blob: 8bd412e175dd4653c566af03e83fb56cf98660f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
part of dart2js.js_emitter.program_builder;
/// [member] is an instance field.
/// [name] is the field name that the [Namer] has picked for this field's
/// storage, that is, the JavaScript property name.
/// [needsGetter] and [needsSetter] represent if a getter or a setter
/// respectively is needed. There are many factors in this, for example, if the
/// accessor can be inlined.
/// [needsCheckedSetter] indicates that a checked getter is needed, and in this
/// case, [needsSetter] is always false. [needsCheckedSetter] is only true when
/// type assertions are enabled (checked mode).
typedef AcceptField = void Function(FieldEntity member, js.Name name,
bool needsGetter, bool needsSetter, bool needsCheckedSetter);
class FieldVisitor {
final JElementEnvironment _elementEnvironment;
final CodegenWorld _codegenWorld;
final NativeData _nativeData;
final Namer _namer;
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
FieldVisitor(this._elementEnvironment, this._codegenWorld, this._nativeData,
this._namer, this._closedWorld);
/// Invokes [f] for each of the fields of [element].
/// When visiting the instance fields of a class, the fields of its superclass
/// are also visited if the class is instantiated.
void visitFields(AcceptField f, ClassEntity cls) {
cls != null, failedAt(NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, 'Expected a ClassEntity'));
bool isNativeClass = _nativeData.isNativeClass(cls);
// If the class is never instantiated we still need to set it up for
// inheritance purposes, but we can simplify its JavaScript constructor.
bool isInstantiated =
void visitField(FieldEntity field, {ClassEntity holder}) {
bool isMixinNativeField =
isNativeClass && _elementEnvironment.isMixinApplication(holder);
// See if we can dynamically create getters and setters.
// We can only generate getters and setters for [element] since
// the fields of super classes could be overwritten with getters or
// setters.
bool needsGetter = false;
bool needsSetter = false;
if (isMixinNativeField || holder == cls) {
needsGetter = fieldNeedsGetter(field);
needsSetter = fieldNeedsSetter(field);
if ((isInstantiated && !_nativeData.isNativeClass(cls)) ||
needsGetter ||
needsSetter) {
js.Name fieldName = _namer.instanceFieldPropertyName(field);
bool needsCheckedSetter = false;
if (_closedWorld.annotationsData
.isEmitted &&
needsSetter &&
!canAvoidGeneratedCheckedSetter(field)) {
needsCheckedSetter = true;
needsSetter = false;
// Getters and setters with suffixes will be generated dynamically.
f(field, fieldName, needsGetter, needsSetter, needsCheckedSetter);
// TODO(kasperl): We should make sure to only emit one version of
// overridden fields. Right now, we rely on the ordering so the
// fields pulled in from mixins are replaced with the fields from
// the class definition.
// If a class is not instantiated then we add the field just so we can
// generate the field getter/setter dynamically. Since this is only
// allowed on fields that are in [element] we don't need to visit
// superclasses for non-instantiated classes.
(ClassEntity holder, MemberEntity member) {
if (cls != holder && !isInstantiated) return;
if (member.isField && !member.isStatic) {
visitField(member, holder: holder);
bool fieldNeedsGetter(FieldEntity field) {
if (fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
return field.isInstanceMember && _codegenWorld.hasInvokedGetter(field);
bool fieldNeedsSetter(FieldEntity field) {
if (fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
if (!field.isAssignable) return false;
return field.isInstanceMember && _codegenWorld.hasInvokedSetter(field);
static bool fieldAccessNeverThrows(FieldEntity field) {
// We never access a field in a closure (a captured variable) without
// knowing that it is there. Therefore we don't need to use a getter
// (that will throw if the getter method is missing), but can always
// access the field directly.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Return `true` JClosureField.
bool canAvoidGeneratedCheckedSetter(FieldEntity member) {
// We never generate accessors for top-level/static fields.
if (!member.isInstanceMember) return true;
DartType type = _elementEnvironment.getFieldType(member);
return _closedWorld.dartTypes.isTopType(type);