blob: cb6d7b5a61c73dfac15e3007ec31f2e376c08bcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/statement/statement_completion.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class StatementCompletionTest extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
SourceChange change;
int _after(String source, String match) =>
source.indexOf(match) + match.length;
int _afterLast(String source, String match) =>
source.lastIndexOf(match) + match.length;
void _assertHasChange(
String message,
String expectedCode, [
int Function(String) cmp,
]) {
if (change.message == message) {
if (change.edits.isNotEmpty) {
var resultCode =
SourceEdit.applySequence(testCode, change.edits[0].edits);
expect(resultCode, expectedCode.replaceAll('////', ''));
if (cmp != null) {
var offset = cmp(resultCode);
expect(change.selection.offset, offset);
} else {
expect(testCode, expectedCode.replaceAll('////', ''));
if (cmp != null) {
var offset = cmp(testCode);
expect(change.selection.offset, offset);
fail('Expected to find |$message| but got: ' + change.message);
Future<void> _computeCompletion(int offset) async {
var result = await session.getResolvedUnit(testFile);
var context = StatementCompletionContext(result, offset);
var processor = StatementCompletionProcessor(context);
var completion = await processor.compute();
change = completion.change;
Future<void> _prepareCompletion(String search, String sourceCode,
{bool atEnd = false, int delta = 0}) async {
testCode = sourceCode.replaceAll('////', '');
var offset = findOffset(search);
if (atEnd) {
delta = search.length;
await _prepareCompletionAt(offset + delta, testCode);
Future<void> _prepareCompletionAt(int offset, String sourceCode) async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await resolveTestUnit(sourceCode);
await _computeCompletion(offset);
class _ControlFlowCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_doReturnExprLineComment() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'return 3',
ex(e) {
do {
return 3//
} while (true);
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
do {
return 3;//
} while (true);
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_doReturnUnterminated() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
ex(e) {
do {
} while (true);
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
do {
} while (true);
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_forEachReturn() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
ex(e) {
for (var x in e) {
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
for (var x in e) {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_forThrowUnterminated() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'throw e',
ex(e) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
throw e
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
throw e;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_ifNoBlock() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
ex(e) {
if (true) return 0
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
ex(e) {
if (true) return 0;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_ifThrow() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'throw e;',
ex(e) {
if (true) {
throw e;
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
if (true) {
throw e;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_ifThrowUnterminated() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'throw e',
ex(e) {
if (true) {
throw e
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
if (true) {
throw e;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_whileReturnExpr() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'+ 4',
ex(e) {
while (true) {
return 3 + 4
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
ex(e) {
while (true) {
return 3 + 4;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
class _DeclarationCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_classNameNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class Sample
atEnd: true);
'Complete class declaration',
class Sample {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_extendsNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class Sample extends Object
atEnd: true);
'Complete class declaration',
class Sample extends Object {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_functionDeclNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
String source()
atEnd: true);
'Complete function declaration',
String source() {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_functionDeclNoParen() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
String source(
atEnd: true);
'Complete function declaration',
String source() {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_implementsNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class Interface {}
class Sample implements Interface
atEnd: true);
'Complete class declaration',
class Interface {}
class Sample implements Interface {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_methodDeclNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class Sample {
String source()
atEnd: true);
'Complete function declaration',
class Sample {
String source() {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_methodDeclNoParen() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class Sample {
String source(
atEnd: true);
'Complete function declaration',
class Sample {
String source() {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_variableDeclNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
String source
atEnd: true);
'Complete variable declaration',
String source;
(s) => _after(s, ';\n'));
Future<void> test_withNoBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
class M {}
class Sample extends Object with M
atEnd: true);
'Complete class declaration',
class M {}
class Sample extends Object with M {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
class _DoCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_emptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'while ()',
main() {
do {
} while ()
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
do ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
Future<void> test_keywordStatement() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
do ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
Future<void> test_noBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
Future<void> test_noCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
do {
} while
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
Future<void> test_noWhile() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
do {
atEnd: true);
'Complete do-statement',
main() {
do {
} while ();
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));
class _ExpressionCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_listAssign() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'= ',
main() {
var x = [1, 2, 3
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
var x = [1, 2, 3];
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_listAssignMultiLine() async {
// The indent of the final line is incorrect.
