blob: 9bf6876de8b1f4cbcb178b2dd813628b4e446d92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.command.serve;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../barback/build_environment.dart';
import '../barback/pub_package_provider.dart';
import '../command.dart';
import '../exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
final _arrow = getSpecial('\u2192', '=>');
/// Handles the `serve` pub command.
class ServeCommand extends PubCommand {
String get description =>
'Run a local web development server.\n\n'
'By default, this serves "web/" and "test/", but an explicit list of \n'
'directories to serve can be provided as well.';
String get usage => "pub serve [directories...]";
final takesArguments = true;
PubPackageProvider _provider;
String get hostname => commandOptions['hostname'];
/// `true` if Dart entrypoints should be compiled to JavaScript.
bool get useDart2JS => commandOptions['dart2js'];
/// The build mode.
BarbackMode get mode => new BarbackMode(commandOptions['mode']);
ServeCommand() {
commandParser.addOption('port', defaultsTo: '8080',
help: 'The base port to listen on.');
// A hidden option for the tests to work around a bug in some of the OS X
// bots where "localhost" very rarely resolves to the IPv4 loopback address
// instead of IPv6 (or vice versa). The tests will always set this to
defaultsTo: 'localhost',
hide: true);
commandParser.addFlag('dart2js', defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Compile Dart to JavaScript.');
commandParser.addFlag('force-poll', defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Force the use of a polling filesystem watcher.');
commandParser.addOption('mode', defaultsTo: BarbackMode.DEBUG.toString(),
help: 'Mode to run transformers in.');
Future onRun() {
var port;
try {
port = int.parse(commandOptions['port']);
} on FormatException catch (_) {
log.error('Could not parse port "${commandOptions['port']}"');
return flushThenExit(exit_codes.USAGE);
var watcherType = commandOptions['force-poll'] ?
WatcherType.POLLING : WatcherType.AUTO;
return BuildEnvironment.create(entrypoint, hostname, port, mode,
watcherType, _directoriesToServe,
useDart2JS: useDart2JS).then((environment) {
// In release mode, strip out .dart files since all relevant ones have
// been compiled to JavaScript already.
if (mode == BarbackMode.RELEASE) {
for (var server in environment.servers) {
server.allowAsset = (url) => !url.path.endsWith(".dart");
/// This completer is used to keep pub running (by not completing) and
/// to pipe fatal errors to pub's top-level error-handling machinery.
var completer = new Completer();
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
environment.barback.results.listen((result) {
if (result.succeeded) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Report using growl/inotify-send where available.
log.message("Build completed ${'successfully')}");
} else {
log.message("Build completed with "
"${} errors.");
}, onError: (error, [stackTrace]) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
var directoryLength = environment.servers
.map((server) => server.rootDirectory.length)
for (var server in environment.servers) {
// Add two characters to account for "[" and "]".
var directoryPrefix = log.gray(
padRight("[${server.rootDirectory}]", directoryLength + 2));
server.results.listen((result) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
log.message("$directoryPrefix ${'GET')} "
"${result.url.path} $_arrow ${}");
var msg = "$directoryPrefix ${'GET')} ${result.url.path} "
var error = result.error.toString();
if (error.contains("\n")) {
} else {
log.message("$msg $error");
}, onError: (error, [stackTrace]) {
if (completer.isCompleted) return;
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
log.message("Serving ${} "
"${padRight(server.rootDirectory, directoryLength)} "
"on ${log.bold('http://$hostname:${server.port}')}");
return completer.future;
/// Returns the set of directories that will be served from servers exposed to
/// the user.
/// Throws a [UsageException] if the command-line arguments are invalid.
List<String> get _directoriesToServe {
if ( {
var directories = ['web', 'test'].where(dirExists).toList();
if (directories.isNotEmpty) return directories;
'Your package must have "web" and/or "test" directories to serve,\n'
'or you must pass in directories to serve explicitly.');
var directories =;
var invalid = directories.where((dir) => !p.isWithin('.', dir));
if (invalid.isNotEmpty) {
usageError("${_directorySentence(invalid, "isn't", "aren't")} in this "
var nonExistent = directories.where((dir) => !dirExists(dir));
if (nonExistent.isNotEmpty) {
usageError("${_directorySentence(nonExistent, "doesn't", "don't")} "
return directories;
/// Converts a list of [directoryNames] to a sentence.
/// After the list of directories, [singularVerb] will be used if there is
/// only one directory and [pluralVerb] will be used if there are more than
/// one.
String _directorySentence(Iterable<String> directoryNames,
String singularVerb, String pluralVerb) {
var directories = pluralize('Directory', directoryNames.length,
plural: 'Directories');
var names = toSentence(ordered(directoryNames).map((dir) => '"$dir"'));
var verb = pluralize(singularVerb, directoryNames.length,
plural: pluralVerb);
return "$directories $names $verb";