blob: 9998687ca5ca7033812a02c732a2e3e12c1295c0 [file] [log] [blame]
library io;
/// This is a helper library to make working with io easier.
// TODO(janicejl): listDir, canonicalize, resolveLink, and linkExists are from
// pub/lib/src/io.dart. If the io.dart file becomes a package, should remove
// copy of the functions.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Lists the contents of [dir]. If [recursive] is `true`, lists subdirectory
/// contents (defaults to `false`). If [includeHidden] is `true`, includes files
/// and directories beginning with `.` (defaults to `false`).
/// The returned paths are guaranteed to begin with [dir].
List<String> listDir(String dir, {bool recursive: false,
bool includeHidden: false}) {
List<String> doList(String dir, Set<String> listedDirectories) {
var contents = <String>[];
// Avoid recursive symlinks.
var resolvedPath = canonicalize(dir);
if (listedDirectories.contains(resolvedPath)) return [];
listedDirectories = new Set<String>.from(listedDirectories);
var children = <String>[];
for (var entity in new Directory(dir).listSync()) {
if (!includeHidden && path.basename(entity.path).startsWith('.')) {
if (entity is Directory) {
// TODO(nweiz): don't manually recurse once issue 4794 is fixed.
// Note that once we remove the manual recursion, we'll need to
// explicitly filter out files in hidden directories.
if (recursive) {
children.addAll(doList(entity.path, listedDirectories));
return contents;
return doList(dir, new Set<String>());
/// Returns the canonical path for [pathString]. This is the normalized,
/// absolute path, with symlinks resolved. As in [transitiveTarget], broken or
/// recursive symlinks will not be fully resolved.
/// This doesn't require [pathString] to point to a path that exists on the
/// filesystem; nonexistent or unreadable path entries are treated as normal
/// directories.
String canonicalize(String pathString) {
var seen = new Set<String>();
var components = new Queue<String>.from(
// The canonical path, built incrementally as we iterate through [components].
var newPath = components.removeFirst();
// Move through the components of the path, resolving each one's symlinks as
// necessary. A resolved component may also add new components that need to be
// resolved in turn.
while (!components.isEmpty) {
seen.add(path.join(newPath, path.joinAll(components)));
var resolvedPath = resolveLink(
path.join(newPath, components.removeFirst()));
var relative = path.relative(resolvedPath, from: newPath);
// If the resolved path of the component relative to `newPath` is just ".",
// that means component was a symlink pointing to its parent directory. We
// can safely ignore such components.
if (relative == '.') continue;
var relativeComponents = new Queue<String>.from(path.split(relative));
// If the resolved path is absolute relative to `newPath`, that means it's
// on a different drive. We need to canonicalize the entire target of that
// symlink again.
if (path.isAbsolute(relative)) {
// If we've already tried to canonicalize the new path, we've encountered
// a symlink loop. Avoid going infinite by treating the recursive symlink
// as the canonical path.
if (seen.contains(relative)) {
newPath = relative;
} else {
newPath = relativeComponents.removeFirst();
components = relativeComponents;
// Pop directories off `newPath` if the component links upwards in the
// directory hierarchy.
while (relativeComponents.first == '..') {
newPath = path.dirname(newPath);
// If there's only one component left, [resolveLink] guarantees that it's
// not a link (or is a broken link). We can just add it to `newPath` and
// continue resolving the remaining components.
if (relativeComponents.length == 1) {
newPath = path.join(newPath, relativeComponents.single);
// If we've already tried to canonicalize the new path, we've encountered a
// symlink loop. Avoid going infinite by treating the recursive symlink as
// the canonical path.
var newSubPath = path.join(newPath, path.joinAll(relativeComponents));
if (seen.contains(newSubPath)) {
newPath = newSubPath;
// If there are multiple new components to resolve, add them to the
// beginning of the queue.
components = relativeComponents;
return newPath;
/// Returns the transitive target of [link] (if A links to B which links to C,
/// this will return C). If [link] is part of a symlink loop (e.g. A links to B
/// which links back to A), this returns the path to the first repeated link (so
/// `transitiveTarget("A")` would return `"A"` and `transitiveTarget("A")` would
/// return `"B"`).
/// This accepts paths to non-links or broken links, and returns them as-is.
String resolveLink(String link) {
var seen = new Set<String>();
while (linkExists(link) && !seen.contains(link)) {
link = path.normalize(path.join(
path.dirname(link), new Link(link).targetSync()));
return link;
/// Returns whether [link] exists on the file system. This will return `true`
/// for any symlink, regardless of what it points at or whether it's broken.
bool linkExists(String link) => new Link(link).existsSync();