blob: 071c7fb411658e6c0e7abdcb73193a9f10ada04c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../js_backend/interceptor_data.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
import 'codegen.dart' show CodegenPhase;
import 'nodes.dart';
/// Returns `true` if the invocation of [selector] on [member] can use an
/// aliased member.
/// Invoking a super getter isn't supported, this would require changes to
/// compact field descriptors in the emitter.
bool canUseAliasedSuperMember(MemberEntity member, Selector selector) {
return !selector.isGetter;
/// Replaces some instructions with specialized versions to make codegen easier.
/// Caches codegen information on nodes.
class SsaInstructionSelection extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final InterceptorData _interceptorData;
final CompilerOptions _options;
HGraph graph;
this._options, this._closedWorld, this._interceptorData);
AbstractValueDomain get _abstractValueDomain =>
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
HInstruction replacement = instruction.accept(this);
if (replacement != instruction && replacement != null) {
block.rewrite(instruction, replacement);
// If the replacement instruction does not know its source element, use
// the source element of the instruction.
if (replacement.sourceElement == null) {
replacement.sourceElement = instruction.sourceElement;
if (replacement.sourceInformation == null) {
replacement.sourceInformation = instruction.sourceInformation;
if (!replacement.isInBasicBlock()) {
// The constant folding can return an instruction that is already
// part of the graph (like an input), so we only add the replacement
// if necessary.
block.addAfter(instruction, replacement);
// Visit the replacement as the next instruction in case it can also
// be constant folded away.
next = replacement;
instruction = next;
HInstruction visitInstruction(HInstruction node) {
return node;
HInstruction visitNullCheck(HNullCheck node) {
// If we remove this NullCheck, does the program behave the same?
HInstruction faultingInstruction = _followingSameFaultInstruction(node);
if (faultingInstruction != null) {
// Force [faultingInstruction] to appear in same source location as
// [node]. This avoids the source-mapped stack trace containing an
// impossible location inside an inlined instance method called on `null`.
// TODO(36841): Implement for instance method calls.
if (faultingInstruction is HFieldGet ||
faultingInstruction is HFieldSet ||
faultingInstruction is HGetLength) {
faultingInstruction.sourceInformation = node.sourceInformation;
return node.checkedInput;
return node;
/// Searches the instructions following [nullCheck] to see if the first
/// instruction with an effect or exception will fault on a `null` input just
/// like the [nullCheck].
HInstruction _followingSameFaultInstruction(HNullCheck nullCheck) {
HInstruction current =;
do {
// The instructionType of [nullCheck] is not nullable (since it is the
// (not) null check!) This means that if we do need to check the type, we
// should test against nullCheck.checkedInput, not the direct input.
if (current.getDartReceiver(_closedWorld) == nullCheck) {
if (current is HFieldGet) return current;
if (current is HFieldSet) return current;
if (current is HGetLength) return current;
if (current is HIndex) return current;
if (current is HIndexAssign) return current;
if (current is HInvokeDynamic) {
HInstruction receiver = current.receiver;
// Either no interceptor or self-interceptor:
if (receiver == nullCheck) return current;
return null;
if (current is HInvokeExternal) {
if (current.isNullGuardFor(nullCheck)) return current;
if (current is HForeignCode) {
if (current.isNullGuardFor(nullCheck)) return current;
// TODO(sra): Recognize other usable faulting patterns:
// - HInstanceEnvironment when the generated code is `receiver.$ti`.
// - super-calls using aliases.
// - one-shot interceptor receiver for selector not defined on
// null. The fault will appear to happen in the one-shot
// interceptor.
// - a constant interceptor can be replaced with a conditional
// HInterceptor (e.g. (a && JSArray_methods).get$first(a)).
if (current.canThrow(_abstractValueDomain) ||
current.sideEffects.hasSideEffects()) {
return null;
HInstruction next =;
if (next == null) {
// We do not merge blocks in our SSA graph, so if this block just jumps
// to a single successor, visit the successor, avoiding back-edges.
HBasicBlock successor;
if (current is HGoto) {
successor = current.block.successors.single;
} else if (current is HIf) {
// We also leave HIf nodes in place when one branch is dead.
HInstruction condition = current.inputs.first;
if (condition is HConstant) {
bool isTrue = condition.constant.isTrue;
successor = isTrue ? current.thenBlock : current.elseBlock;
if (successor != null && > {
next = successor.first;
current = next;
} while (current != null);
return null;
HInstruction visitIs(HIs node) {
if (node.kind == HIs.RAW_CHECK) {
HInstruction interceptor = node.interceptor;
if (interceptor != null) {
return new HIsViaInterceptor(
node.typeExpression, interceptor, _abstractValueDomain.boolType);
return node;
HInstruction visitIdentity(HIdentity node) {
node.singleComparisonOp = simpleOp(node.left, node.right);
return node;
/// Returns the single JavaScript comparison (`==` or `===`) if that
/// implements `identical(left, right)`, or returns `null` if the more complex
/// ternary `left == null ? right == null : left === right` is required.
String simpleOp(HInstruction left, HInstruction right) {
AbstractValue leftType = left.instructionType;
AbstractValue rightType = right.instructionType;
if (_abstractValueDomain.isNull(leftType).isDefinitelyFalse) {
return '===';
if (_abstractValueDomain.isNull(rightType).isDefinitelyFalse) {
return '===';
// Dart `null` is implemented by JavaScript `null` and `undefined` which are
// not strict-equals, so we can't use `===`. We would like to use `==` but
// need to avoid any cases from ES6 7.2.14 that involve conversions.
if (left.isConstantNull() || right.isConstantNull()) {
return '==';
if (_abstractValueDomain.isNumberOrNull(leftType).isDefinitelyTrue &&
_abstractValueDomain.isNumberOrNull(rightType).isDefinitelyTrue) {
return '==';
if (_abstractValueDomain.isStringOrNull(leftType).isDefinitelyTrue &&
_abstractValueDomain.isStringOrNull(rightType).isDefinitelyTrue) {
return '==';
if (_abstractValueDomain.isBooleanOrNull(leftType).isDefinitelyTrue &&
_abstractValueDomain.isBooleanOrNull(rightType).isDefinitelyTrue) {
return '==';
if (_intercepted(leftType)) return null;
if (_intercepted(rightType)) return null;
return '==';
// ToPrimitive conversions of an object occur when the other operand is a
// primitive (Number, String, Symbol and, indirectly, Boolean). We use
// 'intercepted' types as a proxy for all the primitive types.
bool _intercepted(AbstractValue type) => _abstractValueDomain
HInstruction visitInvokeDynamic(HInvokeDynamic node) {
node, node.selector, node.element, node.receiverType);
return node;
HInstruction visitInvokeSuper(HInvokeSuper node) {
node, node.selector, node.element, null);
return node;
HInstruction visitOneShotInterceptor(HOneShotInterceptor node) {
// The receiver parameter should never be replaced with a dummy constant.
return node;
void tryReplaceExplicitReceiverWithDummy(HInvoke node, Selector selector,
MemberEntity target, AbstractValue mask) {
// Calls of the form
//$1(a, x)
// where the interceptor calling convention is used come from recognizing
// that 'a' is a 'self-interceptor'. If the selector matches only methods
// that ignore the explicit receiver parameter, replace occurrences of the
// receiver argument with a dummy receiver '0':
//$1(a, x) --->$1(0, x)
// This often reduces the number of references to 'a' to one, allowing 'a'
// to be generated at use to avoid a temporary, e.g.
// t1 = b.get$thing();
//$1(t1, x)
// --->
// b.get$thing().foo$1(0, x)
assert(target != null || mask != null);
if (!node.isInterceptedCall) return;
// TODO(15933): Make automatically generated property extraction closures
// work with the dummy receiver optimization.
if (selector.isGetter) return;
// This assignment of inputs is uniform for HInvokeDynamic and HInvokeSuper.
HInstruction interceptor = node.inputs[0];
HInstruction receiverArgument = node.inputs[1];
// A 'self-interceptor'?
if (interceptor.nonCheck() != receiverArgument.nonCheck()) return;
// TODO(sra): Should this be an assert?
if (!_interceptorData.isInterceptedSelector(selector)) return;
if (target != null) {
// A call that resolves to a single instance method (element) requires the
// calling convention consistent with the method.
ClassEntity cls = target.enclosingClass;
if (_interceptorData.isInterceptedClass(cls)) return;
} else if (_interceptorData.isInterceptedMixinSelector(
selector, mask, _closedWorld)) {
ConstantValue constant =
HConstant dummy = graph.addConstant(constant, _closedWorld);
node.inputs[1] = dummy;
HInstruction visitFieldSet(HFieldSet setter) {
// Pattern match
// t1 = x.f; t2 = t1 + 1; x.f = t2; use(t2) --> ++x.f
// t1 = x.f; t2 = t1 op y; x.f = t2; use(t2) --> x.f op= y
// t1 = x.f; t2 = t1 + 1; x.f = t2; use(t1) --> x.f++
HBasicBlock block = setter.block;
HInstruction op = setter.value;
HInstruction receiver = setter.receiver;
bool isMatchingRead(HInstruction candidate) {
if (candidate is HFieldGet) {
if (candidate.element != setter.element) return false;
if (candidate.receiver != setter.receiver) return false;
// Recognize only three instructions in sequence in the same block. This
// could be broadened to allow non-interfering interleaved instructions.
if (op.block != block) return false;
if (candidate.block != block) return false;
if (setter.previous != op) return false;
if (op.previous != candidate) return false;
return true;
return false;
HInstruction noMatchingRead() {
// If we have other HFieldSet optimizations, they go here.
return null;
HInstruction replaceOp(HInstruction replacement, HInstruction getter) {
block.addBefore(setter, replacement);
block.rewrite(op, replacement);
return null;
HInstruction plusOrMinus(String assignOp, String incrementOp) {
HInvokeBinary binary = op;
HInstruction left = binary.left;
HInstruction right = binary.right;
if (isMatchingRead(left)) {
if (left.usedBy.length == 1) {
if (right is HConstant && right.constant.isOne) {
HInstruction rmw = new HReadModifyWrite.preOp(
setter.element, incrementOp, receiver, op.instructionType);
return replaceOp(rmw, left);
} else {
HInstruction rmw = new HReadModifyWrite.assignOp(
setter.element, assignOp, receiver, right, op.instructionType);
return replaceOp(rmw, left);
} else if (op.usedBy.length == 1 &&
right is HConstant &&
right.constant.isOne) {
HInstruction rmw = new HReadModifyWrite.postOp(
setter.element, incrementOp, receiver, op.instructionType);
block.addAfter(left, rmw);
block.rewrite(left, rmw);
return null;
return noMatchingRead();
HInstruction simple(
String assignOp, HInstruction left, HInstruction right) {
if (isMatchingRead(left)) {
if (left.usedBy.length == 1) {
HInstruction rmw = new HReadModifyWrite.assignOp(
setter.element, assignOp, receiver, right, op.instructionType);
return replaceOp(rmw, left);
return noMatchingRead();
HInstruction simpleBinary(String assignOp) {
HInvokeBinary binary = op;
return simple(assignOp, binary.left, binary.right);
HInstruction bitop(String assignOp) {
// HBitAnd, HBitOr etc. are more difficult because HBitAnd(a.x, y)
// sometimes needs to be forced to unsigned: a.x = (a.x & y) >>> 0.
if (op.isUInt31(_abstractValueDomain).isDefinitelyTrue) {
return simpleBinary(assignOp);
return noMatchingRead();
if (op is HAdd) return plusOrMinus('+', '++');
if (op is HSubtract) return plusOrMinus('-', '--');
if (op is HStringConcat) return simple('+', op.left, op.right);
if (op is HMultiply) return simpleBinary('*');
if (op is HDivide) return simpleBinary('/');
if (op is HBitAnd) return bitop('&');
if (op is HBitOr) return bitop('|');
if (op is HBitXor) return bitop('^');
return noMatchingRead();
visitIf(HIf node) {
if (!_options.experimentToBoolean) return node;
HInstruction condition = node.inputs.single;
// if (x != null) --> if (x)
if (condition is HNot) {
HInstruction test = condition.inputs.single;
if (test is HIdentity) {
HInstruction operand1 = test.inputs[0];
HInstruction operand2 = test.inputs[1];
if (operand2.isNull(_abstractValueDomain).isDefinitelyTrue &&
!_intercepted(operand1.instructionType)) {
if (test.usedBy.length == 1 && condition.usedBy.length == 1) {
node.changeUse(condition, operand1);
// if (x == null) => if (!x)
if (condition is HIdentity && condition.usedBy.length == 1) {
HInstruction operand1 = condition.inputs[0];
HInstruction operand2 = condition.inputs[1];
if (operand2.isNull(_abstractValueDomain).isDefinitelyTrue &&
!_intercepted(operand1.instructionType)) {
var not = HNot(operand1, _abstractValueDomain.boolType);
node.block.addBefore(node, not);
node.changeUse(condition, not);
return node;
/// Remove [HTypeKnown] instructions from the graph, to make codegen analysis
/// easier.
class SsaTypeKnownRemover extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
// Visit bottom-up to visit uses before instructions and capture refined
// input types.
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.last;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction previous = instruction.previous;
instruction = previous;
void visitTypeKnown(HTypeKnown instruction) {
instruction.block.rewrite(instruction, instruction.checkedInput);
void visitInstanceEnvironment(HInstanceEnvironment instruction) {
instruction.codegenInputType = instruction.inputs.single.instructionType;
/// Remove [HPrimitiveCheck] instructions from the graph in '--trust-primitives'
/// mode.
class SsaTrustedCheckRemover extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final CompilerOptions _options;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
if (!_options.trustPrimitives) return;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
instruction = next;
void visitPrimitiveCheck(HPrimitiveCheck instruction) {
instruction.block.rewrite(instruction, instruction.checkedInput);
void visitBoolConversion(HBoolConversion instruction) {
instruction.block.rewrite(instruction, instruction.checkedInput);
/// Use the result of static and field assignments where it is profitable to use
/// the result of the assignment instead of the value.
