blob: 86e663824c8fdad34b33229f092683068bcdd0ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/base_flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/kernel_loader.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/report.h"
#include "vm/resolver.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
#define Z (zone_)
// Returns static type of the parameter if it can be trusted (was type checked
// by caller) and dynamic otherwise.
static CompileType ParameterType(LocalVariable* param,
Representation representation = kTagged) {
return param->was_type_checked_by_caller()
? CompileType::FromAbstractType(param->type(),
representation == kTagged,
: ((representation == kTagged)
? CompileType::Dynamic()
: CompileType::Dynamic().CopyNonNullable());
bool PrologueBuilder::PrologueSkippableOnUncheckedEntry(
const Function& function) {
return !function.MakesCopyOfParameters() &&
!function.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction() && !function.IsGeneric();
bool PrologueBuilder::HasEmptyPrologue(const Function& function) {
return !function.MakesCopyOfParameters() && !function.IsGeneric() &&
BlockEntryInstr* PrologueBuilder::BuildPrologue(BlockEntryInstr* entry,
PrologueInfo* prologue_info) {
// We always have to build the graph, but we only link it sometimes.
const bool link = !is_inlining_ && !compiling_for_osr_;
const intptr_t previous_block_id = last_used_block_id_;
const bool copy_parameters = function_.MakesCopyOfParameters();
const bool expect_type_args = function_.IsGeneric();
Fragment prologue = Fragment(entry);
if (copy_parameters) {
Fragment f = BuildParameterHandling();
if (link) prologue += f;
if (function_.IsClosureFunction()) {
Fragment f = BuildClosureContextHandling();
if (!compiling_for_osr_) prologue += f;
if (expect_type_args) {
Fragment f = BuildTypeArgumentsHandling();
if (link) prologue += f;
if (function_.IsClosureFunction()) {
Fragment f = BuildClosureDelayedTypeArgumentsHandling();
if (!compiling_for_osr_) prologue += f;
const bool is_empty_prologue = prologue.entry == prologue.current;
// Double-check we create empty prologues when HasEmptyPrologue returns true.
ASSERT(!HasEmptyPrologue(function_) || is_empty_prologue);
// Always do this to preserve deoptid numbering.
JoinEntryInstr* normal_code = BuildJoinEntry();
Fragment jump_to_normal_code = Goto(normal_code);
if (is_empty_prologue) {
*prologue_info = PrologueInfo(-1, -1);
return entry;
} else {
prologue += jump_to_normal_code;
*prologue_info =
PrologueInfo(previous_block_id, normal_code->block_id() - 1);
return normal_code;
Fragment PrologueBuilder::BuildParameterHandling() {
Fragment copy_args_prologue;
const int num_fixed_params = function_.num_fixed_parameters();
const int num_opt_pos_params = function_.NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
const int num_opt_named_params = function_.NumOptionalNamedParameters();
const int num_params =
num_fixed_params + num_opt_pos_params + num_opt_named_params;
ASSERT(function_.NumParameters() == num_params);
const intptr_t fixed_params_size =
FlowGraph::ParameterOffsetAt(function_, num_params, /*last_slot=*/false) -
num_opt_named_params - num_opt_pos_params;
// Check that min_num_pos_args <= num_pos_args <= max_num_pos_args,
// where num_pos_args is the number of positional arguments passed in.
const int min_num_pos_args = num_fixed_params;
LocalVariable* count_var = nullptr;
LocalVariable* optional_count_var = nullptr;
if ((num_opt_pos_params > 0) || (num_opt_named_params > 0)) {
copy_args_prologue += LoadArgDescriptor();
copy_args_prologue +=
copy_args_prologue += LoadArgDescriptor();
copy_args_prologue += LoadNativeField(Slot::ArgumentsDescriptor_count());
count_var = MakeTemporary();
copy_args_prologue += LoadLocal(count_var);
copy_args_prologue += IntConstant(min_num_pos_args);
copy_args_prologue += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kSUB, /* truncate= */ true);
optional_count_var = MakeTemporary();
// Copy mandatory parameters down.
intptr_t param = 0;
intptr_t param_offset = -1;
const auto update_param_offset = [&param_offset](const Function& function,
intptr_t param_id) {
if (param_id < 0) {
// Type arguments of Factory constructor is processed with parameters
// update parameter offset
if (function.is_unboxed_integer_parameter_at(param_id)) {
param_offset += compiler::target::kIntSpillFactor;
} else if (function.is_unboxed_double_parameter_at(param_id)) {
param_offset += compiler::target::kDoubleSpillFactor;
} else {
// Tagged parameters always occupy one word
for (; param < num_fixed_params; ++param) {
const intptr_t param_index = param - (function_.IsFactory() ? 1 : 0);
update_param_offset(function_, param_index);
const auto representation =
((param_index >= 0)
? FlowGraph::ParameterRepresentationAt(function_, param_index)
: kTagged);
if ((num_opt_pos_params > 0) || (num_opt_named_params > 0)) {
copy_args_prologue += LoadLocal(optional_count_var);
} else {
copy_args_prologue += IntConstant(0);
copy_args_prologue += LoadFpRelativeSlot(
compiler::target::kWordSize *
(compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp +
fixed_params_size - param_offset),
ParameterType(ParameterVariable(param), representation),
copy_args_prologue +=
StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource, ParameterVariable(param));
copy_args_prologue += Drop();
// Copy optional parameters down.
if (num_opt_pos_params > 0) {
JoinEntryInstr* next_missing = NULL;
for (intptr_t opt_param = 1; param < num_params; ++param, ++opt_param) {
const intptr_t param_index = param - (function_.IsFactory() ? 1 : 0);
update_param_offset(function_, param_index);
TargetEntryInstr *supplied, *missing;
copy_args_prologue += IntConstant(opt_param);
copy_args_prologue += LoadLocal(optional_count_var);
copy_args_prologue += SmiRelationalOp(Token::kLTE);
copy_args_prologue += BranchIfTrue(&supplied, &missing);
Fragment good(supplied);
good += LoadLocal(optional_count_var);
good += LoadFpRelativeSlot(
compiler::target::kWordSize *
(compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp +
fixed_params_size - param_offset),
good += StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource, ParameterVariable(param));
good += Drop();
Fragment not_good(missing);
if (next_missing != NULL) {
not_good += Goto(next_missing);
not_good.current = next_missing;
next_missing = BuildJoinEntry();
not_good += Constant(DefaultParameterValueAt(opt_param - 1));
not_good +=
StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource, ParameterVariable(param));
not_good += Drop();
not_good += Goto(next_missing);
copy_args_prologue.current = good.current;
copy_args_prologue += Goto(next_missing /* join good/not_good flows */);
copy_args_prologue.current = next_missing;
} else if (num_opt_named_params > 0) {
const bool check_required_params =
const intptr_t first_name_offset =
compiler::target::ArgumentsDescriptor::first_named_entry_offset() -
// Start by alphabetically sorting the names of the optional parameters.
int* opt_param_position = Z->Alloc<int>(num_opt_named_params);
SortOptionalNamedParametersInto(opt_param_position, num_fixed_params,
LocalVariable* optional_count_vars_processed =
ASSERT(optional_count_vars_processed != nullptr);
copy_args_prologue += IntConstant(0);
copy_args_prologue +=
StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource, optional_count_vars_processed);
copy_args_prologue += Drop();
for (intptr_t i = 0; param < num_params; ++param, ++i) {
copy_args_prologue += IntConstant(
compiler::target::ArgumentsDescriptor::named_entry_size() /
copy_args_prologue += LoadLocal(optional_count_vars_processed);
copy_args_prologue += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kMUL, /* truncate= */ true);
LocalVariable* tuple_diff = MakeTemporary();
// Let's load position from arg descriptor (to see which parameter is the
// name) and move kEntrySize forward in ArgDescriptopr names array.
// Later we'll either add this fragment directly to the copy_args_prologue
// if no check is needed or add an appropriate check.
Fragment good;
// fp[target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp + (count_var - pos)]
good += LoadLocal(count_var);
// pos = arg_desc[names_offset + arg_desc_name_index + positionOffset]
good += LoadArgDescriptor();
good += IntConstant(
(first_name_offset +
compiler::target::ArgumentsDescriptor::position_offset()) /
good += LoadLocal(tuple_diff);
good += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kADD, /* truncate= */ true);
good += LoadIndexed(
kArrayCid, /*index_scale*/ compiler::target::kCompressedWordSize);
good += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kSUB, /* truncate= */ true);
good += LoadFpRelativeSlot(
compiler::target::kWordSize *
// Copy down.
good += StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
good += Drop();
// Increase processed optional variable count.
good += LoadLocal(optional_count_vars_processed);
good += IntConstant(1);
good += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kADD, /* truncate= */ true);
good += StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
good += Drop();
const bool required = check_required_params &&
if (required) {
copy_args_prologue += good;
} else {
// name = arg_desc[names_offset + arg_desc_name_index + nameOffset]
copy_args_prologue += LoadArgDescriptor();
copy_args_prologue +=
IntConstant((first_name_offset +
compiler::target::ArgumentsDescriptor::name_offset()) /
copy_args_prologue += LoadLocal(tuple_diff);
copy_args_prologue += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kADD, /* truncate= */ true);
copy_args_prologue += LoadIndexed(
kArrayCid, /*index_scale*/ compiler::target::kCompressedWordSize);
// first name in sorted list of all names
const String& param_name = String::ZoneHandle(
Z, function_.ParameterNameAt(opt_param_position[i]));
copy_args_prologue += Constant(param_name);
// Compare the two names: Note that the ArgumentDescriptor array always
// terminates with a "null" name (i.e. kNullCid), which will prevent us
// from running out-of-bounds.
TargetEntryInstr *supplied, *missing;
copy_args_prologue += BranchIfStrictEqual(&supplied, &missing);
// Join good/not_good.
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
// Put good in the flowgraph as a separate basic block.
good += Goto(join);
// We had no match, so load the default constant.
Fragment not_good(missing);
not_good += Constant(
DefaultParameterValueAt(opt_param_position[i] - num_fixed_params));
// Copy down with default value.
not_good += StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
not_good += Drop();
not_good += Goto(join);
copy_args_prologue.current = join;
copy_args_prologue += Drop(); // tuple_diff
if ((num_opt_pos_params > 0) || (num_opt_named_params > 0)) {
copy_args_prologue += Drop(); // optional_count_var
copy_args_prologue += Drop(); // count_var
copy_args_prologue += Drop(); // positional_count_var
return copy_args_prologue;
Fragment PrologueBuilder::BuildClosureContextHandling() {
LocalVariable* closure_parameter = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
LocalVariable* context = parsed_function_->current_context_var();
// Load closure.context & store it into the context variable.
// (both load/store happen on the copyied-down places).
Fragment populate_context;
populate_context += LoadLocal(closure_parameter);
populate_context += LoadNativeField(Slot::Closure_context());
populate_context += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, context);
populate_context += Drop();
return populate_context;
Fragment PrologueBuilder::BuildTypeArgumentsHandling() {
LocalVariable* type_args_var = parsed_function_->RawTypeArgumentsVariable();
ASSERT(type_args_var != nullptr);
Fragment handling;
Fragment store_type_args;
store_type_args += LoadArgDescriptor();
store_type_args += LoadNativeField(Slot::ArgumentsDescriptor_size());
store_type_args += LoadFpRelativeSlot(
compiler::target::kWordSize *
(1 + compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp),
CompileType(CompileType::kCanBeNull, CompileType::kCannotBeSentinel,
kTypeArgumentsCid, nullptr));
store_type_args += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, type_args_var);
store_type_args += Drop();
Fragment store_null;
store_null += NullConstant();
store_null += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, type_args_var);
store_null += Drop();
handling += TestTypeArgsLen(store_null, store_type_args, 0);
return handling;
Fragment PrologueBuilder::BuildClosureDelayedTypeArgumentsHandling() {
const auto& function = parsed_function_->function();
LocalVariable* const type_args_var =
ASSERT(type_args_var != nullptr);
LocalVariable* const closure = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
// Currently, delayed type arguments can only be introduced through type
// inference in the FE. So if they are present, we can assume they are
// correct in number and bound.
Fragment use_delayed_type_args;
use_delayed_type_args += LoadLocal(closure);
use_delayed_type_args +=
use_delayed_type_args += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, type_args_var);
use_delayed_type_args += Drop();
return TestDelayedTypeArgs(closure,
void PrologueBuilder::SortOptionalNamedParametersInto(int* opt_param_position,
int num_fixed_params,
int num_params) {
String& name = String::Handle(Z);
String& name_i = String::Handle(Z);
for (int pos = num_fixed_params; pos < num_params; pos++) {
name = function_.ParameterNameAt(pos);
int i = pos - num_fixed_params;
while (--i >= 0) {
name_i = function_.ParameterNameAt(opt_param_position[i]);
const intptr_t result = name.CompareTo(name_i);
ASSERT(result != 0);
if (result > 0) break;
opt_param_position[i + 1] = opt_param_position[i];
opt_param_position[i + 1] = pos;
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart