blob: cc2a5e9cf896e83e7bfebe20d729494fa8057e93 [file] [log] [blame]
(* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. *)
Require Import Common.
Require Import CommonTactics.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Import Common.OptionMonad.
Module N := Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.Nat.
(* The subtyping function doesn't satisfy the ordinary subterm totality
condition due to the contravariant property function parameter types.
Instead, we prove it terminates by induction on the sum of both types'
syntactic sizes. *)
Section Dart_Type_Pair_Size_Properties.
Fixpoint size (d : dart_type) : nat :=
match d with
| DT_Interface_Type i => size_it i + 1
| DT_Function_Type f => size_ft f + 1
with size_it (i : interface_type) : nat :=
match i with
| Interface_Type n => 0
with size_ft (f : function_type) : nat :=
match f with
| Function_Type p r => size p + size r
Definition pair_size (d : dart_type * dart_type) :=
let (x, y) := d in size x + size y.
Definition pair_size_order (d e : dart_type * dart_type) := pair_size d < pair_size e.
Hint Constructors Acc.
Lemma pair_size_order_wf' : forall sz, forall d, pair_size d < sz -> Acc pair_size_order d.
unfold pair_size_order; induction sz; crush.
Theorem pair_size_order_wf : well_founded pair_size_order.
red; intros; eapply pair_size_order_wf'; eauto.
End Dart_Type_Pair_Size_Properties.
Module Subtyping.
Local Definition subtype_rec
(p : dart_type * dart_type)
(subtype : forall p' : dart_type * dart_type, pair_size_order p' p -> bool) : bool.
refine (
match p as p' return (p = p' -> bool) with
| (DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type s_class),
DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type t_class)) =>
fun H1 => N.eqb s_class t_class
| (DT_Function_Type (Function_Type s_param s_ret),
DT_Function_Type (Function_Type t_param t_ret)) =>
fun H2 => andb (subtype (t_param, s_param) _) (subtype (s_ret, t_ret) _)
| _ => fun _ => false
end (eq_refl : p = p));
destruct p;
destruct d1; destruct d2; crush;
unfold pair_size_order;
unfold pair_size;
unfold size;
fold size;
Definition subtype : dart_type * dart_type -> bool :=
Fix pair_size_order_wf (fun _ => bool) subtype_rec.
Notation "s ◁ t" := (subtype (s, t) = true) (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Ltac destruct_types :=
repeat match goal with
| [H : interface_type |- _] => destruct H
| [H : function_type |- _] => destruct H
Local Lemma subtype_rec_equiv :
forall (x : dart_type * dart_type)
(f g : forall y : dart_type * dart_type, pair_size_order y x -> bool),
(forall (y : dart_type * dart_type) (p : pair_size_order y x), f y p = g y p) ->
subtype_rec x f = subtype_rec x g.
destruct x;
destruct d;
destruct d0;
Definition subtype_rewrite :=
Fix_eq pair_size_order_wf (fun _ => bool) subtype_rec subtype_rec_equiv.
Local Ltac unfold_subtype' H :=
match type of H with
| ltac_no_arg =>
unfold subtype;
rewrite subtype_rewrite;
unfold subtype_rec at 1;
fold subtype
| _ =>
unfold subtype in H;
rewrite subtype_rewrite in H;
unfold subtype_rec at 1 in H;
fold subtype in H
Tactic Notation "unfold_subtype" := unfold_subtype' Ltac_No_Arg.
Tactic Notation "unfold_subtype" constr(x) := unfold_subtype' x.
Hint Rewrite N.eqb_eq.
Hint Unfold subtype.
Lemma subtype_refl : forall s : dart_type, s ◁ s.
(fun s => s ◁ s)
(fun i => DT_Interface_Type i ◁ DT_Interface_Type i)
(fun f => DT_Function_Type f ◁ DT_Function_Type f)); crush.
cbv; crush.
unfold_subtype; crush.
Definition trans_at t := forall s r, s ◁ t /\ t ◁ r -> s ◁ r.
Hint Unfold trans_at.