/// a.x = v;
/// b.y = v;
/// -->
/// b.y = a.x = v;
class SsaAssignmentChaining extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
AbstractValueDomain get _abstractValueDomain =>
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
//this.graph = graph;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
instruction = instruction.accept(this);
/// Returns the next instruction.
HInstruction visitInstruction(HInstruction node) {
HInstruction visitFieldSet(HFieldSet setter) {
return tryChainAssignment(setter, setter.value);
HInstruction visitStaticStore(HStaticStore store) {
return tryChainAssignment(store, store.inputs.single);
HInstruction tryChainAssignment(HInstruction setter, HInstruction value) {
// Try to use result of field or static assignment
// t1 = v; x.f = t1; ... t1 ...
// -->
// t1 = x.f = v; ... t1 ...
// Single use is this setter so there will be no other uses to chain to.
if (value.usedBy.length <= 1) return;
// It is always worthwhile chaining into another setter, since it reduces
// the number of references to [value].
HInstruction chain = setter;
setter.instructionType = value.instructionType;
for (HInstruction current =;;) {
if (current is HFieldSet) {
HFieldSet nextSetter = current;
if (nextSetter.value == value && nextSetter.receiver != value) {
nextSetter.changeUse(value, chain);
nextSetter.instructionType = value.instructionType;
chain = nextSetter;
current =;
} else if (current is HStaticStore) {
HStaticStore nextStore = current;
if (nextStore.value == value) {
nextStore.changeUse(value, chain);
nextStore.instructionType = value.instructionType;
chain = nextStore;
current =;
} else if (current is HReturn) {
if (current.inputs.isNotEmpty && current.inputs.single == value) {
current.changeUse(value, chain);
final HInstruction next =;
if (value.usedBy.length <= 1) return next; // setter is only remaining use.
// Chain to other places.
var uses = DominatedUses.of(value, chain, excludeDominator: true);
if (uses.isEmpty) return next;
bool simpleSource = value is HConstant || value is HParameterValue;
if (uses.isSingleton) {
var use = uses.single;
if (use is HPhi) {
// Filter out back-edges - that causes problems for variable
// assignment.
// TODO(sra): Better analysis to permit phis that are part of a
// forwards-only tree.
if ( < return next;
if (use.usedBy.any((node) => node is HPhi)) return next;
// A forward phi often has a new name. We want to avoid [value] having a
// name at the same time, so chain into the phi only if [value] (1) will
// never have a name (like a constant) (2) unavoidably has a name
// (e.g. a parameter) or (3) chaining will result in a single use that
// variable allocator can try to name consistently with the other phi
// inputs.
if (simpleSource || value.usedBy.length <= 2) {
if (value.isPure(_abstractValueDomain) ||
setter.previous == value ||
// the following tests for immediately previous phi.
(setter.previous == null && value.block == setter.block)) {
return next;
// TODO(sra): Chains with one remaining potential use have the potential
// to generate huge expression containing many nested assignments. This
// will be smaller but nearly impossible to read. Are there interior
// positions that we should chain into because they are not too difficult
// to read?
return next;
if (simpleSource) return next;
// If there are many remaining uses, but they are all dominated by [chain],
// the variable allocator will try to give them all the same name.
if (uses.length >= 2 &&
value.usedBy.length - uses.length <= 1 &&
value == value.nonCheck()) {
// If [value] is a phi, it might have a name. Exceptions are phis that can
// be compiled into expressions like `a?b:c` and `a&&b`. We can't tell
// here if the phi is an expression, which we could chain, or an
// if-then-else with assignments to a variable. If we try to chain an
// if-then-else phi we will end up generating code like
// t2 = this.x = t1; // t1 is the phi, t2 is the chained name
if (value is HPhi) return next;
// We need [value] to be generate-at-use in the setter to avoid it having
// a name. As a quick check for generate-at-use, accept pure and
// immediately preceding instructions.
if (value.isPure(_abstractValueDomain) || setter.previous == value) {
// TODO(sra): We can tolerate a few non-throwing loads between setter
// and value.
chain.sourceElement ??= value.sourceElement;
return next;
return next;
/// Instead of emitting each SSA instruction with a temporary variable
/// mark instructions that can be emitted at their use-site.
