blob: 11416d8aa37f295fd5b07714d53c95106ab7aacd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
library dart2js.target_checks;
/// A summary of the checks required when entering a target method.
/// The target checks are used to annotate call sites with the checking required
/// from that call site.
/// The target can either perform worst-case checks over all call sites, or can
/// be generated as multiple entry points for different TargetChecks.
/// The TargetChecks at a call site can be refined by analysis. For example,
/// the generic covariant check for writing into a List might not be required
/// when copying values from a List allocated with the same type variable value.
/// The TargetChecks at a call site can be used to inform optimizations, for
/// example, only lowering to simpler instructions when generic covariant check
/// is required.
/// Unsound modes can be implemented in a scoped manner by using a TargetChecks
/// that has fewer checks than required (or no checks) in the unsound region.
class TargetChecks {
// Typical of direct static call sites.
// Typical of static method targets with no tear-offs.
static final TargetChecks none = const TargetChecks._(false, false, false);
// Typical of closure calls and dynamic calls.
static final TargetChecks dynamicChecks =
const TargetChecks._(true, true, true);
// Typical of method calls.
static final TargetChecks covariantChecks =
const TargetChecks._(false, true, false);
// TODO(sra): This can be more fine-grained, talking about individual
// parameters.
final bool _checkOtherParameters;
final bool _checkCovariantParameters;
final bool _checkTypeParameters;
const TargetChecks._(
bool get checkTypeParameters => _checkTypeParameters;
bool get checkCovariantParameters => _checkCovariantParameters;
bool get checkAllParameters => _checkOtherParameters;