blob: 2f44d9551902ebaaa8b45ca0fe95973bbcadec11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/analysis_options/analysis_options_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/ansi.dart' as ansi;
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/options.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'package:yaml/src/yaml_node.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
}, name: 'Driver');
class AbstractBuildModeTest extends BaseTest {
Future<void> _doDrive(String path,
{String uri,
List<String> additionalArgs = const [],
String dartSdkSummaryPath}) async {
path = _p(path);
var optionsFileName = AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE;
var options = _p('data/options_tests_project/' + optionsFileName);
List<String> args = <String>[];
if (dartSdkSummaryPath != null) {
} else {
String sdkPath = _findSdkDirForSummaries();
uri ??= 'file:///test_file.dart';
String source = '$uri|$path';
await drive(source, args: args, options: options);
/// Try to find a appropriate directory to pass to "--dart-sdk" that will
/// allow summaries to be found.
String _findSdkDirForSummaries() {
Set<String> triedDirectories = <String>{};
bool isSuitable(String sdkDir) {
return File(path.join(sdkDir, 'lib', '_internal', 'strong.sum'))
String makeAbsoluteAndNormalized(String result) {
result = path.absolute(result);
result = path.normalize(result);
return result;
// Usually the sdk directory is the parent of the parent of the "dart"
// executable.
Directory executableParent = File(Platform.executable).parent;
Directory executableGrandparent = executableParent.parent;
if (isSuitable(executableGrandparent.path)) {
return makeAbsoluteAndNormalized(executableGrandparent.path);
// During build bot execution, the sdk directory is simply the parent of the
// "dart" executable.
if (isSuitable(executableParent.path)) {
return makeAbsoluteAndNormalized(executableParent.path);
// If neither of those are suitable, assume we are running locally within the
// SDK project (e.g. within an IDE). Find the build output directory and
// search all built configurations.
Directory sdkRootDir =
for (String outDirName in ['out', 'xcodebuild']) {
Directory outDir = Directory(path.join(sdkRootDir.path, outDirName));
if (outDir.existsSync()) {
for (FileSystemEntity subdir in outDir.listSync()) {
if (subdir is Directory) {
String candidateSdkDir = path.join(subdir.path, 'dart-sdk');
if (isSuitable(candidateSdkDir)) {
return makeAbsoluteAndNormalized(candidateSdkDir);
throw Exception('Could not find an SDK directory containing summaries.'
' Tried: ${triedDirectories.toList()}');
class BaseTest {
static const emptyOptionsFile = 'data/empty_options.yaml';
StringSink _savedOutSink, _savedErrorSink;
int _savedExitCode;
ExitHandler _savedExitHandler;
Driver driver;
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => driver.analysisDriver.analysisOptions;
bool get usePreviewDart2 => false;
/// Normalize text with bullets.
String bulletToDash(item) => '$item'.replaceAll('•', '-');
/// Start a driver for the given [source], optionally providing additional
/// [args] and an [options] file path. The value of [options] defaults to an
/// empty options file to avoid unwanted configuration from an otherwise
/// discovered options file.
Future<void> drive(
String source, {
String options = emptyOptionsFile,
List<String> args = const <String>[],
}) {
return driveMany([source], options: options, args: args);
/// Like [drive], but takes an array of sources.
Future<void> driveMany(
List<String> sources, {
String options = emptyOptionsFile,
List<String> args = const <String>[],
}) async {
options = _p(options);
driver = Driver(isTesting: true);
var cmd = <String>[];
if (options != null) {
cmd = <String>[
path.join(testDirectory, options),
if (usePreviewDart2) {
cmd.insert(0, '--preview-dart-2');
await driver.start(cmd);
void setUp() {
ansi.runningTests = true;
_savedOutSink = outSink;
_savedErrorSink = errorSink;
_savedExitHandler = exitHandler;
_savedExitCode = exitCode;
exitHandler = (code) => exitCode = code;
outSink = StringBuffer();
errorSink = StringBuffer();
void tearDown() {
outSink = _savedOutSink;
errorSink = _savedErrorSink;
exitCode = _savedExitCode;
exitHandler = _savedExitHandler;
ansi.runningTests = false;
/// Convert a file specification from a relative path to an absolute path.
/// Handles the case where the file specification is of the form "$uri|$path".
String _adjustFileSpec(String fileSpec) {
int uriPrefixLength = fileSpec.indexOf('|') + 1;
String uriPrefix = fileSpec.substring(0, uriPrefixLength);
String relativePath = fileSpec.substring(uriPrefixLength);
return '$uriPrefix${path.join(testDirectory, relativePath)}';
* Convert the given posix [filePath] to conform to this provider's path context.
* This is a utility method for testing; paths passed in to other methods in
* this class are never converted automatically.
