| // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)" |
| #endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) |
| |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/constant_reader.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h" |
| #include "vm/kernel.h" |
| #include "vm/kernel_binary.h" |
| #include "vm/object.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| namespace kernel { |
| |
| class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder : public KernelReaderHelper { |
| public: |
| StreamingFlowGraphBuilder(FlowGraphBuilder* flow_graph_builder, |
| const ExternalTypedData& data, |
| intptr_t data_program_offset) |
| : KernelReaderHelper( |
| flow_graph_builder->zone_, |
| &flow_graph_builder->translation_helper_, |
| Script::Handle( |
| flow_graph_builder->zone_, |
| flow_graph_builder->parsed_function_->function().script()), |
| data, |
| data_program_offset), |
| flow_graph_builder_(flow_graph_builder), |
| active_class_(&flow_graph_builder->active_class_), |
| constant_reader_(this, active_class_), |
| type_translator_(this, |
| &constant_reader_, |
| active_class_, |
| /* finalize= */ true), |
| bytecode_metadata_helper_(this, active_class_), |
| direct_call_metadata_helper_(this), |
| inferred_type_metadata_helper_(this, &constant_reader_), |
| procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_(this), |
| call_site_attributes_metadata_helper_(this, &type_translator_), |
| closure_owner_(Object::Handle(flow_graph_builder->zone_)) {} |
| |
| virtual ~StreamingFlowGraphBuilder() {} |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraph(); |
| |
| void ReportUnexpectedTag(const char* variant, Tag tag) override; |
| |
| Fragment BuildStatementAt(intptr_t kernel_offset); |
| |
| private: |
| Thread* thread() const { return flow_graph_builder_->thread_; } |
| |
| void ParseKernelASTFunction(); |
| void ReadForwardingStubTarget(const Function& function); |
| void EvaluateConstFieldValue(const Field& field); |
| void SetupDefaultParameterValues(); |
| void ReadDefaultFunctionTypeArguments(const Function& function); |
| |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFieldInitializer(); |
| Fragment BuildFieldInitializer(const Field& field, |
| bool only_for_side_effects); |
| Fragment BuildLateFieldInitializer(const Field& field, bool has_initializer); |
| Fragment BuildInitializers(const Class& parent_class); |
| FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFunction(bool constructor); |
| |
| Fragment BuildExpression(TokenPosition* position = NULL); |
| Fragment BuildStatement(); |
| |
| // Kernel offset: |
| // start of function expression -> end of function body statement |
| Fragment BuildFunctionBody(const Function& dart_function, |
| LocalVariable* first_parameter, |
| bool constructor); |
| |
| // Pieces of the prologue. They are all agnostic to the current Kernel offset. |
| Fragment BuildEveryTimePrologue(const Function& dart_function, |
| TokenPosition token_position, |
| intptr_t type_parameters_offset); |
| Fragment BuildFirstTimePrologue(const Function& dart_function, |
| LocalVariable* first_parameter, |
| intptr_t type_parameters_offset); |
| Fragment ClearRawParameters(const Function& dart_function); |
| Fragment DebugStepCheckInPrologue(const Function& dart_function, |
| TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment SetAsyncStackTrace(const Function& dart_function); |
| Fragment CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(const Function& dart_function); |
| Fragment SetupCapturedParameters(const Function& dart_function); |
| Fragment ShortcutForUserDefinedEquals(const Function& dart_function, |
| LocalVariable* first_parameter); |
| Fragment TypeArgumentsHandling(const Function& dart_function); |
| void CheckArgumentTypesAsNecessary(const Function& dart_function, |
| intptr_t type_parameters_offset, |
| Fragment* explicit_checks, |
| Fragment* implicit_checks, |
| Fragment* implicit_redefinitions); |
| Fragment CompleteBodyWithYieldContinuations(Fragment body); |
| |
| static UncheckedEntryPointStyle ChooseEntryPointStyle( |
| const Function& dart_function, |
| const Fragment& implicit_type_checks, |
| const Fragment& first_time_prologue, |
| const Fragment& every_time_prologue, |
| const Fragment& type_args_handling); |
| |
| void loop_depth_inc(); |
| void loop_depth_dec(); |
| intptr_t for_in_depth(); |
| void for_in_depth_inc(); |
| void for_in_depth_dec(); |
| void catch_depth_inc(); |
| void catch_depth_dec(); |
| void try_depth_inc(); |
| void try_depth_dec(); |
| intptr_t block_expression_depth(); |
| void block_expression_depth_inc(); |
| void block_expression_depth_dec(); |
| intptr_t CurrentTryIndex(); |
| intptr_t AllocateTryIndex(); |
| LocalVariable* CurrentException(); |
| LocalVariable* CurrentStackTrace(); |
| CatchBlock* catch_block(); |
| ActiveClass* active_class(); |
| ScopeBuildingResult* scopes(); |
| void set_scopes(ScopeBuildingResult* scope); |
| ParsedFunction* parsed_function(); |
| TryFinallyBlock* try_finally_block(); |
| SwitchBlock* switch_block(); |
| BreakableBlock* breakable_block(); |
| GrowableArray<YieldContinuation>& yield_continuations(); |
| Value* stack(); |
| void Push(Definition* definition); |
| Value* Pop(); |
| Class& GetSuperOrDie(); |
| |
| Tag PeekArgumentsFirstPositionalTag(); |
| const TypeArguments& PeekArgumentsInstantiatedType(const Class& klass); |
| intptr_t PeekArgumentsCount(); |
| |
| // See BaseFlowGraphBuilder::MakeTemporary. |
| LocalVariable* MakeTemporary(); |
| |
| LocalVariable* LookupVariable(intptr_t kernel_offset); |
| Function& FindMatchingFunction(const Class& klass, |
| const String& name, |
