blob: 502237423c64b8952f82faca055c037e430996af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
/// An object that manages the subscriptions for analysis results.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class SubscriptionManager {
/// The current set of subscriptions.
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>>? _subscriptions;
/// Initialize a newly created subscription manager to have no subscriptions.
/// Return `true` if the file with the given [filePath] has a subscription for
/// the given [service].
bool hasSubscriptionForFile(String filePath, AnalysisService service) {
var subscriptions = _subscriptions;
if (subscriptions == null) {
return false;
var files = subscriptions[service];
return files != null && files.contains(filePath);
/// Return a list of the services for which the file with the given [filePath]
/// has been subscribed.
List<AnalysisService> servicesForFile(String filePath) {
var services = <AnalysisService>[];
var subscriptions = _subscriptions;
if (subscriptions != null) {
subscriptions.forEach((AnalysisService service, List<String> files) {
if (files.contains(filePath)) {
return services;
/// Set the current set of subscriptions to those described by the given map
/// of [subscriptions]. Return a map representing the subset of the
/// subscriptions that are new. These are the subscriptions for which a
/// notification should be sent. The returned map is keyed by the path of each
/// file for which notifications should be send and has values representing
/// the list of services that were added for that file.
Map<String, List<AnalysisService>> setSubscriptions(
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions) {
var newSubscriptions = <String, List<AnalysisService>>{};
var currentSubscriptions = _subscriptions;
if (currentSubscriptions == null) {
// This is the first time subscriptions have been set, so all of the
// subscriptions are new.
subscriptions.forEach((AnalysisService service, List<String> paths) {
for (var path in paths) {
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <AnalysisService>[])
} else {
// The subscriptions have been changed, to we need to compute the
// difference.
subscriptions.forEach((AnalysisService service, List<String> paths) {
var oldPaths = currentSubscriptions[service];
for (var path in paths) {
if (oldPaths == null || !oldPaths.contains(path)) {
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <AnalysisService>[])
_subscriptions = subscriptions;
return newSubscriptions;