blob: 27715640982bf84ae60df940af1df4c3b7203220 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'integration_tests.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ServerTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerIntegrationTest {
Future<void> test_diagnosticServer() async {
await initialize();
// Send the custom request to the LSP server to get the Dart diagnostic
// server info.
final server = await getDiagnosticServer();
expect(server.port, isNotNull);
expect(server.port, isNonZero);
expect(server.port, isPositive);
// Ensure the server was actually started.
final client = HttpClient();
var request = await client
final response = await request.close();
final responseBody = await utf8.decodeStream(response.cast<List<int>>());
expect(responseBody, contains('<title>Analysis Server</title>'));
Future<void> test_exit_inintializedWithShutdown() async {
await initialize();
await sendShutdown();
await Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () =>
fail('Server channel did not close within 10 seconds'));
final exitCode = await client.exitCode.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () => fail('Server process did not exit within 10 seconds'));
expect(exitCode, equals(0));
Future<void> test_exit_initializedWithoutShutdown() async {
// Send a request that we can wait for, to ensure the server is fully ready
// before we send exit. Otherwise the exit notification won't be handled for
// a long time (while the server starts up) and will exceed the 10s timeout.
await initialize();
await Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () =>
fail('Server channel did not close within 10 seconds'));
final exitCode = await client.exitCode.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () => fail('Server process did not exit within 10 seconds'));
expect(exitCode, equals(1));
Future<void> test_exit_uninintializedWithShutdown() async {
await sendShutdown();
await Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () =>
fail('Server channel did not close within 10 seconds'));
final exitCode = await client.exitCode.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 10),
onTimeout: () => fail('Server process did not exit within 10 seconds'));
expect(exitCode, equals(0));
Future<void> test_exit_uninitializedWithoutShutdown() async {
// This tests the same as test_exit_withoutShutdown but without sending
// initialize. It can't be as strict with the timeout as the server may take
// time to start up (we can't tell when it's ready without sending a request).
final exitCode = await client.exitCode;
expect(exitCode, equals(1));