blob: efd6cbf8202764bd191fa4ae9bf075f3f97b3285 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'annotated_code_helper.dart';
enum IdKind {
/// Id used for top level or class members. This is used in [MemberId].
/// Id used for classes. This is used in [ClassId].
/// Id used for libraries. This is used in [LibraryId].
/// Id used for a code point at certain offset. The id represents the default
/// use of the code point, often a read access. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for an invocation at certain offset. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for an assignment at certain offset. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for the iterator expression of a for-in at certain offset. This is
/// used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for the implicit call to `Iterator.current` in a for-in at certain
/// offset. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for the implicit call to `Iterator.moveNext` in a for-in at
/// certain offset. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for the implicit as expression inserted by the compiler.
/// Id used for the statement at certain offset. This is used in [NodeId].
/// Id used for the error reported at certain offset. This is used in
/// [NodeId].
/// Id for a code point or element.
abstract class Id {
IdKind get kind;
/// Indicates whether the id refers to an element defined outside of the test
/// case itself (e.g. some tests may need to refer to properties of elements
/// in `dart:core`).
bool get isGlobal;
/// Display name for this id.
String get descriptor;
class IdValue {
final Id id;
final Annotation annotation;
final String value;
const IdValue(, this.annotation, this.value);
int get hashCode => id.hashCode * 13 + value.hashCode * 17;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! IdValue) return false;
return id == && value == other.value;
String toString() => idToString(id, value);
static String idToString(Id id, String value) {
switch (id.kind) {
case IdKind.member:
MemberId elementId = id;
return '$memberPrefix${}:$value';
case IdKind.cls:
ClassId classId = id;
return '$classPrefix${}:$value';
case IdKind.library:
return '$libraryPrefix$value';
case IdKind.node:
return value;
case IdKind.invoke:
return '$invokePrefix$value';
case IdKind.update:
return '$updatePrefix$value';
case IdKind.iterator:
return '$iteratorPrefix$value';
case IdKind.current:
return '$currentPrefix$value';
case IdKind.moveNext:
return '$moveNextPrefix$value';
case IdKind.implicitAs:
return '$implicitAsPrefix$value';
case IdKind.stmt:
return '$stmtPrefix$value';
case IdKind.error:
return '$errorPrefix$value';
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected id kind: ${id.kind}");
static const String globalPrefix = "global#";
static const String memberPrefix = "member: ";
static const String classPrefix = "class: ";
static const String libraryPrefix = "library: ";
static const String invokePrefix = "invoke: ";
static const String updatePrefix = "update: ";
static const String iteratorPrefix = "iterator: ";
static const String currentPrefix = "current: ";
static const String moveNextPrefix = "moveNext: ";
static const String implicitAsPrefix = "as: ";
static const String stmtPrefix = "stmt: ";
static const String errorPrefix = "error: ";
static IdValue decode(Uri sourceUri, Annotation annotation, String text) {
int offset = annotation.offset;
Id id;
String expected;
if (text.startsWith(memberPrefix)) {
text = text.substring(memberPrefix.length);
int colonPos = text.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) throw "Invalid member id: '$text'";
String name = text.substring(0, colonPos);
bool isGlobal = name.startsWith(globalPrefix);
if (isGlobal) {
name = name.substring(globalPrefix.length);
id = new MemberId(name, isGlobal: isGlobal);
expected = text.substring(colonPos + 1);
} else if (text.startsWith(classPrefix)) {
text = text.substring(classPrefix.length);
int colonPos = text.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) throw "Invalid class id: '$text'";
String name = text.substring(0, colonPos);
bool isGlobal = name.startsWith(globalPrefix);
if (isGlobal) {
name = name.substring(globalPrefix.length);
id = new ClassId(name, isGlobal: isGlobal);
expected = text.substring(colonPos + 1);
} else if (text.startsWith(libraryPrefix)) {
id = new LibraryId(sourceUri);
expected = text.substring(libraryPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(invokePrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.invoke);
expected = text.substring(invokePrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(updatePrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.update);
expected = text.substring(updatePrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(iteratorPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.iterator);
expected = text.substring(iteratorPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(currentPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.current);
expected = text.substring(currentPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(moveNextPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.moveNext);
expected = text.substring(moveNextPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(implicitAsPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.implicitAs);
expected = text.substring(implicitAsPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(stmtPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.stmt);
expected = text.substring(stmtPrefix.length);
} else if (text.startsWith(errorPrefix)) {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.error);
expected = text.substring(errorPrefix.length);
} else {
id = new NodeId(offset, IdKind.node);
expected = text;
// Remove newlines.
expected = expected.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\s*(\n\s*)+\s*'), '');
return new IdValue(id, annotation, expected);
/// Id for an member element.
class MemberId implements Id {
final String className;
final String memberName;
final bool isGlobal;
factory MemberId(String text, {bool isGlobal: false}) {
int dotPos = text.indexOf('.');
if (dotPos != -1) {
return new MemberId.internal(text.substring(dotPos + 1),
className: text.substring(0, dotPos), isGlobal: isGlobal);
} else {
return new MemberId.internal(text, isGlobal: isGlobal);
MemberId.internal(this.memberName, {this.className, this.isGlobal: false});
int get hashCode => className.hashCode * 13 + memberName.hashCode * 17;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! MemberId) return false;
return className == other.className && memberName == other.memberName;
IdKind get kind => IdKind.member;
String get name => className != null ? '$className.$memberName' : memberName;
String get descriptor => 'member $name';
String toString() => 'member:$name';
/// Id for a class.
class ClassId implements Id {
final String className;
final bool isGlobal;
ClassId(this.className, {this.isGlobal: false});
int get hashCode => className.hashCode * 13;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! ClassId) return false;
return className == other.className;
IdKind get kind => IdKind.cls;
String get name => className;
String get descriptor => 'class $name';
String toString() => 'class:$name';
/// Id for a library.
class LibraryId implements Id {
final Uri uri;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support global library annotations.
bool get isGlobal => false;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode * 13;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! LibraryId) return false;
return uri == other.uri;
IdKind get kind => IdKind.library;
String get name => uri.toString();
String get descriptor => 'library $name';
String toString() => 'library:$name';
/// Id for a code point defined by a kind and a code offset.
class NodeId implements Id {
final int value;
final IdKind kind;
const NodeId(this.value, this.kind)
: assert(value != null),
assert(value >= 0);
bool get isGlobal => false;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode * 13 + kind.hashCode * 17;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! NodeId) return false;
return value == other.value && kind == other.kind;
String get descriptor => 'offset $value ($kind)';
String toString() => '$kind:$value';
class ActualData<T> {
final Id id;
final T value;
final Uri uri;
final int _offset;
final Object object;
ActualData(, this.value, this.uri, this._offset, this.object);
int get offset {
if (id is NodeId) {
NodeId nodeId = id;
return nodeId.value;
} else {
return _offset;
String get objectText {
return 'object `${'$object'.replaceAll('\n', '')}` (${object.runtimeType})';
String toString() => 'ActualData(id=$id,value=$value,uri=$uri,'
abstract class DataRegistry<T> {
Map<Id, ActualData<T>> get actualMap;
/// Registers [value] with [id] in [actualMap].
/// Checks for duplicate data for [id].
void registerValue(Uri uri, int offset, Id id, T value, Object object) {
if (value != null) {
ActualData<T> newData = new ActualData<T>(id, value, uri, offset, object);
if (actualMap.containsKey(id)) {
ActualData<T> existingData = actualMap[id];
ActualData<T> mergedData = mergeData(existingData, newData);
if (mergedData != null) {
actualMap[id] = mergedData;
} else {
"Duplicate id ${id}, value=$value, object=$object "
"Duplicate id ${id}, value=${existingData.value}, "
"object=${existingData.object} "
fail("Duplicate id $id.");
} else {
actualMap[id] = newData;
ActualData<T> mergeData(ActualData<T> value1, ActualData<T> value2) => null;
/// Called to report duplicate errors.
void report(Uri uri, int offset, String message);
/// Called to raise an exception on duplicate errors.
void fail(String message);