(* TODO(sjindel): how can we generalize this? *)
Ltac simplify_subtypes :=
repeat ( intuition; repeat ( destruct_types || match goal with
| [ H : DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type _) ◁ _ |- _ ] =>
unfold_subtype H
| [ H : DT_Function_Type (Function_Type _ _) ◁ _ |- _ ] =>
unfold_subtype H
| [ H : _ ◁ DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type _) |- _ ] =>
unfold_subtype H
| [ H : _ ◁ DT_Function_Type (Function_Type _ _) |- _ ] =>
unfold_subtype H
| [ |- DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type _) ◁ _ ] =>
| [ |- DT_Function_Type (Function_Type _ _) ◁ _ ] =>
| [ |- _ ◁ DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type _) ] =>
| [ |- _ ◁ DT_Function_Type (Function_Type _ _) ] =>
Local Lemma interface_type_trans : forall (n : nat), trans_at (DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type n)).
unfold trans_at.
destruct s; destruct r; simplify_subtypes; crush.
Hint Immediate interface_type_trans.
Local Lemma function_type_trans :
forall d, trans_at d -> forall d', trans_at d' ->
trans_at (DT_Function_Type (Function_Type d d')).
intros; unfold trans_at in *; intros; destruct s; destruct r.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
Hint Immediate function_type_trans.
Lemma subtype_trans : forall t s r, s t /\ t r -> s r.
apply (dart_type_induction trans_at); crush.
End Subtyping.
Import Subtyping.
Record procedure_desc : Type := mk_procedure_desc {
pr_name : string;
pr_ref : nat;
pr_type : function_type;
Record interface : Type := mk_interface {
procedures : list procedure_desc;
(** Type envronment maps class IDs to their interface type. *)
Definition class_env : Type := NatMap.t interface.
(** Function environment maps defined functions to their procedure type. Used
for direct method invocation, direct property get etc. *)
Definition func_env : Type := NatMap.t procedure_desc.
Definition type_env : Type := NatMap.t dart_type.
Fixpoint expression_type
(CE : class_env) (FE : func_env) (TE : type_env) (e : expression) :
option dart_type :=
match e with
| E_Variable_Get (Variable_Get v) => NatMap.find v TE
| E_Property_Get (Property_Get rec prop) =>
rec_type <- expression_type CE FE TE rec;
let (prop_name) := prop in
match rec_type with
| DT_Function_Type _ =>
if string_dec prop_name "call" then [rec_type] else None
| DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type class) =>
interface <- NatMap.find class CE;
proc_desc <- List.find (fun P =>
if string_dec (pr_name P) prop_name then true else false)
(procedures interface);
[DT_Function_Type (pr_type proc_desc)]
| E_Invocation_Expression (IE_Constructor_Invocation (Constructor_Invocation class)) =>
_ <- NatMap.find class CE;
[DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type class)]
| E_Invocation_Expression (IE_Method_Invocation (Method_Invocation rec method args _)) =>
rec_type <- expression_type CE FE TE rec;
let (arg_exp) := args in
arg_type <- expression_type CE FE TE arg_exp;
let (method_name) := method in
fun_type <-
match rec_type with
| DT_Function_Type fn_type =>
if string_dec "call" method_name then [fn_type] else None
| DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type class) =>
interface <- NatMap.find class CE;
proc_desc <- List.find (fun P =>
if string_dec (pr_name P) method_name then true else false)
(procedures interface);
[pr_type proc_desc]
let (param_type, ret_type) := fun_type in
if subtype (param_type, arg_type) then [ret_type] else None
Fixpoint statement_type (CE : class_env) (FE: func_env) (TE : type_env) (s : statement) :
option (type_env * option dart_type) :=
match s with
| S_Expression_Statement (Expression_Statement e) =>
_ <- expression_type CE FE TE e; [(TE, None)]
| S_Return_Statement (Return_Statement re) =>
rt <- expression_type CE FE TE re; [(TE, Some rt)]
| S_Variable_Declaration (Variable_Declaration _ _ None) => None
| S_Variable_Declaration (Variable_Declaration var type (Some init)) =>
init_type <- expression_type CE FE TE init;
if subtype (init_type, type) then
[(NatMap.add var type TE, None)]
| S_Block (Block stmts) =>
let process_statements := fix process_statements TE stmts :=
match stmts with
| nil => [(TE, None)]
| (s::ss) =>
st <- statement_type CE FE TE s;
let (TE', s_rt) := st in
sst <- process_statements TE' ss;
let (TE'', ss_rt) := sst in
match (s_rt, ss_rt) with
| (None, ss_rt) => [(TE'', ss_rt)]
| (Some rt, None) => [(TE'', Some rt)]
| (Some rt, Some rt') =>
if subtype (rt, rt') then [(TE'', Some rt)] else None
end in
process_statements TE stmts
Definition procedure_type (CE : class_env) (FE: func_env) (p : procedure) : bool :=
let (_, _, fn) := p in
let (param, ret_type, body) := fn in
let (param_var, param_type, _) := param in
let TE := NatMap.add param_var param_type (NatMap.empty _) in
match statement_type CE FE TE body with
| Some (_, Some t) => subtype (t, ret_type)
| _ => false
Definition class_type (CE : class_env) (FE: func_env) (c : class) : bool :=
let (nn_data, _, procedures) := c in
forallb (procedure_type CE FE) procedures
Section Typing_Equivalence_Homomorphism.
Definition subtype_at (e : expression) :=
forall CE FE TE v s t es,
expression_type CE FE (NatMap.add v s TE) e = [es] /\ s t ->
exists et, expression_type CE FE (NatMap.add v t TE) e = [et] /\ es et.
Hint Resolve NatMap.add_1.
Hint Resolve NatMap.add_2.
Hint Resolve NatMap.find_1.
Hint Resolve subtype_refl.
Lemma subtype_at_variable_get :
forall v, subtype_at (E_Variable_Get (Variable_Get v)).
unfold subtype_at.
destruct (N.eq_dec v v0).
rewrite e in *.
exists t.
assert (es = s).
unfold expression_type in H.
assert (NatMap.find v0 (NatMap.add v0 s TE) = Some s) by crush.
rewrite H0 in H.
unfold expression_type.
destruct H.
unfold expression_type in H.
apply NatMap.find_2 in H.
exists es.
unfold expression_type in *.
pose proof (@NatMap.add_3 dart_type TE v0 v es s (not_eq_sym n) H).
Hint Immediate subtype_at_variable_get.
Hint Rewrite N.eqb_eq.
Lemma subtype_at_property_get :
forall rec prop, subtype_at rec -> subtype_at (E_Property_Get (Property_Get rec prop)).
unfold subtype_at.
destruct prop.
unfold expression_type in H1.
fold expression_type in H1.
extract (expression_type CE FE (NatMap.add v s TE) rec) Orig H0.
(* Go by cases on the original type of the receiver. *)
destruct Orig; [idtac|crush].
simpl in H1.
destruct d.
(* Case 1: receiver has interface type. *)
destruct i.
extract (NatMap.find n CE) iface H3.
destruct iface; [idtac|crush].
simpl in H1.
pose proof (H CE FE TE v s t (DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type n)) (conj H0 H2)).
destruct H4 as [new_rec_type].
destruct H4.
destruct new_rec_type; [idtac|crush].
destruct i0.
unfold_subtype H5.
exists es.
(* Case 2: receiver has function type. *)
destruct f.
pose proof (H CE FE TE v s t (DT_Function_Type (Function_Type d d0)) (conj H0 H2)).
destruct H3 as [new_rec_type].
destruct H3.
exists new_rec_type.
intuition; [idtac|crush].
unfold expression_type.
fold expression_type.
rewrite H3.
destruct new_rec_type; crush.
Hint Immediate subtype_at_property_get.
Lemma subtype_at_ctor_invo :
forall c, subtype_at (E_Invocation_Expression (IE_Constructor_Invocation c)).
unfold subtype_at; intros; exists es; crush.
Hint Immediate subtype_at_ctor_invo.
Lemma subtype_at_meth_invo :
forall rec arg name n, subtype_at rec -> subtype_at arg ->
subtype_at (E_Invocation_Expression (IE_Method_Invocation (Method_Invocation rec name (Arguments arg) n))).
unfold subtype_at; intros.
unfold expression_type in H.
fold expression_type in H.
destruct H1.
unfold expression_type in H1.
fold expression_type in H1.
force_expr (expression_type CE FE (NatMap.add v s TE) rec).
destruct d.
(* Case 1: receiver has interface type. *)
exists es.
simpl in H1.
destruct name.
destruct f.
destruct i.
(* The receiver class must be the same. *)
assert (expression_type CE FE (NatMap.add v t TE) rec = [DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type n0)]).
pose proof (H CE FE TE v s t (DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type n0)) (conj H4 H2)) as IH_rec.
destruct IH_rec.
destruct H3.
destruct x.
destruct i0.
unfold_subtype H10.
(* The function called must have the same type. *)
unfold expression_type.
fold expression_type.
rewrite H3; simpl.
(* The argument is still well typed. *)
pose proof (H0 CE FE TE v s t d (conj H5 H2)) as IH_arg.
destruct IH_arg.
destruct H10.
rewrite H10.
intuition; crush.
rewrite H6.
assert (d0 x).
pose proof (subtype_trans d d0 x (conj H7 H11)); crush.
rewrite H1; crush.
(* Case 2: The receiver has function type. *)
rewrite bind_some in H1.
destruct name.
destruct f0.
pose proof (H CE FE TE v s t (DT_Function_Type f) (conj H4 H2)).
destruct H3.
destruct H3.
destruct x; [crush|idtac].
destruct f; destruct f0.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H9; destruct H9.
assert (es = d3) by crush.
exists d5.
intuition; [idtac|crush].
unfold expression_type.
fold expression_type.
rewrite H3.
rewrite bind_some.
pose proof (H0 CE FE TE v s t d (conj H5 H2)).
destruct H12.
destruct H12.
rewrite H12.
rewrite bind_some.
rewrite H7.
rewrite bind_some.
assert (d2 = d0) by crush.
rewrite (eq_sym H14) in H8.
pose proof (subtype_trans d d2 x (conj H8 H13)).
assert (d4 x).
apply (subtype_trans d2); crush.
rewrite H16.
Hint Immediate subtype_at_meth_invo.
Theorem subtype_homo : forall e, subtype_at e.
Hint Extern 1 =>
match goal with
[ x : arguments |- _ ] => destruct x
apply (expr_induction subtype_at); crush.
End Typing_Equivalence_Homomorphism.
Section Environments.
Definition func_table := NatMap.t member.
Definition procedure_to_env (envs: class_env * func_env * func_table) (p : procedure) :=
let (Cs, FT) := envs in
let (CE, FE) := Cs in
let (memb, _, fn) := p in
let (nn, name) := memb in
let (name_str) := name in
let (ref) := nn in
let (id) := ref in
let (param, ret_type, _) := fn in
let (_, param_type, _) := param in
let proc := mk_procedure_desc name_str id (Function_Type param_type ret_type) in
(proc, (CE, NatMap.add id proc FE, NatMap.add id (M_Procedure p) FT)).
Definition class_to_env (envs: class_env * func_env * func_table) (c : class) :=
let (nn, name, procs) := c in
let (ref) := nn in
let (id) := ref in
let envs' := List.fold_left (fun p e => snd (procedure_to_env p e)) procs envs in
let class_desc := mk_interface ( (fun p => fst (procedure_to_env envs' p)) procs) in
let (Cs, FT) := envs' in
let (CE, FE) := Cs in
(NatMap.add id class_desc CE, FE, FT).
Definition lib_to_env (l: library) : class_env * func_env * func_table :=
let (_, classes, top_procs) := l in
let envs := List.fold_left class_to_env classes (NatMap.empty _, NatMap.empty _, NatMap.empty _) in
List.fold_left (fun p e => snd (procedure_to_env p e)) top_procs envs.
Lemma program_wf: forall l CE FE FT class_id intf proc_desc,
lib_to_env l = ((CE, FE), FT)
-> NatMap.MapsTo class_id intf CE
-> List.In proc_desc (procedures intf)
-> NatMap.In (pr_ref proc_desc) FE /\ NatMap.In (pr_ref proc_desc) FT.
End Environments.