| int type_args_len, |
| int argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names); |
| |
| bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function, TokenPosition position); |
| bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value, TokenPosition position); |
| |
| void InlineBailout(const char* reason); |
| Fragment DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable); |
| Fragment Return( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| intptr_t yield_index = PcDescriptorsLayout::kInvalidYieldIndex); |
| Fragment EvaluateAssertion(); |
| Fragment RethrowException(TokenPosition position, int catch_try_index); |
| Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError(const Function& target); |
| Fragment Constant(const Object& value); |
| Fragment IntConstant(int64_t value); |
| Fragment LoadStaticField(const Field& field, bool calls_initializer); |
| Fragment RedefinitionWithType(const AbstractType& type); |
| Fragment CheckNull(TokenPosition position, |
| LocalVariable* receiver, |
| const String& function_name, |
| bool clear_the_temp = true); |
| Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule); |
| Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const Function& target, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule, |
| const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = NULL, |
| intptr_t type_args_len = 0, |
| bool use_unchecked_entry = false); |
| Fragment InstanceCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const String& name, |
| Token::Kind kind, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| intptr_t checked_argument_count = 1); |
| Fragment InstanceCall( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const String& name, |
| Token::Kind kind, |
| intptr_t type_args_len, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| intptr_t checked_argument_count, |
| const Function& interface_target, |
| const Function& tearoff_interface_target, |
| const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = nullptr, |
| bool use_unchecked_entry = false, |
| const CallSiteAttributesMetadata* call_site_attrs = nullptr, |
| bool receiver_is_not_smi = false); |
| |
| Fragment ThrowException(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment BooleanNegate(); |
| Fragment TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments( |
| const TypeArguments& type_arguments); |
| Fragment StrictCompare(TokenPosition position, |
| Token::Kind kind, |
| bool number_check = false); |
| Fragment AllocateObject(TokenPosition position, |
| const Class& klass, |
| intptr_t argument_count); |
| Fragment AllocateObject(const Class& klass, const Function& closure_function); |
| Fragment AllocateContext(const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& context_slots); |
| Fragment LoadNativeField(const Slot& field); |
| Fragment StoreLocal(TokenPosition position, LocalVariable* variable); |
| Fragment StoreStaticField(TokenPosition position, const Field& field); |
| Fragment StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment StringInterpolateSingle(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment ThrowTypeError(); |
| Fragment ThrowLateInitializationError(TokenPosition position, |
| const String& name); |
| Fragment LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment LoadFunctionTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment InstantiateType(const AbstractType& type); |
| Fragment CreateArray(); |
| Fragment StoreIndexed(intptr_t class_id); |
| Fragment CheckStackOverflow(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment CloneContext(const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& context_slots); |
| Fragment TranslateFinallyFinalizers(TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally, |
| intptr_t target_context_depth); |
| Fragment BranchIfTrue(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate); |
| Fragment BranchIfEqual(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate); |
| Fragment BranchIfNull(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate = false); |
| Fragment CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types, |
| intptr_t handler_index, |
| bool needs_stacktrace, |
| bool is_synthesized); |
| Fragment TryCatch(int try_handler_index); |
| Fragment Drop(); |
| |
| // Drop given number of temps from the stack but preserve top of the stack. |
| Fragment DropTempsPreserveTop(intptr_t num_temps_to_drop); |
| |
| Fragment MakeTemp(); |
| Fragment NullConstant(); |
| JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry(); |
| JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry(intptr_t try_index); |
| Fragment Goto(JoinEntryInstr* destination); |
| Fragment BuildImplicitClosureCreation(const Function& target); |
| Fragment CheckBoolean(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment CheckArgumentType(LocalVariable* variable, const AbstractType& type); |
| Fragment EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset, |
| const LocalScope** scope = nullptr); |
| Fragment ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset); |
| |
| TestFragment TranslateConditionForControl(); |
| |
| const TypeArguments& BuildTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment BuildArguments(Array* argument_names, |
| intptr_t* argument_count, |
| intptr_t* positional_argument_count); |
| Fragment BuildArgumentsFromActualArguments(Array* argument_names); |
| |
| Fragment BuildInvalidExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableGet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableGet(uint8_t payload, TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableGetImpl(intptr_t variable_kernel_position, |
| TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableSet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableSet(uint8_t payload, TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildVariableSetImpl(TokenPosition position, |
| intptr_t variable_kernel_position); |
| Fragment BuildPropertyGet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildPropertySet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildAllocateInvocationMirrorCall(TokenPosition position, |
| const String& name, |
| intptr_t num_type_arguments, |
| intptr_t num_arguments, |
| const Array& argument_names, |
| LocalVariable* actuals_array, |
| Fragment build_rest_of_actuals); |
| Fragment BuildSuperPropertyGet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildSuperPropertySet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildDirectPropertyGet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildDirectPropertySet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildStaticGet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildStaticSet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildMethodInvocation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildDirectMethodInvocation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildSuperMethodInvocation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildStaticInvocation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildConstructorInvocation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildNot(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildNullCheck(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildLogicalExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment TranslateLogicalExpressionForValue(bool negated, |
| TestFragment* side_exits); |
| Fragment BuildConditionalExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildStringConcatenation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildIsExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildAsExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildTypeLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildThisExpression(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildRethrow(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildThrow(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildListLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildMapLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildFunctionExpression(); |
| Fragment BuildLet(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildBlockExpression(); |
| Fragment BuildBigIntLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildStringLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildIntLiteral(uint8_t payload, TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildIntLiteral(bool is_negative, TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildDoubleLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildBoolLiteral(bool value, TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildNullLiteral(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildFutureNullValue(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildConstantExpression(TokenPosition* position, Tag tag); |
| Fragment BuildPartialTearoffInstantiation(TokenPosition* position); |
| Fragment BuildLibraryPrefixAction(TokenPosition* position, |
| const String& selector); |
| |
| Fragment BuildExpressionStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildBlock(); |
| Fragment BuildEmptyStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildAssertBlock(); |
| Fragment BuildAssertStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildLabeledStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildBreakStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildWhileStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildDoStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildForStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildForInStatement(bool async); |
| Fragment BuildSwitchStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildContinueSwitchStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildIfStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildReturnStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildTryCatch(); |
| Fragment BuildTryFinally(); |
| Fragment BuildYieldStatement(); |
| Fragment BuildVariableDeclaration(); |
| Fragment BuildFunctionDeclaration(); |
| Fragment BuildFunctionNode(TokenPosition parent_position, |
| StringIndex name_index); |
| |
| // Build build FG for '_asFunctionInternal'. Reads an Arguments from the |
| // Kernel buffer and pushes the resulting closure. |
| Fragment BuildFfiAsFunctionInternal(); |
| |
| // Build build FG for '_nativeCallbackFunction'. Reads an Arguments from the |
| // Kernel buffer and pushes the resulting Function object. |
| Fragment BuildFfiNativeCallbackFunction(); |
| |
| FlowGraphBuilder* flow_graph_builder_; |
| ActiveClass* const active_class_; |
| ConstantReader constant_reader_; |
| TypeTranslator type_translator_; |
| BytecodeMetadataHelper bytecode_metadata_helper_; |
| DirectCallMetadataHelper direct_call_metadata_helper_; |
| InferredTypeMetadataHelper inferred_type_metadata_helper_; |
| ProcedureAttributesMetadataHelper procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_; |
| CallSiteAttributesMetadataHelper call_site_attributes_metadata_helper_; |
| Object& closure_owner_; |
| |
| friend class KernelLoader; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StreamingFlowGraphBuilder); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace kernel |
| } // namespace dart |
| |