blob: 048038e15467ebab6d62e9ddc7d4eec76ad98763 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This header defines the API that compiler can use to interact with the
// underlying Dart runtime that it is embedded into.
// Compiler is not allowed to directly interact with any objects - it can only
// use classes like dart::Object, dart::Code, dart::Function and similar as
// opaque handles. All interactions should be done through helper methods
// provided by this header.
// This header also provides ways to get word sizes, frame layout, field
// offsets for the target runtime. Note that these can be different from
// those on the host. Helpers providing access to these values live
// in compiler::target namespace.
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/bss_relocs.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/code_entry_kind.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
#include "vm/frame_layout.h"
#include "vm/pointer_tagging.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry_list.h"
#include "vm/token.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class LocalVariable;
class Object;
class RuntimeEntry;
class Zone;
#define DO(clazz) \
class clazz##Layout; \
class clazz;
#undef DO
namespace compiler {
class Assembler;
namespace compiler {
// Host word sizes.
// Code in the compiler namespace should not use kWordSize and derived
// constants directly because the word size on host and target might
// be different.
// To prevent this we introduce variables that would shadow these
// constants and introduce compilation errors when used.
// target::kWordSize and target::ObjectAlignment give access to
// word size and object aligment offsets for the target.
// Similarly kHostWordSize gives access to the host word size.
class InvalidClass {};
extern InvalidClass kWordSize;
extern InvalidClass kWordSizeLog2;
extern InvalidClass kBitsPerWord;
extern InvalidClass kNewObjectAlignmentOffset;
extern InvalidClass kOldObjectAlignmentOffset;
extern InvalidClass kNewObjectBitPosition;
extern InvalidClass kObjectAlignment;
extern InvalidClass kObjectAlignmentLog2;
extern InvalidClass kObjectAlignmentMask;
extern InvalidClass kSmiBits;
extern InvalidClass kSmiMin;
extern InvalidClass kSmiMax;
static constexpr intptr_t kHostWordSize = dart::kWordSize;
static constexpr intptr_t kHostWordSizeLog2 = dart::kWordSizeLog2;
// Object handles.
// Create an empty handle.
Object& NewZoneHandle(Zone* zone);
// Clone the given handle.
Object& NewZoneHandle(Zone* zone, const Object&);
// Constant objects.
const Object& NullObject();
const Object& SentinelObject();
const Bool& TrueObject();
const Bool& FalseObject();
const Object& EmptyTypeArguments();
const Type& DynamicType();
const Type& ObjectType();
const Type& VoidType();
const Type& IntType();
const Class& GrowableObjectArrayClass();
const Class& MintClass();
const Class& DoubleClass();
const Array& OneArgArgumentsDescriptor();
template <typename To, typename From>
const To& CastHandle(const From& from) {
return reinterpret_cast<const To&>(from);
// Returns true if [a] and [b] are the same object.
bool IsSameObject(const Object& a, const Object& b);
// Returns true if [a] and [b] represent the same type (are equal).
bool IsEqualType(const AbstractType& a, const AbstractType& b);
// Returns true if [type] is the "int" type.
bool IsIntType(const AbstractType& type);
// Returns true if [type] is the "double" type.
bool IsDoubleType(const AbstractType& type);
// Returns true if [type] is the "double" type.
bool IsBoolType(const AbstractType& type);
// Returns true if [type] is the "_Smi" type.
bool IsSmiType(const AbstractType& type);
// Returns true if the given handle is a zone handle or one of the global
// cached handles.
bool IsNotTemporaryScopedHandle(const Object& obj);
// Returns true if [obj] resides in old space.
bool IsInOldSpace(const Object& obj);
// Returns true if [obj] is not a Field/ICData clone.
// Used to assert that we are not embedding pointers to cloned objects that are
// used by background compiler into object pools / code.
bool IsOriginalObject(const Object& object);
// Clear the given handle.
void SetToNull(Object* obj);
// Helper functions to upcast handles.
// Note: compiler code cannot include object.h so it cannot see that Object is
// a superclass of Code or Function - thus we have to cast these pointers using
// reinterpret_cast.
inline const Object& ToObject(const Code& handle) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const Object*>(&handle);
inline const Object& ToObject(const Function& handle) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const Object*>(&handle);
// Returns some hash value for the given object.
