// is expressed by assigning to the switch key [gotoName] and breaking out of
// the switch.
int newLabel(String comment) {
int result = _currentLabel++;
labelComments[result] = comment;
return result;
/// Begins outputting statements to a new buffer with label [label].
/// Each buffer ends up as its own case part in the big state-switch.
void beginLabel(int label) {
currentStatementBuffer = [];
labelledParts[label] = currentStatementBuffer;
/// Returns a statement assigning to the variable named [gotoName].
/// This should be followed by a break for the goto to be executed. Use
/// [gotoWithBreak] or [addGoto] for this.
js.Statement setGotoVariable(
int label, js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
return js.ExpressionStatement(js.js('# = #',
[goto, js.number(label)]).withSourceInformation(sourceInformation));
/// Returns a block that has a goto to [label] including the break.
/// Also inserts a comment describing the label if available.
js.Block gotoAndBreak(
int label, js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
List<js.Statement> statements = [];
if (labelComments.containsKey(label)) {
statements.add(js.Comment("goto ${labelComments[label]}"));
statements.add(setGotoVariable(label, sourceInformation));
if (insideUntranslatedBreakable) {
hasJumpThoughOuterLabel = true;
} else {
return js.Block(statements);
/// Adds a goto to [label] including the break.
/// Also inserts a comment describing the label if available.
void addGoto(
int label, js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (labelComments.containsKey(label)) {
addStatement(js.Comment("goto ${labelComments[label]}"));
addStatement(setGotoVariable(label, sourceInformation));
void addStatement(js.Statement node) {
void addExpressionStatement(js.Expression node) {
/// True if there is an await or yield in [node] or some subexpression.
bool shouldTransform(js.Node? node) {
return analysis.hasAwaitOrYield.contains(node);
Never unsupported(js.Node node) {
throw UnsupportedError(
"Node $node cannot be transformed by the await-sync transformer");
void unreachable(js.Node node) {
reporter.internalError(spannable, "Internal error, trying to visit $node");
visitStatement(js.Statement node) {
/// Visits [node] to ensure its sideeffects are performed, but throwing away
/// the result.
/// If the return value of visiting [node] is an expression guaranteed to have
/// no side effect, it is dropped.
void visitExpressionIgnoreResult(js.Expression node) {
// TODO(28763): Remove `<dynamic>` when issue 28763 is fixed.
js.Expression result = node.accept<dynamic>(this)!;
if (!(result is js.Literal || result is js.VariableUse)) {
js.Expression visitExpression(js.Expression node) {
// TODO(28763): Remove `<dynamic>` when issue 28763 is fixed.
return node.accept<dynamic>(this);
/// Calls [fn] with the value of evaluating [node1] and [node2].
/// Both nodes are evaluated in order.
/// If node2 must be transformed (see [shouldTransform]), then the evaluation
/// of node1 is added to the current statement-list and the result is stored
/// in a temporary variable. The evaluation of node2 is then free to emit
/// statements without affecting the result of node1.
/// This is necessary, because await or yield expressions have to emit
/// statements, and these statements could affect the value of node1.
/// For example:
/// - _storeIfNecessary(someLiteral) returns someLiteral.
/// - _storeIfNecessary(someVariable)
/// inserts: var tempX = someVariable
/// returns: tempX
/// where tempX is a fresh temporary variable.
js.Expression _storeIfNecessary(js.Expression result) {
// Note that RegExes, js.ArrayInitializer and js.ObjectInitializer are not
// [js.Literal]s.
if (result is js.Literal) return result;
if (result is js.VariableUse) {
if ( == selfName) return result;
js.Expression tempVar = useTempVar(allocateTempVar());
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = #;', [tempVar, result]));
return tempVar;
// TODO(sra): Many calls to this method use `store: false`, and could be
// replaced with calls to `visitExpression`.
withExpression(js.Expression node, fn(js.Expression result),
{required bool store}) {
int oldTempVarIndex = currentTempVarIndex;
js.Expression visited = visitExpression(node);
if (store) {
visited = _storeIfNecessary(visited);
var result = fn(visited);
currentTempVarIndex = oldTempVarIndex;
return result;
/// Calls [fn] with the result of evaluating [node]. Taking special care of
/// property accesses.
/// If [store] is true the result of evaluating [node] is stored in a
/// temporary.
/// We cannot rewrite `<receiver>.m()` to:
/// temp = <receiver>.m;
/// temp();
/// Because this leaves `this` unbound in the call. But because of dart
/// evaluation order we can write:
/// temp = <receiver>;
/// temp.m();
withCallTargetExpression(js.Expression node, fn(js.Expression result),
{required bool store}) {
int oldTempVarIndex = currentTempVarIndex;
js.Expression visited = visitExpression(node);
js.Expression? selector;
js.Expression storedIfNeeded;
if (store) {
if (visited is js.PropertyAccess) {
js.PropertyAccess propertyAccess = visited;
selector = propertyAccess.selector;
visited = propertyAccess.receiver;
storedIfNeeded = _storeIfNecessary(visited);
} else {
storedIfNeeded = visited;
js.Expression result;
if (selector == null) {
result = fn(storedIfNeeded);
} else {
result = fn(js.PropertyAccess(storedIfNeeded, selector));
currentTempVarIndex = oldTempVarIndex;
return result;
/// Calls [fn] with the value of evaluating [node1] and [node2].
/// If `shouldTransform(node2)` the first expression is stored in a temporary
/// variable.
/// This is because node1 must be evaluated before visiting node2,
/// because the evaluation of an await or yield cannot be expressed as
/// an expression, visiting node2 it will output statements that
/// might have an influence on the value of node1.
js.Expression withExpression2(js.Expression node1, js.Expression node2,
js.Expression fn(js.Expression result1, js.Expression result2)) {
int oldTempVarIndex = currentTempVarIndex;
js.Expression r1 = visitExpression(node1);
if (shouldTransform(node2)) {
r1 = _storeIfNecessary(r1);
js.Expression r2 = visitExpression(node2);
var result = fn(r1, r2);
currentTempVarIndex = oldTempVarIndex;
return result;
/// Calls [fn] with the value of evaluating all [nodes].
/// All results before the last node where `shouldTransform(node)` are stored
/// in temporary variables.
/// See more explanation on [withExpression2].
T withExpressions<T>(
List<js.Expression> nodes, T fn(List<js.Expression> results)) {
int oldTempVarIndex = currentTempVarIndex;
List<js.Expression> visited = [];
_collectVisited(nodes, visited);
final result = fn(visited);
currentTempVarIndex = oldTempVarIndex;
return result;
/// Like [withExpressions], but permitting `null` nodes. If any of the nodes
/// are null, they are ignored, and a null is passed to [fn] in that place.
T withNullableExpressions<T>(
List<js.Expression?> nodes, T fn(List<js.Expression?> results)) {
int oldTempVarIndex = currentTempVarIndex;
List<js.Expression?> visited = [];
_collectVisited(nodes, visited);
final result = fn(visited);
currentTempVarIndex = oldTempVarIndex;
return result;
void _collectVisited(
List<js.Expression?> nodes, List<js.Expression?> visited) {
// Find last occurrence of a 'transform' expression in [nodes].
// All expressions before that must be stored in temp-vars.
int lastTransformIndex = 0;
for (int i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (nodes[i] == null) continue;
if (shouldTransform(nodes[i])) {
lastTransformIndex = i;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
js.Expression? node = nodes[i];
if (node != null) {
node = visitExpression(node);
if (i < lastTransformIndex) {
node = _storeIfNecessary(node);
/// Emits the return block that all returns jump to (after going
/// through all the enclosing finally blocks). The jump to here is made in
/// [visitReturn].
void addSuccessExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation);
/// Emits the block that control flows to if an error has been thrown
/// but not caught. (after going through all the enclosing finally blocks).
void addErrorExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation);
void addFunctionExits(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
/// Returns the rewritten function.
js.Fun finishFunction(
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
List<js.Parameter> typeParameters,
js.Statement rewrittenBody,
js.VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarations,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? functionSourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation);
Iterable<js.VariableInitialization> variableInitializations(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation);
/// Rewrites an async/sync*/async* function to a normal Javascript function.
