blob: 7ea863594ce5113f632553f2e1b2b294118f56c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: prefer_single_quotes, slash_for_doc_comments
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
/// An error code representing a problem in a file containing an encoding of a
/// transform set.
class TransformSetErrorCode extends ErrorCode {
* Parameters:
* 0: the conflicting key
* 1: the key that it conflicts with
static const TransformSetErrorCode conflictingKey = TransformSetErrorCode(
"The key '{0}' can't be used when '{1}' is also used.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the character that is invalid
static const TransformSetErrorCode invalidCharacter =
TransformSetErrorCode('invalid_character', "Invalid character '{0}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the actual type of the key
static const TransformSetErrorCode invalidKey = TransformSetErrorCode(
'invalid_key', "Keys must be of type 'String' but found the type '{0}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the key with which the value is associated
* 1: the expected type of the value
* 2: the actual type of the value
static const TransformSetErrorCode invalidValue = TransformSetErrorCode(
"The value of '{0}' should be of type '{1}' but is of type '{2}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the list of valid parameter styles
static const TransformSetErrorCode invalidParameterStyle =
"The parameter style must be one of the following: {0}.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the key with which the value is associated
* 1: the allowed values as a comma-separated list
static const TransformSetErrorCode invalidValueOneOf = TransformSetErrorCode(
"The value of '{0}' must be one of the following: '{1}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the missing key
static const TransformSetErrorCode missingKey =
TransformSetErrorCode('missing_key', "Missing the required key '{0}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the list of valid keys
static const TransformSetErrorCode missingOneOfMultipleKeys =
"Exactly one of the following keys must be provided: {0}.");
* No parameters.
static const TransformSetErrorCode missingTemplateEnd = TransformSetErrorCode(
'missing_template_end', "Missing the end brace for the template.");
* Parameters:
* 0: a description of the expected kinds of tokens
static const TransformSetErrorCode missingToken =
TransformSetErrorCode('missing_token', "Expected to find {0}.");
* No parameters.
static const TransformSetErrorCode missingUri = TransformSetErrorCode(
'missing_uri', "At least one URI must be provided.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the missing key
static const TransformSetErrorCode undefinedVariable = TransformSetErrorCode(
'undefined_variable', "The variable '{0}' is not defined.");
* Parameters:
* 0: a description of the expected kind of token
static const TransformSetErrorCode unknownAccessor = TransformSetErrorCode(
'unknown_accessor', "The accessor '{0}' is invalid.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the unsupported key
static const TransformSetErrorCode unsupportedKey = TransformSetErrorCode(
'unsupported_key', "The key '{0}' isn't supported.");
* No parameters.
static const TransformSetErrorCode unsupportedVersion = TransformSetErrorCode(
'unsupported_version', "Only version '1' is supported at this time.");
* Parameters:
* 0: a description of the expected kind of token
* 1: a description of the actial kind of token
static const TransformSetErrorCode wrongToken = TransformSetErrorCode(
'wrong_token', "Expected to find {0}, but found {1}.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the message produced by the YAML parser
static const TransformSetErrorCode yamlSyntaxError =
TransformSetErrorCode('yaml_syntax_error', "Parse error: {0}");
/// Initialize a newly created error code.
const TransformSetErrorCode(String name, String message,
{String correction, bool hasPublishedDocs = false})
: super.temporary(name, message,
correction: correction, hasPublishedDocs: hasPublishedDocs);
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR;