blob: 89af4dc50fc93c3d0b5bca24b9332565026afd7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library cps_ir.optimization.inline;
import 'package:js_ast/js_ast.dart' as js;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, GenericType;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../js_backend/codegen/task.dart' show CpsFunctionCompiler;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../world.dart' show World;
import 'cps_fragment.dart';
import 'cps_ir_builder.dart' show ThisParameterLocal;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'type_mask_system.dart' show TypeMaskSystem;
/// Inlining stack entries.
/// During inlining, a stack is used to detect cycles in the call graph.
class StackEntry {
// Dynamically resolved calls might be targeting an adapter function that
// fills in optional arguments not passed at the call site. Therefore these
// calls are represented by the eventual target and the call structure at
// the call site, which together identify the target. Statically resolved
// calls are represented by the target element and a null call structure.
final ExecutableElement target;
final CallStructure callStructure;
StackEntry(, this.callStructure);
bool match(ExecutableElement otherTarget, CallStructure otherCallStructure) {
if (target != otherTarget) return false;
if (callStructure == null) return otherCallStructure == null;
return otherCallStructure != null &&
/// Inlining cache entries.
class CacheEntry {
// The cache maps a function element to a list of entries, where each entry
// is a tuple of (call structure, abstract receiver, abstract arguments)
// along with the inlining decision and optional IR function definition.
final CallStructure callStructure;
final TypeMask receiver;
final List<TypeMask> arguments;
final bool decision;
final FunctionDefinition function;
CacheEntry(this.callStructure, this.receiver, this.arguments, this.decision,
bool match(CallStructure otherCallStructure, TypeMask otherReceiver,
List<TypeMask> otherArguments) {
if (callStructure == null) {
if (otherCallStructure != null) return false;
} else if (otherCallStructure == null ||
!callStructure.match(otherCallStructure)) {
return false;
if (receiver != otherReceiver) return false;
assert(arguments.length == otherArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
if (arguments[i] != otherArguments[i]) return false;
return true;
/// An inlining cache.
/// During inlining a cache is used to remember inlining decisions for shared
/// parts of the call graph, to avoid exploring them more than once.
/// The cache maps a tuple of (function element, call structure,
/// abstract receiver, abstract arguments) to a boolean inlining decision and
/// an IR function definition if the decision is positive.
class InliningCache {
static const int ABSENT = -1;
static const int NO_INLINE = 0;
final Map<ExecutableElement, FunctionDefinition> unoptimized =
<ExecutableElement, FunctionDefinition>{};
final Map<ExecutableElement, List<CacheEntry>> map =
<ExecutableElement, List<CacheEntry>>{};
// When function definitions are put into or removed from the cache, they are
// copied because the compiler passes will mutate them.
final CopyingVisitor copier = new CopyingVisitor();
void _putInternal(
ExecutableElement element,
CallStructure callStructure,
TypeMask receiver,
List<TypeMask> arguments,
bool decision,
FunctionDefinition function) {
map.putIfAbsent(element, () => <CacheEntry>[]).add(
new CacheEntry(callStructure, receiver, arguments, decision, function));
/// Put a positive inlining decision in the cache.
/// A positive inlining decision maps to an IR function definition.
void putPositive(
ExecutableElement element,
CallStructure callStructure,
TypeMask receiver,
List<TypeMask> arguments,
FunctionDefinition function) {
_putInternal(element, callStructure, receiver, arguments, true,
/// Put a negative inlining decision in the cache.
void putNegative(ExecutableElement element, CallStructure callStructure,
TypeMask receiver, List<TypeMask> arguments) {
_putInternal(element, callStructure, receiver, arguments, false, null);
/// Look up a tuple in the cache.
/// A positive lookup result return the IR function definition. A negative
/// lookup result returns [NO_INLINE]. If there is no cached result,
/// [ABSENT] is returned.
get(ExecutableElement element, CallStructure callStructure, TypeMask receiver,
List<TypeMask> arguments) {
List<CacheEntry> entries = map[element];
if (entries != null) {
for (CacheEntry entry in entries) {
if (entry.match(callStructure, receiver, arguments)) {
if (entry.decision) {
FunctionDefinition function = copier.copy(entry.function);
return function;
return NO_INLINE;
return ABSENT;
/// Cache the unoptimized CPS term for a function.
/// The unoptimized term should not have any inlining-context-specific
/// optimizations applied to it. It will be used to compile the
/// non-specialized version of the function.
void putUnoptimized(ExecutableElement element, FunctionDefinition function) {
unoptimized.putIfAbsent(element, () => copier.copy(function));
/// Look up the unoptimized CPS term for a function.
/// The unoptimized term will not have any inlining-context-specific
/// optimizations applied to it. It can be used to compile the
/// non-specialized version of the function.
FunctionDefinition getUnoptimized(ExecutableElement element) {
FunctionDefinition function = unoptimized[element];
if (function != null) {
function = copier.copy(function);
return function;
class Inliner implements Pass {
get passName => 'Inline calls';
final CpsFunctionCompiler functionCompiler;
final InliningCache cache = new InliningCache();
final List<StackEntry> stack = <StackEntry>[];
bool isCalledOnce(Element element) {
if (element is ConstructorBodyElement) {
ClassElement class_ = element.enclosingClass;
return ! &&
class_.constructors.tail?.isEmpty ??
return functionCompiler.compiler.typesTask.typesInferrer
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node, [CallStructure callStructure]) {
ExecutableElement function = node.element;
// Inlining in asynchronous or generator functions is disabled. Inlining
// triggers a bug in the async rewriter.
// TODO(kmillikin): Fix the bug and eliminate this restriction if it makes
// sense.
if (function is FunctionElement &&
function.asyncMarker != AsyncMarker.SYNC) {
// Do not inline in functions containing try statements. V8 does not
// optimize code in such functions, so inlining will move optimizable code
// into a context where it cannot be optimized.
if (function.resolvedAst.kind == ResolvedAstKind.PARSED &&
function.resolvedAst.elements.containsTryStatement) {
stack.add(new StackEntry(function, callStructure));
new InliningVisitor(this).visit(node);
assert(stack.last.match(function, callStructure));
new ShrinkingReducer().rewrite(node);
/// Compute an abstract size of an IR function definition.
/// The size represents the cost of inlining at a call site.
class SizeVisitor extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor {
int size = 0;
void countArgument(Primitive argument, Parameter parameter) {
// If a parameter is unused and the corresponding argument has only the
// one use at the invocation, then inlining the call might enable
// elimination of the argument. This 'pays for itself' by decreasing the
// cost of inlining at the call site.
if (argument != null && argument.hasExactlyOneUse && parameter.hasNoUses) {
static int sizeOf(InvocationPrimitive invoke, FunctionDefinition function) {
SizeVisitor visitor = new SizeVisitor();
if (invoke.callingConvention == CallingConvention.Intercepted) {
// Note that if the invocation is a dummy-intercepted call, then the
// target has an unused interceptor parameter, but the caller provides
// no interceptor argument.
visitor.countArgument(invoke.interceptor, function.interceptorParameter);
visitor.countArgument(invoke.receiver, function.receiverParameter);
for (int i = 0; i < invoke.argumentRefs.length; ++i) {
visitor.countArgument(invoke.argument(i), function.parameters[i]);
return visitor.size;
// Inlining a function incurs a cost equal to the number of primitives and
// non-jump tail expressions.
// TODO(kmillikin): Tune the size computation and size bound.
processLetPrim(LetPrim node) => ++size;
processLetMutable(LetMutable node) => ++size;
processBranch(Branch node) => ++size;
processThrow(Throw nose) => ++size;
processRethrow(Rethrow node) => ++size;
// Discount primitives that do not generate code.
processRefinement(Refinement node) => --size;
processBoundsCheck(BoundsCheck node) {
if (node.hasNoChecks) {
processForeignCode(ForeignCode node) {
// Count the number of nodes in the JS fragment, and discount the size
// originally added by LetPrim.
JsSizeVisitor visitor = new JsSizeVisitor();
size += visitor.size - 1;
class JsSizeVisitor extends js.BaseVisitor {
int size = 0;
visitNode(js.Node node) {
return super.visitNode(node);
visitInterpolatedExpression(js.InterpolatedExpression node) {
// Suppress call to visitNode. Placeholders should not be counted, because
// the argument has already been counted, and will in most cases be inserted
// directly in the placeholder.
class InliningVisitor extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor {
final Inliner _inliner;
// A successful inlining attempt returns the [Primitive] that represents the
// result of the inlined call or null. If the result is non-null, the body
// of the inlined function is available in this field.
CpsFragment _fragment;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => _inliner.functionCompiler.backend;
TypeMaskSystem get typeSystem => _inliner.functionCompiler.typeSystem;
World get world =>;
FunctionDefinition compileToCpsIr(AstElement element) {
return _inliner.functionCompiler.compileToCpsIr(element);
void optimizeBeforeInlining(FunctionDefinition function) {
void applyCpsPass(Pass pass, FunctionDefinition function) {
return _inliner.functionCompiler.applyCpsPass(pass, function);
bool isRecursive(Element target, CallStructure callStructure) {
return _inliner.stack.any((StackEntry s) => s.match(target, callStructure));
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
// A successful inlining attempt will set the node's body to null, so it is
// read before visiting the primitive.
Expression next = node.body;
Primitive replacement = visit(node.primitive);
if (replacement != null) {
node.primitive.replaceWithFragment(_fragment, replacement);
return next;
TypeMask abstractType(Primitive def) {
return def.type ?? typeSystem.dynamicType;
/// Build the IR term for the function that adapts a call site targeting a
/// function that takes optional arguments not passed at the call site.
FunctionDefinition buildAdapter(InvokeMethod node, FunctionElement target) {
Parameter thisParameter = new Parameter(new ThisParameterLocal(target))
..type = node.receiver.type;
Parameter interceptorParameter =
node.interceptorRef != null ? new Parameter(null) : null;
List<Parameter> parameters =
new List<Parameter>.generate(node.argumentRefs.length, (int index) {
// TODO(kmillikin): Use a hint for the parameter names.
return new Parameter(null)..type = node.argument(index).type;
Continuation returnContinuation = new Continuation.retrn();
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment();
FunctionSignature signature = target.functionSignature;
int requiredParameterCount = signature.requiredParameterCount;
List<Primitive> arguments = new List<Primitive>.generate(
requiredParameterCount, (int index) => parameters[index]);
int parameterIndex = requiredParameterCount;
CallStructure newCallStructure;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
List<String> incomingNames =
List<String> outgoingNames = <String>[];
int nameIndex = 0;
signature.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((ParameterElement formal) {
if (nameIndex < incomingNames.length && == incomingNames[nameIndex]) {
} else {
Constant defaultValue = cps.makeConstant(
defaultValue.type = typeSystem.getParameterType(formal);
newCallStructure =
new CallStructure(signature.parameterCount, outgoingNames);
} else {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((ParameterElement formal) {
if (parameterIndex < parameters.length) {
} else {
Constant defaultValue = cps.makeConstant(
defaultValue.type = typeSystem.getParameterType(formal);
newCallStructure = new CallStructure(signature.parameterCount);
Selector newSelector = new Selector(
node.selector.kind, node.selector.memberName, newCallStructure);
Primitive result = cps.invokeMethod(
thisParameter, newSelector, node.mask, arguments,
interceptor: interceptorParameter,
callingConvention: node.callingConvention);
result.type = typeSystem.getInvokeReturnType(node.selector, node.mask);
returnContinuation.parameters.single.type = result.type;
cps.invokeContinuation(returnContinuation, <Primitive>[result]);
return new FunctionDefinition(
target, thisParameter, parameters, returnContinuation, cps.root,
interceptorParameter: interceptorParameter);
// Given an invocation and a known target, possibly perform inlining.
// An optional call structure indicates a dynamic call. Calls that are
// already resolved statically have a null call structure.
// The [Primitive] representing the result of the inlined call is returned
// if the call was inlined, and the inlined function body is available in
// [_fragment]. If the call was not inlined, null is returned.
Primitive tryInlining(InvocationPrimitive invoke, FunctionElement target,
CallStructure callStructure) {
// Quick checks: do not inline or even cache calls to targets without an
// AST node, targets that are asynchronous or generator functions, or
// targets containing a try statement.
if (!target.hasNode) return null;
if (backend.isJsInterop(target)) return null;
if (target.asyncMarker != AsyncMarker.SYNC) return null;
// V8 does not optimize functions containing a try statement. Inlining
// code containing a try statement will make the optimizable calling code
// become unoptimizable.
if (target.resolvedAst.elements.containsTryStatement) {
return null;
// Don't inline methods that never return. They are usually helper functions
// that throw an exception.
if (invoke.type.isEmpty) {
// TODO(sra): It would be ok to inline if doing so was shrinking.
return null;
if (isBlacklisted(target)) return null;
if (invoke.callingConvention == CallingConvention.OneShotIntercepted) {
// One-shot interceptor calls with a known target are only inserted on
// uncommon code paths, so they should not be inlined.
return null;
Primitive receiver = invoke.receiver;
TypeMask abstractReceiver =
receiver == null ? null : abstractType(receiver);
// The receiver is non-null in a method body, unless the receiver is known
// to be `null` (isEmpty covers `null` and unreachable).
TypeMask abstractReceiverInMethod = abstractReceiver == null
? null
: abstractReceiver.isEmptyOrNull
? abstractReceiver
: abstractReceiver.nonNullable();
List<TypeMask> abstractArguments =;
var cachedResult = _inliner.cache.get(
target, callStructure, abstractReceiverInMethod, abstractArguments);
// Negative inlining result in the cache.
if (cachedResult == InliningCache.NO_INLINE) return null;
Primitive finish(FunctionDefinition function) {
_fragment = new CpsFragment(invoke.sourceInformation);
Primitive receiver = invoke.receiver;
List<Primitive> arguments = invoke.arguments.toList();
// Add a null check to the inlined function body if necessary. The
// cached function body does not contain the null check.
if (receiver != null && abstractReceiver.isNullable) {
receiver =
nullReceiverGuard(invoke, _fragment, receiver, abstractReceiver);
return _fragment.inlineFunction(function, receiver, arguments,
interceptor: invoke.interceptor, hint: invoke.hint);
// Positive inlining result in the cache.
if (cachedResult is FunctionDefinition) {
return finish(cachedResult);
// We have not seen this combination of target and abstract arguments
// before. Make an inlining decision.
assert(cachedResult == InliningCache.ABSENT);
Primitive doNotInline() {
target, callStructure, abstractReceiverInMethod, abstractArguments);
return null;
if (backend.annotations.noInline(target)) return doNotInline();
if (isRecursive(target, callStructure)) return doNotInline();
FunctionDefinition function;
if (callStructure != null &&
target.functionSignature.parameterCount !=
callStructure.argumentCount) {
// The argument count at the call site does not match the target's
// formal parameter count. Build the IR term for an adapter function
// body.
if (backend.isNative(target)) {
// TODO(25548): Generate correct adaptor for native methods.
return doNotInline();
} else {
function = buildAdapter(invoke, target);
} else {
function = compileToCpsIr(target);
if (function.receiverParameter != null) {
function.receiverParameter.type = abstractReceiverInMethod;
for (int i = 0; i < invoke.argumentRefs.length; ++i) {
function.parameters[i].type = invoke.argument(i).type;
// Inline calls in the body.
_inliner.rewrite(function, callStructure);
// Compute the size.
// TODO(kmillikin): Tune the size bound.
int size = SizeVisitor.sizeOf(invoke, function);
if (!_inliner.isCalledOnce(target) && size > 11) return doNotInline();
_inliner.cache.putPositive(target, callStructure, abstractReceiverInMethod,
abstractArguments, function);
return finish(function);
Primitive nullReceiverGuard(InvocationPrimitive invoke, CpsFragment fragment,
Primitive dartReceiver, TypeMask abstractReceiver) {
if (invoke is! InvokeMethod) return dartReceiver;
InvokeMethod invokeMethod = invoke;
Selector selector = invokeMethod.selector;
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyNum(abstractReceiver, allowNull: true)) {
Primitive condition = _fragment.letPrim(new ApplyBuiltinOperator(
condition.type = typeSystem.boolType;
Primitive check = _fragment.letPrim(new ReceiverCheck.nullCheck(
dartReceiver, selector, invoke.sourceInformation,
condition: condition));
check.type = abstractReceiver.nonNullable();
return check;
Primitive check = _fragment.letPrim(new ReceiverCheck.nullCheck(
dartReceiver, selector, invoke.sourceInformation));
check.type = abstractReceiver.nonNullable();
return check;
Primitive visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
return tryInlining(node,, null);
Primitive visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
Primitive receiver = node.receiver;
Element element = world.locateSingleElement(node.selector, receiver.type);
if (element == null || element is! FunctionElement) return null;
if (node.selector.isGetter != element.isGetter) return null;
if (node.selector.isSetter != element.isSetter) return null;
if ( != return null;
return tryInlining(
node, element.asFunctionElement(), node.selector.callStructure);
Primitive visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
if (node.selector.isGetter != return null;
if (node.selector.isSetter != return null;
return tryInlining(node,, null);
Primitive visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
if (node.dartType is GenericType) {
// We cannot inline a constructor invocation containing type arguments
// because CreateInstance in the body does not know the type arguments.
// We would incorrectly instantiate a class like A instead of A<B>.
// TODO(kmillikin): try to fix this.
GenericType generic = node.dartType;
if (generic.typeArguments.any((DartType t) => !t.isDynamic)) return null;
return tryInlining(node,, null);
bool isBlacklisted(FunctionElement target) {
ClassElement enclosingClass = target.enclosingClass;
if (target.isOperator &&
(enclosingClass == backend.helpers.jsNumberClass ||
enclosingClass == backend.helpers.jsDoubleClass ||
enclosingClass == backend.helpers.jsIntClass)) {
// These should be handled by operator specialization.
return true;
if (target == backend.helpers.stringInterpolationHelper) return true;
return false;