blob: 890b02acccbc1a2d53776d0deb90f887a5f3632d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Classes and methods for executing tests.
* This module includes:
* - Managing parallel execution of tests, including timeout checks.
* - Evaluating the output of each test as pass/fail/crash/timeout.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
// We need to use the 'io' prefix here, otherwise io.exitCode will shadow
// CommandOutput.exitCode in subclasses of CommandOutput.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import "package:status_file/expectation.dart";
import 'android.dart';
import 'browser_controller.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'command_output.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'dependency_graph.dart';
import 'runtime_configuration.dart';
import 'test_progress.dart';
import 'test_suite.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
const int browserCrashExitCode = -10;
const int slowTimeoutMultiplier = 4;
const int nonUtfFakeExitCode = 0xFFFD;
const cannotOpenDisplayMessage = 'Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display';
const failedToRunCommandMessage = 'Failed to run command. return code=1';
typedef void TestCaseEvent(TestCase testCase);
typedef void ExitCodeEvent(int exitCode);
typedef void EnqueueMoreWork(ProcessQueue queue);
typedef void Action();
typedef Future<AdbCommandResult> StepFunction();
/// Some IO tests use these variables and get confused if the host environment
/// variables are inherited so they are excluded.
const _excludedEnvironmentVariables = const [
* TestCase contains all the information needed to run a test and evaluate
* its output. Running a test involves starting a separate process, with
* the executable and arguments given by the TestCase, and recording its
* stdout and stderr output streams, and its exit code. TestCase only
* contains static information about the test; actually running the test is
* performed by [ProcessQueue] using a [RunningProcess] object.
* The output information is stored in a [CommandOutput] instance contained
* in TestCase.commandOutputs. The last CommandOutput instance is responsible
* for evaluating if the test has passed, failed, crashed, or timed out, and the
* TestCase has information about what the expected result of the test should
* be.
* The TestCase has a callback function, [completedHandler], that is run when
* the test is completed.
class TestCase extends UniqueObject {
// Flags set in _expectations from the optional argument info.
static final int IS_NEGATIVE = 1 << 0;
static final int HAS_RUNTIME_ERROR = 1 << 1;
static final int HAS_STATIC_WARNING = 1 << 2;
static final int IS_NEGATIVE_IF_CHECKED = 1 << 3;
static final int HAS_COMPILE_ERROR = 1 << 4;
static final int HAS_COMPILE_ERROR_IF_CHECKED = 1 << 5;
static final int EXPECT_COMPILE_ERROR = 1 << 6;
* A list of commands to execute. Most test cases have a single command.
* Dart2js tests have two commands, one to compile the source and another
* to execute it. Some isolate tests might even have three, if they require
* compiling multiple sources that are run in isolation.
List<Command> commands;
Map<Command, CommandOutput> commandOutputs =
new Map<Command, CommandOutput>();
Configuration configuration;
String displayName;
int _expectations = 0;
int hash = 0;
Set<Expectation> expectedOutcomes;
TestCase(this.displayName, this.commands, this.configuration,
{bool isNegative: false, TestInformation info}) {
// A test case should do something.
if (isNegative || displayName.contains("negative_test")) {
_expectations |= IS_NEGATIVE;
if (info != null) {
hash =
void _setExpectations(TestInformation info) {
// We don't want to keep the entire (large) TestInformation structure,
// so we copy the needed bools into flags set in a single integer.
if (info.hasRuntimeError) _expectations |= HAS_RUNTIME_ERROR;
if (info.hasStaticWarning) _expectations |= HAS_STATIC_WARNING;
if (info.isNegativeIfChecked) _expectations |= IS_NEGATIVE_IF_CHECKED;
if (info.hasCompileError) _expectations |= HAS_COMPILE_ERROR;
if (info.hasCompileErrorIfChecked) {
if (info.hasCompileError ||
(configuration.isChecked && info.hasCompileErrorIfChecked)) {
_expectations |= EXPECT_COMPILE_ERROR;
bool get isNegative => _expectations & IS_NEGATIVE != 0;
bool get hasRuntimeError => _expectations & HAS_RUNTIME_ERROR != 0;
bool get hasStaticWarning => _expectations & HAS_STATIC_WARNING != 0;
bool get isNegativeIfChecked => _expectations & IS_NEGATIVE_IF_CHECKED != 0;
bool get hasCompileError => _expectations & HAS_COMPILE_ERROR != 0;
bool get hasCompileErrorIfChecked =>
_expectations & HAS_COMPILE_ERROR_IF_CHECKED != 0;
bool get expectCompileError => _expectations & EXPECT_COMPILE_ERROR != 0;
bool get unexpectedOutput {
var outcome = this.result;
return !expectedOutcomes.any((expectation) {
return outcome.canBeOutcomeOf(expectation);
Expectation get result => lastCommandOutput.result(this);
CommandOutput get lastCommandOutput {
if (commandOutputs.length == 0) {
throw new Exception("CommandOutputs is empty, maybe no command was run? ("
"displayName: '$displayName', "
"configurationString: '$configurationString')");
return commandOutputs[commands[commandOutputs.length - 1]];
Command get lastCommandExecuted {
if (commandOutputs.length == 0) {
throw new Exception("CommandOutputs is empty, maybe no command was run? ("
"displayName: '$displayName', "
"configurationString: '$configurationString')");
return commands[commandOutputs.length - 1];
int get timeout {
var result = configuration.timeout;
if (expectedOutcomes.contains(Expectation.slow)) {
result *= slowTimeoutMultiplier;
return result;
String get configurationString {
var compiler =;
var runtime =;
var mode =;
var arch =;
var checked = configuration.isChecked ? '-checked' : '';
return "$compiler-$runtime$checked ${mode}_$arch";
List<String> get batchTestArguments {
assert(commands.last is ProcessCommand);
return (commands.last as ProcessCommand).arguments;
bool get isFlaky {
if (expectedOutcomes.contains(Expectation.skip) ||
expectedOutcomes.contains(Expectation.skipByDesign)) {
return false;
return expectedOutcomes
.where((expectation) => expectation.isOutcome)
.length >
bool get isFinished {
return commandOutputs.length > 0 &&
(!lastCommandOutput.successful ||
commands.length == commandOutputs.length);
* BrowserTestCase has an extra compilation command that is run in a separate
* process, before the regular test is run as in the base class [TestCase].
* If the compilation command fails, then the rest of the test is not run.
class BrowserTestCase extends TestCase {
String displayName,
List<Command> commands,
Configuration configuration,
Set<Expectation> expectedOutcomes,
TestInformation info,
bool isNegative,
: super(displayName, commands, configuration, expectedOutcomes,
isNegative: isNegative, info: info);
String _testingUrl;
String get testingUrl => _testingUrl;
* An OutputLog records the output from a test, but truncates it if
* it is longer than MAX_HEAD characters, and just keeps the head and
* the last TAIL_LENGTH characters of the output.
class OutputLog {
static const int MAX_HEAD = 100 * 1024;
static const int TAIL_LENGTH = 10 * 1024;
List<int> head = <int>[];
List<int> tail;
List<int> complete;
bool dataDropped = false;
bool hasNonUtf8 = false;
void add(List<int> data) {
if (complete != null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add to OutputLog after calling toList");
if (tail == null) {
if (head.length > MAX_HEAD) {
tail = head.sublist(MAX_HEAD);
head.length = MAX_HEAD;
} else {
if (tail != null && tail.length > 2 * TAIL_LENGTH) {
tail = _truncatedTail();
dataDropped = true;
List<int> _truncatedTail() => tail.length > TAIL_LENGTH
? tail.sublist(tail.length - TAIL_LENGTH)
: tail;
void _checkUtf8(List<int> data) {
try {
UTF8.decode(data, allowMalformed: false);
} on FormatException {
hasNonUtf8 = true;
String malformed = UTF8.decode(data, allowMalformed: true);
test.dart: The output of this test contained non-UTF8 formatted data.
List<int> toList() {
if (complete == null) {
complete = head;
if (dataDropped) {
test.dart: Data was removed due to excessive length
} else if (tail != null) {
head = null;
tail = null;
return complete;
// Helper to get a list of all child pids for a parent process.
// The first element of the list is the parent pid.
Future<List<int>> _getPidList(int pid, List<String> diagnostics) async {
var pids = [pid];
List<String> lines;
var startLine = 0;
if (io.Platform.isLinux || io.Platform.isMacOS) {
var result =
await"pgrep", ["-P", "${pids[0]}"], runInShell: true);
lines = (result.stdout as String).split('\n');
} else if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
var result = await
runInShell: true);
lines = (result.stdout as String).split('\n');
// Skip first line containing header "ProcessId".
startLine = 1;
} else {
if (lines.length > startLine) {
for (var i = startLine; i < lines.length; ++i) {
var pid = int.parse(lines[i], onError: (source) => null);
if (pid != null) pids.add(pid);
} else {
diagnostics.add("Could not find child pids");
return pids;
* A RunningProcess actually runs a test, getting the command lines from
* its [TestCase], starting the test process (and first, a compilation
* process if the TestCase is a [BrowserTestCase]), creating a timeout
* timer, and recording the results in a new [CommandOutput] object, which it
* attaches to the TestCase. The lifetime of the RunningProcess is limited
* to the time it takes to start the process, run the process, and record
* the result; there are no pointers to it, so it should be available to
* be garbage collected as soon as it is done.
class RunningProcess {
ProcessCommand command;
int timeout;
bool timedOut = false;
DateTime startTime;
Timer timeoutTimer;
int pid;
OutputLog stdout = new OutputLog();
OutputLog stderr = new OutputLog();
List<String> diagnostics = <String>[];
bool compilationSkipped = false;
Completer<CommandOutput> completer;
Configuration configuration;
RunningProcess(this.command, this.timeout, {this.configuration});
Future<CommandOutput> run() {
completer = new Completer<CommandOutput>();
startTime = new;
return completer.future;
void _runCommand() {
if (command.outputIsUpToDate) {
compilationSkipped = true;
} else {
var processEnvironment = _createProcessEnvironment();
var args = command.arguments;
Future processFuture = io.Process.start(command.executable, args,
environment: processEnvironment,
workingDirectory: command.workingDirectory);
processFuture.then((io.Process process) {
StreamSubscription stdoutSubscription =
_drainStream(process.stdout, stdout);
StreamSubscription stderrSubscription =
_drainStream(process.stderr, stderr);
var stdoutCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
var stderrCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
bool stdoutDone = false;
bool stderrDone = false;
pid =;
// This timer is used to close stdio to the subprocess once we got
// the exitCode. Sometimes descendants of the subprocess keep stdio
// handles alive even though the direct subprocess is dead.
Timer watchdogTimer;
closeStdout([_]) {
if (!stdoutDone) {
stdoutDone = true;
if (stderrDone && watchdogTimer != null) {
closeStderr([_]) {
if (!stderrDone) {
stderrDone = true;
if (stdoutDone && watchdogTimer != null) {
// Close stdin so that tests that try to block on input will fail.
timeoutHandler() async {
timedOut = true;
if (process != null) {
String executable;
if (io.Platform.isLinux) {
executable = 'eu-stack';
} else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
// Try to print stack traces of the timed out process.
// `sample` is a sampling profiler but we ask it sample for 1
// second with a 4 second delay between samples so that we only
// sample the threads once.
executable = '/usr/bin/sample';
} else if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
var isX64 = command.executable.contains("X64") ||
if (configuration.windowsSdkPath != null) {
executable = configuration.windowsSdkPath +
"\\Debuggers\\${isX64 ? 'x64' : 'x86'}\\cdb.exe";
diagnostics.add("Using $executable to print stack traces");
} else {
diagnostics.add("win_sdk_path not found");
} else {
diagnostics.add("Capturing stack traces on"
"${io.Platform.operatingSystem} not supported");
if (executable != null) {
var pids = await _getPidList(, diagnostics);
diagnostics.add("Process list including children: $pids");
for (pid in pids) {
List<String> arguments;
if (io.Platform.isLinux) {
arguments = ['-p $pid'];
} else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
arguments = ['$pid', '1', '4000', '-mayDie'];
} else if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
arguments = ['-p', '$pid', '-c', '!uniqstack;qd'];
} else {
diagnostics.add("Trying to capture stack trace for pid $pid");
try {
var result = await, arguments);
diagnostics.addAll((result.stdout as String).split('\n'));
diagnostics.addAll((result.stderr as String).split('\n'));
} catch (error) {
diagnostics.add("Unable to capture stack traces: $error");
if (!process.kill()) {
diagnostics.add("Unable to kill ${}");
process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
if (!stdoutDone || !stderrDone) {
watchdogTimer = new Timer(MAX_STDIO_DELAY, () {
"$MAX_STDIO_DELAY_PASSED_MESSAGE (command: $command)");
watchdogTimer = null;
.wait([stdoutCompleter.future, stderrCompleter.future]).then((_) {
timeoutTimer =
new Timer(new Duration(seconds: timeout), timeoutHandler);
}).catchError((e) {
// TODO(floitsch): should we try to report the stacktrace?
print("Process error:");
print(" Command: $command");
print(" Error: $e");
return true;
void _commandComplete(int exitCode) {
if (timeoutTimer != null) {
var commandOutput = _createCommandOutput(command, exitCode);
CommandOutput _createCommandOutput(ProcessCommand command, int exitCode) {
List<int> stdoutData = stdout.toList();
List<int> stderrData = stderr.toList();
if (stdout.hasNonUtf8 || stderr.hasNonUtf8) {
// If the output contained non-utf8 formatted data, then make the exit
// code non-zero if it isn't already.
if (exitCode == 0) {
exitCode = nonUtfFakeExitCode;
var commandOutput = createCommandOutput(
return commandOutput;
StreamSubscription _drainStream(
Stream<List<int>> source, OutputLog destination) {
return source.listen(destination.add);
Map<String, String> _createProcessEnvironment() {
var environment = new Map<String, String>.from(io.Platform.environment);
if (command.environmentOverrides != null) {
for (var key in command.environmentOverrides.keys) {
environment[key] = command.environmentOverrides[key];
for (var excludedEnvironmentVariable in _excludedEnvironmentVariables) {
// TODO(terry): Needed for roll 50?
environment["GLIBCPP_FORCE_NEW"] = "1";
environment["GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW"] = "1";
return environment;
class BatchRunnerProcess {
Completer<CommandOutput> _completer;
ProcessCommand _command;
List<String> _arguments;
String _runnerType;
io.Process _process;
Map<String, String> _processEnvironmentOverrides;
Completer<Null> _stdoutCompleter;
Completer<Null> _stderrCompleter;
StreamSubscription<String> _stdoutSubscription;
StreamSubscription<String> _stderrSubscription;
Function _processExitHandler;
bool _currentlyRunning = false;
OutputLog _testStdout;
OutputLog _testStderr;
String _status;
DateTime _startTime;
Timer _timer;
int _testCount = 0;
Future<CommandOutput> runCommand(String runnerType, ProcessCommand command,
int timeout, List<String> arguments) {
assert(_completer == null);
_completer = new Completer();
bool sameRunnerType = _runnerType == runnerType &&
_dictEquals(_processEnvironmentOverrides, command.environmentOverrides);
_runnerType = runnerType;
_currentlyRunning = true;
_command = command;
_arguments = arguments;
_processEnvironmentOverrides = command.environmentOverrides;
// TOOD(jmesserly): this restarts `dartdevc --batch` to work around a
// memory leak, see
var clearMemoryLeak = command is CompilationCommand &&
command.displayName == 'dartdevc' &&
++_testCount % 100 == 0;
if (_process == null) {
// Start process if not yet started.
_startProcess(() {
doStartTest(command, timeout);
} else if (!sameRunnerType || clearMemoryLeak) {
// Restart this runner with the right executable for this test if needed.
_processExitHandler = (_) {
_startProcess(() {
doStartTest(command, timeout);
} else {
doStartTest(command, timeout);
return _completer.future;
Future<bool> terminate() {
if (_process == null) return new Future.value(true);
var terminateCompleter = new Completer<bool>();
_processExitHandler = (_) {
return terminateCompleter.future;
void doStartTest(Command command, int timeout) {
_startTime = new;
_testStdout = new OutputLog();
_testStderr = new OutputLog();
_status = null;
_stdoutCompleter = new Completer();
_stderrCompleter = new Completer();
_timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: timeout), _timeoutHandler);
var line = _createArgumentsLine(_arguments, timeout);
Future.wait([_stdoutCompleter.future, _stderrCompleter.future]).then(
(_) => _reportResult());
String _createArgumentsLine(List<String> arguments, int timeout) {
return arguments.join(' ') + '\n';
void _reportResult() {
if (!_currentlyRunning) return;
// _status == '>>> TEST {PASS, FAIL, OK, CRASH, FAIL, TIMEOUT}'
var outcome = _status.split(" ")[2];
var exitCode = 0;
if (outcome == "CRASH") exitCode = browserCrashExitCode;
if (outcome == "FAIL" || outcome == "TIMEOUT") exitCode = 1;
var output = createCommandOutput(
(outcome == "TIMEOUT"),
assert(_completer != null);
_completer = null;
_currentlyRunning = false;
ExitCodeEvent makeExitHandler(String status) {
void handler(int exitCode) {
if (_currentlyRunning) {
if (_timer != null) _timer.cancel();
_status = status;
} else {
// No active test case running.
_process = null;
return handler;
void _timeoutHandler() {
_processExitHandler = makeExitHandler(">>> TEST TIMEOUT");
void _startProcess(Action callback) {
assert(_command is ProcessCommand);
var executable = _command.executable;
var arguments = _command.batchArguments.toList();
var environment = new Map<String, String>.from(io.Platform.environment);
if (_processEnvironmentOverrides != null) {
for (var key in _processEnvironmentOverrides.keys) {
environment[key] = _processEnvironmentOverrides[key];
Future processFuture =
io.Process.start(executable, arguments, environment: environment);
processFuture.then((io.Process p) {
_process = p;
var _stdoutStream =
_process.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(new LineSplitter());
_stdoutSubscription = _stdoutStream.listen((String line) {
if (line.startsWith('>>> TEST')) {
_status = line;
} else if (line.startsWith('>>> BATCH')) {
// ignore
} else if (line.startsWith('>>> ')) {
throw new Exception("Unexpected command from batch runner: '$line'.");
} else {
if (_status != null) {
var _stderrStream =
_process.stderr.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(new LineSplitter());
_stderrSubscription = _stderrStream.listen((String line) {
if (line.startsWith('>>> EOF STDERR')) {
} else {
_processExitHandler = makeExitHandler(">>> TEST CRASH");
_process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
_process.stdin.done.catchError((err) {
print('Error on batch runner input stream stdin');
print(' Previous test\'s status: $_status');
print(' Error: $err');
throw err;
}).catchError((e) {
// TODO(floitsch): should we try to report the stacktrace?
print("Process error:");
print(" Command: $executable ${arguments.join(' ')} ($_arguments)");
print(" Error: $e");
// If there is an error starting a batch process, chances are that
// it will always fail. So rather than re-trying a 1000+ times, we
// exit.
return true;
bool _dictEquals(Map a, Map b) {
if (a == null) return b == null;
if (b == null) return false;
for (var key in a.keys) {
if (a[key] != b[key]) return false;
return true;
* [TestCaseEnqueuer] takes a list of TestSuites, generates TestCases and
* builds a dependency graph of all commands in every TestSuite.
* It will maintain three helper data structures
* - command2node: A mapping from a [Command] to a node in the dependency graph
* - command2testCases: A mapping from [Command] to all TestCases that it is
* part of.
* - remainingTestCases: A set of TestCases that were enqueued but are not
* finished
* [Command] and it's subclasses all have hashCode/operator== methods defined
* on them, so we can safely use them as keys in Map/Set objects.
class TestCaseEnqueuer {
final Graph<Command> graph;
final Function _onTestCaseAdded;
final command2node = <Command, Node<Command>>{};
final command2testCases = <Command, List<TestCase>>{};
final remainingTestCases = new Set<TestCase>();
TestCaseEnqueuer(this.graph, this._onTestCaseAdded);
void enqueueTestSuites(List<TestSuite> testSuites) {
// Cache information about test cases per test suite. For multiple
// configurations there is no need to repeatedly search the file
// system, generate tests, and search test files for options.
var testCache = <String, List<TestInformation>>{};
var iterator = testSuites.iterator;
void enqueueNextSuite() {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
// We're finished with building the dependency graph.
