blob: 499dba8ac121a3262fc3d1bf8845dd58ee84f881 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "Should not include runtime"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "platform/thread_sanitizer.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/pointer_tagging.h"
#include "vm/snapshot.h"
#include "vm/tagged_pointer.h"
#include "vm/token.h"
#include "vm/token_position.h"
namespace dart {
// For now there are no compressed pointers.
typedef ObjectPtr RawCompressed;
// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
class IsolateGroup;
#define DEFINE_FORWARD_DECLARATION(clazz) class clazz##Layout;
class CodeStatistics;
#define VISIT_FROM(type, first) \
type* from() { return reinterpret_cast<type*>(&first); }
#define VISIT_TO(type, last) \
type* to() { return reinterpret_cast<type*>(&last); }
#define VISIT_TO_LENGTH(type, last) \
type* to(intptr_t length) { return reinterpret_cast<type*>(last); }
#define VISIT_NOTHING() int NothingToVisit();
// For now there are no compressed pointers, so this assert is the same as
// the above.
ASSERT(SIZE_OF_RETURNED_VALUE(Type##Layout, NothingToVisit) == sizeof(int))
enum TypedDataElementType {
#define V(name) k##name##Element,
#undef V
void WriteTo(SnapshotWriter* writer, intptr_t object_id, \
Snapshot::Kind kind, bool as_reference); \
friend class SnapshotWriter;
#define VISITOR_SUPPORT(object) \
static intptr_t Visit##object##Pointers(object##Ptr raw_obj, \
ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
#define HEAP_PROFILER_SUPPORT() friend class HeapProfiler;
private: /* NOLINT */ \
friend class object; \
friend class ObjectLayout; \
friend class Heap; \
friend class Interpreter; \
friend class InterpreterHelpers; \
friend class Simulator; \
friend class SimulatorHelpers; \
friend class OffsetsTable; \
private: \
friend class object##SerializationCluster; \
friend class object##DeserializationCluster; \
friend class Serializer; \
friend class Deserializer; \
friend class Pass2Visitor;
// RawObject is the base class of all raw objects; even though it carries the
// tags_ field not all raw objects are allocated in the heap and thus cannot
// be dereferenced (e.g. RawSmi).
class ObjectLayout {
// The tags field which is a part of the object header uses the following
// bit fields for storing tags.
enum TagBits {
kCardRememberedBit = 0,
kOldAndNotMarkedBit = 1, // Incremental barrier target.
kNewBit = 2, // Generational barrier target.
kOldBit = 3, // Incremental barrier source.
kOldAndNotRememberedBit = 4, // Generational barrier source.
kCanonicalBit = 5,
kReservedTagPos = 6,
kReservedTagSize = 2,
kSizeTagPos = kReservedTagPos + kReservedTagSize, // = 8
kSizeTagSize = 8,
kClassIdTagPos = kSizeTagPos + kSizeTagSize, // = 16
kClassIdTagSize = 16,
kHashTagPos = kClassIdTagPos + kClassIdTagSize, // = 32
kHashTagSize = 16,
static const intptr_t kGenerationalBarrierMask = 1 << kNewBit;
static const intptr_t kIncrementalBarrierMask = 1 << kOldAndNotMarkedBit;
static const intptr_t kBarrierOverlapShift = 2;
COMPILE_ASSERT(kOldAndNotMarkedBit + kBarrierOverlapShift == kOldBit);
COMPILE_ASSERT(kNewBit + kBarrierOverlapShift == kOldAndNotRememberedBit);
// The bit in the Smi tag position must be something that can be set to 0
// for a dead filler object of either generation.
// See Object::MakeUnusedSpaceTraversable.
COMPILE_ASSERT(kCardRememberedBit == 0);
// Encodes the object size in the tag in units of object alignment.
class SizeTag {
typedef intptr_t Type;
static constexpr intptr_t kMaxSizeTagInUnitsOfAlignment =
((1 << ObjectLayout::kSizeTagSize) - 1);
static constexpr intptr_t kMaxSizeTag =
kMaxSizeTagInUnitsOfAlignment * kObjectAlignment;
static UNLESS_DEBUG(constexpr) uword encode(intptr_t size) {
return SizeBits::encode(SizeToTagValue(size));
static constexpr uword decode(uword tag) {
return TagValueToSize(SizeBits::decode(tag));
static UNLESS_DEBUG(constexpr) uword update(intptr_t size, uword tag) {
return SizeBits::update(SizeToTagValue(size), tag);
static UNLESS_DEBUG(constexpr) bool SizeFits(intptr_t size) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(size, kObjectAlignment));
return (size <= kMaxSizeTag);
// The actual unscaled bit field used within the tag field.
class SizeBits
: public BitField<uint32_t, intptr_t, kSizeTagPos, kSizeTagSize> {};
static UNLESS_DEBUG(constexpr) intptr_t SizeToTagValue(intptr_t size) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(size, kObjectAlignment));
return !SizeFits(size) ? 0 : (size >> kObjectAlignmentLog2);
static constexpr intptr_t TagValueToSize(intptr_t value) {
return value << kObjectAlignmentLog2;
class ClassIdTag : public BitField<uint32_t,
kClassIdTagSize> {};
COMPILE_ASSERT(kBitsPerByte * sizeof(ClassIdTagType) == kClassIdTagSize);
class CardRememberedBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kCardRememberedBit, 1> {};
class OldAndNotMarkedBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kOldAndNotMarkedBit, 1> {};
class NewBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kNewBit, 1> {};
class CanonicalBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kCanonicalBit, 1> {};
class OldBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kOldBit, 1> {};
class OldAndNotRememberedBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, kOldAndNotRememberedBit, 1> {};
class ReservedBits
: public BitField<uint32_t, intptr_t, kReservedTagPos, kReservedTagSize> {
class Tags {
Tags() : tags_(0) {}
operator uint32_t() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&tags_);
uint32_t operator=(uint32_t tags) {
return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&tags_) = tags;
bool StrongCAS(uint32_t old_tags, uint32_t new_tags) {
return tags_.compare_exchange_strong(old_tags, new_tags,
bool WeakCAS(uint32_t old_tags, uint32_t new_tags) {
return tags_.compare_exchange_weak(old_tags, new_tags,
template <class TagBitField>
NO_SANITIZE_THREAD typename TagBitField::Type Read() const {
return TagBitField::decode(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&tags_));
template <class TagBitField>
NO_SANITIZE_THREAD void UpdateBool(bool value) {
if (value) {
tags_.fetch_or(TagBitField::encode(true), std::memory_order_relaxed);
} else {
tags_.fetch_and(~TagBitField::encode(true), std::memory_order_relaxed);
template <class TagBitField>
NO_SANITIZE_THREAD void UpdateUnsynchronized(
typename TagBitField::Type value) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&tags_) =
TagBitField::update(value, *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&tags_));
template <class TagBitField>
NO_SANITIZE_THREAD bool TryAcquire() {
uint32_t mask = TagBitField::encode(true);
uint32_t old_tags = tags_.fetch_or(mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return !TagBitField::decode(old_tags);
template <class TagBitField>
NO_SANITIZE_THREAD bool TryClear() {
uint32_t mask = ~TagBitField::encode(true);
uint32_t old_tags = tags_.fetch_and(mask, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return TagBitField::decode(old_tags);
std::atomic<uint32_t> tags_;
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(std::atomic<uint32_t>) == sizeof(uint32_t));
// Assumes this is a heap object.
bool IsNewObject() const {
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
return (addr & kObjectAlignmentMask) == kNewObjectAlignmentOffset;
// Assumes this is a heap object.
bool IsOldObject() const {
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
return (addr & kObjectAlignmentMask) == kOldObjectAlignmentOffset;
// Support for GC marking bit. Marked objects are either grey (not yet
// visited) or black (already visited).
bool IsMarked() const {
return !tags_.Read<OldAndNotMarkedBit>();
void SetMarkBit() {
void SetMarkBitUnsynchronized() {
void ClearMarkBit() {
// Returns false if the bit was already set.
bool TryAcquireMarkBit() {
return tags_.TryClear<OldAndNotMarkedBit>();
// Canonical objects have the property that two canonical objects are
// logically equal iff they are the same object (pointer equal).
bool IsCanonical() const { return tags_.Read<CanonicalBit>(); }
void SetCanonical() { tags_.UpdateBool<CanonicalBit>(true); }
void ClearCanonical() { tags_.UpdateBool<CanonicalBit>(false); }
bool InVMIsolateHeap() const;
// Support for GC remembered bit.
bool IsRemembered() const {
return !tags_.Read<OldAndNotRememberedBit>();
void SetRememberedBit() {
void ClearRememberedBit() {
void AddToRememberedSet(Thread* thread) {
bool IsCardRemembered() const { return tags_.Read<CardRememberedBit>(); }
void SetCardRememberedBitUnsynchronized() {
intptr_t GetClassId() const { return tags_.Read<ClassIdTag>(); }
intptr_t HeapSize() const {
uint32_t tags = tags_;
intptr_t result = SizeTag::decode(tags);
if (result != 0) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// TODO(22501) Array::MakeFixedLength has a race with this code: we might
// have loaded tags field and then MakeFixedLength could have updated it
// leading to inconsistency between HeapSizeFromClass() and
// SizeTag::decode(tags). We are working around it by reloading tags_ and
// recomputing size from tags.
const intptr_t size_from_class = HeapSizeFromClass(tags);
if ((result > size_from_class) && (GetClassId() == kArrayCid) &&
(tags_ != tags)) {
result = SizeTag::decode(tags_);
ASSERT(result == size_from_class);
return result;
result = HeapSizeFromClass(tags);
ASSERT(result > SizeTag::kMaxSizeTag);
return result;
// This variant must not deference this->tags_.
intptr_t HeapSize(uint32_t tags) const {
intptr_t result = SizeTag::decode(tags);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
result = HeapSizeFromClass(tags);
ASSERT(result > SizeTag::kMaxSizeTag);
return result;
bool Contains(uword addr) const {
intptr_t this_size = HeapSize();
uword this_addr = ObjectLayout::ToAddr(this);
return (addr >= this_addr) && (addr < (this_addr + this_size));
void Validate(IsolateGroup* isolate_group) const;
bool FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor);
// This function may access the class-ID in the header, but it cannot access
// the actual class object, because the sliding compactor uses this function
// while the class objects are being moved.
intptr_t VisitPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) {
// Fall back to virtual variant for predefined classes
intptr_t class_id = GetClassId();
if (class_id < kNumPredefinedCids) {
return VisitPointersPredefined(visitor, class_id);
// Calculate the first and last raw object pointer fields.
intptr_t instance_size = HeapSize();
uword obj_addr = ToAddr(this);
uword from = obj_addr + sizeof(ObjectLayout);
uword to = obj_addr + instance_size - kWordSize;
const auto first = reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(from);
const auto last = reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(to);
const auto unboxed_fields_bitmap =
if (!unboxed_fields_bitmap.IsEmpty()) {
intptr_t bit = sizeof(ObjectLayout) / kWordSize;
for (ObjectPtr* current = first; current <= last; current++) {
if (!unboxed_fields_bitmap.Get(bit++)) {
} else {
visitor->VisitPointers(first, last);
// Call visitor function virtually
visitor->VisitPointers(first, last);
return instance_size;
template <class V>
intptr_t VisitPointersNonvirtual(V* visitor) {
// Fall back to virtual variant for predefined classes
intptr_t class_id = GetClassId();
if (class_id < kNumPredefinedCids) {
return VisitPointersPredefined(visitor, class_id);
// Calculate the first and last raw object pointer fields.
intptr_t instance_size = HeapSize();
uword obj_addr = ToAddr(this);
uword from = obj_addr + sizeof(ObjectLayout);
uword to = obj_addr + instance_size - kWordSize;
const auto first = reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(from);
const auto last = reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(to);
const auto unboxed_fields_bitmap =
if (!unboxed_fields_bitmap.IsEmpty()) {
intptr_t bit = sizeof(ObjectLayout) / kWordSize;
for (ObjectPtr* current = first; current <= last; current++) {
if (!unboxed_fields_bitmap.Get(bit++)) {
visitor->V::VisitPointers(current, current);
} else {
visitor->V::VisitPointers(first, last);
// Call visitor function non-virtually
visitor->V::VisitPointers(first, last);
return instance_size;
// This variant ensures that we do not visit the extra slot created from
// rounding up instance sizes up to the allocation unit.
void VisitPointersPrecise(Isolate* isolate, ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
static ObjectPtr FromAddr(uword addr) {
// We expect the untagged address here.
ASSERT((addr & kSmiTagMask) != kHeapObjectTag);
return static_cast<ObjectPtr>(addr + kHeapObjectTag);
static uword ToAddr(const ObjectLayout* raw_obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<uword>(raw_obj);
static uword ToAddr(const ObjectPtr raw_obj) {
return static_cast<uword>(raw_obj) - kHeapObjectTag;
static bool IsCanonical(intptr_t value) {
return CanonicalBit::decode(value);
Tags tags_; // Various object tags (bits).
// On 64 bit there is a hash field in the header for the identity hash.
uint32_t hash_;
#elif defined(IS_SIMARM_X64)
// On simarm_x64 the hash isn't used, but we need the padding anyway so that
// the object layout fits assumptions made about X64.
uint32_t padding_;
intptr_t VisitPointersPredefined(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor,
intptr_t class_id);
intptr_t HeapSizeFromClass(uint32_t tags) const;
void SetClassId(intptr_t new_cid) {
// All writes to heap objects should ultimately pass through one of the
// methods below or their counterparts in Object, to ensure that the
// write barrier is correctly applied.
template <typename type, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed>
type LoadPointer(type const* addr) {
return reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<type>*>(const_cast<type*>(addr))
template <typename type, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed>
void StorePointer(type const* addr, type value) {
->store(value, order);
if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
CheckHeapPointerStore(value, Thread::Current());
template <typename type>
void StorePointer(type const* addr, type value, Thread* thread) {
*const_cast<type*>(addr) = value;
if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
CheckHeapPointerStore(value, thread);
template <typename type>
void StorePointerUnaligned(type const* addr, type value, Thread* thread) {
StoreUnaligned(const_cast<type*>(addr), value);
if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
CheckHeapPointerStore(value, thread);
void CheckHeapPointerStore(ObjectPtr value, Thread* thread) {
uint32_t source_tags = this->tags_;
uint32_t target_tags = value->ptr()->tags_;
if (((source_tags >> kBarrierOverlapShift) & target_tags &
thread->write_barrier_mask()) != 0) {
if (value->IsNewObject()) {
// Generational barrier: record when a store creates an
// old-and-not-remembered -> new reference.
} else {
// Incremental barrier: record when a store creates an
// old -> old-and-not-marked reference.
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
if (ClassIdTag::decode(target_tags) == kInstructionsCid) {
// Instruction pages may be non-writable. Defer marking.
if (value->ptr()->TryAcquireMarkBit()) {
template <typename type, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed>
void StoreArrayPointer(type const* addr, type value) {
->store(value, order);
if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
CheckArrayPointerStore(addr, value, Thread::Current());
template <typename type>
void StoreArrayPointer(type const* addr, type value, Thread* thread) {
*const_cast<type*>(addr) = value;
if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
CheckArrayPointerStore(addr, value, thread);
template <typename type>
DART_FORCE_INLINE void CheckArrayPointerStore(type const* addr,
ObjectPtr value,
Thread* thread) {
uint32_t source_tags = this->tags_;
uint32_t target_tags = value->ptr()->tags_;
if (((source_tags >> kBarrierOverlapShift) & target_tags &
thread->write_barrier_mask()) != 0) {
if (value->IsNewObject()) {
// Generational barrier: record when a store creates an
// old-and-not-remembered -> new reference.
if (this->IsCardRemembered()) {
RememberCard(reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr const*>(addr));
} else {
} else {
// Incremental barrier: record when a store creates an
// old -> old-and-not-marked reference.
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
if (ClassIdTag::decode(target_tags) == kInstructionsCid) {
// Instruction pages may be non-writable. Defer marking.
if (value->ptr()->TryAcquireMarkBit()) {
// Use for storing into an explicitly Smi-typed field of an object
// (i.e., both the previous and new value are Smis).
void StoreSmi(SmiPtr const* addr, SmiPtr value) {
// Can't use Contains, as array length is initialized through this method.
ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<uword>(addr) >= ObjectLayout::ToAddr(this));
*const_cast<SmiPtr*>(addr) = value;
void StoreSmiIgnoreRace(SmiPtr const* addr, SmiPtr value) {
// Can't use Contains, as array length is initialized through this method.
ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<uword>(addr) >= ObjectLayout::ToAddr(this));
*const_cast<SmiPtr*>(addr) = value;
friend class StoreBufferUpdateVisitor; // RememberCard
void RememberCard(ObjectPtr const* slot);
friend class Array;
friend class ByteBuffer;
friend class CidRewriteVisitor;
friend class Closure;
friend class Code;
friend class Pointer;
friend class Double;
friend class DynamicLibrary;
friend class ForwardPointersVisitor; // StorePointer
friend class FreeListElement;
friend class Function;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class ExternalTypedData;
friend class ForwardList;
friend class GrowableObjectArray; // StorePointer
friend class Heap;
friend class ClassStatsVisitor;
template <bool>
friend class MarkingVisitorBase;
friend class Mint;
friend class Object;
friend class OneByteString; // StoreSmi
friend class InstanceLayout;
friend class Scavenger;
template <bool>
friend class ScavengerVisitorBase;
friend class ImageReader; // tags_ check
friend class ImageWriter;
friend class AssemblyImageWriter;
friend class BlobImageWriter;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class Deserializer;
friend class SnapshotWriter;
friend class String;
friend class WeakProperty; // StorePointer
friend class Instance; // StorePointer
friend class StackFrame; // GetCodeObject assertion.
friend class CodeLookupTableBuilder; // profiler
friend class Interpreter;
friend class InterpreterHelpers;
friend class Simulator;
friend class SimulatorHelpers;
friend class ObjectLocator;
friend class WriteBarrierUpdateVisitor; // CheckHeapPointerStore
friend class OffsetsTable;
friend class Object;
inline intptr_t ObjectPtr::GetClassId() const {
return ptr()->GetClassId();
class ClassLayout : public ObjectLayout {
enum ClassFinalizedState {
kAllocated = 0, // Initial state.
kPreFinalized, // VM classes: size precomputed, but no checks done.
kFinalized, // Class parsed, code compiled, not ready for allocation.
kAllocateFinalized, // CHA invalidated, class is ready for allocation.
enum ClassLoadingState {
// Class object is created, but it is not filled up.