/// For example, in:
/// t0 = 4;
/// t1 = 3;
/// t2 = add(t0, t1);
/// t0 and t1 would be marked and the resulting code would then be:
/// t2 = add(4, 3);
class SsaInstructionMerger extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
final AbstractValueDomain _abstractValueDomain;
/// List of [HInstruction] that the instruction merger expects in
/// order when visiting the inputs of an instruction.
List<HInstruction> expectedInputs;
/// Set of pure [HInstruction] that the instruction merger expects to
/// find. The order of pure instructions do not matter, as they will
/// not be affected by side effects.
Set<HInstruction> pureInputs;
Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
void markAsGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
SsaInstructionMerger(this._abstractValueDomain, this.generateAtUseSite);
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
void analyzeInputs(HInstruction user, int start) {
List<HInstruction> inputs = user.inputs;
for (int i = start; i < inputs.length; i++) {
HInstruction input = inputs[i];
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(input) &&
!input.isCodeMotionInvariant() &&
input.usedBy.length == 1 &&
input is! HPhi &&
input is! HLocalValue &&
!input.isJsStatement()) {
if (isEffectivelyPure(input)) {
// Only consider a pure input if it is in the same loop.
// Otherwise, we might move GVN'ed instruction back into the
// loop.
if (user.hasSameLoopHeaderAs(input)) {
// Move it closer to [user], so that instructions in
// between do not prevent making it generate at use site.
// Previous computations done on [input] are now invalid
// because we moved [input] to another place. So all
// non code motion invariant instructions need
// to be removed from the [generateAtUseSite] set.
input.inputs.forEach((instruction) {
if (!instruction.isCodeMotionInvariant()) {
// Visit the pure input now so that the expected inputs
// are after the expected inputs of [user].
} else {
// Some non-pure instructions may be treated as pure. HLocalGet depends on
// assignments, but we can ignore the initializing assignment since it will by
// construction always precede a use.
bool isEffectivelyPure(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction is HLocalGet) return !isAssignedLocal(instruction.local);
return instruction.isPure(_abstractValueDomain);
bool isAssignedLocal(HLocalValue local) {
// [HLocalValue]s have an initializing assignment which is guaranteed to
// precede the use, except for [HParameterValue]s which are 'assigned' at
// entry.
int initializingAssignmentCount = (local is HParameterValue) ? 0 : 1;
return local.usedBy
.where((user) => user is HLocalSet)
void visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
// A code motion invariant instruction is dealt before visiting it.
analyzeInputs(instruction, 0);
void visitInvokeSuper(HInvokeSuper instruction) {
MemberEntity superMethod = instruction.element;
Selector selector = instruction.selector;
// If aliased super members cannot be used, we will generate code like
// where instance is the [this] object for the method. In such a case, the
// get of prototype might be evaluated before instance is created if we
// generate instance at use site, which in turn might update the prototype
// after first access if we use lazy initialization.
// In this case, we therefore don't allow the receiver (the first argument)
// to be generated at use site, and only analyze all other arguments.
if (!canUseAliasedSuperMember(superMethod, selector)) {
analyzeInputs(instruction, 1);
} else {
void visitIs(HIs instruction) {
// In the general case the input might be used multple multiple times, so it
// must not be set generate at use site.
// If the code will generate 'instanceof' then we can generate at use site.
if (instruction.useInstanceOf) {
analyzeInputs(instruction, 0);
// Compound and variable checks use a separate instruction to compute the
// result.
if (instruction.isCompoundCheck || instruction.isVariableCheck) {
analyzeInputs(instruction, 0);
// A bounds check method must not have its first input generated at use site,
// because it's using it twice.
void visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck instruction) {
analyzeInputs(instruction, 1);
// An identity operation must only have its inputs generated at use site if
// does not require an expression with multiple uses (because of null /
// undefined).
void visitIdentity(HIdentity instruction) {
if (instruction.singleComparisonOp != null) {
// Do nothing.
void visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion instruction) {
// Type checks and cast checks compile to code that only use their input
// once, so we can safely visit them and try to merge the input.
void visitAsCheck(HAsCheck instruction) {
// Type checks and cast checks compile to code that only use their input
// once, so we can safely visit them and try to merge the input.
void visitAsCheckSimple(HAsCheckSimple instruction) {
// Type checks and cast checks compile to code that only use their input
// once, so we can safely visit them and try to merge the input.
void visitTypeEval(HTypeEval instruction) {
// Type expressions compile to code that only use their input once, so we
// can safely visit them and try to merge the input.
void visitPrimitiveCheck(HPrimitiveCheck instruction) {}
void visitNullCheck(HNullCheck instruction) {
// If the checked value is used, the input might still have one use
// (i.e. this HNullCheck), but it cannot be generated at use, since we will
// rely on non-generate-at-use to assign the value to a variable.
