blob: 4d731ced596439e2cd2203e2c0f0f8ef1d4fe017 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
/// This library defines the association between runtime objects and
/// runtime types.
part of dart._runtime;
/// Runtime type information. This module defines the mapping from
/// runtime objects to their runtime type information. See the types
/// module for the definition of how type information is represented.
/// There are two kinds of objects that represent "types" at runtime. A
/// "runtime type" contains all of the data needed to implement the runtime
/// type checking inserted by the compiler. These objects fall into four
/// categories:
/// - Things represented by javascript primitives, such as
/// null, numbers, booleans, strings, and symbols. For these
/// we map directly from the javascript type (given by typeof)
/// to the appropriate class type from core, which serves as their
/// rtti.
/// - Functions, which are represented by javascript functions.
/// Representations of Dart functions always have a
/// _runtimeType property attached to them with the appropriate
/// rtti.
/// - Objects (instances) which are represented by instances of
/// javascript (ES6) classes. Their types are given by their
/// classes, and the rtti is accessed by projecting out their
/// constructor field.
/// - Types objects, which are represented as described in the types
/// module. Types always have a _runtimeType property attached to
/// them with the appropriate rtti. The rtti for these is always
/// core.Type. TODO(leafp): consider the possibility that we can
/// reliably recognize type objects and map directly to core.Type
/// rather than attaching this property everywhere.
/// The other kind of object representing a "type" is the instances of the
/// dart:core Type class. These are the user visible objects you get by calling
/// "runtimeType" on an object or using a class literal expression. These are
/// different from the above objects, and are created by calling `wrapType()`
/// on a runtime type.
/// Tag a closure with a type.
/// `dart.fn(closure, type)` marks [closure] with the provided runtime [type].
fn(closure, type) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', closure, _runtimeType, type);
return closure;
/// Tag a closure with a type that's computed lazily.
/// `dart.fn(closure, type)` marks [closure] with a getter that uses
/// [computeType] to return the runtime type.
/// The getter/setter replaces the property with a value property, so the
/// resulting function is compatible with [fn] and the type can be set again
/// safely.
lazyFn(closure, Object Function() computeType) {
defineAccessor(closure, _runtimeType,
get: () => defineValue(closure, _runtimeType, computeType()),
set: (value) => defineValue(closure, _runtimeType, value),
configurable: true);
return closure;
// TODO(vsm): How should we encode the runtime type?
final Object _runtimeType = JS('!', 'Symbol("_runtimeType")');
final Object _moduleName = JS('!', 'Symbol("_moduleName")');
getFunctionType(obj) {
// TODO(vsm): Encode this properly on the function for Dart-generated code.
var args = JS<List>('!', 'Array(#.length).fill(#)', obj, dynamic);
return fnType(bottom, args, JS('', 'void 0'));
/// Returns the runtime representation of the type of obj.
/// The resulting object is used internally for runtime type checking. This is
/// different from the user-visible Type object returned by calling
/// `runtimeType` on some Dart object.
getReifiedType(obj) {
switch (JS<String>('!', 'typeof #', obj)) {
case "object":
if (obj == null) return JS('', '#', Null);
if (_jsInstanceOf(obj, Object)) {
return JS('', '#.constructor', obj);
var result = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _extensionType);
if (result == null) return JS('', '#', jsobject);
return result;
case "function":
// All Dart functions and callable classes must set _runtimeType
var result = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
if (result != null) return result;
return JS('', '#', jsobject);
case "undefined":
return JS('', '#', Null);
case "number":
return JS('', 'Math.floor(#) == # ? # : #', obj, obj, int, double);
case "boolean":
return JS('', '#', bool);
case "string":
return JS('', '#', String);
case "symbol":
return JS('', '#', jsobject);
/// Return the module name for a raw library object.
String getModuleName(Object module) => JS('', '#[#]', module, _moduleName);
final _loadedModules = JS('', 'new Map()');
final _loadedPartMaps = JS('', 'new Map()');
final _loadedSourceMaps = JS('', 'new Map()');
List<String> getModuleNames() {
return JS<List<String>>('', 'Array.from(#.keys())', _loadedModules);
String getSourceMap(String moduleName) {
return JS('!', '#.get(#)', _loadedSourceMaps, moduleName);
/// Return all library objects in the specified module.
getModuleLibraries(String name) {
var module = JS('', '#.get(#)', _loadedModules, name);
if (module == null) return null;
JS('', '#[#] = #', module, _moduleName, name);
return module;
/// Return the part map for a specific module.
getModulePartMap(String name) => JS('', '#.get(#)', _loadedPartMaps, name);
/// Track all libraries
void trackLibraries(
String moduleName, Object libraries, Object parts, String sourceMap) {
if (parts is String) {
// Added for backwards compatibility.
// package:build_web_compilers currently invokes this without [parts]
// in its bootstrap code.
sourceMap = parts;
parts = JS('', '{}');
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _loadedSourceMaps, moduleName, sourceMap);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _loadedModules, moduleName, libraries);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _loadedPartMaps, moduleName, parts);
_libraries = null;
_libraryObjects = null;
_parts = null;
List<String> _libraries;
Map<String, Object> _libraryObjects;
Map<String, List<String>> _parts;
_computeLibraryMetadata() {
_libraries = [];
_libraryObjects = {};
_parts = {};
var modules = getModuleNames();
for (var name in modules) {
// Add libraries from each module.
var module = getModuleLibraries(name);
// TODO(nshahan) Can we optimize this cast and the one below to use
// JsArray.of() to be more efficient?
var libraries = getOwnPropertyNames(module).cast<String>();
for (var library in libraries) {
_libraryObjects[library] = JS('', '#.#', module, library);
// Add parts from each module.
var partMap = getModulePartMap(name);
libraries = getOwnPropertyNames(partMap).cast<String>();
for (var library in libraries) {
_parts[library] = List.from(JS('List', '#.#', partMap, library));
/// Returns the JS library object for a given library [uri] or
/// undefined / null if it isn't loaded. Top-level types and
/// methods are available on this object.
Object getLibrary(String uri) {
if (_libraryObjects == null) {
return _libraryObjects[uri];
/// Returns a JSArray of library uris (e.g,
/// ['dart:core', 'dart:_internal', ..., 'package:foo/bar.dart', ... 'main.dart'])
/// loaded in this application.
List<String> getLibraries() {
if (_libraries == null) {
return _libraries;
/// Returns a JSArray of part uris for a given [libraryUri].
/// The part uris will be relative to the [libraryUri].
/// E.g., invoking `getParts('package:intl/intl.dart')` returns (as of this
/// writing): ```
/// ["src/intl/bidi_formatter.dart", "src/intl/bidi_utils.dart",
/// "src/intl/compact_number_format.dart", "src/intl/date_format.dart",
/// "src/intl/date_format_field.dart", "src/intl/date_format_helpers.dart",
/// "src/intl/number_format.dart"]
/// ```
/// If [libraryUri] doesn't map to a library or maps to a library with no
/// parts, an empty list is returned.
List<String> getParts(String libraryUri) {
if (_parts == null) {
return _parts[libraryUri] ?? [];