blob: 191a8d10f02dfa7ad9800d06829364538383f0e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of dart._vmservice;
class RunningIsolates implements MessageRouter {
final Map<int, RunningIsolate> isolates = new Map<int, RunningIsolate>();
int _rootPortId;
void isolateStartup(int portId, SendPort sp, String name) {
if (_rootPortId == null) {
_rootPortId = portId;
var ri = new RunningIsolate(portId, sp, name);
isolates[portId] = ri;
void isolateShutdown(int portId, SendPort sp) {
if (_rootPortId == portId) {
_rootPortId = null;
Future<Response> routeRequest(VMService service, Message message) {
String isolateParam = message.params['isolateId'];
int isolateId;
if (!isolateParam.startsWith('isolates/')) {
kInvalidParams, "invalid 'isolateId' parameter: $isolateParam");
return message.response;
isolateParam = isolateParam.substring('isolates/'.length);
if (isolateParam == 'root') {
isolateId = _rootPortId;
} else {
try {
isolateId = int.parse(isolateParam);
} catch (e) {
kInvalidParams, "invalid 'isolateId' parameter: $isolateParam");
return message.response;
var isolate = isolates[isolateId];
if (isolate == null) {
// There is some chance that this isolate may have lived before,
// so return a sentinel rather than an error.
var result = {
'type': 'Sentinel',
'kind': 'Collected',
'valueAsString': '<collected>',
message.setResponse(encodeResult(message, result));
return message.response;
if (message.method == 'evaluateInFrame' || message.method == 'evaluate') {
return new _Evaluator(message, isolate, service).run();
} else {
return isolate.routeRequest(service, message);
void routeResponse(Message message) {}
/// Class that knows how to orchestrate expression evaluation in dart2 world.
class _Evaluator {
_Evaluator(this._message, this._isolate, this._service);
Future<Response> run() async {
Response buildScopeResponse = await _buildScope();
Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = buildScopeResponse.decodeJson();
if (responseJson.containsKey('error')) {
return new Response.from(encodeCompilationError(
_message, responseJson['error']['data']['details']));
String kernelBase64;
try {
kernelBase64 = await _compileExpression(responseJson['result']);
} catch (e) {
return new Response.from(encodeCompilationError(_message, e.toString()));
return _evaluateCompiledExpression(kernelBase64);
Message _message;
RunningIsolate _isolate;
VMService _service;
Future<Response> _buildScope() {
Map<String, dynamic> params = _setupParams();
params['isolateId'] = _message.params['isolateId'];
Map buildScopeParams = {
'method': '_buildExpressionEvaluationScope',
'id': _message.serial,
'params': params,
if (_message.params['scope'] != null) {
buildScopeParams['params']['scope'] = _message.params['scope'];
var buildScope =
new Message._fromJsonRpcRequest(_message.client, buildScopeParams);
// Decode the JSON and and insert it into the map. The map key
// is the request Uri.
return _isolate.routeRequest(_service, buildScope);
Future<String> _compileExpression(
Map<String, dynamic> buildScopeResponseResult) {
Client externalClient =
Map compileParams = {
'isolateId': _message.params['isolateId'],
'expression': _message.params['expression'],
'definitions': buildScopeResponseResult['param_names'],
'typeDefinitions': buildScopeResponseResult['type_params_names'],
'libraryUri': buildScopeResponseResult['libraryUri'],
'isStatic': buildScopeResponseResult['isStatic'],
dynamic klass = buildScopeResponseResult['klass'];
if (klass != null) {
compileParams['klass'] = klass;
if (externalClient != null) {
var compileExpression = new Message.forMethod('compileExpression');
compileExpression.client = externalClient;
final id = _service._serviceRequests.newId();
final oldId = _message.serial;
final completer = new Completer<String>();
externalClient.serviceHandles[id] = (Message m) {
if (m != null) {
completer.complete(json.encode(m.forwardToJson({'id': oldId})));
} else {
completer.complete(encodeRpcError(_message, kServiceDisappeared));
}; Response.json(compileExpression
.forwardToJson({'id': id, 'method': 'compileExpression'})));
return completer.future
.then((String s) => jsonDecode(s))
.then((dynamic json) {
Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = json;
if (jsonMap.containsKey('error')) {
throw jsonMap['error'];
return jsonMap['result']['result']['kernelBytes'];
} else {
// fallback to compile using kernel service
Map compileExpressionParams = {
'method': '_compileExpression',
'id': _message.serial,
'params': compileParams,
var compileExpression = new Message._fromJsonRpcRequest(
_message.client, compileExpressionParams);
return _isolate
.routeRequest(_service, compileExpression)
.then((Response response) => response.decodeJson())
.then((dynamic json) {
if (json['result'] != null) {
return json['result']['kernelBytes'];
throw json['error']['data']['details'];
Future<Response> _evaluateCompiledExpression(String kernelBase64) {
if (kernelBase64.isNotEmpty) {
Map<String, dynamic> params = _setupParams();
params['isolateId'] = _message.params['isolateId'];
params['kernelBytes'] = kernelBase64;
params['disableBreakpoints'] = _message.params['disableBreakpoints'];
Map runParams = {
'method': '_evaluateCompiledExpression',
'id': _message.serial,
'params': params,
if (_message.params['scope'] != null) {
runParams['params']['scope'] = _message.params['scope'];
var runExpression =
new Message._fromJsonRpcRequest(_message.client, runParams);
return _isolate.routeRequest(_service, runExpression); // _message
} else {
// empty kernel indicates dart1 mode
return _isolate.routeRequest(_service, _message);
Map<String, dynamic> _setupParams() {
if (_message.method == 'evaluateInFrame') {
return <String, dynamic>{'frameIndex': _message.params['frameIndex']};
} else {
assert(_message.method == 'evaluate');
return <String, dynamic>{'targetId': _message.params['targetId']};