blob: 3b9b207bebd92d661f0635fa1c98a1b07075c13e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test;
class A {
int x;
B operator +(/*@topType=dynamic*/ other) => null;
class B extends A {
var /*@topType=A*/ a = new A();
// Note: it doesn't matter that some of these refer to 'x'.
var /*@topType=B*/ b = new B(/*error:UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER*/ x); // allocations
var /*@topType=List<dynamic>*/ c1 = /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ [
]; // list literals
var /*@topType=List<dynamic>*/ c2 = /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ const [];
var /*@topType=Map<dynamic, dynamic>*/ d = <dynamic, dynamic>{
'a': 'b'
}; // map literals
var /*@topType=A*/ e = new A().. /*@target=A::x*/ x = 3; // cascades
var /*@topType=int*/ f =
2 /*@target=num::+*/ + 3; // binary expressions are OK if the left operand
// is from a library in a different strongest
// conected component.
var /*@topType=int*/ g = /*@target=int::unary-*/ -3;
var /*@topType=B*/ h = new A() /*@target=A::+*/ + 3;
var /*@topType=dynamic*/ i = /*error:UNDEFINED_OPERATOR,info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/ -new A();
var /*@topType=B*/ j = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/ null as B;
test1() {
a = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ "hi";
a = new B(3);
b = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ "hi";
b = new B(3);
c1 = /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ [];
c1 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ {};
c2 = /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ [];
c2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ {};
d = /*@typeArgs=dynamic, dynamic*/ {};
d = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ 3;
e = new A();
e = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ /*@typeArgs=dynamic, dynamic*/ {};
f = 3;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ false;
g = 1;
g = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ false;
h = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ false;
h = new B('b');
i = false;
j = new B('b');
j = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ false;
j = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ /*@typeArgs=dynamic*/ [];
main() {}