blob: 0594b6b3f97981a71a00cec9d3ee91bbfbe7feea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
// part of "common_patch.dart";
class _FilterImpl extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 implements RawZLibFilter {
void process(List<int> data, int start, int end) native "Filter_Process";
List<int> processed({bool flush: true, bool end: false})
native "Filter_Processed";
class _ZLibInflateFilter extends _FilterImpl {
_ZLibInflateFilter(int windowBits, List<int> dictionary, bool raw) {
_init(windowBits, dictionary, raw);
void _init(int windowBits, List<int> dictionary, bool raw)
native "Filter_CreateZLibInflate";
class _ZLibDeflateFilter extends _FilterImpl {
_ZLibDeflateFilter(bool gzip, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel,
int strategy, List<int> dictionary, bool raw) {
_init(gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw);
void _init(bool gzip, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy,
List<int> dictionary, bool raw) native "Filter_CreateZLibDeflate";
class RawZLibFilter {
static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibDeflateFilter(
bool gzip,
int level,
int windowBits,
int memLevel,
int strategy,
List<int> dictionary,
bool raw) =>
new _ZLibDeflateFilter(
gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw);
static RawZLibFilter _makeZLibInflateFilter(
int windowBits, List<int> dictionary, bool raw) =>
new _ZLibInflateFilter(windowBits, dictionary, raw);