/// The control flow is flattened by simulating 'goto' using a switch in a
/// loop and a state variable [goto] inside a nested function [body]
/// that can be called back by [asyncStarHelper]/[asyncStarHelper]/the
/// [Iterator].
/// Local variables are hoisted outside the helper.
/// Awaits in async/async* are translated to code that remembers the current
/// location (so the function can resume from where it was) followed by a
/// [awaitStatement]. The helper sets up the waiting for the awaited
/// value and returns a future which is immediately returned by the
/// [awaitStatement].
/// Yields in sync*/async* are translated to a calls to helper functions.
/// (see [visitYield])
/// Simplified examples (not the exact translation, but intended to show the
/// ideas):
/// function (x, y, z) async {
/// var p = await foo();
/// return bar(p);
/// }
/// Becomes (without error handling):
/// function(x, y, z) {
/// var goto = 0, returnValue, completer = new Completer(), p;
/// function body(result) {
/// while (true) {
/// switch (goto) {
/// case 0:
/// goto = 1 // Remember where to continue when the future succeeds.
/// return thenHelper(foo(), helper, completer);
/// case 1:
/// p = result;
/// returnValue = bar(p);
/// goto = 2;
/// break;
/// case 2:
/// return thenHelper(returnValue, null, completer)
/// }
/// }
/// return thenHelper(null, helper, completer);
/// }
/// }
/// Try/catch is implemented by maintaining [handler] to contain the label
/// of the current handler. If [body] throws, the caller should catch the
/// error and recall [body] with first argument [error_codes.ERROR] and
/// second argument the error.
/// A `finally` clause is compiled similar to normal code, with the additional
/// complexity that `finally` clauses need to know where to jump to after the
/// clause is done. In the translation, each flow-path that enters a `finally`
/// sets up the variable [next] with a stack of finally-blocks and a final
/// jump-target (exit, catch, ...).
/// function(x, y, z) async {
/// try {
/// try {
/// throw "error";
/// } finally {
/// finalize1();
/// }
/// } catch (e) {
/// handle(e);
/// } finally {
/// finalize2();
/// }
/// }
/// Translates into (besides the fact that structures not containing
/// await/yield/yield* are left intact):
/// function(x, y, z) {
/// var goto = 0;
/// var returnValue;
/// var completer = new Completer();
/// var handler = 8; // Outside try-blocks go to the rethrow label.
/// var p;
/// var currentError;
/// // The result can be either the result of an awaited future, or an
/// // error if the future completed with an error.
/// function body(errorCode, result) {
/// if (errorCode == 1) {
/// currentError = result;
/// goto = handler;
/// }
/// while (true) {
/// switch (goto) {
/// case 0:
/// handler = 4; // The outer catch-handler
/// handler = 1; // The inner (implicit) catch-handler
/// throw "error";
/// next = [3];
/// // After the finally (2) continue normally after the try.
/// goto = 2;
/// break;
/// case 1: // (implicit) catch handler for inner try.
/// next = [3]; // destination after the finally.
/// // fall-though to the finally handler.
/// case 2: // finally for inner try
/// handler = 4; // catch-handler for outer try.
/// finalize1();
/// goto = next.pop();
/// break;
/// case 3: // exiting inner try.
/// next = [6];
/// goto = 5; // finally handler for outer try.
/// break;
/// case 4: // catch handler for outer try.
/// handler = 5; // If the handler throws, do the finally ..
/// next = [8] // ... and rethrow.
/// e = storedError;
/// handle(e);
/// // Fall through to finally.
/// case 5: // finally handler for outer try.
/// handler = null;
/// finalize2();
/// goto = next.pop();
/// break;
/// case 6: // Exiting outer try.
/// case 7: // return
/// return thenHelper(returnValue, 0, completer);
/// case 8: // Rethrow
/// return thenHelper(currentError, 1, completer);
/// }
/// }
/// return thenHelper(null, helper, completer);
/// }
/// }
/// [bodySourceInformation] is used on code generated to execute the function
/// body and [exitSourceInformation] is used on code generated to exit the
/// function.
js.Fun rewriteFunction(
js.Fun node,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? exitSourceInformation) {
beginLabel(newLabel("Function start"));
// AsyncStar needs a return label for its handling of cancellation. See
// [visitDartYield].
exitLabel = (analysis.hasExplicitReturns || isAsyncStar)
? newLabel("return")
: null;
handlerLabels[node] = rethrowLabel = newLabel("rethrow");
js.Statement body = node.body;
List<js.SwitchClause> clauses = [
for (final entry in labelledParts.entries)
js.Case(js.number(entry.key), js.Block(entry.value))
js.Statement rewrittenBody =
js.Switch(goto, clauses).withSourceInformation(bodySourceInformation);
if (hasJumpThoughOuterLabel) {
rewrittenBody = js.LabeledStatement(outerLabelName, rewrittenBody);
rewrittenBody = js.js
.statement('while (true) {#}', rewrittenBody)
List<js.VariableInitialization> variables = [];
_makeVariableInitializer(goto, js.number(0), bodySourceInformation));
if (hasHandlerLabels) {
handler, js.number(rethrowLabel), bodySourceInformation));
_makeVariableInitializer(currentError, null, bodySourceInformation));
if (analysis.hasFinally || (isAsyncStar && analysis.hasYield)) {
next, js.ArrayInitializer([]), bodySourceInformation));
if (analysis.hasThis && !isSyncStar) {
// Sync* functions must remember `this` on the level of the outer
// function.
_makeVariableInitializer(self, js.js('this'), bodySourceInformation));
variables.addAll( declaration) {
return js.VariableInitialization(declaration, null);
(int i) => _makeVariableInitializer(
useTempVar(i + 1).name, null, bodySourceInformation)));
js.VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarations =
// Names are already safe when added.
List<js.Parameter> typeParameters = => js.Parameter(name)).toList();
return finishFunction(node.params, typeParameters, rewrittenBody,
variableDeclarations, node.sourceInformation, bodySourceInformation);
js.Expression visitFunctionExpression(js.FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.asyncModifier.isAsync || node.asyncModifier.isYielding) {
// The translation does not handle nested functions that are generators
// or asynchronous. These functions should only be ones that are
// introduced by JS foreign code from our own libraries.
spannable, 'Nested function is a generator or asynchronous.');
return node;
js.Expression visitFun(js.Fun node) {
return visitFunctionExpression(node);
js.Expression visitArrowFunction(js.ArrowFunction node) {
return visitFunctionExpression(node);
js.Expression visitAccess(js.PropertyAccess node) {
return withExpression2(node.receiver, node.selector,
(receiver, selector) => js.js('#[#]', [receiver, selector]));
js.Expression visitArrayHole(js.ArrayHole node) {
return node;
js.Expression visitArrayInitializer(js.ArrayInitializer node) {
return withExpressions(node.elements, (elements) {
return js.ArrayInitializer(elements);
js.Expression visitAssignment(js.Assignment node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
return js.Assignment.compound(visitExpression(node.leftHandSide), node.op,
js.Expression leftHandSide = node.leftHandSide;
if (leftHandSide is js.VariableUse) {
return withExpression(node.value, (js.Expression value) {
// A non-compound [js.Assignment] has `op==null`. So it works out to
// use [js.Assignment.compound] for all cases.
// Visit the [js.VariableUse] to ensure renaming is done correctly.
return js.Assignment.compound(
visitExpression(leftHandSide), node.op, value);
}, store: false);
} else if (leftHandSide is js.PropertyAccess) {
return withExpressions(
[leftHandSide.receiver, leftHandSide.selector, node.value],
(evaluated) {
return js.Assignment.compound(
js.PropertyAccess(evaluated[0], evaluated[1]),
} else {
throw "Unexpected assignment left hand side $leftHandSide";
js.Statement awaitStatement(js.Expression value,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation);
/// An await is translated to an [awaitStatement].
/// See the comments of [rewriteFunction] for an example.
js.Expression visitAwait(js.Await node) {
assert(isAsync || isAsyncStar);
int afterAwait = newLabel("returning from await.");
withExpression(node.expression, (js.Expression value) {
addStatement(setGotoVariable(afterAwait, node.sourceInformation));
addStatement(awaitStatement(value, node.sourceInformation));
}, store: false);
return result;
/// Checks if [node] is the variable named [resultName].
/// [result] is used to hold the result of a transformed computation
/// for example the result of awaiting, or the result of a conditional or
/// short-circuiting expression.
/// If the subexpression of some transformed node already is transformed and
/// visiting it returns [result], it is not redundantly assigned to itself
/// again.
bool isResult(js.Expression node) {
return node is js.VariableUse && == resultName;
js.Expression visitBinary(js.Binary node) {
if (shouldTransform(node.right) && (node.op == "||" || node.op == "&&")) {
int thenLabel = newLabel("then");
int joinLabel = newLabel("join");
withExpression(node.left, (js.Expression left) {
js.Statement assignLeft = isResult(left)
? js.Block.empty()
: js.js.statement('# = #;', [result, left]);
if (node.op == "&&") {
addStatement(js.js.statement('if (#) {#} else #', [
gotoAndBreak(thenLabel, node.sourceInformation),
} else {
assert(node.op == "||");
addStatement(js.js.statement('if (#) {#} else #', [
gotoAndBreak(thenLabel, node.sourceInformation)
}, store: true);
addGoto(joinLabel, node.sourceInformation);
withExpression(node.right, (js.Expression value) {
if (!isResult(value)) {
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = #;', [result, value]));
}, store: false);
return result;
return withExpression2(node.left, node.right,
(left, right) => js.Binary(node.op, left, right));
void visitBlock(js.Block node) {
for (js.Statement statement in node.statements) {
void visitBreak(js.Break node) {
js.Node target = analysis.targets[node]!;
if (!shouldTransform(target)) {
translateJump(target, breakLabels[target], node.sourceInformation);
js.Expression visitCall(js.Call node) {
bool storeTarget = node.arguments.any(shouldTransform);
return withCallTargetExpression(, (target) {
return withExpressions(node.arguments, (List<js.Expression> arguments) {
return js.Call(target, arguments)
}, store: storeTarget);
void visitCase(js.Case node) {
return unreachable(node);
void visitCatch(js.Catch node) {
return unreachable(node);
void visitComment(js.Comment node) {
js.Expression visitConditional(js.Conditional node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node.then) && !shouldTransform(node.otherwise)) {
return js.js('# ? # : #', [
int thenLabel = newLabel("then");
int joinLabel = newLabel("join");
int elseLabel = newLabel("else");
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = # ? # : #;',
[goto, condition, js.number(thenLabel), js.number(elseLabel)]));
}, store: false);
withExpression(node.then, (js.Expression value) {
if (!isResult(value)) {
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = #;', [result, value]));
}, store: false);
addGoto(joinLabel, node.sourceInformation);
withExpression(node.otherwise, (js.Expression value) {
if (!isResult(value)) {
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = #;', [result, value]));
}, store: false);
return result;
void visitContinue(js.Continue node) {
js.Node? target = analysis.targets[node];
if (!shouldTransform(target)) {
translateJump(target, continueLabels[target!], node.sourceInformation);
/// Emits a break statement that exits the big switch statement.
void addBreak(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (insideUntranslatedBreakable) {
hasJumpThoughOuterLabel = true;
} else {
/// Common code for handling break, continue, return.
/// It is necessary to run all nesting finally-handlers between the jump and
/// the target. For that [next] is used as a stack of places to go.
/// See also [rewriteFunction].
void translateJump(js.Node? target, int? targetLabel,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
// Compute a stack of all the 'finally' nodes that must be visited before
// the jump.
// The bottom of the stack is the label where the jump goes to.
List<int> jumpStack = [];
for (js.Node node in jumpTargets.reversed) {
if (finallyLabels[node] != null) {
} else if (node == target) {
// Ignore other nodes.
jumpStack = jumpStack.reversed.toList();
// As the program jumps directly to the top of the stack, it is taken off
// now.
int firstTarget = jumpStack.removeLast();
if (jumpStack.isNotEmpty) {
js.Expression jsJumpStack = js.ArrayInitializer( label) => js.number(label)).toList());
addStatement(js.ExpressionStatement(js.js("# = #",
[next, jsJumpStack]).withSourceInformation(sourceInformation)));
addGoto(firstTarget, sourceInformation);
void visitDefault(js.Default node) => unreachable(node);
void visitDo(js.Do node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
bool oldInsideUntranslatedBreakable = insideUntranslatedBreakable;
insideUntranslatedBreakable = true;
addStatement(js.js.statement('do {#} while (#)',
[translateToStatement(node.body), visitExpression(node.condition)]));
insideUntranslatedBreakable = oldInsideUntranslatedBreakable;
int startLabel = newLabel("do body");
int continueLabel = newLabel("do condition");
continueLabels[node] = continueLabel;
int afterLabel = newLabel("after do");
breakLabels[node] = afterLabel;
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
addStatement(js.js.statement('if (#) #',
[condition, gotoAndBreak(startLabel, node.sourceInformation)]));
}, store: false);
void visitEmptyStatement(js.EmptyStatement node) {
void visitExpressionStatement(js.ExpressionStatement node) {
void visitFor(js.For node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
bool oldInsideUntranslated = insideUntranslatedBreakable;
insideUntranslatedBreakable = true;
// Note that node.init, node.condition, node.update all can be null, but
// withNullableExpressions handles that.
withNullableExpressions([node.init, node.condition, node.update],
(List<js.Expression?> transformed) {
addStatement(js.For(transformed[0], transformed[1], transformed[2],
insideUntranslatedBreakable = oldInsideUntranslated;
if (node.init != null) {
int startLabel = newLabel("for condition");
// If there is no update, continuing the loop is the same as going to the
// start.
int continueLabel =
(node.update == null) ? startLabel : newLabel("for update");
continueLabels[node] = continueLabel;
int afterLabel = newLabel("after for");
breakLabels[node] = afterLabel;
js.Expression? condition = node.condition;
if (condition == null ||
(condition is js.LiteralBool && condition.value == true)) {
addStatement(js.Comment("trivial condition"));
} else {
withExpression(condition, (js.Expression condition) {
addStatement(js.If.noElse(js.Prefix("!", condition),
gotoAndBreak(afterLabel, node.sourceInformation)));
}, store: false);
if (node.update != null) {
addGoto(startLabel, node.sourceInformation);
void visitForIn(js.ForIn node) {
// The dart output currently never uses for-in loops.
throw "Javascript for-in not implemented yet in the await transformation";
void visitFunctionDeclaration(js.FunctionDeclaration node) {
List<js.Statement> translateToStatementSequence(js.Statement node) {
List<js.Statement> oldBuffer = currentStatementBuffer;
currentStatementBuffer = [];
List<js.Statement> resultBuffer = currentStatementBuffer;
currentStatementBuffer = oldBuffer;
return resultBuffer;
js.Statement translateToStatement(js.Statement node) {
List<js.Statement> statements = translateToStatementSequence(node);
if (statements.length == 1) return statements.single;
return js.Block(statements);
js.Block translateToBlock(js.Statement node) {
return js.Block(translateToStatementSequence(node));
void visitIf(js.If node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node.then) && !shouldTransform(node.otherwise)) {
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
js.Statement translatedThen = translateToStatement(node.then);
js.Statement translatedElse = translateToStatement(node.otherwise);
addStatement(js.If(condition, translatedThen, translatedElse));
}, store: false);
int thenLabel = newLabel("then");
int joinLabel = newLabel("join");
int elseLabel =
(node.otherwise is js.EmptyStatement) ? joinLabel : newLabel("else");
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
condition, js.number(thenLabel), js.number(elseLabel))));
}, store: false);
if (node.otherwise is! js.EmptyStatement) {
addGoto(joinLabel, node.sourceInformation);
visitInterpolatedExpression(js.InterpolatedExpression node) {
visitInterpolatedDeclaration(js.InterpolatedDeclaration node) {
visitInterpolatedLiteral(js.InterpolatedLiteral node) {
visitInterpolatedParameter(js.InterpolatedParameter node) {
visitInterpolatedSelector(js.InterpolatedSelector node) {
visitInterpolatedStatement(js.InterpolatedStatement node) {
void visitLabeledStatement(js.LabeledStatement node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
js.LabeledStatement(node.label, translateToStatement(node.body)));
// `continue label` is really continuing the nested loop.
// This is set up in [PreTranslationAnalysis.visitContinue].
// Here we only need a breakLabel:
int breakLabel = newLabel("break ${node.label}");
breakLabels[node] = breakLabel;
js.Expression visitLiteralBool(js.LiteralBool node) => node;
visitLiteralExpression(js.LiteralExpression node) => unsupported(node);
js.Expression visitLiteralNull(js.LiteralNull node) => node;
js.Expression visitLiteralNumber(js.LiteralNumber node) => node;
visitLiteralStatement(js.LiteralStatement node) => unsupported(node);
js.Expression visitLiteralString(js.LiteralString node) => node;
js.Expression visitStringConcatenation(js.StringConcatenation node) => node;
js.Name visitName(js.Name node) => node;
js.Parentheses visitParentheses(js.Parentheses node) {
visitNamedFunction(js.NamedFunction node) {
js.Expression visitDeferredExpression(js.DeferredExpression node) => node;
visitDeferredStatement(js.DeferredStatement node) => unsupported(node);
js.Expression visitDeferredNumber(js.DeferredNumber node) => node;
js.Expression visitDeferredString(js.DeferredString node) => node;
js.Expression visitNew(js.New node) {
bool storeTarget = node.arguments.any(shouldTransform);
return withCallTargetExpression(, (target) {
return withExpressions(node.arguments, (List<js.Expression> arguments) {
return js.New(target, arguments);
}, store: storeTarget);
js.Expression visitObjectInitializer(js.ObjectInitializer node) {
return withExpressions( property) => property.value).toList(),
(List<js.Expression> values) {
List<js.Property> properties = List.generate(values.length, (int i) {
if ([i] is js.MethodDefinition) {
return js.MethodDefinition([i].name, values[i] as js.Fun);
return js.Property([i].name, values[i]);
return js.ObjectInitializer(properties);
visitParameter(js.Parameter node) => unreachable(node);
js.Expression visitPostfix(js.Postfix node) {
if (node.op == "++" || node.op == "--") {
js.Expression argument = node.argument;
if (argument is js.VariableUse) {
return js.Postfix(node.op, visitExpression(argument));
} else if (argument is js.PropertyAccess) {
return withExpression2(argument.receiver, argument.selector,
(receiver, selector) {
return js.Postfix(node.op, js.PropertyAccess(receiver, selector));
} else {
throw "Unexpected postfix ${node.op} "
"operator argument ${node.argument}";
return withExpression(node.argument,
(js.Expression argument) => js.Postfix(node.op, argument),
store: false);
js.Expression visitPrefix(js.Prefix node) {
if (node.op == "++" || node.op == "--") {
js.Expression argument = node.argument;
if (argument is js.VariableUse) {
return js.Prefix(node.op, visitExpression(argument));
} else if (argument is js.PropertyAccess) {
return withExpression2(argument.receiver, argument.selector,
(receiver, selector) {
return js.Prefix(node.op, js.PropertyAccess(receiver, selector));
} else {
throw "Unexpected prefix ${node.op} operator "
"argument ${node.argument}";
return withExpression(
node.argument, (js.Expression argument) => js.Prefix(node.op, argument),
store: false);
visitProgram(js.Program node) => unsupported(node);
js.Property visitProperty(js.Property node) {
assert(node.runtimeType == js.Property);
return withExpression(
node.value, (js.Expression value) => js.Property(, value),
store: false);
js.MethodDefinition visitMethodDefinition(js.MethodDefinition node) {
return withExpression(
(js.Expression value) =>
js.MethodDefinition(, value as js.Fun),
store: false);
js.Expression visitRegExpLiteral(js.RegExpLiteral node) => node;
void visitReturn(js.Return node) {
js.Node? target = analysis.targets[node];
final expression = node.value;
if (expression != null) {
if (isSyncStar || isAsyncStar) {
// Even though `return expr;` is not allowed in the dart sync* and
// async* code, the backend sometimes generates code like this, but
// only when it is known that the 'expr' throws, and the return is just
// to tell the JavaScript VM that the code won't continue here.
// It is therefore interpreted as `expr; return;`
} else {
withExpression(expression, (js.Expression value) {
.statement("# = #;", [returnValue, value]).withSourceInformation(
}, store: false);
translateJump(target, exitLabel, node.sourceInformation);
void visitSwitch(js.Switch node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
// TODO(sra): If only the key has an await, translation can be simplified.
bool oldInsideUntranslated = insideUntranslatedBreakable;
insideUntranslatedBreakable = true;
withExpression(node.key, (js.Expression key) {
List<js.SwitchClause> cases = clause) {
if (clause is js.Case) {
return js.Case(clause.expression, translateToBlock(clause.body));
} else {
return js.Default(translateToBlock((clause as js.Default).body));
addStatement(js.Switch(key, cases));
}, store: false);
insideUntranslatedBreakable = oldInsideUntranslated;
int before = newLabel("switch");
int after = newLabel("after switch");
breakLabels[node] = after;
List<int> labels = List<int>.filled(node.cases.length, -1);
bool anyCaseExpressionTransformed = node.cases.any(
(js.SwitchClause x) => x is js.Case && shouldTransform(x.expression));
if (anyCaseExpressionTransformed) {
int? defaultIndex = null; // Null means no default was found.
// If there is an await in one of the keys, a chain of ifs has to be used.
withExpression(node.key, (js.Expression key) {
int i = 0;
for (js.SwitchClause clause in node.cases) {
if (clause is js.Default) {
// The goto for the default case is added after all non-default
// clauses have been handled.
defaultIndex = i;
labels[i] = newLabel("default");
} else if (clause is js.Case) {
labels[i] = newLabel("case");
withExpression(clause.expression, (expression) {
addStatement(js.If.noElse(js.Binary("===", key, expression),
gotoAndBreak(labels[i], clause.sourceInformation)));
}, store: false);
}, store: true);
if (defaultIndex == null) {
addGoto(after, node.sourceInformation);
} else {
addGoto(labels[defaultIndex!], node.sourceInformation);
} else {
bool hasDefault = false;
int i = 0;
List<js.SwitchClause> clauses = [];
for (js.SwitchClause clause in node.cases) {
if (clause is js.Case) {
labels[i] = newLabel("case");
gotoAndBreak(labels[i], clause.sourceInformation)));
} else if (clause is js.Default) {
labels[i] = newLabel("default");
js.Default(gotoAndBreak(labels[i], clause.sourceInformation)));
hasDefault = true;
} else {
reporter.internalError(spannable, "Unknown clause type $clause");
if (!hasDefault) {
clauses.add(js.Default(gotoAndBreak(after, node.sourceInformation)));
withExpression(node.key, (js.Expression key) {
addStatement(js.Switch(key, clauses));
}, store: false);
for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
js.Expression visitThis(js.This node) {
return self;
void visitThrow(js.Throw node) {
withExpression(node.expression, (js.Expression expression) {
}, store: false);
setErrorHandler([int? errorHandler]) {
hasHandlerLabels = true; // TODO(sra): Add short form error handler.
js.Expression label =
(errorHandler == null) ? currentErrorHandler : js.number(errorHandler);
addStatement(js.js.statement('# = #;', [handler, label]));
List<int> _finalliesUpToAndEnclosingHandler() {
List<int> result = [];
for (int i = jumpTargets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
js.Node node = jumpTargets[i];
int? handlerLabel = handlerLabels[node];
if (handlerLabel != null) {
int? finallyLabel = finallyLabels[node];
if (finallyLabel != null) {
return result.reversed.toList();
/// See the comments of [rewriteFunction] for more explanation.
void visitTry(js.Try node) {
final catchPart = node.catchPart;
final finallyPart = node.finallyPart;
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
js.Block body = translateToBlock(node.body);
js.Catch? translatedCatchPart = (catchPart == null)
? null
: js.Catch(catchPart.declaration, translateToBlock(catchPart.body));
js.Block? translatedFinallyPart =
(finallyPart == null) ? null : translateToBlock(finallyPart);
addStatement(js.Try(body, translatedCatchPart, translatedFinallyPart));
hasTryBlocks = true;
int uncaughtLabel = newLabel("uncaught");
int handlerLabel = (catchPart == null) ? uncaughtLabel : newLabel("catch");
int finallyLabel = newLabel("finally");
int afterFinallyLabel = newLabel("after finally");
if (finallyPart != null) {
finallyLabels[finallyPart] = finallyLabel;
handlerLabels[node] = handlerLabel;
// Set the error handler here. It must be cleared on every path out;
// normal and error exit.
js.Node last = jumpTargets.removeLast();
assert(last == node);
if (finallyPart == null) {
addGoto(afterFinallyLabel, node.sourceInformation);
} else {
// The handler is reset as the first thing in the finally block.
js.js.statement("#.push(#);", [next, js.number(afterFinallyLabel)]));
addGoto(finallyLabel, node.sourceInformation);
if (catchPart != null) {
// [uncaughtLabel] is the handler for the code in the catch-part.
// It ensures that [nextName] is set up to run the right finally blocks.
handlerLabels[catchPart] = uncaughtLabel;
// The catch declaration name can shadow outer variables, so a fresh name
// is needed to avoid collisions. See Ecma 262, 3rd edition,
// section 12.14.
String errorRename = freshName(;
variableRenamings.add(Pair(, errorRename));
addStatement(js.js.statement("# = #;", [errorRename, currentError]));
if (finallyPart != null) {
// The error has been caught, so after the finally, continue after the
// try.
.statement("#.push(#);", [next, js.number(afterFinallyLabel)]));
addGoto(finallyLabel, node.sourceInformation);
} else {
addGoto(afterFinallyLabel, node.sourceInformation);
js.Node last = jumpTargets.removeLast();
assert(last == catchPart);
// The "uncaught"-handler tells the finally-block to continue with
// the enclosing finally-blocks until the current catch-handler.
List<int> enclosingFinallies = _finalliesUpToAndEnclosingHandler();
int nextLabel = enclosingFinallies.removeLast();
if (enclosingFinallies.isNotEmpty) {
// [enclosingFinallies] can be empty if there is no surrounding finally
// blocks. Then [nextLabel] will be [rethrowLabel].
addStatement(js.js.statement("# = #;", [
if (finallyPart == null) {
// The finally-block belonging to [node] will be visited because of
// fallthrough. If it does not exist, add an explicit goto.
addGoto(nextLabel, node.sourceInformation);
if (finallyPart != null) {
js.Node last = jumpTargets.removeLast();
assert(last == finallyPart);
addStatement(js.Comment("// goto the next finally handler"));
addStatement(js.js.statement("# = #.pop();", [goto, next]));
visitVariableDeclaration(js.VariableDeclaration node) {
js.Expression visitVariableDeclarationList(js.VariableDeclarationList node) {
for (js.VariableInitialization initialization in node.declarations) {
js.VariableDeclaration declaration =
initialization.declaration as js.VariableDeclaration;
if (initialization.value != null) {
withExpression(initialization.value!, (js.Expression value) {
js.Assignment(js.VariableUse(, value));
}, store: false);
return js.number(0); // Dummy expression.
void visitVariableInitialization(js.VariableInitialization node) {
js.Expression visitVariableUse(js.VariableUse node) {
for (final renaming in variableRenamings.reversed) {
if (renaming.a == return js.VariableUse(renaming.b);
return node;
void visitWhile(js.While node) {
if (!shouldTransform(node)) {
bool oldInsideUntranslated = insideUntranslatedBreakable;
insideUntranslatedBreakable = true;
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
addStatement(js.While(condition, translateToStatement(node.body)));
}, store: false);
insideUntranslatedBreakable = oldInsideUntranslated;
int continueLabel = newLabel("while condition");
continueLabels[node] = continueLabel;
int afterLabel = newLabel("after while");
breakLabels[node] = afterLabel;
js.Expression condition = node.condition;
// If the condition is `true`, a test is not needed.
if (!(condition is js.LiteralBool && condition.value == true)) {
withExpression(node.condition, (js.Expression condition) {
addStatement(js.If.noElse(js.Prefix("!", condition),
gotoAndBreak(afterLabel, node.sourceInformation)));
}, store: false);
addGoto(continueLabel, node.sourceInformation);
addYield(js.DartYield node, js.Expression expression,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation);
void visitDartYield(js.DartYield node) {
assert(isSyncStar || isAsyncStar);
int label = newLabel("after yield");
// Don't do a break here for the goto, but instead a return in either
// addSynYield or addAsyncYield.
withExpression(node.expression, (js.Expression expression) {
addStatement(setGotoVariable(label, node.sourceInformation));
addYield(node, expression, node.sourceInformation);
}, store: false);
js.VariableInitialization _makeVariableInitializer(
dynamic variable,
js.Expression? initValue,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
js.VariableDeclaration declaration;
if (variable is js.VariableUse) {
declaration = js.VariableDeclaration(;
} else if (variable is String) {
declaration = js.VariableDeclaration(variable);
} else {
assert(variable is js.VariableDeclaration);
declaration = variable;
return js.VariableInitialization(declaration, initValue)
.withSourceInformation(sourceInformation) as js.VariableInitialization;
class AsyncRewriter extends AsyncRewriterBase {
bool get isAsync => true;
/// The Completer that will finish an async function.
/// Not used for sync* or async* functions.
late final String completerName;
js.VariableUse get completer => js.VariableUse(completerName);
/// The function called by an async function to initiate asynchronous
/// execution of the body. This is called with:
/// - The body function [bodyName].
/// - the completer object [completer].
/// It returns the completer's future. Passing the completer and returning its
/// future is a convenience to allow both the initiation and fetching the
/// future to be compactly encoded in a return statement's expression.
final js.Expression asyncStart;
/// Function called by the async function to simulate an `await`
/// expression. It is called with:
/// - The value to await
/// - The body function [bodyName]
final js.Expression asyncAwait;
/// Function called by the async function to simulate a return.
/// It is called with:
/// - The value to return
/// - The completer object [completer]
final js.Expression asyncReturn;
/// Function called by the async function to simulate a rethrow.
/// It is called with:
/// - The value containing the exception and stack
/// - The completer object [completer]
final js.Expression asyncRethrow;
/// Constructor used to initialize the [completer] variable.
/// Specific to async methods.
final js.Expression completerFactory;
List<js.Expression>? completerFactoryTypeArguments;
final js.Expression wrapBody;
AsyncRewriter(DiagnosticReporter reporter, Spannable spannable,
{required this.asyncStart,
required this.asyncAwait,
required this.asyncReturn,
required this.asyncRethrow,
required this.completerFactory,
required this.completerFactoryTypeArguments,
required this.wrapBody,
required String safeVariableName(String proposedName),
required js.Name bodyName})
: super(reporter, spannable, safeVariableName, bodyName);
void addYield(js.DartYield node, js.Expression expression,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
reporter.internalError(spannable, "Yield in non-generating async function");
void addErrorExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (!hasHandlerLabels) return; // rethrow handled in method boilerplate.
js.Expression thenHelperCall = js.js(
"#thenHelper(#currentError, #completer)", {
"thenHelper": asyncRethrow,
"currentError": currentError,
"completer": completer
/// Returning from an async method calls [asyncStarHelper] with the result.
/// (the result might have been stored in [returnValue] by some finally
/// block).
void addSuccessExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (analysis.hasExplicitReturns) {
} else {
addStatement(js.Comment("implicit return"));
js.Expression runtimeHelperCall =
js.js("#runtimeHelper(#returnValue, #completer)", {
"runtimeHelper": asyncReturn,
analysis.hasExplicitReturns ? returnValue : js.LiteralNull(),
"completer": completer
Iterable<js.VariableInitialization> variableInitializations(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
List<js.VariableInitialization> variables = [];
js.js('#(#)', [
if (analysis.hasExplicitReturns) {
.add(_makeVariableInitializer(returnValue, null, sourceInformation));
return variables;
void initializeNames() {
completerName = freshName("completer");
completerFactoryTypeArguments =
js.Statement awaitStatement(js.Expression value,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
js.Expression asyncHelperCall = js.js("#asyncHelper(#value, #bodyName)", {
"asyncHelper": asyncAwait,
"value": value,
"bodyName": bodyName,
return js.Return(asyncHelperCall).withSourceInformation(sourceInformation);
js.Fun finishFunction(
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
List<js.Parameter> typeParameters,
js.Statement rewrittenBody,
js.VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarations,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? functionSourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation) {
js.Expression asyncRethrowCall =
js.js("#asyncRethrow(#result, #completer)", {
"result": resultName,
"asyncRethrow": asyncRethrow,
"completer": completer,
js.Statement returnAsyncRethrow = js.Return(asyncRethrowCall)
js.Statement errorCheck = js.js.statement("""
if (#errorCode === #ERROR) {
if (#hasHandlerLabels) {
#currentError = #result;
#goto = #handler;
} else
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"ERROR": js.number(error_codes.ERROR),
"hasHandlerLabels": hasHandlerLabels,
"currentError": currentError,
"result": resultName,
"goto": goto,
"handler": handler,
"returnAsyncRethrow": returnAsyncRethrow,
js.Expression innerFunction = js.js("""
function (#errorCode, #result) {
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"result": resultName,
"errorCheck": errorCheck,
"rewrittenBody": rewrittenBody,
js.Expression asyncStartCall = js.js("#asyncStart(#bodyName, #completer)", {
"asyncStart": asyncStart,
"bodyName": bodyName,
"completer": completer,
js.Statement returnAsyncStart =
js.Expression wrapBodyCall = js.js("#wrapBody(#innerFunction)", {
"wrapBody": wrapBody,
"innerFunction": innerFunction,
return js.js("""
function (#parameters, #typeParameters) {
var #bodyName = #wrapBodyCall;
}""", {
"parameters": parameters,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"variableDeclarations": variableDeclarations,
"bodyName": bodyName,
"wrapBodyCall": wrapBodyCall,
"returnAsyncStart": returnAsyncStart,
}).withSourceInformation(functionSourceInformation) as js.Fun;
class SyncStarRewriter extends AsyncRewriterBase {
bool get isSyncStar => true;
/// Constructor creating the Iterable for a sync* method. Called with
/// [bodyName].
final js.Expression iterableFactory;
List<js.Expression>? iterableFactoryTypeArguments;
/// A JS Expression that creates a marker showing that iteration is over.
/// Called without arguments.
final js.Expression endOfIteration;
/// A JS Expression that creates a marker indication a 'yield*' statement.
/// Called with the stream to yield from.
final js.Expression yieldStarExpression;
/// Used by sync* functions to throw exeptions.
final js.Expression uncaughtErrorExpression;
SyncStarRewriter(DiagnosticReporter diagnosticListener, spannable,
{required this.endOfIteration,
required this.iterableFactory,
required this.iterableFactoryTypeArguments,
required this.yieldStarExpression,
required this.uncaughtErrorExpression,
required String safeVariableName(String proposedName),
required js.Name bodyName})
: super(diagnosticListener, spannable, safeVariableName, bodyName);
/// Translates a yield/yield* in an sync*.
/// `yield` in a sync* function just returns [value].
/// `yield*` wraps [value] in a [yieldStarExpression] and returns it.
void addYield(js.DartYield node, js.Expression expression,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (node.hasStar) {
addStatement(js.Return(js.Call(yieldStarExpression, [expression])
} else {
js.Fun finishFunction(
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
List<js.Parameter> typeParameters,
js.Statement rewrittenBody,
js.VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarations,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? functionSourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation) {
// Each iterator invocation on the iterable should work on its own copy of
// the parameters.
// TODO(sigurdm): We only need to do this copying for parameters that are
// mutated.
List<js.VariableInitialization> declarations = [];
List<js.Parameter> renamedParameters = [];
for (js.Parameter parameter in parameters) {
String name =;
String renamedName = freshName(name);
js.VariableDeclaration(name), js.VariableUse(renamedName)));
js.VariableDeclarationList copyParameters =
js.Expression setCurrentError = js.js("#currentError = #result", {
"result": resultName,
"currentError": currentErrorName,
js.Expression setGoto = js.js("#goto = #handler", {
"goto": goto,
"handler": handler,
js.Statement checkErrorCode = js.js.statement("""
if (#errorCode === #ERROR) {
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"ERROR": js.number(error_codes.ERROR),
"setCurrentError": setCurrentError,
"setGoto": setGoto,
js.Expression innerInnerFunction = js.js("""
function #body(#errorCode, #result) {
}""", {
"helperBody": rewrittenBody,
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"body": bodyName,
"result": resultName,
"checkErrorCode": checkErrorCode,
js.Statement returnInnerInnerFunction = js.Return(innerInnerFunction)
js.Expression innerFunction = js.js("""
function () {
if (#hasParameters) {
}""", {
"hasParameters": parameters.isNotEmpty,
"copyParameters": copyParameters,
"varDecl": variableDeclarations,
"returnInnerInnerFunction": returnInnerInnerFunction,
js.Expression callIterableFactory =
js.js("#iterableFactory(#innerFunction, #type)", {
"iterableFactory": iterableFactory,
"type": iterableFactoryTypeArguments,
"innerFunction": innerFunction,
js.Statement returnCallIterableFactory = js.Return(callIterableFactory)
return js.js("""
function (#renamedParameters, #typeParameters) {
if (#needsThis)
var #self = this;
""", {
"renamedParameters": renamedParameters,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"needsThis": analysis.hasThis,
"self": selfName,
"returnCallIterableFactory": returnCallIterableFactory,
}).withSourceInformation(functionSourceInformation) as js.Fun;
void addErrorExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
hasHandlerLabels = true; // TODO(sra): Add short form error handler.
js.Expression uncaughtErrorExpressionCall = js.js('#(#)', [
/// Returning from a sync* function returns an [endOfIteration] marker.
void addSuccessExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
if (analysis.hasExplicitReturns) {
} else {
addStatement(js.Comment("implicit return"));
js.Expression endOfIterationCall =
js.js('#()', [endOfIteration]).withSourceInformation(sourceInformation);
Iterable<js.VariableInitialization> variableInitializations(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
List<js.VariableInitialization> variables = [];
return variables;
js.Statement awaitStatement(js.Expression value,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
throw reporter.internalError(
spannable, "Sync* functions cannot contain await statements.");
void initializeNames() {
iterableFactoryTypeArguments =
class AsyncStarRewriter extends AsyncRewriterBase {
bool get isAsyncStar => true;
/// The stack of labels of finally blocks to assign to [next] if the
/// async* [StreamSubscription] was canceled during a yield.
js.VariableUse get nextWhenCanceled {
return js.VariableUse(nextWhenCanceledName);
late final String nextWhenCanceledName;
/// The StreamController that controls an async* function.
late final String controllerName;
js.VariableUse get controller => js.VariableUse(controllerName);
/// The function called by an async* function to simulate an await, yield or
/// yield*.
/// For an await/yield/yield* it is called with:
/// - The value to await/yieldExpression(value to yield)/
/// yieldStarExpression(stream to yield)
/// - The body function [bodyName]
/// - The controller object [controllerName]
/// For a return it is called with:
/// - null
/// - null
/// - The [controllerName]
/// - null.
final js.Expression asyncStarHelper;
/// Constructor used to initialize the [controllerName] variable.
/// Specific to async* methods.
final js.Expression newController;
List<js.Expression>? newControllerTypeArguments;
/// Used to get the `Stream` out of the [controllerName] variable.
final js.Expression streamOfController;
/// A JS Expression that creates a marker indicating a 'yield' statement.
/// Called with the value to yield.
final js.Expression yieldExpression;
/// A JS Expression that creates a marker indication a 'yield*' statement.
/// Called with the stream to yield from.
final js.Expression yieldStarExpression;
final js.Expression wrapBody;
AsyncStarRewriter(DiagnosticReporter reporter, Spannable spannable,
{required this.asyncStarHelper,
required this.streamOfController,
required this.newController,
required this.newControllerTypeArguments,
required this.yieldExpression,
required this.yieldStarExpression,
required this.wrapBody,
required String safeVariableName(String proposedName),
required js.Name bodyName})
: super(reporter, spannable, safeVariableName, bodyName);
/// Translates a yield/yield* in an async* function.
/// yield/yield* in an async* function is translated much like the `await` is
/// translated in [visitAwait], only the object is wrapped in a
/// [yieldExpression]/[yieldStarExpression] to let [asyncStarHelper]
/// distinguish them.
/// Also [nextWhenCanceled] is set up to contain the finally blocks that
/// must be run in case the stream was canceled.
void addYield(js.DartYield node, js.Expression expression,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
// Find all the finally blocks that should be performed if the stream is
// canceled during the yield.
List<int> enclosingFinallyLabels = [
// At the bottom of the stack is the return label.
for (final node in jumpTargets)
if (finallyLabels[node] != null) finallyLabels[node]!
addStatement(js.js.statement("# = #;", [
js.Expression yieldExpressionCall = js.js("#yieldExpression(#expression)", {
"yieldExpression": node.hasStar ? yieldStarExpression : yieldExpression,
"expression": expression,
js.Expression asyncStarHelperCall = js
.js("#asyncStarHelper(#yieldExpressionCall, #bodyName, #controller)", {
"asyncStarHelper": asyncStarHelper,
"yieldExpressionCall": yieldExpressionCall,
"bodyName": bodyName,
"controller": controllerName,
js.Fun finishFunction(
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
List<js.Parameter> typeParameters,
js.Statement rewrittenBody,
js.VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarations,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? functionSourceInformation,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? bodySourceInformation) {
js.Expression updateNext = js.js("#next = #nextWhenCanceled", {
"next": next,
"nextWhenCanceled": nextWhenCanceled,
js.Expression callPop = js.js("#next.pop()", {
"next": next,
js.Expression gotoCancelled = js.js("#goto = #callPop", {
"goto": goto,
"callPop": callPop,
js.Expression updateError = js.js("#currentError = #result", {
"currentError": currentError,
"result": resultName,
js.Expression gotoError = js.js("#goto = #handler", {
"goto": goto,
"handler": handler,
js.Statement breakStatement =
js.Statement switchCase = js.js.statement("""
switch (#errorCode) {
case #ERROR:
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"updateNext": updateNext,
"gotoCancelled": gotoCancelled,
"break": breakStatement,
"ERROR": js.number(error_codes.ERROR),
"updateError": updateError,
"gotoError": gotoError,
js.Statement ifError = js.js.statement("""
if (#errorCode === #ERROR) {
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"ERROR": js.number(error_codes.ERROR),
"updateError": updateError,
"gotoError": gotoError,
js.Statement ifHasYield = js.js.statement("""
if (#hasYield) {
} else {
""", {
"hasYield": analysis.hasYield,
"switchCase": switchCase,
"ifError": ifError,
js.Expression innerFunction = js.js("""
function (#errorCode, #result) {
}""", {
"errorCode": errorCodeName,
"result": resultName,
"ifHasYield": ifHasYield,
"rewrittenBody": rewrittenBody,
js.Expression wrapBodyCall = js.js("#wrapBody(#innerFunction)", {
"wrapBody": wrapBody,
"innerFunction": innerFunction,
js.Statement declareBodyName =
js.js.statement("var #bodyName = #wrapBodyCall;", {
"bodyName": bodyName,
"wrapBodyCall": wrapBodyCall,
js.Expression streamOfControllerCall =
js.js("#streamOfController(#controller)", {
"streamOfController": streamOfController,
"controller": controllerName,
js.Statement returnStreamOfControllerCall =
return js.js("""
function (#parameters, #typeParameters) {
}""", {
"parameters": parameters,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"declareBodyName": declareBodyName,
"variableDeclarations": variableDeclarations,
"returnStreamOfControllerCall": returnStreamOfControllerCall,
}).withSourceInformation(functionSourceInformation) as js.Fun;
void addErrorExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
hasHandlerLabels = true;
js.Expression asyncHelperCall =
js.js("#asyncHelper(#currentError, #errorCode, #controller)", {
"asyncHelper": asyncStarHelper,
"errorCode": js.number(error_codes.ERROR),
"currentError": currentError,
"controller": controllerName
/// Returning from an async* function calls the [streamHelper] with an
/// [endOfIteration] marker.
void addSuccessExit(js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
js.Expression streamHelperCall =
js.js("#streamHelper(null, #successCode, #controller)", {
"streamHelper": asyncStarHelper,
"successCode": js.number(error_codes.SUCCESS),
"controller": controllerName
Iterable<js.VariableInitialization> variableInitializations(
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
List<js.VariableInitialization> variables = [];
js.js('#(#, #)', [
if (analysis.hasYield) {
_makeVariableInitializer(nextWhenCanceled, null, sourceInformation));
return variables;
void initializeNames() {
controllerName = freshName("controller");
nextWhenCanceledName = freshName("nextWhenCanceled");
newControllerTypeArguments =
js.Statement awaitStatement(js.Expression value,
js.JavaScriptNodeSourceInformation? sourceInformation) {
js.Expression asyncHelperCall =
js.js("#asyncHelper(#value, #bodyName, #controller)", {
"asyncHelper": asyncStarHelper,
"value": value,
"bodyName": bodyName,
"controller": controllerName
return js.Return(asyncHelperCall).withSourceInformation(sourceInformation);
/// Finds out
/// - which expressions have yield or await nested in them.
/// - targets of jumps
/// - a set of used names.
/// - if any [This]-expressions are used.
class PreTranslationAnalysis extends js.BaseVisitor<bool> {
Set<js.Node> hasAwaitOrYield = {};
Map<js.Node, js.Node> targets = {};
List<js.Node> loopsAndSwitches = [];
List<js.LabeledStatement> labelledStatements = [];
Set<String> usedNames = {};
bool hasExplicitReturns = false;
bool hasThis = false;
bool hasYield = false;
bool hasFinally = false;
// The function currently being analyzed.
late final js.Fun currentFunction;
// For error messages.
final Never Function(js.Node) unsupported;
bool visit(js.Node node) {
bool containsAwait = node.accept(this);
if (containsAwait) {
return containsAwait;
analyze(js.Fun node) {
currentFunction = node;
bool visitNode(js.Node node) {
throw StateError('Node type ${node.runtimeType} not handled: $node');
bool visitAccess(js.PropertyAccess node) {
bool receiver = visit(node.receiver);
bool selector = visit(node.selector);
return receiver || selector;
bool visitArrayHole(js.ArrayHole node) {
return false;
bool visitArrayInitializer(js.ArrayInitializer node) {
bool containsAwait = false;
for (js.Expression element in node.elements) {
if (visit(element)) containsAwait = true;
return containsAwait;
bool visitAssignment(js.Assignment node) {
bool leftHandSide = visit(node.leftHandSide);
bool value = visit(node.value);
return leftHandSide || value;
bool visitAwait(js.Await node) {
return true;
bool visitBinary(js.Binary node) {
bool left = visit(node.left);
bool right = visit(node.right);
return left || right;
bool visitBlock(js.Block node) {
bool containsAwait = false;
for (js.Statement statement in node.statements) {
if (visit(statement)) containsAwait = true;
return containsAwait;
bool visitBreak(js.Break node) {
if (node.targetLabel != null) {
targets[node] =
labelledStatements.lastWhere((js.LabeledStatement statement) {
return statement.label == node.targetLabel;
} else {
targets[node] = loopsAndSwitches.last;
return false;
bool visitCall(js.Call node) {
bool containsAwait = visit(;
for (js.Expression argument in node.arguments) {
if (visit(argument)) containsAwait = true;
return containsAwait;
bool visitCase(js.Case node) {
bool expression = visit(node.expression);
bool body = visit(node.body);
return expression || body;
bool visitCatch(js.Catch node) {
bool declaration = visit(node.declaration);
bool body = visit(node.body);
return declaration || body;
bool visitComment(js.Comment node) {
return false;
bool visitConditional(js.Conditional node) {
bool condition = visit(node.condition);
bool then = visit(node.then);
bool otherwise = visit(node.otherwise);
return condition || then || otherwise;
bool visitContinue(js.Continue node) {
if (node.targetLabel != null) {
js.LabeledStatement targetLabel = labelledStatements.lastWhere(
(js.LabeledStatement stm) => stm.label == node.targetLabel);
targets[node] = targetLabel.body;
} else {
targets[node] =
loopsAndSwitches.lastWhere((js.Node node) => node is! js.Switch);
assert(() {
js.Node? target = targets[node];
return target is js.Loop ||
(target is js.LabeledStatement && target.body is js.Loop);
return false;
bool visitDefault(js.Default node) {
return visit(node.body);
bool visitDo(js.Do node) {
bool body = visit(node.body);
bool condition = visit(node.condition);
return body || condition;
bool visitEmptyStatement(js.EmptyStatement node) {
return false;
bool visitExpressionStatement(js.ExpressionStatement node) {
return visit(node.expression);
bool visitFor(js.For node) {
bool init = (node.init == null) ? false : visit(node.init!);
bool condition = (node.condition == null) ? false : visit(node.condition!);
bool update = (node.update == null) ? false : visit(node.update!);
bool body = visit(node.body);
return init || condition || update || body;
bool visitForIn(js.ForIn node) {
bool object = visit(node.object);
bool body = visit(node.body);
return object || body;
bool visitFunctionExpression(js.FunctionExpression node) {
return false;
bool visitFun(js.Fun node) {
return false;
bool visitArrowFunction(js.ArrowFunction node) {
return false;
bool visitFunctionDeclaration(js.FunctionDeclaration node) {
return false;
bool visitIf(js.If node) {
bool condition = visit(node.condition);
bool then = visit(node.then);
bool otherwise = visit(node.otherwise);
return condition || then || otherwise;
bool visitInterpolatedExpression(js.InterpolatedExpression node) {
bool visitInterpolatedDeclaration(js.InterpolatedDeclaration node) {
bool visitInterpolatedLiteral(js.InterpolatedLiteral node) {
bool visitInterpolatedParameter(js.InterpolatedParameter node) {
bool visitInterpolatedSelector(js.InterpolatedSelector node) {
bool visitInterpolatedStatement(js.InterpolatedStatement node) {
bool visitLabeledStatement(js.LabeledStatement node) {
bool containsAwait = visit(node.body);
return containsAwait;
bool visitDeferredExpression(js.DeferredExpression node) {
return false;
bool visitDeferredStatement(js.DeferredStatement node) {
bool visitDeferredNumber(js.DeferredNumber node) {
return false;
bool visitDeferredString(js.DeferredString node) {
return false;
bool visitLiteralBool(js.LiteralBool node) {
return false;
bool visitLiteralExpression(js.LiteralExpression node) {
bool visitLiteralNull(js.LiteralNull node) {
return false;
bool visitLiteralNumber(js.LiteralNumber node) {
return false;
bool visitLiteralStatement(js.LiteralStatement node) {
bool visitLiteralString(js.LiteralString node) {
return false;
bool visitStringConcatenation(js.StringConcatenation node) {
return false;
bool visitName(js.Name node) {
return false;
bool visitParentheses(js.Parentheses node) {
return visit(node.enclosed);
bool visitNamedFunction(js.NamedFunction node) {
return false;
bool visitNew(js.New node) {
return visitCall(node);
bool visitObjectInitializer(js.ObjectInitializer node) {
bool containsAwait = false;
for (js.Property property in {
if (visit(property)) containsAwait = true;
return containsAwait;
bool visitParameter(js.Parameter node) {
return false;
bool visitPostfix(js.Postfix node) {
return visit(node.argument);
bool visitPrefix(js.Prefix node) {
return visit(node.argument);
bool visitProgram(js.Program node) {
throw "Unexpected";
bool visitProperty(js.Property node) {
return visit(node.value);
bool visitMethodDefinition(js.MethodDefinition node) {
return false;
bool visitRegExpLiteral(js.RegExpLiteral node) {
return false;
bool visitReturn(js.Return node) {
hasExplicitReturns = true;
targets[node] = currentFunction;
if (node.value == null) return false;
return visit(node.value!);
bool visitSwitch(js.Switch node) {
// TODO(sra): If just the key has an `await` expression, do not transform
// the body of the switch.
bool result = visit(node.key);
for (js.SwitchClause clause in node.cases) {
if (visit(clause)) result = true;
return result;
bool visitThis(js.This node) {
hasThis = true;
return false;
bool visitThrow(js.Throw node) {
return visit(node.expression);
bool visitTry(js.Try node) {
if (node.finallyPart != null) hasFinally = true;
bool body = visit(node.body);
bool catchPart = (node.catchPart == null) ? false : visit(node.catchPart!);
bool finallyPart =
(node.finallyPart == null) ? false : visit(node.finallyPart!);
return body || catchPart || finallyPart;
bool visitVariableDeclaration(js.VariableDeclaration node) {
return false;
bool visitVariableDeclarationList(js.VariableDeclarationList node) {
bool result = false;
for (js.VariableInitialization init in node.declarations) {
if (visit(init)) result = true;
return result;
bool visitVariableInitialization(js.VariableInitialization node) {
bool leftHandSide = visit(node.declaration);
bool value = (node.value == null) ? false : visit(node.value!);
return leftHandSide || value;
bool visitVariableUse(js.VariableUse node) {
return false;
bool visitWhile(js.While node) {
bool condition = visit(node.condition);
bool body = visit(node.body);
return condition || body;
bool visitDartYield(js.DartYield node) {
hasYield = true;
return true;