// However, if the checked value is unused then the input may be generated
// at use in the check.
if (instruction.usedBy.isEmpty) {
void visitTypeKnown(HTypeKnown instruction) {
// [HTypeKnown] instructions are removed before code generation.
void tryGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.isControlFlow()) return;
bool isBlockSinglePredecessor(HBasicBlock block) {
return block.successors.length == 1 &&
block.successors[0].predecessors.length == 1;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
// Compensate from not merging blocks: if the block is the
// single predecessor of its single successor, let the successor
// visit it.
if (isBlockSinglePredecessor(block)) return;
void tryMergingExpressions(HBasicBlock block) {
// Visit each instruction of the basic block in last-to-first order.
// Keep a list of expected inputs of the current "expression" being
// merged. If instructions occur in the expected order, they are
// included in the expression.
// The expectedInputs list holds non-trivial instructions that may
// be generated at their use site, if they occur in the correct order.
if (expectedInputs == null) expectedInputs = new List<HInstruction>();
if (pureInputs == null) pureInputs = new Set<HInstruction>();
// Pop instructions from expectedInputs until instruction is found.
// Return true if it is found, or false if not.
bool findInInputsAndPopNonMatching(HInstruction instruction) {
while (!expectedInputs.isEmpty) {
HInstruction nextInput = expectedInputs.removeLast();
assert(nextInput.usedBy.length == 1);
if (identical(nextInput, instruction)) {
return true;
return false;
for (HInstruction instruction = block.last.previous;
instruction != null;
instruction = instruction.previous) {
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction)) {
if (instruction.isCodeMotionInvariant()) {
if (isEffectivelyPure(instruction)) {
if (pureInputs.contains(instruction)) {
} else {
// If the input is not in the [pureInputs] set, it has not
// been visited or should not be generated at use-site. The most
// likely reason for the latter, is that the instruction is used
// in more than one location.
// We must either clear the expectedInputs, or move the pure
// instruction's inputs in front of the existing ones.
// Example:
// t1 = foo(); // side-effect.
// t2 = bar(); // side-effect.
// t3 = pure(t2); // used more than once.
// f(t1, t3); // expected inputs of 'f': t1.
// use(t3);
// If we don't clear the expected inputs we end up in a situation
// where pure pushes "t2" on top of "t1" leading to:
// t3 = pure(bar());
// f(foo(), t3);
// use(t3);
// If we clear the expected-inputs list we have the correct
// output:
// t1 = foo();
// t3 = pure(bar());
// f(t1, t3);
// use(t3);
// Clearing is, however, not optimal.
// Example:
// t1 = foo(); // t1 is now used by `pure`.
// t2 = bar(); // t2 is now used by `f`.
// t3 = pure(t1);
// f(t2, t3);
// use(t3);
// If we clear the expected-inputs we can't generate-at-use any of
// the instructions.
// The optimal solution is to move the inputs of 'pure' in
// front of the expectedInputs list. This makes sense, since we
// push expected-inputs from left-to right, and the `pure` function
// invocation is "more left" (i.e. before) the first argument of `f`.
// With that approach we end up with:
// t3 = pure(foo());
// f(bar(), t3);
// use(t3);
int oldLength = expectedInputs.length;
if (oldLength != 0 && oldLength != expectedInputs.length) {
// Move the pure instruction's inputs to the front.
List<HInstruction> newInputs = expectedInputs.sublist(oldLength);
int newCount = newInputs.length;
newCount, newCount + oldLength, expectedInputs);
expectedInputs.setRange(0, newCount, newInputs);
} else {
if (findInInputsAndPopNonMatching(instruction)) {
// The current instruction is the next non-trivial
// expected input.
} else {
if (block.predecessors.length == 1 &&
isBlockSinglePredecessor(block.predecessors[0])) {
} else {
expectedInputs = null;
pureInputs = null;
/// Detect control flow arising from short-circuit logical and
/// conditional operators, and prepare the program to be generated
/// using these operators instead of nested ifs and boolean variables.
class SsaConditionMerger extends HGraphVisitor with CodegenPhase {
Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
Set<HInstruction> controlFlowOperators;
void markAsGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
SsaConditionMerger(this.generateAtUseSite, this.controlFlowOperators);
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
/// Check if a block has at least one statement other than
/// [instruction].
bool hasAnyStatement(HBasicBlock block, HInstruction instruction) {
// If [instruction] is not in [block], then if the block is not
// empty, we know there will be a statement to emit.
if (!identical(instruction.block, block)) {
return !identical(block.last, block.first);
// If [instruction] is not the last instruction of the block
// before the control flow instruction, or the last instruction,
// then we will have to emit a statement for that last instruction.
if (instruction != block.last &&
!identical(instruction, block.last.previous)) return true;
// If one of the instructions in the block until [instruction] is
// not generated at use site, then we will have to emit a
// statement for it.
// TODO(ngeoffray): we could generate a comma separated
// list of expressions.
for (HInstruction temp = block.first;
!identical(temp, instruction);
temp = {
if (!generateAtUseSite.contains(temp)) return true;
return false;
bool isSafeToGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction user, HInstruction input) {
// HCreate evaluates arguments in order and passes them to a constructor.
if (user is HCreate) return true;
// A [HForeign] instruction uses operators and if we generate [input] at use
// site, the precedence or evaluation order might be wrong.
if (user is HForeign) return false;
// A [HCheck] instruction with control flow uses its input
// multiple times, so we avoid generating it at use site.
if (user is HCheck && user.isControlFlow()) return false;
// A [HIs] instruction uses its input multiple times, so we
// avoid generating it at use site.
if (user is HIs) return false;
// Avoid code motion into a loop.
return user.hasSameLoopHeaderAs(input);
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.last is! HIf) return;
HIf startIf = block.last;
HBasicBlock end = startIf.joinBlock;
// We check that the structure is the following:
// If
// / \
// / \
// 1 expr goto
// goto /
// \ /
// \ /
// phi(expr, true|false)
// and the same for nested nodes:
// If
// / \
// / \
// 1 expr1 \
// If \
// / \ \
// / \ goto
// 1 expr2 |
// goto goto |
// \ / |
// \ / |
// phi1(expr2, true|false)
// \ |
// \ |
// phi(phi1, true|false)
if (end == null) return;
if (end.phis.isEmpty) return;
if (!identical(end.phis.first, end.phis.last)) return;
HBasicBlock elseBlock = startIf.elseBlock;
if (!identical(end.predecessors[1], elseBlock)) return;
HPhi phi = end.phis.first;
HInstruction thenInput = phi.inputs[0];
HInstruction elseInput = phi.inputs[1];
if (thenInput.isJsStatement() || elseInput.isJsStatement()) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(elseBlock, elseInput)) return;
assert(elseBlock.successors.length == 1);
assert(end.predecessors.length == 2);
HBasicBlock thenBlock = startIf.thenBlock;
// Skip trivial goto blocks.
while (thenBlock.successors[0] != end && thenBlock.first is HGoto) {
thenBlock = thenBlock.successors[0];
// If the [thenBlock] is already a control flow operation, and does not
// have any statement and its join block is [end], we can emit a
// sequence of control flow operation.
if (controlFlowOperators.contains(thenBlock.last)) {
HIf otherIf = thenBlock.last;
if (!identical(otherIf.joinBlock, end)) {
// This could be a join block that just feeds into our join block.
HBasicBlock otherJoin = otherIf.joinBlock;
if (otherJoin.first != otherJoin.last) return;
if (otherJoin.successors.length != 1) return;
if (otherJoin.successors[0] != end) return;
if (otherJoin.phis.isEmpty) return;
if (!identical(otherJoin.phis.first, otherJoin.phis.last)) return;
HPhi otherPhi = otherJoin.phis.first;
if (thenInput != otherPhi) return;
if (elseInput != otherPhi.inputs[1]) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(thenBlock, otherIf)) return;
} else {
if (!identical(end.predecessors[0], thenBlock)) return;
if (hasAnyStatement(thenBlock, thenInput)) return;
assert(thenBlock.successors.length == 1);
// From now on, we have recognized a control flow operation built from
// the builder. Mark the if instruction as such.
// Find the next non-HGoto instruction following the phi.
HInstruction nextInstruction = phi.block.first;
while (nextInstruction is HGoto) {
nextInstruction = nextInstruction.block.successors[0].first;
// If the operation is only used by the first instruction
// of its block and is safe to be generated at use site, mark it
// so.
if (phi.usedBy.length == 1 &&
phi.usedBy[0] == nextInstruction &&
isSafeToGenerateAtUseSite(phi.usedBy[0], phi)) {
if (identical(elseInput.block, elseBlock)) {
assert(elseInput.usedBy.length == 1);
// If [thenInput] is defined in the first predecessor, then it is only used
// by [phi] and can be generated at use site.
if (identical(thenInput.block, end.predecessors[0])) {
assert(thenInput.usedBy.length == 1);
/// Insert 'caches' for whole-function region-constants when the local minified
/// name would be shorter than repeated references. These are caches for 'this'
/// and constant values.
class SsaShareRegionConstants extends HBaseVisitor with CodegenPhase {
visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
// We need the async rewrite to be smarter about hoisting region constants
// before it is worth-while.
if (graph.needsAsyncRewrite) return;
// 'HThis' and constants are in the entry block. No need to walk the rest of
// the graph.
visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
instruction = next;
// Not all occurrences should be replaced with a local variable cache, so we
// filter the uses.
int _countCacheableUses(
HInstruction node, bool Function(HInstruction) cacheable) {
return node.usedBy.where(cacheable).length;
// Replace cacheable uses with a reference to a HLateValue node.
HInstruction node, bool Function(HInstruction) cacheable, String name) {
var users = node.usedBy.toList();
var reference = new HLateValue(node);
// TODO(sra): The sourceInformation should really be from the function
// entry, not the use of `this`.
reference.sourceInformation = node.sourceInformation;
reference.sourceElement = _ExpressionName(name);
node.block.addAfter(node, reference);
for (HInstruction user in users) {
if (cacheable(user)) {
user.changeUse(node, reference);
void visitThis(HThis node) {
int size = 4;
// Compare the size of the unchanged minified with the size of the minified
// code where 'this' is assigned to a variable. We assume the variable has
// minified size 1.
// The size overhead of introducing a variable in the worst case includes
// 'var ':
// 1234 // size
// var x=this; // (minified ';' can be end-of-line)
// 123456 7 // additional overhead
// TODO(sra): If there are multiple values that can potentially be cached,
// they can share the 'var ' cost, even if none of them are beneficial
// individually.
int useCount = node.usedBy.length;
if (useCount * size <= 7 + size + useCount * 1) return;
_cache(node, (_) => true, '_this');
void visitConstant(HConstant node) {
if (node.usedBy.length <= 1) return;
ConstantValue constant = node.constant;
if (constant.isNull) {
if (constant.isInt) {
_handleInt(node, constant);
if (constant.isString) {
_handleString(node, constant);
void _handleNull(HConstant node) {
int size = 4;
bool _isCacheableUse(HInstruction instruction) {
// One-shot interceptors have `null` as a dummy interceptor.
if (instruction is HOneShotInterceptor) return false;
if (instruction is HInvoke) return true;
if (instruction is HCreate) return true;
if (instruction is HReturn) return true;
if (instruction is HPhi) return true;
// JavaScript `x == null` is more efficient than `x == _null`.
if (instruction is HIdentity) return false;
// TODO(sra): Determine if other uses result in faster JavaScript code.
return false;
int useCount = _countCacheableUses(node, _isCacheableUse);
if (useCount * size <= 7 + size + useCount * 1) return;
_cache(node, _isCacheableUse, '_null');
void _handleInt(HConstant node, IntConstantValue intConstant) {
BigInt value = intConstant.intValue;
String text = value.toString();
int size = text.length;
if (size <= 3) return;
bool _isCacheableUse(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction is HInvoke) return true;
if (instruction is HCreate) return true;
if (instruction is HReturn) return true;
if (instruction is HPhi) return true;
// JavaScript `x === 5` is more efficient than `x === _5`.
if (instruction is HIdentity) return false;
// Foreign code templates may use literals in ways that are beneficial.
if (instruction is HForeignCode) return false;
// TODO(sra): Determine if other uses result in faster JavaScript code.
return false;
int useCount = _countCacheableUses(node, _isCacheableUse);
if (useCount * size <= 7 + size + useCount * 1) return;
_cache(node, _isCacheableUse, '_${text.replaceFirst("-", "_")}');
void _handleString(HConstant node, StringConstantValue stringConstant) {
String value = stringConstant.stringValue;
int length = value.length;
int size = length + 2; // Include quotes.
if (size <= 2) return;
bool _isCacheableUse(HInstruction instruction) {
// Foreign code templates may use literals in ways that are beneficial.
if (instruction is HForeignCode) return false;
// Cache larger strings even if unfortunate.
if (length >= 16) return true;
if (instruction is HInvoke) return true;
if (instruction is HCreate) return true;
if (instruction is HReturn) return true;
if (instruction is HPhi) return true;
// TODO(sra): Check if a.x="s" can avoid or specialize a write barrier.
if (instruction is HFieldSet) return true;
// TODO(sra): Determine if other uses result in faster JavaScript code.
return false;
int useCount = _countCacheableUses(node, _isCacheableUse);
if (useCount * size <= 7 + size + useCount * 1) return;
_cache(node, _isCacheableUse, '_s${length}_');
/// A simple Entity to give intermediate values nice names when not generating
/// minified code.
class _ExpressionName implements Entity {
final String name;