} else {
iterator.current.forEachTest(_newTest, testCache, enqueueNextSuite);
void _newTest(TestCase testCase) {
Node<Command> lastNode;
for (var command in testCase.commands) {
// Make exactly *one* node in the dependency graph for every command.
// This ensures that we never have two commands c1 and c2 in the graph
// with "c1 == c2".
var node = command2node[command];
if (node == null) {
var requiredNodes = (lastNode != null) ? [lastNode] : <Node<Command>>[];
node = graph.add(command, requiredNodes);
command2node[command] = node;
command2testCases[command] = <TestCase>[];
// Keep mapping from command to all testCases that refer to it
lastNode = node;
* [CommandEnqueuer] will
* - change node.state to NodeState.Enqueuing as soon as all dependencies have
* a state of NodeState.Successful
* - change node.state to NodeState.UnableToRun if one or more dependencies
* have a state of NodeState.Failed/NodeState.UnableToRun.
class CommandEnqueuer {
static const _initStates = const [NodeState.initialized, NodeState.waiting];
static const _finishedStates = const [
final Graph<Command> _graph;
CommandEnqueuer(this._graph) {
_graph.changed.listen((event) {
if (event.from == NodeState.waiting ||
event.from == NodeState.processing) {
if (_finishedStates.contains( {
for (var dependendNode in event.node.neededFor) {
// Called when either a new node was added or if one of it's dependencies
// changed it's state.
void _changeNodeStateIfNecessary(Node<Command> node) {
if (_initStates.contains(node.state)) {
bool anyDependenciesUnsuccessful = node.dependencies.any((dep) =>
[NodeState.failed, NodeState.unableToRun].contains(dep.state));
var newState = NodeState.waiting;
if (anyDependenciesUnsuccessful) {
newState = NodeState.unableToRun;
} else {
bool allDependenciesSuccessful =
node.dependencies.every((dep) => dep.state == NodeState.successful);
if (allDependenciesSuccessful) {
newState = NodeState.enqueuing;
if (node.state != newState) {
_graph.changeState(node, newState);
* [CommandQueue] will listen for nodes entering the NodeState.ENQUEUING state,
* queue them up and run them. While nodes are processed they will be in the
* NodeState.PROCESSING state. After running a command, the node will change
* to a state of NodeState.Successful or NodeState.Failed.
* It provides a synchronous stream [completedCommands] which provides the
* [CommandOutputs] for the finished commands.
* It provides a [done] future, which will complete once there are no more
* nodes left in the states Initialized/Waiting/Enqueing/Processing
* and the [executor] has cleaned up it's resources.
class CommandQueue {
final Graph<Command> graph;
final CommandExecutor executor;
final TestCaseEnqueuer enqueuer;
final Queue<Command> _runQueue = new Queue<Command>();
final _commandOutputStream = new StreamController<CommandOutput>(sync: true);
final _completer = new Completer<Null>();
int _numProcesses = 0;
int _maxProcesses;
int _numBrowserProcesses = 0;
int _maxBrowserProcesses;
bool _finishing = false;
bool _verbose = false;
CommandQueue(this.graph, this.enqueuer, this.executor, this._maxProcesses,
this._maxBrowserProcesses, this._verbose) {
graph.changed.listen((event) {
if ( == NodeState.enqueuing) {
assert(event.from == NodeState.initialized ||
event.from == NodeState.waiting);
graph.changeState(event.node, NodeState.processing);
var command =;
if (event.node.dependencies.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
} => _tryRunNextCommand());
} else if ( == NodeState.unableToRun) {
// We're finished if the graph is sealed and all nodes are in a finished
// state (Successful, Failed or UnableToRun).
// So we're calling '_checkDone()' to check whether that condition is met
// and we can cleanup.
graph.sealed.listen((event) {
Stream<CommandOutput> get completedCommands =>;
Future get done => _completer.future;
void _tryRunNextCommand() {
if (_numProcesses < _maxProcesses && !_runQueue.isEmpty) {
Command command = _runQueue.removeFirst();
var isBrowserCommand = command is BrowserTestCommand;
if (isBrowserCommand && _numBrowserProcesses == _maxBrowserProcesses) {
// If there is no free browser runner, put it back into the queue.
// Don't lose a process.
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: 100), _tryRunNextCommand);
if (isBrowserCommand) _numBrowserProcesses++;
var node = enqueuer.command2node[command];
Iterable<TestCase> testCases = enqueuer.command2testCases[command];
// If a command is part of many TestCases we set the timeout to be
// the maximum over all [TestCase.timeout]s. At some point, we might
// eliminate [TestCase.timeout] completely and move it to [Command].