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
var x = [
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
var x = [
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_mapAssign() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'3: 3',
main() {
var x = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
var x = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3};
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_mapAssignMissingColon() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
var x = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
var x = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: };
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_returnString() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
if (done()) {
return 'text
atEnd: true);
'Complete control flow block',
main() {
if (done()) {
return 'text';
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_stringAssign() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'= ',
main() {
var x = '
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
var x = '';
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_stringSingle() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_stringSingleRaw() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_stringTriple() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_stringTripleRaw() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
class _ForCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_emptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (int i = 0;) /**/ ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (int i = 0; ; ) /**/ {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyConditionWithBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (int i = 0;) {
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (int i = 0; ; ) {
(s) => _after(s, '0; '));
Future<void> test_emptyInitializers() async {
// This does nothing, same as for Java.
await _prepareCompletion(
'r (',
main() {
for () {
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for () {
(s) => _after(s, 'r ('));
Future<void> test_emptyInitializersAfterBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for () {
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
for () {
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyInitializersEmptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (;/**/)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (; /**/; ) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyParts() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (;;)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (;;) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyUpdaters() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10 /**/)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10 /**/; ) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyUpdatersWithBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10 /**/) {
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10 /**/; ) {
(s) => _after(s, '*/; '));
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for () {
(s) => _after(s, 'for ('));
Future<void> test_missingLeftSeparator() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'= 0',
main() {
for (int i = 0) {
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (int i = 0; ; ) {
(s) => _after(s, '0; '));
Future<void> test_noError() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (;;)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-statement',
main() {
for (;;) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
class _ForEachCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_emptyIdentifier() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'in xs)',
main() {
for (in xs)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-each-statement',
main() {
for ( in xs) {
(s) => _after(s, 'for ('));
Future<void> test_emptyIdentifierAndIterable() async {
// Analyzer parser produces
// for (_s_ in _s_) ;
// Fasta parser produces
// for (in; ;) ;
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (in)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-each-statement',
main() {
for ( in ) {
(s) => _after(s, 'for ('));
Future<void> test_emptyIterable() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (var x in)
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-each-statement',
main() {
for (var x in ) {
(s) => _after(s, 'in '));
Future<void> test_noError() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
for (var x in [1,2])
atEnd: true);
'Complete for-each-statement',
main() {
for (var x in [1,2]) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
class _IfCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_afterCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if (true) ', // Trigger completion after space.
main() {
if (true) ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if (true) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_emptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if ()',
main() {
if ()
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if () {
(s) => _after(s, 'if ('));
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
if ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if () {
(s) => _after(s, 'if ('));
Future<void> test_noError() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if (true)',
main() {
if (true)
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if (true) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_withCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if (tr', // Trigger completion from within expression.
main() {
if (true)
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if (true) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_withCondition_noRightParenthesis() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if (true',
main() {
if (true
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if (true) {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_withElse() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
if () {
} else
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if () {
} else {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_withElse_BAD() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if ()',
main() {
if ()
atEnd: true);
// Note: if-statement completion should not trigger.
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
if ()
(s) => _after(s, 'if ()'));
Future<void> test_withElseNoThen() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
if ()
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if ()
else {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_withinEmptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'if (',
main() {
if ()
atEnd: true);
'Complete if-statement',
main() {
if () {
(s) => _after(s, 'if ('));
class _SimpleCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_enter() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'v = 1;',
main() {
int v = 1;
atEnd: true);
_assertHasChange('Insert a newline at the end of the current line', '''
main() {
int v = 1;
Future<void> test_expressionBody() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'=> 1',
class Thing extends Object {
int foo() => 1
atEnd: true);
_assertHasChange('Add a semicolon and newline', '''
class Thing extends Object {
int foo() => 1;
Future<void> test_noCloseParen() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
var s = 'sample'.substring(3
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
var s = 'sample'.substring(3);
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_noCloseParenWithSemicolon() async {
// TODO(danrubel):
// Fasta scanner produces an error message which is converted into
// an Analyzer error message before the fasta parser gets a chance
// to move it along with the associated synthetic ')' to a more
// appropriate location. This means that some statement completions,
// which are expecting errors in a particular location, don't work.
// Fixing this properly means modifying the scanner not to generate
// closing ')', then updating the parser to handle that situation.
// This is a fair amount of work and won't be tackled today.
var before = '''
main() {
var s = 'sample'.substring(3;
var after = '''
main() {
var s = 'sample'.substring(3);
// Check completion both before and after the semicolon.
await _prepareCompletion('ing(3', before, atEnd: true);
_assertHasChange('Insert a newline at the end of the current line', after,
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
await _prepareCompletion('ing(3;', before, atEnd: true);
_assertHasChange('Insert a newline at the end of the current line', after,
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
// The old Analyzer parser passes this test, but will be turned off soon.
// It is preferable to throw only if the old analyzer is being used,
// but there does not seem to be a reliable way to determine that here.
// TODO(danrubel): remove this once fasta parser is enabled by default.
throw 'remove this once fasta parser is enabled by default';
Future<void> test_semicolonFn() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'=> 3',
main() {
int f() => 3
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
int f() => 3;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_semicolonFnBody() async {
// It would be reasonable to add braces in this case. Unfortunately,
// the incomplete line parses as two statements ['int;', 'f();'], not one.
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
int f()
atEnd: true);
'Insert a newline at the end of the current line',
main() {
int f()
(s) => _afterLast(s, '()'));
Future<void> test_semicolonFnBodyWithDef() async {
// This ought to be the same as test_semicolonFnBody() but the definition
// of f() removes an error and it appears to be a different case.
// Suggestions for unifying the two are welcome.
// Analyzer parser produces
// int; f();
// Fasta parser produces
// int f; ();
// Neither of these is ideal.
// TODO(danrubel): Improve parser recovery in this situation.
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
int f()
f() {}
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
int f();
f() {}
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
// The old Analyzer parser passes this test, but will be turned off soon.
// It is preferable to throw only if the old analyzer is being used,
// but there does not seem to be a reliable way to determine that here.
// TODO(danrubel): remove this once fasta parser is enabled by default.
throw 'remove this once fasta parser is enabled by default';
Future<void> test_semicolonFnExpr() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
int f() =>
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
int f() => ;
(s) => _afterLast(s, '=> '));
Future<void> test_semicolonFnSpaceExpr() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
int f() => ////
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
int f() => ;
(s) => _afterLast(s, '=> '));
Future<void> test_semicolonVar() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'v = 1',
main() {
int v = 1
atEnd: true);
'Add a semicolon and newline',
main() {
int v = 1;
(s) => _afterLast(s, ' '));
class _SwitchCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_caseNoColon() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main(x) {
switch (x) {
case label
atEnd: true);
'Complete switch-statement',
main(x) {
switch (x) {
case label: ////
(s) => _after(s, 'label: '));
Future<void> test_defaultNoColon() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main(x) {
switch (x) {
atEnd: true);
'Complete switch-statement',
main(x) {
switch (x) {
default: ////
(s) => _after(s, 'default: '));
Future<void> test_emptyCondition() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
switch ()
atEnd: true);
'Complete switch-statement',
main() {
switch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'switch ('));
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Complete switch-statement',
main() {
switch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'switch ('));
Future<void> test_keywordSpace() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
switch ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete switch-statement',
main() {
switch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'switch ('));
class _TryCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
Future<void> test_catchOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'{} catch',
main() {
try {
} catch(e){} catch ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} catch(e){} catch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'catch ('));
Future<void> test_catchSecond() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
'} catch ',
main() {
try {
} catch() {
} catch(e){} catch ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} catch() {
} catch(e){} catch () {
(s) => _afterLast(s, 'catch ('));
Future<void> test_finallyOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} finally
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} finally {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_keywordSpace() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
Future<void> test_onCatch() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on catch
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on catch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'catch ('));
Future<void> test_onCatchComment() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on catch
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on catch () {
(s) => _after(s, 'catch ('));
Future<void> test_onOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on {
(s) => _after(s, ' on '));
Future<void> test_onSpace() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on {
(s) => _after(s, ' on '));
Future<void> test_onSpaces() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on {
(s) => _after(s, ' on '));
Future<void> test_onType() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
try {
} on Exception
atEnd: true);
'Complete try-statement',
main() {
try {
} on Exception {
(s) => _after(s, ' '));
class _WhileCompletionTest extends StatementCompletionTest {
The implementation of completion for while-statements is shared with
if-statements. Here we check that the wrapper for while-statements
functions as expected. The individual test cases are covered by the
_IfCompletionTest tests. If the implementation changes then the same
set of tests defined for if-statements should be duplicated here.
Future<void> test_keywordOnly() async {
await _prepareCompletion(
main() {
while ////
atEnd: true);
'Complete while-statement',
main() {
while () {
(s) => _after(s, 'while ('));