// At this state class can only be used as a forward reference during
// class loading.
kNameOnly = 0,
// Class declaration information such as type parameters, supertype and
// implemented interfaces are loaded. However, types in the class are
// not finalized yet.
// Types in the class are finalized. At this point, members can be loaded
// and class can be finalized.
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, name_);
StringPtr name_;
StringPtr user_name_;
ArrayPtr functions_;
ArrayPtr functions_hash_table_;
ArrayPtr fields_;
ArrayPtr offset_in_words_to_field_;
ArrayPtr interfaces_; // Array of AbstractType.
ScriptPtr script_;
LibraryPtr library_;
TypeArgumentsPtr type_parameters_; // Array of TypeParameter.
AbstractTypePtr super_type_;
FunctionPtr signature_function_; // Associated function for typedef class.
ArrayPtr constants_; // Canonicalized const instances of this class.
TypePtr declaration_type_; // Declaration type for this class.
ArrayPtr invocation_dispatcher_cache_; // Cache for dispatcher functions.
CodePtr allocation_stub_; // Stub code for allocation of instances.
GrowableObjectArrayPtr direct_implementors_; // Array of Class.
GrowableObjectArrayPtr direct_subclasses_; // Array of Class.
ArrayPtr dependent_code_; // CHA optimized codes.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, dependent_code_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&allocation_stub_);
case Snapshot::kFull:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&direct_subclasses_);
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&dependent_code_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
TokenPosition token_pos_;
TokenPosition end_token_pos_;
classid_t id_; // Class Id, also index in the class table.
int16_t num_type_arguments_; // Number of type arguments in flattened vector.
uint16_t num_native_fields_;
uint32_t state_bits_;
// Size if fixed len or 0 if variable len.
int32_t host_instance_size_in_words_;
// Offset of type args fld.
int32_t host_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_;
// Offset of the next instance field.
int32_t host_next_field_offset_in_words_;
// Size if fixed len or 0 if variable len (target).
int32_t target_instance_size_in_words_;
// Offset of type args fld.
int32_t target_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_;
// Offset of the next instance field (target).
int32_t target_next_field_offset_in_words_;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> IsDeclaredInBytecode;
typedef BitField<uint32_t, uint32_t, 1, 31> BinaryDeclarationOffset;
uint32_t binary_declaration_;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
friend class Instance;
friend class Isolate;
friend class Object;
friend class InstanceLayout;
friend class InstructionsLayout;
friend class TypeArgumentsLayout;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class InstanceSerializationCluster;
friend class CidRewriteVisitor;
class PatchClassLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, patched_class_);
ClassPtr patched_class_;
ClassPtr origin_class_;
ScriptPtr script_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr library_kernel_data_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, library_kernel_data_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&script_);
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&library_kernel_data_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(intptr_t library_kernel_offset_);
friend class Function;
class FunctionLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// When you add a new kind, please also update the observatory to account
// for the new string returned by KindToCString().
// - runtime/observatory/lib/src/models/objects/function.dart (FunctionKind)
// - runtime/observatory/lib/src/elements/function_view.dart
// (_functionKindToString)
// - runtime/observatory/lib/src/service/object.dart (stringToFunctionKind)
/* an ordinary or operator method */ \
V(RegularFunction) \
/* a user-declared closure function */ \
V(ClosureFunction) \
/* an implicit closure (i.e., tear-off) */ \
V(ImplicitClosureFunction) \
/* a signature only without actual code */ \
V(SignatureFunction) \
/* getter functions e.g: get foo() { .. } */ \
V(GetterFunction) \
/* setter functions e.g: set foo(..) { .. } */ \
V(SetterFunction) \
/* a generative (is_static=false) or factory (is_static=true) constructor */ \
V(Constructor) \
/* an implicit getter for instance fields */ \
V(ImplicitGetter) \
/* an implicit setter for instance fields */ \
V(ImplicitSetter) \
/* represents an implicit getter for static fields with initializers */ \
V(ImplicitStaticGetter) \
/* the initialization expression for a static or instance field */ \
V(FieldInitializer) \
/* return a closure on the receiver for tear-offs */ \
V(MethodExtractor) \
/* builds an Invocation and invokes noSuchMethod */ \
V(NoSuchMethodDispatcher) \
/* invokes a field as a closure (i.e., call-through-getter) */ \
V(InvokeFieldDispatcher) \
/* a generated irregexp matcher function. */ \
V(IrregexpFunction) \
/* a forwarder which performs type checks for arguments of a dynamic call */ \
/* (i.e., those checks omitted by the caller for interface calls). */ \
V(DynamicInvocationForwarder) \
enum Kind {
#define KIND_DEFN(Name) k##Name,
#undef KIND_DEFN
static const char* KindToCString(Kind k) {
switch (k) {
#define KIND_CASE(Name) \
case Kind::k##Name: \
return #Name;
#undef KIND_CASE
return nullptr;
static bool ParseKind(const char* str, Kind* out) {
#define KIND_CASE(Name) \
if (strcmp(str, #Name) == 0) { \
*out = Kind::k##Name; \
return true; \
#undef KIND_CASE
return false;
enum AsyncModifier {
kNoModifier = 0x0,
kAsyncBit = 0x1,
kGeneratorBit = 0x2,
kAsync = kAsyncBit,
kSyncGen = kGeneratorBit,
kAsyncGen = kAsyncBit | kGeneratorBit,
// Wraps a 64-bit integer to represent the bitmap for unboxed parameters and
// return value. Two bits are used for each of them - the first one indicates
// whether this value is unboxed or not, and the second one says whether it is
// an integer or a double. It includes the two bits for the receiver, even
// though currently we do not have information from TFA that allows the
// receiver to be unboxed.
class UnboxedParameterBitmap {
static constexpr intptr_t kBitsPerParameter = 2;
static constexpr intptr_t kParameterBitmask = (1 << kBitsPerParameter) - 1;
static constexpr intptr_t kCapacity =
(kBitsPerByte * sizeof(uint64_t)) / kBitsPerParameter;
UnboxedParameterBitmap() : bitmap_(0) {}
explicit UnboxedParameterBitmap(uint64_t bitmap) : bitmap_(bitmap) {}
UnboxedParameterBitmap(const UnboxedParameterBitmap&) = default;
UnboxedParameterBitmap& operator=(const UnboxedParameterBitmap&) = default;
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool IsUnboxed(intptr_t position) const {
if (position >= kCapacity) {
return false;
ASSERT(Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position) ||
!Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position + 1));
return Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position);
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool IsUnboxedInteger(intptr_t position) const {
if (position >= kCapacity) {
return false;
return Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position) &&
!Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position + 1);
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool IsUnboxedDouble(intptr_t position) const {
if (position >= kCapacity) {
return false;
return Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position) &&
Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position + 1);
DART_FORCE_INLINE void SetUnboxedInteger(intptr_t position) {
ASSERT(position < kCapacity);
bitmap_ |= Utils::Bit<decltype(bitmap_)>(kBitsPerParameter * position);
ASSERT(!Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, kBitsPerParameter * position + 1));
DART_FORCE_INLINE void SetUnboxedDouble(intptr_t position) {
ASSERT(position < kCapacity);
bitmap_ |= Utils::Bit<decltype(bitmap_)>(kBitsPerParameter * position);
bitmap_ |=
Utils::Bit<decltype(bitmap_)>(kBitsPerParameter * position + 1);
DART_FORCE_INLINE uint64_t Value() const { return bitmap_; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return bitmap_ == 0; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE void Reset() { bitmap_ = 0; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool HasUnboxedParameters() const {
return (bitmap_ >> kBitsPerParameter) != 0;
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool HasUnboxedReturnValue() const {
return (bitmap_ & kParameterBitmask) != 0;
uint64_t bitmap_;
static constexpr intptr_t kMaxFixedParametersBits = 14;
static constexpr intptr_t kMaxOptionalParametersBits = 13;
friend class Class;
uword entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
uword unchecked_entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, name_);
StringPtr name_;
ObjectPtr owner_; // Class or patch class or mixin class
// where this function is defined.
AbstractTypePtr result_type_;
ArrayPtr parameter_types_;
ArrayPtr parameter_names_;
TypeArgumentsPtr type_parameters_; // Array of TypeParameter.
ObjectPtr data_; // Additional data specific to the function kind. See
// Function::set_data() for details.
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&data_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
ArrayPtr ic_data_array_; // ICData of unoptimized code.
ObjectPtr* to_no_code() {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&ic_data_array_);
CodePtr code_; // Currently active code. Accessed from generated code.
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(BytecodePtr bytecode_);
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(CodePtr unoptimized_code_); // Unoptimized code, keep it
// after optimization.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, code_);
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, unoptimized_code_);
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(TokenPosition token_pos_);
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(TokenPosition end_token_pos_);
uint32_t kind_tag_; // See Function::KindTagBits.
uint32_t packed_fields_;
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> PackedHasNamedOptionalParameters;
typedef BitField<uint32_t,
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, OptimizableBit::kNextBit, 1>
typedef BitField<uint32_t,
typedef BitField<uint32_t,
static_assert(PackedNumOptionalParameters::kNextBit <=
kBitsPerWord * sizeof(decltype(packed_fields_)),
"FunctionLayout::packed_fields_ bitfields don't align.");
static_assert(PackedNumOptionalParameters::kNextBit <=
"In-place mask for number of optional parameters cannot fit in "
"a Smi on the target architecture");
F(intptr_t, int32_t, usage_counter) \
F(intptr_t, uint16_t, optimized_instruction_count) \
F(intptr_t, uint16_t, optimized_call_site_count) \
F(int8_t, int8_t, deoptimization_counter) \
F(intptr_t, int8_t, state_bits) \
F(int, int8_t, inlining_depth)
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> IsDeclaredInBytecode;
typedef BitField<uint32_t, uint32_t, 1, 31> BinaryDeclarationOffset;
uint32_t binary_declaration_;
#define DECLARE(return_type, type, name) type name##_;
#undef DECLARE
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(UnboxedParameterBitmap unboxed_parameters_info_);
class ClosureDataLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, context_scope_);
ContextScopePtr context_scope_;
FunctionPtr parent_function_; // Enclosing function of this local function.
TypePtr signature_type_;
InstancePtr closure_; // Closure object for static implicit closures.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, closure_);
friend class Function;
class SignatureDataLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, parent_function_);
FunctionPtr parent_function_; // Enclosing function of this sig. function.
TypePtr signature_type_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, signature_type_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
friend class Function;
class RedirectionDataLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, type_);
TypePtr type_;
StringPtr identifier_;
FunctionPtr target_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, target_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class FfiTrampolineDataLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, signature_type_);
TypePtr signature_type_;
FunctionPtr c_signature_;
// Target Dart method for callbacks, otherwise null.
FunctionPtr callback_target_;
// For callbacks, value to return if Dart target throws an exception.
InstancePtr callback_exceptional_return_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, callback_exceptional_return_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// Callback id for callbacks.
// The callbacks ids are used so that native callbacks can lookup their own
// code objects, since native code doesn't pass code objects into function
// calls. The callback id is also used to for verifying that callbacks are
// called on the correct isolate. See DLRT_VerifyCallbackIsolate for details.
// Will be 0 for non-callbacks. Check 'callback_target_' to determine if this
// is a callback or not.
uint32_t callback_id_;
class FieldLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, name_);
StringPtr name_;
ObjectPtr owner_; // Class or patch class or mixin class
// where this field is defined or original field.
AbstractTypePtr type_;
FunctionPtr initializer_function_; // Static initializer function.
// - for instance fields: offset in words to the value in the class instance.
// - for static fields: index into field_table.
SmiPtr host_offset_or_field_id_;
// When generating APPJIT snapshots after running the application it is
// necessary to save the initial value of static fields so that we can
// restore the value back to the original initial value.
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(InstancePtr saved_initial_value_); // Saved initial value
SmiPtr guarded_list_length_;
ArrayPtr dependent_code_;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&initializer_function_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, dependent_code_);
SubtypeTestCachePtr type_test_cache_; // For type test in implicit setter.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, type_test_cache_);
TokenPosition token_pos_;
TokenPosition end_token_pos_;
ClassIdTagType guarded_cid_;
ClassIdTagType is_nullable_; // kNullCid if field can contain null value and
// kInvalidCid otherwise.
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> IsDeclaredInBytecode;
typedef BitField<uint32_t, uint32_t, 1, 31> BinaryDeclarationOffset;
uint32_t binary_declaration_;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
// Offset to the guarded length field inside an instance of class matching
// guarded_cid_. Stored corrected by -kHeapObjectTag to simplify code
// generated on platforms with weak addressing modes (ARM).
int8_t guarded_list_length_in_object_offset_;
// Runtime tracking state of exactness of type annotation of this field.
// See StaticTypeExactnessState for the meaning and possible values in this
// field.
int8_t static_type_exactness_state_;
uint16_t kind_bits_; // static, final, const, has initializer....
// for instance fields, the offset in words in the target architecture
int32_t target_offset_;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
friend class CidRewriteVisitor;
friend class GuardFieldClassInstr; // For sizeof(guarded_cid_/...)
friend class LoadFieldInstr; // For sizeof(guarded_cid_/...)
friend class StoreInstanceFieldInstr; // For sizeof(guarded_cid_/...)
class ScriptLayout : public ObjectLayout {
enum {
kLazyLookupSourceAndLineStartsPos = 0,
kLazyLookupSourceAndLineStartsSize = 1,
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, url_);
StringPtr url_;
StringPtr resolved_url_;
ArrayPtr compile_time_constants_;
TypedDataPtr line_starts_;
ArrayPtr debug_positions_;
KernelProgramInfoPtr kernel_program_info_;
StringPtr source_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, source_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&url_);
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&kernel_program_info_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
int32_t line_offset_;
int32_t col_offset_;
using LazyLookupSourceAndLineStartsBit =
uint8_t flags_;
intptr_t kernel_script_index_;
int64_t load_timestamp_;
class LibraryLayout : public ObjectLayout {
enum LibraryState {
kAllocated, // Initial state.
kLoadRequested, // Compiler or script requested load of library.
kLoadInProgress, // Library is in the process of being loaded.
kLoaded, // Library is loaded.
enum LibraryFlags {
kDartSchemeBit = 0,
kDebuggableBit, // True if debugger can stop in library.
kInFullSnapshotBit, // True if library is in a full snapshot.
kNnbdBit, // True if library is non nullable by default.
kNnbdCompiledModePos, // Encodes nnbd compiled mode of constants in lib.
kNnbdCompiledModeSize = 2,
kNumFlagBits = kNnbdCompiledModePos + kNnbdCompiledModeSize,
COMPILE_ASSERT(kNumFlagBits <= (sizeof(uint8_t) * kBitsPerByte));
class DartSchemeBit : public BitField<uint8_t, bool, kDartSchemeBit, 1> {};
class DebuggableBit : public BitField<uint8_t, bool, kDebuggableBit, 1> {};
class InFullSnapshotBit
: public BitField<uint8_t, bool, kInFullSnapshotBit, 1> {};
class NnbdBit : public BitField<uint8_t, bool, kNnbdBit, 1> {};
class NnbdCompiledModeBits : public BitField<uint8_t,
kNnbdCompiledModeSize> {};
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, name_);
StringPtr name_;
StringPtr url_;
StringPtr private_key_;
ArrayPtr dictionary_; // Top-level names in this library.
GrowableObjectArrayPtr metadata_; // Metadata on classes, methods etc.
ClassPtr toplevel_class_; // Class containing top-level elements.
GrowableObjectArrayPtr used_scripts_;
LoadingUnitPtr loading_unit_;
ArrayPtr imports_; // List of Namespaces imported without prefix.
ArrayPtr exports_; // List of re-exported Namespaces.
ArrayPtr dependencies_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr kernel_data_;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&exports_);
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&kernel_data_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
ArrayPtr resolved_names_; // Cache of resolved names in library scope.
ArrayPtr exported_names_; // Cache of exported names by library.
ArrayPtr loaded_scripts_; // Array of scripts loaded in this library.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, loaded_scripts_);
Dart_NativeEntryResolver native_entry_resolver_; // Resolves natives.
Dart_NativeEntrySymbol native_entry_symbol_resolver_;
classid_t index_; // Library id number.
uint16_t num_imports_; // Number of entries in imports_.
int8_t load_state_; // Of type LibraryState.
uint8_t flags_; // BitField for LibraryFlags.
typedef BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> IsDeclaredInBytecode;
typedef BitField<uint32_t, uint32_t, 1, 31> BinaryDeclarationOffset;
uint32_t binary_declaration_;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
friend class Class;
friend class Isolate;
class NamespaceLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, library_);
LibraryPtr library_; // library with name dictionary.
ArrayPtr show_names_; // list of names that are exported.
ArrayPtr hide_names_; // list of names that are hidden.
FieldPtr metadata_field_; // remembers the token pos of metadata if any,
// and the metadata values if computed.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, metadata_field_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class KernelProgramInfoLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, string_offsets_);
TypedDataPtr string_offsets_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr string_data_;
TypedDataPtr canonical_names_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr metadata_payloads_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr metadata_mappings_;
ArrayPtr scripts_;
ArrayPtr constants_;
ArrayPtr bytecode_component_;
GrowableObjectArrayPtr potential_natives_;
GrowableObjectArrayPtr potential_pragma_functions_;
ExternalTypedDataPtr constants_table_;
ArrayPtr libraries_cache_;
ArrayPtr classes_cache_;
ObjectPtr retained_kernel_blob_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, retained_kernel_blob_);
uint32_t kernel_binary_version_;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&constants_table_);
class WeakSerializationReferenceLayout : public ObjectLayout {
ClassIdTagType cid_;
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_);
ObjectPtr target_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, target_);
class CodeLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// When in the precompiled runtime, there is no disabling of Code objects
// and thus no active_instructions_ field. Thus, the entry point caches are
// only set once during deserialization. If not using bare instructions,
// the caches should match the entry points for instructions_.
