blob: 433393d451b718cce285d35eabd885865eeb288e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
library dart._runtime;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:_debugger' show stackTraceMapper, trackCall;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName, rest, spread;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray, jsNull, JSFunction, NativeError;
import 'dart:_internal' as internal show Symbol;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
export 'dart:_debugger' show getDynamicStats, clearDynamicStats, trackCall;
part 'utils.dart';
part 'classes.dart';
part 'rtti.dart';
part 'types.dart';
part 'errors.dart';
part 'operations.dart';
// TODO(vsm): Move polyfill code to dart:html.
// Note, native extensions are registered onto types in
// This polyfill needs to run before the corresponding dart:html code is run.
final _polyfilled = JS('', 'Symbol("_polyfilled")');
bool polyfill(window) => JS('', '''(() => {
if ($window[$_polyfilled]) return false;
$window[$_polyfilled] = true;
if (typeof $window.NodeList !== "undefined") {
// TODO(vsm): Do we still need these?
$window.NodeList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
$window.NamedNodeMap.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
$window.DOMTokenList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
$window.HTMLCollection.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
// Expose constructors for DOM types dart:html needs to assume are
// available on window.
if (typeof $window.PannerNode == "undefined") {
let audioContext;
if (typeof $window.AudioContext == "undefined" &&
(typeof $window.webkitAudioContext != "undefined")) {
audioContext = new $window.webkitAudioContext();
} else {
audioContext = new $window.AudioContext();
$window.StereoPannerNode =
$window.PannerNode = audioContext.createPanner().constructor;
if (typeof $window.AudioSourceNode == "undefined") {
$window.AudioSourceNode = MediaElementAudioSourceNode.__proto__;
if (typeof $window.FontFaceSet == "undefined") {
// CSS Font Loading is not supported on Edge.
if (typeof $window.document.fonts != "undefined") {
$window.FontFaceSet = $window.document.fonts.__proto__.constructor;
if (typeof $window.MemoryInfo == "undefined") {
if (typeof $window.performance.memory != "undefined") {
$window.MemoryInfo = $window.performance.memory.constructor;
if (typeof $window.Geolocation == "undefined") {
$window.Geolocation == $window.navigator.geolocation.constructor;
if (typeof $window.Animation == "undefined") {
let d = $window.document.createElement('div');
if (typeof d.animate != "undefined") {
$window.Animation = d.animate(d).constructor;
if (typeof $window.SourceBufferList == "undefined") {
if ('MediaSource' in $window) {
$window.SourceBufferList =
new $window.MediaSource().sourceBuffers.constructor;
if (typeof $window.SpeechRecognition == "undefined") {
$window.SpeechRecognition = $window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
$window.SpeechRecognitionError = $window.webkitSpeechRecognitionError;
$window.SpeechRecognitionEvent = $window.webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
return true;
final Object global_ = JS('', '''
function () {
// Find global object.
var globalState = (typeof window != "undefined") ? window
: (typeof global != "undefined") ? global
: (typeof self != "undefined") ? self : null;
if (!globalState) {
// Some platforms (e.g., d8) do not define any of the above. The
// following is a non-CSP safe way to access the global object:
globalState = new Function('return this;')();
// By default, stack traces cutoff at 10. Set the limit to Infinity for
// better debugging.
if (globalState.Error) {
globalState.Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
// These settings must be configured before the application starts so that
// user code runs with the correct configuration.
let settings = 'ddcSettings' in globalState ? globalState.ddcSettings : {};
'trackProfile' in settings ? settings.trackProfile : false);
return globalState;
void trackProfile(bool flag) {
JS('', 'dart.__trackProfile = #', flag);
final JsSymbol = JS('', 'Symbol');
/// The prototype used for all Dart libraries.
/// This makes it easy to identify Dart library objects, and also improves
/// performance (JS engines such as V8 tend to assume `Object.create(null)` is
/// used for a Map, so they don't optimize it as they normally would for
/// class-like objects).
/// The `dart.library` field is set by the compiler during SDK bootstrapping
/// (because it is needed for dart:_runtime itself), so we don't need to
/// initialize it here. The name `dart.library` is used because it reads nicely,
/// for example:
/// const my_library = Object.create(dart.library);
Object libraryPrototype = JS('', 'dart.library');
// TODO(vsm): Remove once this flag we've removed the ability to
// whitelist / fallback on the old behavior.
bool startAsyncSynchronously = true;
void setStartAsyncSynchronously([bool value = true]) {
startAsyncSynchronously = value;
/// A list of all JS Maps used for caching results, such as by [isSubtypeOf] and
/// [generic].
/// This is used by [hotRestart] to ensure we don't leak types from previous
/// libraries.
/// Results made against Null are cached in _nullComparisonSet and must be
/// cleared separately.
final List<Object> _cacheMaps = JS('!', '[]');
/// A list of functions to reset static fields back to their uninitialized
/// state.
/// This is populated by [defineLazyField], and only contains the list of fields
/// that have actually been initialized.
final List<void Function()> _resetFields = JS('', '[]');
/// A counter to track each time [hotRestart] is invoked. This is used to ensure
/// that pending callbacks that were created on a previous iteration (e.g. a
/// timer callback or a DOM callback) will not execute when they get invoked.
// TODO(sigmund): consider whether we should track and cancel callbacks to
// reduce memory leaks.
int hotRestartIteration = 0;
/// Clears out runtime state in `dartdevc` so we can hot-restart.
/// This should be called when the user requests a hot-restart, when the UI is
/// handling that user action.
void hotRestart() {
// TODO(sigmund): prevent DOM callbacks from firing.
for (var f in _resetFields) f();
for (var m in _cacheMaps) JS('', '#.clear()', m);
JS('', '#.clear()', _nullComparisonSet);
JS('', '#.clear()', constantMaps);
/// Marks enqueuing an async operation.
/// This will be called by library code when enqueuing an async operation
/// controlled by the JavaScript event handler.
/// It will also call [removeAsyncCallback] when Dart callback is about to be
/// executed (note this is called *before* the callback executes, so more
/// async operations could be added from that).
void Function() addAsyncCallback = JS('', 'function() {}');
/// Marks leaving a javascript async operation.
/// See [addAsyncCallback].
void Function() removeAsyncCallback = JS('', 'function() {}');