// Note: the given hash value does not necessarily match Object.get:hashCode,
// or canonical hash.
intptr_t ObjectHash(const Object& obj);
// If the given object represents a Dart integer returns true and sets [value]
// to the value of the integer.
bool HasIntegerValue(const dart::Object& obj, int64_t* value);
// Creates a random cookie to be used for masking constants embedded in the
// generated code.
int32_t CreateJitCookie();
// Returns the size in bytes for the given class id.
word TypedDataElementSizeInBytes(classid_t cid);
// Returns the size in bytes for the given class id.
word TypedDataMaxNewSpaceElements(classid_t cid);
// Looks up the dart:math's _Random._A field.
const Field& LookupMathRandomStateFieldOffset();
// Looks up the dart:convert's _Utf8Decoder._scanFlags field.
const Field& LookupConvertUtf8DecoderScanFlagsField();
// Returns the offset in bytes of [field].
word LookupFieldOffsetInBytes(const Field& field);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
uword SymbolsPredefinedAddress();
typedef void (*RuntimeEntryCallInternal)(const dart::RuntimeEntry*,
const Code& StubCodeAllocateArray();
const Code& StubCodeSubtype2TestCache();
const Code& StubCodeSubtype6TestCache();
class RuntimeEntry : public ValueObject {
virtual ~RuntimeEntry() {}
void Call(Assembler* assembler, intptr_t argument_count) const {
ASSERT(call_ != NULL);
ASSERT(runtime_entry_ != NULL);
// We call a manually set function pointer which points to the
// implementation of call for the subclass. We do this instead of just
// defining Call in this class as a pure virtual method and providing an
// implementation in the subclass as RuntimeEntry objects are declared as
// globals which causes problems on Windows.
// When exit() is called on Windows, global objects start to be destroyed.
// As part of an object's destruction, the vtable is reset to that of the
// base class. Since some threads may still be running and accessing these
// now destroyed globals, an invocation to dart::RuntimeEntry::Call would
// instead invoke dart::compiler::RuntimeEntry::Call. If
// dart::compiler::RuntimeEntry::Call were a pure virtual method, _purecall
// would be invoked to handle the invalid call and attempt to call exit(),
// causing the process to hang on a lock.
// By removing the need to rely on a potentially invalid vtable at exit,
// we should be able to avoid hanging or crashing the process at shutdown,
// even as global objects start to be destroyed. See issue #35855.
call_(runtime_entry_, assembler, argument_count);
word OffsetFromThread() const;
RuntimeEntry(const dart::RuntimeEntry* runtime_entry,
RuntimeEntryCallInternal call)
: runtime_entry_(runtime_entry), call_(call) {}
const dart::RuntimeEntry* runtime_entry_;
RuntimeEntryCallInternal call_;
extern const RuntimeEntry& k##name##RuntimeEntry;
#define DECLARE_RUNTIME_ENTRY(type, name, ...) \
extern const RuntimeEntry& k##name##RuntimeEntry;
// Allocate a string object with the given content in the runtime heap.
const String& AllocateString(const char* buffer);
DART_NORETURN void BailoutWithBranchOffsetError();
// compiler::target namespace contains information about the target platform:
// - word sizes and derived constants
// - offsets of fields
// - sizes of structures
namespace target {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
typedef int32_t word;
typedef uint32_t uword;
static constexpr int kWordSizeLog2 = 2;
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_64_BIT)
typedef int64_t word;
typedef uint64_t uword;
static constexpr int kWordSizeLog2 = 3;
#error "Unsupported architecture"
static constexpr int kWordSize = 1 << kWordSizeLog2;
static_assert(kWordSize == sizeof(word), "kWordSize should match sizeof(word)");
static constexpr word kBitsPerWordLog2 = kWordSizeLog2 + kBitsPerByteLog2;
static constexpr word kBitsPerWord = 1 << kBitsPerWordLog2;
using ObjectAlignment = dart::ObjectAlignment<kWordSize, kWordSizeLog2>;
constexpr word kWordMax = (static_cast<uword>(1) << (kBitsPerWord - 1)) - 1;
constexpr word kWordMin = -(static_cast<uword>(1) << (kBitsPerWord - 1));
constexpr uword kUwordMax = static_cast<word>(-1);
// The number of bits in the _magnitude_ of a Smi, not counting the sign bit.
constexpr int kSmiBits = kBitsPerWord - 2;
constexpr word kSmiMax = (static_cast<uword>(1) << kSmiBits) - 1;
constexpr word kSmiMin = -(static_cast<uword>(1) << kSmiBits);
// Information about heap pages.
extern const word kOldPageSize;
extern const word kOldPageSizeInWords;
extern const word kOldPageMask;
static constexpr intptr_t kObjectAlignment = ObjectAlignment::kObjectAlignment;
// Parameter flags are stored in Smis. In particular, there is one flag (the
// required flag), but we want ensure that the number of bits stored per Smi is
// a power of two so we can simply uses shift to convert the parameter index to
// calculate both the parameter flag index in the parameter names array to get
// the packed flags and which bit in the packed flags to check.
static constexpr intptr_t kNumParameterFlagsPerElementLog2 =
kBitsPerWordLog2 - 1;
static constexpr intptr_t kNumParameterFlagsPerElement =
1 << kNumParameterFlagsPerElementLog2;
// Thus, in the untagged Smi value, only the lowest kNumParameterFlagsPerElement
// bits are used for flags, with the other bits currently unused.
static_assert(kNumParameterFlagsPerElement <= kSmiBits,
"kNumParameterFlagsPerElement should fit in a Smi");
inline intptr_t RoundedAllocationSize(intptr_t size) {
return Utils::RoundUp(size, kObjectAlignment);
// Information about frame_layout that compiler should be targeting.
extern FrameLayout frame_layout;
constexpr intptr_t kIntSpillFactor = sizeof(int64_t) / kWordSize;
constexpr intptr_t kDoubleSpillFactor = sizeof(double) / kWordSize;
// Returns the FP-relative index where [variable] can be found (assumes
// [variable] is not captured), in bytes.
inline int FrameOffsetInBytesForVariable(const LocalVariable* variable) {
return frame_layout.FrameSlotForVariable(variable) * kWordSize;
// Check whether instance_size is small enough to be encoded in the size tag.
bool SizeFitsInSizeTag(uword instance_size);
// Encode tag word for a heap allocated object with the given class id and
// size.
// Note: even on 64-bit platforms we only use lower 32-bits of the tag word.
uint32_t MakeTagWordForNewSpaceObject(classid_t cid, uword instance_size);
// Target specific information about objects.
// Returns true if the given object can be represented as a Smi on the target
// platform.
bool IsSmi(const dart::Object& a);
// Returns true if the given value can be represented as a Smi on the target
// platform.
bool IsSmi(int64_t value);
// Return raw Smi representation of the given object for the target platform.
word ToRawSmi(const dart::Object& a);
// Return raw Smi representation of the given integer value for the target
// platform.
// Note: method assumes that caller has validated that value is representable
// as a Smi.
word ToRawSmi(intptr_t value);
word SmiValue(const dart::Object& a);
// If the given object can be loaded from the thread on the target then
// return true and set offset (if provided) to the offset from the
// thread pointer to a field that contains the object.
bool CanLoadFromThread(const dart::Object& object, intptr_t* offset = nullptr);
// On IA32 we can embed raw pointers into generated code.
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
// Returns true if the pointer to the given object can be directly embedded
// into the generated code (because the object is immortal and immovable).
bool CanEmbedAsRawPointerInGeneratedCode(const dart::Object& obj);
// Returns raw pointer value for the given object. Should only be invoked
// if CanEmbedAsRawPointerInGeneratedCode returns true.
word ToRawPointer(const dart::Object& a);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
bool WillAllocateNewOrRememberedContext(intptr_t num_context_variables);
bool WillAllocateNewOrRememberedArray(intptr_t length);
// Target specific offsets and constants.
// Currently we use the same names for classes, constants and getters to make
// migration easier.
class ObjectLayout : public AllStatic {
static const word kCardRememberedBit;
static const word kOldAndNotRememberedBit;
static const word kOldAndNotMarkedBit;
static const word kSizeTagPos;
static const word kSizeTagSize;
static const word kClassIdTagPos;
static const word kClassIdTagSize;
static const word kSizeTagMaxSizeTag;
static const word kTagBitsSizeTagPos;
static const word kBarrierOverlapShift;
static bool IsTypedDataClassId(intptr_t cid);
class AbstractTypeLayout : public AllStatic {
static const word kTypeStateFinalizedInstantiated;
class Object : public AllStatic {
// Offset of the tags word.
static word tags_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
class ObjectPool : public AllStatic {
// Return offset to the element with the given [index] in the object pool.
static word element_offset(intptr_t index);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Class : public AllStatic {
static word host_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_offset();
static word target_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_offset();
static word declaration_type_offset();
static word super_type_offset();
// The offset of the ObjectLayout::num_type_arguments_ field in bytes.
static word num_type_arguments_offset();
// The value used if no type arguments vector is present.
static const word kNoTypeArguments;
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
// Return class id of the given class on the target.
static classid_t GetId(const dart::Class& handle);
// Return instance size for the given class on the target.
static uword GetInstanceSize(const dart::Class& handle);
// Returns the number of type arguments.
static intptr_t NumTypeArguments(const dart::Class& klass);
// Whether [klass] has a type arguments vector field.
static bool HasTypeArgumentsField(const dart::Class& klass);
// Returns the offset (in bytes) of the type arguments vector.
static intptr_t TypeArgumentsFieldOffset(const dart::Class& klass);
// Whether to trace allocation for this klass.
static bool TraceAllocation(const dart::Class& klass);
class Instance : public AllStatic {
// Returns the offset to the first field of [RawInstance].
static word first_field_offset();
static word DataOffsetFor(intptr_t cid);
static word ElementSizeFor(intptr_t cid);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Function : public AllStatic {
static word code_offset();
static word entry_point_offset(CodeEntryKind kind = CodeEntryKind::kNormal);
static word packed_fields_offset();
static word parameter_names_offset();
static word parameter_types_offset();
static word type_parameters_offset();
static word usage_counter_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class CallSiteData : public AllStatic {
static word arguments_descriptor_offset();
class ICData : public AllStatic {
static word owner_offset();
static word entries_offset();
static word receivers_static_type_offset();
static word state_bits_offset();
static word CodeIndexFor(word num_args);
static word CountIndexFor(word num_args);
static word TargetIndexFor(word num_args);
static word ExactnessIndexFor(word num_args);
static word TestEntryLengthFor(word num_args, bool exactness_check);
static word EntryPointIndexFor(word num_args);
static word NumArgsTestedShift();
static word NumArgsTestedMask();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class MegamorphicCache : public AllStatic {
static const word kSpreadFactor;
static word mask_offset();
static word buckets_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class SingleTargetCache : public AllStatic {
static word lower_limit_offset();
static word upper_limit_offset();
static word entry_point_offset();
static word target_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Array : public AllStatic {
static word header_size();
static word tags_offset();
static word data_offset();
static word type_arguments_offset();
static word length_offset();
static word element_offset(intptr_t index);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
static const word kMaxElements;
static const word kMaxNewSpaceElements;
class GrowableObjectArray : public AllStatic {
static word data_offset();
static word type_arguments_offset();
static word length_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class PointerBase : public AllStatic {
static word data_field_offset();
class TypedDataBase : public PointerBase {
static word length_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TypedData : public AllStatic {
static word data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ExternalTypedData : public AllStatic {
static word data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TypedDataView : public AllStatic {
static word offset_in_bytes_offset();
static word data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class LinkedHashMap : public AllStatic {
static word index_offset();
static word data_offset();
static word hash_mask_offset();
static word used_data_offset();
static word deleted_keys_offset();
static word type_arguments_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class FutureOr : public AllStatic {
static word type_arguments_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ArgumentsDescriptor : public AllStatic {
static word first_named_entry_offset();
static word named_entry_size();
static word position_offset();
static word name_offset();
static word count_offset();
static word size_offset();
static word type_args_len_offset();
static word positional_count_offset();
class LocalHandle : public AllStatic {
static word raw_offset();
class Pointer : public PointerBase {
static word type_arguments_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class AbstractType : public AllStatic {
static word type_test_stub_entry_point_offset();
class Type : public AllStatic {
static word hash_offset();
static word type_state_offset();
static word arguments_offset();
static word signature_offset();
static word type_class_id_offset();
static word nullability_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TypeRef : public AllStatic {
static word type_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Nullability : public AllStatic {
static const int8_t kNullable;
static const int8_t kNonNullable;
static const int8_t kLegacy;
class Double : public AllStatic {
static word value_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Mint : public AllStatic {
static word value_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class String : public AllStatic {
static const word kHashBits;
static const word kMaxElements;
static word hash_offset();
static word length_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class OneByteString : public AllStatic {
static word data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TwoByteString : public AllStatic {
static word data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ExternalOneByteString : public AllStatic {
static word external_data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ExternalTwoByteString : public AllStatic {
static word external_data_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Int32x4 : public AllStatic {
static word value_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Float32x4 : public AllStatic {
static word value_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Float64x2 : public AllStatic {
static word value_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class DynamicLibrary : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class PatchClass : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class SignatureData : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class RedirectionData : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class FfiTrampolineData : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Script : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Library : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Namespace : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class KernelProgramInfo : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Bytecode : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class PcDescriptors : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class CodeSourceMap : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class CompressedStackMaps : public AllStatic {
static word HeaderSize();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class LocalVarDescriptors : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ExceptionHandlers : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ContextScope : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ParameterTypeCheck : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class UnlinkedCall : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ApiError : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class LanguageError : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class UnhandledException : public AllStatic {
static word exception_offset();
static word stacktrace_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class UnwindError : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Bool : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TypeParameter : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class LibraryPrefix : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Capability : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ReceivePort : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class SendPort : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TransferableTypedData : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class StackTrace : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Integer : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Smi : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class WeakProperty : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class MirrorReference : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Number : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TimelineStream : public AllStatic {
static word enabled_offset();
class VMHandles : public AllStatic {
static constexpr intptr_t kOffsetOfRawPtrInHandle = kWordSize;
class MonomorphicSmiableCall : public AllStatic {
static word expected_cid_offset();
static word entrypoint_offset();
static word target_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Thread : public AllStatic {
static word api_top_scope_offset();
static word exit_through_ffi_offset();
static uword exit_through_runtime_call();
static uword exit_through_ffi();
static word dart_stream_offset();
static word async_stack_trace_offset();
static word predefined_symbols_address_offset();
static word optimize_entry_offset();
static word deoptimize_entry_offset();
static word megamorphic_call_checked_entry_offset();
static word active_exception_offset();
static word active_stacktrace_offset();
static word resume_pc_offset();
static word saved_shadow_call_stack_offset();
static word marking_stack_block_offset();
static word top_exit_frame_info_offset();
static word top_resource_offset();
static word global_object_pool_offset();
static word object_null_offset();
static word bool_true_offset();
static word bool_false_offset();
static word dispatch_table_array_offset();
static word top_offset();
static word end_offset();
static word isolate_offset();
static word field_table_values_offset();
static word store_buffer_block_offset();
static word call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset();
static word write_barrier_mask_offset();
static word switchable_call_miss_entry_offset();
static word write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset(Register regno);
static word array_write_barrier_entry_point_offset();
static word allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset();
static word allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset();
static word allocate_object_entry_point_offset();
static word allocate_object_parameterized_entry_point_offset();
static word allocate_object_slow_entry_point_offset();
static word slow_type_test_entry_point_offset();
static word write_barrier_entry_point_offset();
static word vm_tag_offset();
static uword vm_tag_compiled_id();
static word safepoint_state_offset();
static uword safepoint_state_unacquired();
static uword safepoint_state_acquired();
static intptr_t safepoint_state_inside_bit();
static word execution_state_offset();
static uword vm_execution_state();
static uword native_execution_state();
static uword generated_execution_state();
static word stack_overflow_flags_offset();
static word stack_overflow_shared_stub_entry_point_offset(bool fpu_regs);
static word stack_limit_offset();
static word saved_stack_limit_offset();
static word unboxed_int64_runtime_arg_offset();
static word callback_code_offset();
static word AllocateArray_entry_point_offset();
static word write_barrier_code_offset();
static word array_write_barrier_code_offset();
static word fix_callers_target_code_offset();
static word fix_allocation_stub_code_offset();
static word switchable_call_miss_stub_offset();
static word lazy_specialize_type_test_stub_offset();
static word slow_type_test_stub_offset();
static word call_to_runtime_stub_offset();
static word invoke_dart_code_stub_offset();
static word interpret_call_entry_point_offset();
static word invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset();
static word null_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word null_arg_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word null_arg_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word null_cast_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word null_cast_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word range_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset();
static word stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset();
static word stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word lazy_deopt_from_return_stub_offset();
static word lazy_deopt_from_throw_stub_offset();
static word allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset();
static word allocate_object_stub_offset();
static word allocate_object_parameterized_stub_offset();
static word allocate_object_slow_stub_offset();
static word optimize_stub_offset();
static word deoptimize_stub_offset();
static word enter_safepoint_stub_offset();
static word exit_safepoint_stub_offset();
static word call_native_through_safepoint_stub_offset();
static word call_native_through_safepoint_entry_point_offset();
static word bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset();
static word no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset();
static word auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset();
V(float_not) \
V(float_negate) \
V(float_absolute) \
V(float_zerow) \
V(double_negate) \
static word name##_address_offset();
static word OffsetFromThread(const dart::Object& object);
static intptr_t OffsetFromThread(const dart::RuntimeEntry* runtime_entry);
class StoreBufferBlock : public AllStatic {
static word top_offset();
static word pointers_offset();
static const word kSize;
class MarkingStackBlock : public AllStatic {
static word top_offset();
static word pointers_offset();
static const word kSize;
class ObjectStore : public AllStatic {
static word double_type_offset();
static word int_type_offset();
static word string_type_offset();
class Isolate : public AllStatic {
static word cached_object_store_offset();
static word default_tag_offset();
static word current_tag_offset();
static word user_tag_offset();
static word cached_class_table_table_offset();
static word shared_class_table_offset();
static word ic_miss_code_offset();
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
static word single_step_offset();
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
class SharedClassTable : public AllStatic {
static word class_heap_stats_table_offset();
class ClassTable : public AllStatic {
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
static word ClassOffsetFor(intptr_t cid);
static word SharedTableOffsetFor();
static word SizeOffsetFor(intptr_t cid, bool is_new);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
static const word kSizeOfClassPairLog2;
class InstructionsSection : public AllStatic {
static word HeaderSize();
static word UnalignedHeaderSize();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Instructions : public AllStatic {
static const word kMonomorphicEntryOffsetJIT;
static const word kPolymorphicEntryOffsetJIT;
static const word kMonomorphicEntryOffsetAOT;
static const word kPolymorphicEntryOffsetAOT;
static word HeaderSize();
static word UnalignedHeaderSize();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Code : public AllStatic {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
static uword EntryPointOf(const dart::Code& code);
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
static word object_pool_offset();
static word entry_point_offset(CodeEntryKind kind = CodeEntryKind::kNormal);
static word saved_instructions_offset();
static word owner_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class WeakSerializationReference : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class SubtypeTestCache : public AllStatic {
static word cache_offset();
static const word kTestEntryLength;
static const word kInstanceClassIdOrFunction;
static const word kInstanceTypeArguments;
static const word kInstantiatorTypeArguments;
static const word kFunctionTypeArguments;
static const word kInstanceParentFunctionTypeArguments;
static const word kInstanceDelayedFunctionTypeArguments;
static const word kTestResult;
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class LoadingUnit : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Context : public AllStatic {
static word header_size();
static word parent_offset();
static word num_variables_offset();
static word variable_offset(word i);
static word InstanceSize(word n);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Closure : public AllStatic {
static word context_offset();
static word delayed_type_arguments_offset();
static word function_offset();
static word function_type_arguments_offset();
static word instantiator_type_arguments_offset();
static word hash_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ClosureData : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class OldPage : public AllStatic {
static const word kBytesPerCardLog2;
static word card_table_offset();
class Heap : public AllStatic {
// Return true if an object with the given instance size is allocatable
// in new space on the target.
static bool IsAllocatableInNewSpace(intptr_t instance_size);
class NativeArguments {
static word thread_offset();
static word argc_tag_offset();
static word argv_offset();
static word retval_offset();
static word StructSize();
class NativeEntry {
static const word kNumCallWrapperArguments;
class RegExp : public AllStatic {
static word function_offset(classid_t cid, bool sticky);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class UserTag : public AllStatic {
static word tag_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class Symbols : public AllStatic {
static const word kNumberOfOneCharCodeSymbols;
static const word kNullCharCodeSymbolOffset;
class Field : public AllStatic {
static word OffsetOf(const dart::Field& field);
static word guarded_cid_offset();
static word guarded_list_length_in_object_offset_offset();
static word guarded_list_length_offset();
static word is_nullable_offset();
static word kind_bits_offset();
static word initializer_function_offset();
static word host_offset_or_field_id_offset();
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class TypeArguments : public AllStatic {
static word instantiations_offset();
static word nullability_offset();
static word type_at_offset(intptr_t i);
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class FreeListElement : public AllStatic {
class FakeInstance : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class ForwardingCorpse : public AllStatic {
class FakeInstance : public AllStatic {
static word InstanceSize();
static word NextFieldOffset();
class FieldTable : public AllStatic {
static word OffsetOf(const dart::Field& field);
} // namespace target
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart