blob: 38117f1b5120cd32cd2f5f5e39cf81e85c279515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'result_models.dart';
import 'testpy_wrapper.dart';
import 'expectation_set.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'package:status_file/expectation.dart';
/// Finds the expectation for each test found in the [testResult] results and
/// outputs if the test succeeded or failed.
Future<List<TestExpectationResult>> getTestResultsWithExpectation(
TestResult testResult) async {
// Build expectations from configurations. Each configuration may test
// multiple test suites.
Map<String, Map<String, ExpectationSet>> expectationsMap = {};
await Future.forEach(testResult.configurations.keys, (key) async {
var value = testResult.configurations[key];
var statusFilesMap = await statusFileListerMap(value, []);
expectationsMap[key] = {};
await Future.forEach(statusFilesMap.keys, (suite) async {
var statusFilesPaths = statusFilesMap[suite].where((sf) {
return new File(sf).existsSync();
expectationsMap[key][suite] =
await, value);
List<Result> results = testResult.results;
return {
var testSuite = getSuiteNameForTest(;
var qualifiedName = getQualifiedNameForTest(;
var expectationMap = expectationsMap[result.configuration];
var expectationSuite = expectationMap[testSuite];
var expectations = expectationSuite.expectations(qualifiedName);
var resultAsExpectation = Expectation.find(result.result);
bool isSuccess = expectations.contains(resultAsExpectation);
return new TestExpectationResult(, result.result, => x.toString()).toList(), isSuccess);
/// [TestExpectationResult] is a class that contains information about the
/// result of running a test, along with the expectation.
class TestExpectationResult {
final String name;
final String result;
final List<String> expectation;
final bool success;
TestExpectationResult(, this.result, this.expectation, this.success);