int timeout = test) => test.timeout).fold(0, math.max);
if (_verbose) {
print('Running "${command.displayName}" command: $command');
executor.runCommand(node, command, timeout).then((CommandOutput output) {
assert(command == output.command);
if (output.canRunDependendCommands) {
graph.changeState(node, NodeState.successful);
} else {
graph.changeState(node, NodeState.failed);
if (isBrowserCommand) _numBrowserProcesses--;
// Don't lose a process => _tryRunNextCommand());
void _checkDone() {
if (!_finishing &&
_runQueue.isEmpty &&
_numProcesses == 0 &&
graph.isSealed &&
graph.stateCount(NodeState.initialized) == 0 &&
graph.stateCount(NodeState.waiting) == 0 &&
graph.stateCount(NodeState.enqueuing) == 0 &&
graph.stateCount(NodeState.processing) == 0) {
_finishing = true;
executor.cleanup().then((_) {
void dumpState() {
print("CommandQueue state:");
print(" Processes: used: $_numProcesses max: $_maxProcesses");
print(" BrowserProcesses: used: $_numBrowserProcesses "
"max: $_maxBrowserProcesses");
print(" Finishing: $_finishing");
print(" Queue (length = ${_runQueue.length}):");
for (var command in _runQueue) {
print(" $command");
* [CommandExecutor] is responsible for executing commands. It will make sure
* that the following two constraints are satisfied
* - [:numberOfProcessesUsed <= maxProcesses:]
* - [:numberOfBrowserProcessesUsed <= maxBrowserProcesses:]
* It provides a [runCommand] method which will complete with a
* [CommandOutput] object.
* It provides a [cleanup] method to free all the allocated resources.
abstract class CommandExecutor {
Future cleanup();
// TODO(kustermann): The [timeout] parameter should be a property of Command
Future<CommandOutput> runCommand(
Node<Command> node, covariant Command command, int timeout);
class CommandExecutorImpl implements CommandExecutor {
final Configuration globalConfiguration;
final int maxProcesses;
final int maxBrowserProcesses;
AdbDevicePool adbDevicePool;
// For dart2js and analyzer batch processing,
// we keep a list of batch processes.
final _batchProcesses = new Map<String, List<BatchRunnerProcess>>();
// We keep a BrowserTestRunner for every configuration.
final _browserTestRunners = new Map<Configuration, BrowserTestRunner>();
bool _finishing = false;
this.globalConfiguration, this.maxProcesses, this.maxBrowserProcesses,
Future cleanup() {
_finishing = true;
Future _terminateBatchRunners() {
var futures = <Future>[];
for (var runners in _batchProcesses.values) {
futures.addAll( => runner.terminate()));
return Future.wait(futures);
Future _terminateBrowserRunners() {
var futures = => runner.terminate());
return Future.wait(futures);
return Future.wait([
Future<CommandOutput> runCommand(node, Command command, int timeout) {
Future<CommandOutput> runCommand(int retriesLeft) {
return _runCommand(command, timeout).then((CommandOutput output) {
if (retriesLeft > 0 && shouldRetryCommand(output)) {
DebugLogger.warning("Rerunning Command: ($retriesLeft "
"attempt(s) remains) [cmd: $command]");
return runCommand(retriesLeft - 1);
} else {
return new Future.value(output);
return runCommand(command.maxNumRetries);
Future<CommandOutput> _runCommand(Command command, int timeout) {
if (command is BrowserTestCommand) {
return _startBrowserControllerTest(command, timeout);
} else if (command is KernelCompilationCommand) {
// For now, we always run dartk in batch mode.
var name = command.displayName;
assert(name == 'dartk');
return _getBatchRunner(name)
.runCommand(name, command, timeout, command.arguments);
} else if (command is CompilationCommand &&
globalConfiguration.batchDart2JS) {
return _getBatchRunner("dart2js")
.runCommand("dart2js", command, timeout, command.arguments);
} else if (command is AnalysisCommand && globalConfiguration.batch) {
return _getBatchRunner(command.displayName)
.runCommand(command.displayName, command, timeout, command.arguments);
} else if (command is CompilationCommand &&
command.displayName == 'dartdevc' &&
globalConfiguration.batch) {
return _getBatchRunner(command.displayName)
.runCommand(command.displayName, command, timeout, command.arguments);
} else if (command is ScriptCommand) {
} else if (command is AdbPrecompilationCommand) {
assert(adbDevicePool != null);
return adbDevicePool.acquireDevice().then((AdbDevice device) {
return _runAdbPrecompilationCommand(device, command, timeout)
.whenComplete(() {
} else if (command is VmBatchCommand) {
var name = command.displayName;
return _getBatchRunner(command.displayName + command.dartFile)
.runCommand(name, command, timeout, command.arguments);
} else if (command is ProcessCommand) {
return new RunningProcess(command, timeout,
configuration: globalConfiguration)
} else {
throw new ArgumentError("Unknown command type ${command.runtimeType}.");
Future<CommandOutput> _runAdbPrecompilationCommand(
AdbDevice device, AdbPrecompilationCommand command, int timeout) async {
var runner = command.precompiledRunnerFilename;
var processTest = command.processTestFilename;
var testdir = command.precompiledTestDirectory;
var arguments = command.arguments;
var devicedir = DartPrecompiledAdbRuntimeConfiguration.DeviceDir;
var deviceTestDir = DartPrecompiledAdbRuntimeConfiguration.DeviceTestDir;
// We copy all the files which the vm precompiler puts into the test
// directory.
List<String> files = new io.Directory(testdir)
.map((file) => file.path)
.map((path) => path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1))
var timeoutDuration = new Duration(seconds: timeout);
var steps = <StepFunction>[];
steps.add(() => device.runAdbShellCommand(['rm', '-Rf', deviceTestDir]));
steps.add(() => device.runAdbShellCommand(['mkdir', '-p', deviceTestDir]));
steps.add(() =>
device.pushCachedData(runner, '$devicedir/dart_precompiled_runtime'));
() => device.pushCachedData(processTest, '$devicedir/process_test'));
steps.add(() => device.runAdbShellCommand([
'$devicedir/dart_precompiled_runtime $devicedir/process_test'
for (var file in files) {
steps.add(() => device
.runAdbCommand(['push', '$testdir/$file', '$deviceTestDir/$file']));
steps.add(() => device.runAdbShellCommand(
timeout: timeoutDuration));
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
var writer = new StringBuffer();
await device.waitForBootCompleted();
await device.waitForDevice();
AdbCommandResult result;
for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
var fun = steps[i];
var commandStopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
result = await fun();
writer.writeln("Executing ${result.command}");
if (result.stdout.length > 0) {
if (result.stderr.length > 0) {
writer.writeln("ExitCode: ${result.exitCode}");
writer.writeln("Time: ${commandStopwatch.elapsed}");
// If one command fails, we stop processing the others and return
// immediately.
if (result.exitCode != 0) break;
return createCommandOutput(command, result.exitCode, result.timedOut,
UTF8.encode('$writer'), [], stopwatch.elapsed, false);
BatchRunnerProcess _getBatchRunner(String identifier) {
// Start batch processes if needed
var runners = _batchProcesses[identifier];
if (runners == null) {
runners = new List<BatchRunnerProcess>(maxProcesses);
for (int i = 0; i < maxProcesses; i++) {
runners[i] = new BatchRunnerProcess();
_batchProcesses[identifier] = runners;
for (var runner in runners) {
if (!runner._currentlyRunning) return runner;
throw new Exception('Unable to find inactive batch runner.');
Future<CommandOutput> _startBrowserControllerTest(
BrowserTestCommand browserCommand, int timeout) {
var completer = new Completer<CommandOutput>();
var callback = (BrowserTestOutput output) {
completer.complete(new BrowserCommandOutput(browserCommand, output));
BrowserTest browserTest;
if (browserCommand is BrowserHtmlTestCommand) {
browserTest = new HtmlTest(browserCommand.url, callback, timeout,
} else {
browserTest = new BrowserTest(browserCommand.url, callback, timeout);
_getBrowserTestRunner(browserCommand.configuration).then((testRunner) {
return completer.future;
Future<BrowserTestRunner> _getBrowserTestRunner(
Configuration configuration) async {
if (_browserTestRunners[configuration] == null) {
var testRunner = new BrowserTestRunner(
configuration, globalConfiguration.localIP, maxBrowserProcesses);
if (globalConfiguration.isVerbose) {
testRunner.logger =;
_browserTestRunners[configuration] = testRunner;
await testRunner.start();
return _browserTestRunners[configuration];
bool shouldRetryCommand(CommandOutput output) {
if (!output.successful) {
List<String> stdout, stderr;
decodeOutput() {
if (stdout == null && stderr == null) {
stdout = decodeUtf8(output.stderr).split("\n");
stderr = decodeUtf8(output.stderr).split("\n");
final command = output.command;
// The dartk batch compiler sometimes runs out of memory. In such a case we
// will retry running it.
if (command is KernelCompilationCommand) {
if (output.hasCrashed) {
bool containsOutOfMemoryMessage(String line) {
return line.contains('Exhausted heap space, trying to allocat');
if (stdout.any(containsOutOfMemoryMessage) ||
stderr.any(containsOutOfMemoryMessage)) {
return true;
// As long as we use a legacy version of our custom content_shell (which
// became quite flaky after chrome-50 roll) we'll re-run tests on it.
// The plan is to use chrome's content_shell instead of our own.
// See .
if (command is ContentShellCommand) {
return true;
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'linux') {
// No matter which command we ran: If we get failures due to the
// "xvfb-run" issue 7564, try re-running the test.
bool containsFailureMsg(String line) {
return line.contains(cannotOpenDisplayMessage) ||
if (stdout.any(containsFailureMsg) || stderr.any(containsFailureMsg)) {
return true;
return false;
* [TestCaseCompleter] will listen for
* NodeState.Processing -> NodeState.{Successful,Failed} state changes and
* will complete a TestCase if it is finished.
* It provides a stream [finishedTestCases], which will stream all TestCases
* once they're finished. After all TestCases are done, the stream will be
* closed.
class TestCaseCompleter {
static const _completedStates = const [
final Graph<Command> _graph;
final TestCaseEnqueuer _enqueuer;
final CommandQueue _commandQueue;
final Map<Command, CommandOutput> _outputs = {};
final StreamController<TestCase> _controller = new StreamController();
bool _closed = false;
TestCaseCompleter(this._graph, this._enqueuer, this._commandQueue) {
var finishedRemainingTestCases = false;
// Store all the command outputs -- they will be delivered synchronously
// (i.e. before state changes in the graph)
_commandQueue.completedCommands.listen((CommandOutput output) {
_outputs[output.command] = output;
}, onDone: () {
_completeTestCasesIfPossible(new List.from(_enqueuer.remainingTestCases));
finishedRemainingTestCases = true;
// Listen for NodeState.Processing -> NodeState.{Successful,Failed}
// changes.
_graph.changed.listen((event) {
if (event.from == NodeState.processing && !finishedRemainingTestCases) {
var command =;
assert(_outputs[command] != null);
// Listen also for GraphSealedEvents. If there is not a single node in the
// graph, we still want to finish after the graph was sealed.
_graph.sealed.listen((_) {
if (!_closed && _enqueuer.remainingTestCases.isEmpty) {
_closed = true;
Stream<TestCase> get finishedTestCases =>;
void _checkDone() {
if (!_closed && _graph.isSealed && _enqueuer.remainingTestCases.isEmpty) {
_closed = true;
void _completeTestCasesIfPossible(Iterable<TestCase> testCases) {
// Update TestCases with command outputs
for (TestCase test in testCases) {
for (var icommand in test.commands) {
var output = _outputs[icommand];
if (output != null) {
test.commandOutputs[icommand] = output;
void completeTestCase(TestCase testCase) {
if (_enqueuer.remainingTestCases.contains(testCase)) {
} else {
DebugLogger.error("${testCase.displayName} would be finished twice");
for (var testCase in testCases) {
// Ask the [testCase] if it's done. Note that we assume, that
// [TestCase.isFinished] will return true if all commands were executed
// or if a previous one failed.
if (testCase.isFinished) {
class ProcessQueue {
Configuration _globalConfiguration;
Function _allDone;
final Graph<Command> _graph = new Graph();
List<EventListener> _eventListener;
int maxProcesses,
int maxBrowserProcesses,
DateTime startTime,
List<TestSuite> testSuites,
[bool verbose = false,
AdbDevicePool adbDevicePool]) {
void setupForListing(TestCaseEnqueuer testCaseEnqueuer) {
_graph.sealed.listen((_) {
var testCases = testCaseEnqueuer.remainingTestCases.toList();
testCases.sort((a, b) => a.displayName.compareTo(b.displayName));
print("\nGenerating all matching test cases ....\n");
for (TestCase testCase in testCases) {
print("${testCase.displayName} "
"Expectations: ${testCase.expectedOutcomes.join(', ')} "
"Configuration: '${testCase.configurationString}'");
TestCaseEnqueuer testCaseEnqueuer;
CommandQueue commandQueue;
void setupForRunning(TestCaseEnqueuer testCaseEnqueuer) {
Timer _debugTimer;
// If we haven't seen a single test finishing during a 10 minute period
// something is definitely wrong, so we dump the debugging information.
final debugTimerDuration = const Duration(minutes: 10);
void cancelDebugTimer() {
if (_debugTimer != null) {
void resetDebugTimer() {
_debugTimer = new Timer(debugTimerDuration, () {
print("The debug timer of test.dart expired. Please report this issue"
" to whesse@ and provide the following information:");
print("Graph is sealed: ${_graph.isSealed}");
var unfinishedNodeStates = [
for (var nodeState in unfinishedNodeStates) {
if (_graph.stateCount(nodeState) > 0) {
print("Commands in state '$nodeState':");
for (var node in _graph.nodes) {
if (node.state == nodeState) {
var command =;
var testCases = testCaseEnqueuer.command2testCases[command];
print(" Command: $command");
for (var testCase in testCases) {
print(" Enqueued by: ${testCase.configurationString} "
"-- ${testCase.displayName}");
if (commandQueue != null) {
// When the graph building is finished, notify event listeners.
_graph.sealed.listen((_) {
// Queue commands as they become "runnable"
new CommandEnqueuer(_graph);
// CommandExecutor will execute commands
var executor = new CommandExecutorImpl(
_globalConfiguration, maxProcesses, maxBrowserProcesses,
adbDevicePool: adbDevicePool);
// Run "runnable commands" using [executor] subject to
// maxProcesses/maxBrowserProcesses constraint
commandQueue = new CommandQueue(_graph, testCaseEnqueuer, executor,
maxProcesses, maxBrowserProcesses, verbose);
// Finish test cases when all commands were run (or some failed)
var testCaseCompleter =
new TestCaseCompleter(_graph, testCaseEnqueuer, commandQueue);
testCaseCompleter.finishedTestCases.listen((TestCase finishedTestCase) {
}, onDone: () {
// Wait until the commandQueue/exectutor is done (it may need to stop
// batch runners, browser controllers, ....)
commandQueue.done.then((_) {
// Build up the dependency graph
testCaseEnqueuer = new TestCaseEnqueuer(_graph, (TestCase newTestCase) {
// Either list or run the tests
if (_globalConfiguration.listTests) {
} else {
// Start enqueing all TestCases
void eventFinishedTestCase(TestCase testCase) {
for (var listener in _eventListener) {
void eventTestAdded(TestCase testCase) {
for (var listener in _eventListener) {
void eventAllTestsKnown() {
for (var listener in _eventListener) {
void eventAllTestsDone() {
for (var listener in _eventListener) {