blob: 851d47b71daef648926f4a86f032f30717c7ac7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' show ClassElement;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart' show TypeProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart' show Dart2TypeSystem;
import '../compiler/js_typerep.dart';
import 'driver.dart';
class JSTypeRep extends SharedJSTypeRep<DartType> {
final Dart2TypeSystem rules;
final TypeProvider types;
final ClassElement _jsBool;
final ClassElement _jsNumber;
final ClassElement _jsString;
JSTypeRep(this.rules, LinkedAnalysisDriver driver)
: types = driver.typeProvider,
_jsBool = driver.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JSBool'),
_jsString = driver.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JSString'),
_jsNumber = driver.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JSNumber');
JSType typeFor(DartType type) {
while (type is TypeParameterType) {
type = (type as TypeParameterType).element.bound;
if (type == null) return JSType.jsUnknown;
if (type.isDartCoreNull) return JSType.jsNull;
// Note that this should be changed if Dart gets non-nullable types
if (type.isBottom) return JSType.jsNull;
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(type, types.numType)) return JSType.jsNumber;
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(type, types.boolType)) return JSType.jsBoolean;
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(type, types.stringType)) return JSType.jsString;
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var argument = (type as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0];
var argumentRep = typeFor(argument);
if (argumentRep is JSObject || argumentRep is JSNull) {
return JSType.jsObject;
return JSType.jsUnknown;
if (type.isDynamic || type.isObject || type.isVoid) return JSType.jsUnknown;
return JSType.jsObject;
/// Given a Dart type return the known implementation type, if any.
/// Given `bool`, `String`, or `num`/`int`/`double`,
/// returns the corresponding type in `dart:_interceptors`:
/// `JSBool`, `JSString`, and `JSNumber` respectively, otherwise null.
InterfaceType getImplementationType(DartType t) {
var rep = typeFor(t);
// Number, String, and Bool are final
if (rep == JSType.jsNumber) return _jsNumber.type;
if (rep == JSType.jsBoolean) return _jsBool.type;
if (rep == JSType.jsString) return _jsString.type;
return null;