blob: 05cc2a3ebf9b567fd5e025f2fc59b3501f489931 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Support for interacting with a git repository.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/glob.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'logger.dart';
/// A representation of the differences between two blobs.
class BlobDiff {
/// The regular expression used to identify the beginning of a hunk.
static final RegExp hunkHeaderRegExp =
RegExp(r'@@ -([0-9]+)(?:,[0-9]+)? \+([0-9]+)(?:,[0-9]+)? @@');
/// A list of the hunks in the diff.
List<DiffHunk> hunks = <DiffHunk>[];
/// Initialize a newly created blob diff by parsing the result of the git diff
/// command (the [input]).
/// This is only intended to be invoked from [GitRepository.getBlobDiff].
BlobDiff._(List<String> input) {
/// Parse the result of the git diff command (the [input]).
void _parseInput(List<String> input) {
for (var line in input) {
/// Parse a single [line] from the result of the git diff command.
void _parseLine(String line) {
var currentHunk = hunks.isEmpty ? null : hunks.last;
if (line.startsWith('@@')) {
var match = hunkHeaderRegExp.matchAsPrefix(line)!;
var srcLine = int.parse(!);
var dstLine = int.parse(!);
hunks.add(DiffHunk(srcLine, dstLine));
} else if (currentHunk != null && line.startsWith('+')) {
} else if (currentHunk != null && line.startsWith('-')) {
/// A representation of the differences between two commits.
class CommitDelta {
/// The length (in characters) of a SHA.
static final int SHA_LENGTH = 40;
/// The code-point for a colon (':').
static final int COLON = ':'.codeUnitAt(0);
/// The code-point for a nul character.
static final int NUL = 0;
/// The code-point for a tab.
static final int TAB = '\t'.codeUnitAt(0);
/// The repository from which the commits were taken.
final GitRepository repository;
/// The records of the files that were changed.
final List<DiffRecord> diffRecords = <DiffRecord>[];
/// Initialize a newly created representation of the differences between two
/// commits. The differences are computed by parsing the result of a git diff
/// command (the [diffResults]).
/// This is only intended to be invoked from [GitRepository.getBlobDiff].
CommitDelta._(this.repository, String diffResults) {
/// Return `true` if there are differences.
bool get hasDiffs => diffRecords.isNotEmpty;
/// Return the absolute paths of all of the files in this commit whose name
/// matches the given [fileName].
Iterable<String> filesMatching(String fileName) {
return diffRecords
.where((DiffRecord record) => record.isFor(fileName))
.map((DiffRecord record) => record.srcPath!);
/// Remove any diffs for files that are either (a) outside the given
/// [inclusionPaths], or (b) are files that do not match one of the given
/// [globPatterns].
void filterDiffs(List<String> inclusionPaths, List<Glob> globPatterns) {
diffRecords.retainWhere((DiffRecord record) {
var filePath = (record.srcPath ?? record.dstPath)!;
for (var inclusionPath in inclusionPaths) {
if (path.isWithin(inclusionPath, filePath)) {
for (var glob in globPatterns) {
if (glob.matches(filePath)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return the index of the first nul character in the given [string] that is
/// at or after the given [start] index.
int _findEnd(String string, int start) {
var length = string.length;
var end = start;
while (end < length && string.codeUnitAt(end) != NUL) {
return end;
/// Return the result of converting the given [relativePath] to an absolute
/// path. The path is assumed to be relative to the root of the repository.
String _makeAbsolute(String relativePath) {
return path.join(repository.path, relativePath);
/// Parse all of the diff records in the given [input].
void _parseInput(String input) {
var length = input.length;
var start = 0;
while (start < length) {
start = _parseRecord(input, start);
/// Parse a single record from the given [input], assuming that the record
/// starts at the given [startIndex].
/// Each record is formatted as a sequence of fields. The fields are, from the
/// left to the right:
/// 1. a colon.
/// 2. mode for "src"; 000000 if creation or unmerged.
/// 3. a space.
/// 4. mode for "dst"; 000000 if deletion or unmerged.
/// 5. a space.
/// 6. sha1 for "src"; 0{40} if creation or unmerged.
/// 7. a space.
/// 8. sha1 for "dst"; 0{40} if creation, unmerged or "look at work tree".
/// 9. a space.
/// 10. status, followed by optional "score" number.
/// 11. a tab or a NUL when -z option is used.
/// 12. path for "src"
/// 13. a tab or a NUL when -z option is used; only exists for C or R.
/// 14. path for "dst"; only exists for C or R.
/// 15. an LF or a NUL when -z option is used, to terminate the record.
int _parseRecord(String input, int startIndex) {
// Skip the first five fields.
startIndex += 15;
// Parse field 6
var srcSha = input.substring(startIndex, startIndex + SHA_LENGTH);
startIndex += SHA_LENGTH + 1;
// Parse field 8
var dstSha = input.substring(startIndex, startIndex + SHA_LENGTH);
startIndex += SHA_LENGTH + 1;
// Parse field 10
var endIndex = _findEnd(input, startIndex);
var status = input.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
// Parse field 12
endIndex = _findEnd(input, startIndex);
var srcPath = _makeAbsolute(input.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
// Parse field 14
String? dstPath;
if (status.startsWith('C') || status.startsWith('R')) {
endIndex = _findEnd(input, startIndex);
dstPath = _makeAbsolute(input.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
// Create the record.
.add(DiffRecord(repository, srcSha, dstSha, status, srcPath, dstPath));
return endIndex + 1;
/// Representation of a single diff hunk.
class DiffHunk {
/// The index of the first line that was changed in the src as returned by the
/// diff command. The diff command numbers lines starting at 1, but it
/// subtracts 1 from the line number if there are no lines on the source side
/// of the hunk.
int diffSrcLine;
/// The index of the first line that was changed in the dst as returned by the
/// diff command. The diff command numbers lines starting at 1, but it
/// subtracts 1 from the line number if there are no lines on the destination
/// side of the hunk.
int diffDstLine;
/// A list of the individual lines that were removed from the src.
List<String> removeLines = <String>[];
/// A list of the individual lines that were added to the dst.
List<String> addLines = <String>[];
/// Initialize a newly created hunk. The lines will be added after the object
/// has been created.
DiffHunk(this.diffSrcLine, this.diffDstLine);
/// Return the index of the first line that was changed in the dst. Unlike the
/// [diffDstLine] field, this getter adjusts the line number to be consistent
/// whether or not there were any changed lines.
int get dstLine {
return addLines.isEmpty ? diffDstLine : diffDstLine - 1;
/// Return the index of the first line that was changed in the src. Unlike the
/// [diffDstLine] field, this getter adjusts the line number to be consistent
/// whether or not there were any changed lines.
int get srcLine {
return removeLines.isEmpty ? diffSrcLine : diffSrcLine - 1;
/// A representation of a single line (record) from a raw diff.
class DiffRecord {
/// The repository containing the file(s) that were modified.
final GitRepository repository;
/// The SHA1 of the blob in the src.
final String srcBlob;
/// The SHA1 of the blob in the dst.
final String dstBlob;
/// The status of the change. Valid values are:
/// * A: addition of a file
/// * C: copy of a file into a new one
/// * D: deletion of a file
/// * M: modification of the contents or mode of a file
/// * R: renaming of a file
/// * T: change in the type of the file
/// * U: file is unmerged (you must complete the merge before it can be
/// committed)
/// * X: "unknown" change type (most probably a bug, please report it)
/// Status letters C and R are always followed by a score (denoting the
/// percentage of similarity between the source and target of the move or
/// copy), and are the only ones to be so.
final String status;
/// The path of the src.
final String? srcPath;
/// The path of the dst if this was either a copy or a rename operation.
final String? dstPath;
/// Initialize a newly created diff record.
DiffRecord(this.repository, this.srcBlob, this.dstBlob, this.status,
this.srcPath, this.dstPath);
/// Return `true` if this record represents a file that was added.
bool get isAddition => status == 'A';
/// Return `true` if this record represents a file that was copied.
bool get isCopy => status.startsWith('C');
/// Return `true` if this record represents a file that was deleted.
bool get isDeletion => status == 'D';
/// Return `true` if this record represents a file that was modified.
bool get isModification => status == 'M';
/// Return `true` if this record represents a file that was renamed.
bool get isRename => status.startsWith('R');
/// Return `true` if this record represents an entity whose type was changed
/// (for example, from a file to a directory).
bool get isTypeChange => status == 'T';
/// Return a representation of the individual blobs within this diff.
BlobDiff getBlobDiff() => repository.getBlobDiff(srcBlob, dstBlob);
/// Return `true` if this diff applies to a file with the given name.
bool isFor(String fileName) {
var srcPath = this.srcPath;
var dstPath = this.dstPath;
return (srcPath != null && fileName == path.basename(srcPath)) ||
(dstPath != null && fileName == path.basename(dstPath));
String toString() => srcPath ?? dstPath ?? '<unknown>';
/// A representation of a git repository.
class GitRepository {
/// The absolute path of the directory containing the repository.
final String path;
/// The logger to which git commands should be written, or `null` if the
/// commands should not be written.
final Logger? logger;
/// Initialize a newly created repository to represent the git repository at
/// the given [path].
/// If a [commandSink] is provided, any calls to git will be written to it.
GitRepository(this.path, {this.logger});
/// Checkout the given [commit] from the repository. This is done by running
/// the command `git checkout <sha>`.
void checkout(String commit) {
_run(['checkout', commit]);
/// Return details about the differences between the two blobs identified by
/// the SHA1 of the [srcBlob] and the SHA1 of the [dstBlob]. This is done by
/// running the command `git diff <blob> <blob>`.
BlobDiff getBlobDiff(String srcBlob, String dstBlob) {
var result = _run(['diff', '-U0', srcBlob, dstBlob]);
var diffResults = LineSplitter.split(result.stdout as String).toList();
return BlobDiff._(diffResults);
/// Return details about the differences between the two commits identified by
/// the [srcCommit] and [dstCommit]. This is done by running the command
/// `git diff --raw --no-abbrev --no-renames -z <sha> <sha>`.
CommitDelta getCommitDiff(String srcCommit, String dstCommit) {
// Consider --find-renames instead of --no-renames if rename information is
// desired.
var result = _run([
return CommitDelta._(this, result.stdout as String);
/// Return a representation of the history of this repository. This is done by
/// running the command `git rev-list --first-parent HEAD`.
LinearCommitHistory getCommitHistory() {
var result = _run(['rev-list', '--first-parent', 'HEAD']);
var commitIds = LineSplitter.split(result.stdout as String).toList();
return LinearCommitHistory(this, commitIds);
/// Synchronously run the given [executable] with the given [arguments].
/// Return the result of running the process.
ProcessResult _run(List<String> arguments) {
logger?.log('git', 'git', arguments: arguments);
return Process.runSync('git', arguments,
stderrEncoding: utf8, stdoutEncoding: utf8, workingDirectory: path);
/// A representation of the history of a Git repository. This only represents a
/// single linear path in the history graph.
class LinearCommitHistory {
/// The repository whose history is being represented.
final GitRepository repository;
/// The id's (SHA's) of the commits in the repository, with the most recent
/// commit being first and the oldest commit being last.
final List<String> commitIds;
/// Initialize a commit history for the given [repository] to have the given
/// [commitIds].
LinearCommitHistory(this.repository, this.commitIds);
/// Return an iterator that can be used to iterate over this commit history.
LinearCommitHistoryIterator iterator() {
return LinearCommitHistoryIterator(this);
/// An iterator over the history of a Git repository.
class LinearCommitHistoryIterator {
/// The commit history being iterated over.
final LinearCommitHistory history;
/// The index of the current commit in the list of [commitIds].
late int currentCommit;
/// Initialize a newly created iterator to iterate over the commits with the
/// given [commitIds];
LinearCommitHistoryIterator(this.history) {
currentCommit = history.commitIds.length;
/// Return the SHA1 of the commit after the current commit (the 'dst' of the
/// [next] diff).
String get dstCommit => history.commitIds[currentCommit - 1];
/// Return the SHA1 of the current commit (the 'src' of the [next] diff).
String get srcCommit => history.commitIds[currentCommit];
/// Advance to the next commit in the history. Return `true` if it is safe to
/// ask for the [next] diff.
bool moveNext() {
if (currentCommit <= 1) {
return false;
return true;
/// Return the difference between the current commit and the commit that
/// followed it.
CommitDelta next() => history.repository.getCommitDiff(srcCommit, dstCommit);