// Otherwise, they should contain entry points for active_instructions_.
uword entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
// In AOT this entry-point supports switchable calls. It checks the type of
// the receiver on entry to the function and calls a stub to patch up the
// caller if they mismatch.
uword monomorphic_entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code (AOT only).
// Entry-point used from call-sites with some additional static information.
// The exact behavior of this entry-point depends on the kind of function:
// kRegularFunction/kSetter/kGetter:
// Call-site is assumed to know that the (type) arguments are invariantly
// type-correct against the actual runtime-type of the receiver. For
// instance, this entry-point is used for invocations against "this" and
// invocations from IC stubs that test the class type arguments.
// kClosureFunction:
// Call-site is assumed to pass the correct number of positional and type
// arguments (except in the case of partial instantiation, when the type
// arguments are omitted). All (type) arguments are assumed to match the
// corresponding (type) parameter types (bounds).
// kImplicitClosureFunction:
// Similar to kClosureFunction, except that the types (bounds) of the (type)
// arguments are expected to match the *runtime signature* of the closure,
// which (unlike with kClosureFunction) may have more general (type)
// parameter types (bounds) than the declared type of the forwarded method.
// In many cases a distinct static entry-point will not be created for a
// function if it would not be able to skip a lot of work (e.g., no argument
// type checks are necessary or this Code belongs to a stub). In this case
// 'unchecked_entry_point_' will refer to the same position as 'entry_point_'.
uword unchecked_entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
uword monomorphic_unchecked_entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, object_pool_);
ObjectPoolPtr object_pool_; // Accessed from generated code.
InstructionsPtr instructions_; // Accessed from generated code.
// If owner_ is Function::null() the owner is a regular stub.
// If owner_ is a Class the owner is the allocation stub for that class.
// Else, owner_ is a regular Dart Function.
ObjectPtr owner_; // Function, Null, or a Class.
ExceptionHandlersPtr exception_handlers_;
PcDescriptorsPtr pc_descriptors_;
// If FLAG_precompiled_mode, then this field contains
// TypedDataPtr catch_entry_moves_maps
// Otherwise, it is
// SmiPtr num_variables
ObjectPtr catch_entry_;
CompressedStackMapsPtr compressed_stackmaps_;
ArrayPtr inlined_id_to_function_;
CodeSourceMapPtr code_source_map_;
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(InstructionsPtr active_instructions_);
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(ArrayPtr deopt_info_array_);
// (code-offset, function, code) triples.
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(ArrayPtr static_calls_target_table_);
// If return_address_metadata_ is a Smi, it is the offset to the prologue.
// Else, return_address_metadata_ is null.
NOT_IN_PRODUCT(ObjectPtr return_address_metadata_);
NOT_IN_PRODUCT(LocalVarDescriptorsPtr var_descriptors_);
NOT_IN_PRODUCT(ArrayPtr comments_);
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, comments_);
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, code_source_map_);
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, static_calls_target_table_);
// Compilation timestamp.
NOT_IN_PRODUCT(alignas(8) int64_t compile_timestamp_);
// state_bits_ is a bitfield with three fields:
// The optimized bit, the alive bit, and a count of the number of pointer
// offsets.
// Alive: If true, the embedded object pointers will be visited during GC.
int32_t state_bits_;
// Caches the unchecked entry point offset for instructions_, in case we need
// to reset the active_instructions_ to instructions_.
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(uint32_t unchecked_offset_);
// Stores the instructions length when not using RawInstructions objects.
ONLY_IN_PRECOMPILED(uint32_t instructions_length_);
// Variable length data follows here.
int32_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(int32_t, int32_t); }
const int32_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(int32_t, int32_t); }
static bool ContainsPC(const ObjectPtr raw_obj, uword pc);
friend class Function;
template <bool>
friend class MarkingVisitorBase;
friend class StackFrame;
friend class Profiler;
friend class FunctionDeserializationCluster;
friend class CallSiteResetter;
class BytecodeLayout : public ObjectLayout {
uword instructions_;
intptr_t instructions_size_;
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, object_pool_);
ObjectPoolPtr object_pool_;
FunctionPtr function_;
ArrayPtr closures_;
ExceptionHandlersPtr exception_handlers_;
PcDescriptorsPtr pc_descriptors_;
NOT_IN_PRODUCT(LocalVarDescriptorsPtr var_descriptors_);
#if defined(PRODUCT)
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, pc_descriptors_);
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, var_descriptors_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&pc_descriptors_);
int32_t instructions_binary_offset_;
int32_t source_positions_binary_offset_;
int32_t local_variables_binary_offset_;
static bool ContainsPC(ObjectPtr raw_obj, uword pc);
friend class Function;
friend class StackFrame;
class ObjectPoolLayout : public ObjectLayout {
intptr_t length_;
struct Entry {
union {
ObjectPtr raw_obj_;
uword raw_value_;
Entry* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(Entry, Entry); }
Entry const* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(Entry, Entry); }
// The entry bits are located after the last entry. They are encoded versions
// of `ObjectPool::TypeBits() | ObjectPool::PatchabililtyBit()`.
uint8_t* entry_bits() { return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&data()[length_]); }
uint8_t const* entry_bits() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(&data()[length_]);
friend class Object;
friend class CodeSerializationCluster;
class InstructionsLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// Instructions size in bytes and flags.
// Currently, only flag indicates 1 or 2 entry points.
uint32_t size_and_flags_;
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
// Private helper function used while visiting stack frames. The
// code which iterates over dart frames is also called during GC and
// is not allowed to create handles.
static bool ContainsPC(const InstructionsPtr raw_instr, uword pc);
friend class CodeLayout;
friend class FunctionLayout;
friend class Code;
friend class StackFrame;
template <bool>
friend class MarkingVisitorBase;
friend class Function;
friend class ImageReader;
friend class ImageWriter;
friend class AssemblyImageWriter;
friend class BlobImageWriter;
// Used only to provide memory accounting for the bare instruction payloads
// we serialize, since they are no longer part of RawInstructions objects.
class InstructionsSectionLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// Instructions section payload length in bytes.
uword payload_length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
class PcDescriptorsLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// The macro argument V is passed two arguments, the raw name of the enum value
// and the initialization expression used within the enum definition. The uses
// of enum values inside the initialization expression are hardcoded currently,
// so the second argument is useless outside the enum definition and should be
// dropped by other users of this macro.
/* Deoptimization continuation point. */ \
V(Deopt, 1) \
/* IC call. */ \
V(IcCall, kDeopt << 1) \
/* Call to a known target via stub. */ \
V(UnoptStaticCall, kIcCall << 1) \
/* Runtime call. */ \
V(RuntimeCall, kUnoptStaticCall << 1) \
/* OSR entry point in unopt. code. */ \
V(OsrEntry, kRuntimeCall << 1) \
/* Call rewind target address. */ \
V(Rewind, kOsrEntry << 1) \
/* Target-word-size relocation. */ \
V(BSSRelocation, kRewind << 1) \
V(Other, kBSSRelocation << 1) \
V(AnyKind, -1)
enum Kind {
#define ENUM_DEF(name, init) k##name = init,
#undef ENUM_DEF
kLastKind = kOther,
static const char* KindToCString(Kind k);
static bool ParseKind(const char* cstr, Kind* out);
// Used to represent the absense of a yield index in PcDescriptors.
static constexpr intptr_t kInvalidYieldIndex = -1;
class KindAndMetadata {
// Most of the time try_index will be small and merged field will fit into
// one byte.
static uint32_t Encode(intptr_t kind,
intptr_t try_index,
intptr_t yield_index) {
return KindShiftBits::encode(Utils::ShiftForPowerOfTwo(kind)) |
TryIndexBits::encode(try_index + 1) |
YieldIndexBits::encode(yield_index + 1);
static intptr_t DecodeKind(uint32_t kind_and_metadata) {
return 1 << KindShiftBits::decode(kind_and_metadata);
static intptr_t DecodeTryIndex(uint32_t kind_and_metadata) {
return TryIndexBits::decode(kind_and_metadata) - 1;
static intptr_t DecodeYieldIndex(uint32_t kind_and_metadata) {
return YieldIndexBits::decode(kind_and_metadata) - 1;
static const intptr_t kKindShiftSize = 3;
static const intptr_t kTryIndexSize = 10;
static const intptr_t kYieldIndexSize = 32 - kKindShiftSize - kTryIndexSize;
class KindShiftBits
: public BitField<uint32_t, intptr_t, 0, kKindShiftSize> {};
class TryIndexBits : public BitField<uint32_t,
kTryIndexSize> {};
class YieldIndexBits : public BitField<uint32_t,
kYieldIndexSize> {};
// Number of descriptors. This only needs to be an int32_t, but we make it a
// uword so that the variable length data is 64 bit aligned on 64 bit
// platforms.
uword length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, intptr_t); }
const uint8_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, intptr_t); }
friend class Object;
friend class ImageWriter;
// CodeSourceMap encodes a mapping from code PC ranges to source token
// positions and the stack of inlined functions.
class CodeSourceMapLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// Length in bytes. This only needs to be an int32_t, but we make it a uword
// so that the variable length data is 64 bit aligned on 64 bit platforms.
uword length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, intptr_t); }
const uint8_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, intptr_t); }
friend class Object;
friend class ImageWriter;
// RawCompressedStackMaps is a compressed representation of the stack maps
// for certain PC offsets into a set of instructions, where a stack map is a bit
// map that marks each live object index starting from the base of the frame.
class CompressedStackMapsLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// The most significant bits are the length of the encoded payload, in bytes.
// The low bits determine the expected payload contents, as described below.
uint32_t flags_and_size_;
// Variable length data follows here. The contents of the payload depend on
// the type of CompressedStackMaps (CSM) being represented. There are three
// major types of CSM:
// 1) GlobalTableBit = false, UsesTableBit = false: CSMs that include all
// information about the stack maps. The payload for these contain tightly
// packed entries with the following information:
// * A header containing the following three pieces of information:
// * An unsigned integer representing the PC offset as a delta from the
// PC offset of the previous entry (from 0 for the first entry).
// * An unsigned integer representing the number of bits used for
// spill slot entries.
// * An unsigned integer representing the number of bits used for other
// entries.
// * The body containing the bits for the stack map. The length of the body
// in bits is the sum of the spill slot and non-spill slot bit counts.
// 2) GlobalTableBit = false, UsesTableBit = true: CSMs where the majority of
// the stack map information has been offloaded and canonicalized into a
// global table. The payload contains tightly packed entries with the
// following information:
// * A header containing just an unsigned integer representing the PC offset
// delta as described above.
// * The body is just an unsigned integer containing the offset into the
// payload for the global table.
// 3) GlobalTableBit = true, UsesTableBit = false: A CSM implementing the
// global table. Here, the payload contains tightly packed entries with
// the following information:
// * A header containing the following two pieces of information:
// * An unsigned integer representing the number of bits used for
// spill slot entries.
// * An unsigned integer representing the number of bits used for other
// entries.
// * The body containing the bits for the stack map. The length of the body
// in bits is the sum of the spill slot and non-spill slot bit counts.
// In all types of CSM, each unsigned integer is LEB128 encoded, as generally
// they tend to fit in a single byte or two. Thus, entry headers are not a
// fixed length, and currently there is no random access of entries. In
// addition, PC offsets are currently encoded as deltas, which also inhibits
// random access without accessing previous entries. That means to find an
// entry for a given PC offset, a linear search must be done where the payload
// is decoded up to the entry whose PC offset is >= the given PC.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
const uint8_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
class GlobalTableBit : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> {};
class UsesTableBit
: public BitField<uint32_t, bool, GlobalTableBit::kNextBit, 1> {};
class SizeField : public BitField<uint32_t,
sizeof(flags_and_size_) * kBitsPerByte -
UsesTableBit::kNextBit> {};
friend class ImageWriter;
class LocalVarDescriptorsLayout : public ObjectLayout {
enum VarInfoKind {
kStackVar = 1,
enum {
kKindPos = 0,
kKindSize = 8,
kIndexPos = kKindPos + kKindSize,
// Since there are 24 bits for the stack slot index, Functions can have
// only ~16.7 million stack slots.
kPayloadSize = sizeof(int32_t) * kBitsPerByte,
kIndexSize = kPayloadSize - kIndexPos,
kIndexBias = 1 << (kIndexSize - 1),
kMaxIndex = (1 << (kIndexSize - 1)) - 1,
class IndexBits : public BitField<int32_t, int32_t, kIndexPos, kIndexSize> {};
class KindBits : public BitField<int32_t, int8_t, kKindPos, kKindSize> {};
struct VarInfo {
int32_t index_kind; // Bitfield for slot index on stack or in context,
// and Entry kind of type VarInfoKind.
TokenPosition declaration_pos; // Token position of declaration.
TokenPosition begin_pos; // Token position of scope start.
TokenPosition end_pos; // Token position of scope end.
int16_t scope_id; // Scope to which the variable belongs.
VarInfoKind kind() const {
return static_cast<VarInfoKind>(KindBits::decode(index_kind));
void set_kind(VarInfoKind kind) {
index_kind = KindBits::update(kind, index_kind);
int32_t index() const { return IndexBits::decode(index_kind) - kIndexBias; }
void set_index(int32_t index) {
index_kind = IndexBits::update(index + kIndexBias, index_kind);
// Number of descriptors. This only needs to be an int32_t, but we make it a
// uword so that the variable length data is 64 bit aligned on 64 bit
// platforms.
uword num_entries_;
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, names()[0]);
StringPtr* names() {
// Array of [num_entries_] variable names.
OPEN_ARRAY_START(StringPtr, StringPtr);
StringPtr* nameAddrAt(intptr_t i) { return &(names()[i]); }
VISIT_TO_LENGTH(ObjectPtr, nameAddrAt(length - 1));
// Variable info with [num_entries_] entries.
VarInfo* data() {
return reinterpret_cast<VarInfo*>(nameAddrAt(num_entries_));
friend class Object;
class ExceptionHandlersLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// Number of exception handler entries.
int32_t num_entries_;
// Array with [num_entries_] entries. Each entry is an array of all handled
// exception types.
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, handled_types_data_)
ArrayPtr handled_types_data_;
VISIT_TO_LENGTH(ObjectPtr, &handled_types_data_);
// Exception handler info of length [num_entries_].
const ExceptionHandlerInfo* data() const {
OPEN_ARRAY_START(ExceptionHandlerInfo, intptr_t);
ExceptionHandlerInfo* data() {
OPEN_ARRAY_START(ExceptionHandlerInfo, intptr_t);
friend class Object;
class ContextLayout : public ObjectLayout {
int32_t num_variables_;
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, parent_);
ContextPtr parent_;
// Variable length data follows here.
ObjectPtr* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr); }
ObjectPtr const* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr); }
VISIT_TO_LENGTH(ObjectPtr, &data()[length - 1]);
friend class Object;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class ContextScopeLayout : public ObjectLayout {
// TODO(iposva): Switch to conventional enum offset based structure to avoid
// alignment mishaps.
struct VariableDesc {
SmiPtr declaration_token_pos;
SmiPtr token_pos;
StringPtr name;
SmiPtr flags;
static constexpr intptr_t kIsFinal = 0x1;
static constexpr intptr_t kIsConst = 0x2;
static constexpr intptr_t kIsLate = 0x4;
SmiPtr late_init_offset;
union {
AbstractTypePtr type;
InstancePtr value; // iff is_const is true
SmiPtr context_index;
SmiPtr context_level;
int32_t num_variables_;
bool is_implicit_; // true, if this context scope is for an implicit closure.
ObjectPtr* from() {
VariableDesc* begin = const_cast<VariableDesc*>(VariableDescAddr(0));
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(begin);
// Variable length data follows here.
ObjectPtr const* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr); }
const VariableDesc* VariableDescAddr(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT((index >= 0) && (index < num_variables_ + 1));
// data() points to the first component of the first descriptor.
return &(reinterpret_cast<const VariableDesc*>(data())[index]);
ObjectPtr* to(intptr_t num_vars) {
uword end = reinterpret_cast<uword>(VariableDescAddr(num_vars));
// 'end' is the address just beyond the last descriptor, so step back.
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(end - kWordSize);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind, intptr_t num_vars) {
return to(num_vars);
friend class Object;
friend class ClosureDataLayout;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class ParameterTypeCheckLayout : public ObjectLayout {
intptr_t index_;
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, param_);
AbstractTypePtr param_;
AbstractTypePtr type_or_bound_;
StringPtr name_;
SubtypeTestCachePtr cache_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, cache_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class SingleTargetCacheLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_);
CodePtr target_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, target_);
uword entry_point_;
ClassIdTagType lower_limit_;
ClassIdTagType upper_limit_;
class MonomorphicSmiableCallLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_);
CodePtr target_; // Entrypoint PC in bare mode, Code in non-bare mode.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, target_);
uword expected_cid_;
uword entrypoint_;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// Abstract base class for RawICData/RawMegamorphicCache
class CallSiteDataLayout : public ObjectLayout {
StringPtr target_name_; // Name of target function.
// arg_descriptor in RawICData and in RawMegamorphicCache should be
// in the same position so that NoSuchMethod can access it.
ArrayPtr args_descriptor_; // Arguments descriptor.
class UnlinkedCallLayout : public CallSiteDataLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_name_);
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, args_descriptor_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
bool can_patch_to_monomorphic_;
class ICDataLayout : public CallSiteDataLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_name_);
ArrayPtr entries_; // Contains class-ids, target and count.
// Static type of the receiver, if instance call and available.
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(AbstractTypePtr receivers_static_type_);
ObjectPtr owner_; // Parent/calling function or original IC of cloned IC.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, owner_);
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&entries_);
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
return to();
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
NOT_IN_PRECOMPILED(int32_t deopt_id_);
uint32_t state_bits_; // Number of arguments tested in IC, deopt reasons.
class MegamorphicCacheLayout : public CallSiteDataLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, target_name_)
ArrayPtr buckets_;
SmiPtr mask_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, mask_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
int32_t filled_entry_count_;
class SubtypeTestCacheLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, cache_);
ArrayPtr cache_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, cache_);
class LoadingUnitLayout : public ObjectLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, parent_);
LoadingUnitPtr parent_;
ArrayPtr base_objects_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, base_objects_);
int32_t id_;
bool load_outstanding_;
bool loaded_;
class ErrorLayout : public ObjectLayout {
class ApiErrorLayout : public ErrorLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, message_)
StringPtr message_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, message_)
class LanguageErrorLayout : public ErrorLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, previous_error_)
ErrorPtr previous_error_; // May be null.
ScriptPtr script_;
StringPtr message_;
StringPtr formatted_message_; // Incl. previous error's formatted message.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, formatted_message_)
TokenPosition token_pos_; // Source position in script_.
bool report_after_token_; // Report message at or after the token.
int8_t kind_; // Of type Report::Kind.
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class UnhandledExceptionLayout : public ErrorLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, exception_)
InstancePtr exception_;
InstancePtr stacktrace_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, stacktrace_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class UnwindErrorLayout : public ErrorLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, message_)
StringPtr message_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, message_)
bool is_user_initiated_;
class InstanceLayout : public ObjectLayout {
class LibraryPrefixLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, name_)
StringPtr name_; // Library prefix name.
LibraryPtr importer_; // Library which declares this prefix.
ArrayPtr imports_; // Libraries imported with this prefix.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, imports_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Snapshot::kFull:
case Snapshot::kFullJIT:
case Snapshot::kFullAOT:
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&imports_);
case Snapshot::kMessage:
case Snapshot::kNone:
case Snapshot::kInvalid:
return NULL;
uint16_t num_imports_; // Number of library entries in libraries_.
bool is_deferred_load_;
bool is_loaded_;
class TypeArgumentsLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, instantiations_)
// The instantiations_ array remains empty for instantiated type arguments.
ArrayPtr instantiations_; // Of 3-tuple: 2 instantiators, result.
SmiPtr length_;
SmiPtr hash_;
SmiPtr nullability_;
// Variable length data follows here.
AbstractTypePtr const* types() const {
OPEN_ARRAY_START(AbstractTypePtr, AbstractTypePtr);
AbstractTypePtr* types() {
OPEN_ARRAY_START(AbstractTypePtr, AbstractTypePtr);
ObjectPtr* to(intptr_t length) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectPtr*>(&types()[length - 1]);
friend class Object;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class AbstractTypeLayout : public InstanceLayout {
enum TypeState {
kAllocated, // Initial state.
kBeingFinalized, // In the process of being finalized.
kFinalizedInstantiated, // Instantiated type ready for use.
kFinalizedUninstantiated, // Uninstantiated type ready for use.
// Adjust kTypeStateBitSize if more are added.
static constexpr intptr_t kTypeStateBitSize = 2;
uword type_test_stub_entry_point_; // Accessed from generated code.
CodePtr type_test_stub_; // Must be the last field, since subclasses use it
// in their VISIT_FROM.
friend class ObjectStore;
friend class StubCode;
class TypeLayout : public AbstractTypeLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, type_test_stub_)
SmiPtr type_class_id_;
TypeArgumentsPtr arguments_;
SmiPtr hash_;
// This type object represents a function type if its signature field is a
// non-null function object.
FunctionPtr signature_; // If not null, this type is a function type.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, signature_)
TokenPosition token_pos_;
int8_t type_state_;
int8_t nullability_;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
friend class CidRewriteVisitor;
friend class TypeArgumentsLayout;
class TypeRefLayout : public AbstractTypeLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, type_test_stub_)
AbstractTypePtr type_; // The referenced type.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, type_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
class TypeParameterLayout : public AbstractTypeLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, type_test_stub_)
StringPtr name_;
SmiPtr hash_;
AbstractTypePtr bound_; // ObjectType if no explicit bound specified.
FunctionPtr parameterized_function_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, parameterized_function_)
ClassIdTagType parameterized_class_id_;
TokenPosition token_pos_;
int16_t index_;
uint8_t flags_;
int8_t nullability_;
using FinalizedBit = BitField<decltype(flags_), bool, 0, 1>;
using GenericCovariantImplBit =
BitField<decltype(flags_), bool, FinalizedBit::kNextBit, 1>;
using DeclarationBit =
BitField<decltype(flags_), bool, GenericCovariantImplBit::kNextBit, 1>;
static constexpr intptr_t kFlagsBitSize = DeclarationBit::kNextBit;
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
friend class CidRewriteVisitor;
class ClosureLayout : public InstanceLayout {
// No instance fields should be declared before the following fields whose
// offsets must be identical in Dart and C++.
// The following fields are also declared in the Dart source of class
// _Closure.
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, instantiator_type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr instantiator_type_arguments_;
TypeArgumentsPtr function_type_arguments_;
TypeArgumentsPtr delayed_type_arguments_;
FunctionPtr function_;
ContextPtr context_;
SmiPtr hash_;
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, hash_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// Note that instantiator_type_arguments_, function_type_arguments_ and
// delayed_type_arguments_ are used to instantiate the signature of function_
// when this closure is involved in a type test. In other words, these fields
// define the function type of this closure instance.
// function_type_arguments_ and delayed_type_arguments_ may also be used when
// invoking the closure. Whereas the source frontend will save a copy of the
// function's type arguments in the closure's context and only use the
// function_type_arguments_ field for type tests, the kernel frontend will use
// the function_type_arguments_ vector here directly.
// If this closure is generic, it can be invoked with function type arguments
// that will be processed in the prolog of the closure function_. For example,
// if the generic closure function_ has a generic parent function, the
// passed-in function type arguments get concatenated to the function type
// arguments of the parent that are found in the context_.
// delayed_type_arguments_ is used to support the partial instantiation
// feature. When this field is set to any value other than
// Object::empty_type_arguments(), the types in this vector will be passed as
// type arguments to the closure when invoked. In this case there may not be
// any type arguments passed directly (or NSM will be invoked instead).
class NumberLayout : public InstanceLayout {
class IntegerLayout : public NumberLayout {
class SmiLayout : public IntegerLayout {
class MintLayout : public IntegerLayout {
ALIGN8 int64_t value_;
friend class Api;
friend class Class;
friend class Integer;
friend class SnapshotReader;
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(MintLayout) == 16);
class DoubleLayout : public NumberLayout {
ALIGN8 double value_;
friend class Api;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class Class;
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(DoubleLayout) == 16);
class StringLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, length_)
SmiPtr length_;
SmiPtr hash_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, hash_)
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, length_)
friend class Library;
friend class OneByteStringSerializationCluster;
friend class TwoByteStringSerializationCluster;
friend class OneByteStringDeserializationCluster;
friend class TwoByteStringDeserializationCluster;
friend class RODataSerializationCluster;
friend class ImageWriter;
class OneByteStringLayout : public StringLayout {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
const uint8_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
friend class ApiMessageReader;
friend class RODataSerializationCluster;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class String;
class TwoByteStringLayout : public StringLayout {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint16_t* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint16_t, uint16_t); }
const uint16_t* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint16_t, uint16_t); }
friend class RODataSerializationCluster;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class String;
// Abstract base class for RawTypedData/RawExternalTypedData/RawTypedDataView/
// Pointer.
// TypedData extends this with a length field, while Pointer extends this with
// TypeArguments field.
class PointerBaseLayout : public InstanceLayout {
// The contents of [data_] depends on what concrete subclass is used:
// - RawTypedData: Start of the payload.
// - RawExternalTypedData: Start of the C-heap payload.
// - RawTypedDataView: The [data_] field of the backing store for the view
// plus the [offset_in_bytes_] the view has.
// - RawPointer: Pointer into C memory (no length specified).
// During allocation or snapshot reading the [data_] can be temporarily
// nullptr (which is the case for views which just got created but haven't
// gotten the backing store set).
uint8_t* data_;
// Abstract base class for RawTypedData/RawExternalTypedData/RawTypedDataView.
class TypedDataBaseLayout : public PointerBaseLayout {
// The length of the view in element sizes (obtainable via
// [TypedDataBase::ElementSizeInBytes]).
SmiPtr length_;
friend class TypedDataViewLayout;
class TypedDataLayout : public TypedDataBaseLayout {
static intptr_t payload_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF_RETURNED_VALUE(TypedDataLayout, internal_data);
// Recompute [data_] pointer to internal data.
void RecomputeDataField() { data_ = internal_data(); }
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, length_)
VISIT_TO_LENGTH(RawCompressed, &length_)
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t* internal_data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
const uint8_t* internal_data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
uint8_t* data() {
ASSERT(data_ == internal_data());
return data_;
const uint8_t* data() const {
ASSERT(data_ == internal_data());
return data_;
friend class Api;
friend class Instance;
friend class NativeEntryData;
friend class Object;
friend class ObjectPool;
friend class ObjectPoolDeserializationCluster;
friend class ObjectPoolSerializationCluster;
friend class ObjectPoolLayout;
friend class SnapshotReader;
// All _*ArrayView/_ByteDataView classes share the same layout.
class TypedDataViewLayout : public TypedDataBaseLayout {
// Recompute [data_] based on internal/external [typed_data_].
void RecomputeDataField() {
const intptr_t offset_in_bytes = RawSmiValue(offset_in_bytes_);
uint8_t* payload = typed_data_->ptr()->data_;
data_ = payload + offset_in_bytes;
// Recopute [data_] based on internal [typed_data_] - needs to be called by GC
// whenever the backing store moved.
// NOTICE: This method assumes [this] is the forwarded object and the
// [typed_data_] pointer points to the new backing store. The backing store's
// fields don't need to be valid - only it's address.
void RecomputeDataFieldForInternalTypedData() {
const intptr_t offset_in_bytes = RawSmiValue(offset_in_bytes_);
uint8_t* payload = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
ObjectLayout::ToAddr(typed_data_) + TypedDataLayout::payload_offset());
data_ = payload + offset_in_bytes;
void ValidateInnerPointer() {
if (typed_data_->ptr()->GetClassId() == kNullCid) {
// The view object must have gotten just initialized.
if (data_ != nullptr || RawSmiValue(offset_in_bytes_) != 0 ||
RawSmiValue(length_) != 0) {
FATAL("RawTypedDataView has invalid inner pointer.");
} else {
const intptr_t offset_in_bytes = RawSmiValue(offset_in_bytes_);
uint8_t* payload = typed_data_->ptr()->data_;
if ((payload + offset_in_bytes) != data_) {
FATAL("RawTypedDataView has invalid inner pointer.");
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, length_)
TypedDataBasePtr typed_data_;
SmiPtr offset_in_bytes_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, offset_in_bytes_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
friend class Api;
friend class Object;
friend class ObjectPoolDeserializationCluster;
friend class ObjectPoolSerializationCluster;
friend class ObjectPoolLayout;
friend class GCCompactor;
template <bool>
friend class ScavengerVisitorBase;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class ExternalOneByteStringLayout : public StringLayout {
const uint8_t* external_data_;
void* peer_;
friend class Api;
friend class String;
class ExternalTwoByteStringLayout : public StringLayout {
const uint16_t* external_data_;
void* peer_;
friend class Api;
friend class String;
class BoolLayout : public InstanceLayout {
bool value_;
friend class Object;
class ArrayLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr type_arguments_;
SmiPtr length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
ObjectPtr* data() { OPEN_ARRAY_START(ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr); }
ObjectPtr const* data() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(ObjectPtr, ObjectPtr); }
VISIT_TO_LENGTH(RawCompressed, &data()[length - 1])
friend class LinkedHashMapSerializationCluster;
friend class LinkedHashMapDeserializationCluster;
friend class CodeSerializationCluster;
friend class CodeDeserializationCluster;
friend class Deserializer;
friend class CodeLayout;
friend class ImmutableArrayLayout;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class GrowableObjectArray;
friend class LinkedHashMap;
friend class LinkedHashMapLayout;
friend class Object;
friend class ICData; // For high performance access.
friend class SubtypeTestCache; // For high performance access.
friend class ReversePc;
friend class OldPage;
class ImmutableArrayLayout : public ArrayLayout {
friend class SnapshotReader;
class GrowableObjectArrayLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr type_arguments_;
SmiPtr length_;
ArrayPtr data_;
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, data_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class ReversePc;
class LinkedHashMapLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr type_arguments_;
TypedDataPtr index_;
SmiPtr hash_mask_;
ArrayPtr data_;
SmiPtr used_data_;
SmiPtr deleted_keys_;
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, deleted_keys_)
friend class SnapshotReader;
class Float32x4Layout : public InstanceLayout {
ALIGN8 float value_[4];
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class Class;
float x() const { return value_[0]; }
float y() const { return value_[1]; }
float z() const { return value_[2]; }
float w() const { return value_[3]; }
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(Float32x4Layout) == 24);
class Int32x4Layout : public InstanceLayout {
ALIGN8 int32_t value_[4];
friend class SnapshotReader;
int32_t x() const { return value_[0]; }
int32_t y() const { return value_[1]; }
int32_t z() const { return value_[2]; }
int32_t w() const { return value_[3]; }
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(Int32x4Layout) == 24);
class Float64x2Layout : public InstanceLayout {
ALIGN8 double value_[2];
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class Class;
double x() const { return value_[0]; }
double y() const { return value_[1]; }
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(Float64x2Layout) == 24);
// Define an aliases for intptr_t.
#if defined(ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
#define kIntPtrCid kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid
#define SetIntPtr SetInt32
#elif defined(ARCH_IS_64_BIT)
#define kIntPtrCid kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid
#define SetIntPtr SetInt64
#error Architecture is not 32-bit or 64-bit.
#endif // ARCH_IS_32_BIT
class ExternalTypedDataLayout : public TypedDataBaseLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, length_)
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, length_)
friend class BytecodeLayout;
class PointerLayout : public PointerBaseLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr type_arguments_;
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
friend class Pointer;
class DynamicLibraryLayout : public InstanceLayout {
void* handle_;
friend class DynamicLibrary;
// VM implementations of the basic types in the isolate.
class alignas(8) CapabilityLayout : public InstanceLayout {
uint64_t id_;
class alignas(8) SendPortLayout : public InstanceLayout {
Dart_Port id_;
Dart_Port origin_id_;
friend class ReceivePort;
class ReceivePortLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, send_port_)
SendPortPtr send_port_;
InstancePtr handler_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, handler_)
class TransferableTypedDataLayout : public InstanceLayout {
// VM type for capturing stacktraces when exceptions are thrown,
// Currently we don't have any interface that this object is supposed
// to implement so we just support the 'toString' method which
// converts the stack trace into a string.
class StackTraceLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, async_link_)
StackTracePtr async_link_; // Link to parent async stack trace.
ArrayPtr code_array_; // Code object for each frame in the stack trace.
ArrayPtr pc_offset_array_; // Offset of PC for each frame.
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, pc_offset_array_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// False for pre-allocated stack trace (used in OOM and Stack overflow).
bool expand_inlined_;
// Whether the link between the stack and the async-link represents a
// synchronous start to an asynchronous function. In this case, we omit the
// <asynchronous suspension> marker when concatenating the stacks.
bool skip_sync_start_in_parent_stack;
// VM type for capturing JS regular expressions.
class RegExpLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, num_bracket_expressions_)
SmiPtr num_bracket_expressions_;
ArrayPtr capture_name_map_;
StringPtr pattern_; // Pattern to be used for matching.
union {
FunctionPtr function_;
TypedDataPtr bytecode_;
} one_byte_;
union {
FunctionPtr function_;
TypedDataPtr bytecode_;
} two_byte_;
FunctionPtr external_one_byte_function_;
FunctionPtr external_two_byte_function_;
union {
FunctionPtr function_;
TypedDataPtr bytecode_;
} one_byte_sticky_;
union {
FunctionPtr function_;
TypedDataPtr bytecode_;
} two_byte_sticky_;
FunctionPtr external_one_byte_sticky_function_;
FunctionPtr external_two_byte_sticky_function_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, external_two_byte_sticky_function_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// The same pattern may use different amount of registers if compiled
// for a one-byte target than a two-byte target. For example, we do not
// need to allocate registers to check whether the current position is within
// a surrogate pair when matching a Unicode pattern against a one-byte string.
intptr_t num_one_byte_registers_;
intptr_t num_two_byte_registers_;
// A bitfield with two fields:
// type: Uninitialized, simple or complex.
// flags: Represents global/local, case insensitive, multiline, unicode,
// dotAll.
int8_t type_flags_;
class WeakPropertyLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, key_)
ObjectPtr key_;
ObjectPtr value_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, value_)
ObjectPtr* to_snapshot(Snapshot::Kind kind) { return to(); }
// Linked list is chaining all pending weak properties.
// Untyped to make it clear that it is not to be visited by GC.
uword next_;
friend class GCMarker;
template <bool>
friend class MarkingVisitorBase;
friend class Scavenger;
template <bool>
friend class ScavengerVisitorBase;
// MirrorReferences are used by mirrors to hold reflectees that are VM
// internal objects, such as libraries, classes, functions or types.
class MirrorReferenceLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, referent_)
ObjectPtr referent_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, referent_)
// UserTag are used by the profiler to track Dart script state.
class UserTagLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(ObjectPtr, label_)
StringPtr label_;
VISIT_TO(ObjectPtr, label_)
// Isolate unique tag.
uword tag_;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class Object;
uword tag() const { return tag_; }
class FutureOrLayout : public InstanceLayout {
VISIT_FROM(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
TypeArgumentsPtr type_arguments_;
VISIT_TO(RawCompressed, type_arguments_)
friend class SnapshotReader;
} // namespace dart