String _p(String filePath) {
if (filePath == null) {
return null;
if ( == {
filePath =
return filePath;
class BuildModeSummaryDependenciesTest extends AbstractBuildModeTest {
String tempDir;
/// Any direct export is a dependency.
test_export_direct() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], 'class A {}');
await _assertDependencies('c', [a], '''
export 'package:a/a.dart';
''', [a]);
/// Imports of dependencies are not necessary dependencies.
/// Here our dependency does not use its dependency.
test_import2_notUsed() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], '');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [a], '''
import 'package:a/a.dart';
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
''', [b]);
test_import2_usedAsFieldType() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], 'class A {}');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [a], '''
import 'package:a/a.dart';
class B {
A f;
// We don't use `f`, so don't depend on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
var x = B();
''', [b]);
// We use `f` for type inference.
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
var x = B().f;
''', [a, b]);
// We reference `f` in initializer, but not for type inference.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
Object x = B().f;
''', [b]);
// We perform full analysis, so request the type of `f`;
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies(
[a, b],
import 'package:b/b.dart';
Object x = B().f;
[a, b],
summaryOnly: false,
test_import2_usedAsSupertype() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], 'class A {}');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [a], '''
import 'package:a/a.dart';
class B extends A {}
// We don't invoke anything on class `B`, so don't ask its supertype.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
B x;
''', [b]);
// We infer the type of `x` to `B`.
// But we don't ask `B` for its supertype.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
var x = B();
''', [b]);
// We perform full analysis, and check that `new B()` is assignable
// to `B x`. While doing this, we ask for `B` supertype.
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies(
[a, b],
import 'package:b/b.dart';
var x = B();
[a, b],
summaryOnly: false,
test_import2_usedAsTopLevelVariableType() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], 'class A {}');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [a], '''
import 'package:a/a.dart';
A v;
// We don't use `v`.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
''', [b]);
// We use `v` for type inference.
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
var x = v;
''', [a, b]);
// We don't use `v` for type inference.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
Object x = v;
''', [b]);
// We perform full analysis, and request the type of `v`.
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies(
[a, b],
import 'package:b/b.dart';
Object x = v;
[a, b],
summaryOnly: false,
// We use `v` in a method body.
// So, no dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
main() {
''', [b]);
// We perform full analysis, so ask for the type of `v`.
// So, dependency on "a".
await _assertDependencies(
[a, b],
import 'package:b/b.dart';
main() {
[a, b],
summaryOnly: false,
/// Any direct import is a dependency.
test_import_direct() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], '');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [], '');
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:a/a.dart';
import 'package:b/b.dart';
''', [a, b]);
/// Exports of dependencies are dependencies.
test_import_export() async {
await _withTempDir(() async {
var a = await _buildPackage('a', [], 'class A {}');
var b = await _buildPackage('b', [a], '''
export 'package:a/a.dart';
await _assertDependencies('c', [a, b], '''
import 'package:b/b.dart';
''', [a, b]);
Future<void> _assertDependencies(
String name,
List<_DependencyPackage> inputPackages,
String content,
List<_DependencyPackage> expectedPackages, {
bool summaryOnly = true,
}) async {
var pkg = await _buildPackage(name, inputPackages, content,
summaryOnly: summaryOnly);
var depString = File(pkg.dep).readAsStringSync();
var expectedList = => p.sum).toList();
expect(depString.split('\n'), unorderedEquals(expectedList));
Future<_DependencyPackage> _buildPackage(
String name,
List<_DependencyPackage> inputPackages,
String content, {
bool summaryOnly = true,
}) async {
var filePath = path.join(tempDir, '$name.dart');
var pkg = _DependencyPackage(
name: name,
path: filePath,
uri: 'package:$name/$name.dart',
sum: path.join(tempDir, '$name.sum'),
dep: path.join(tempDir, '$name.dep'),
var args = <String>[];
if (summaryOnly) {
for (var input in inputPackages) {
await _doDrive(pkg.path, uri: pkg.uri, additionalArgs: args);
expect(exitCode, 0);
return pkg;
Future<void> _withTempDir(Future<void> f()) async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
this.tempDir = tempDir;
await f();
class BuildModeTest extends AbstractBuildModeTest {
test_buildLinked() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
var outputPath = path.join(tempDir, 'test_file.dart.sum');
await _doDrive(path.join('data', 'test_file.dart'), additionalArgs: [
var output = File(outputPath);
expect(output.existsSync(), isTrue);
PackageBundle bundle =
PackageBundle.fromBuffer(await output.readAsBytes());
var testFileUri = 'file:///test_file.dart';
var bundle2 = bundle.bundle2;
expect(_linkedLibraryUriList(bundle2), [testFileUri]);
_linkedLibraryUnitUriList(bundle2, testFileUri),
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_buildLinked_invalidPartUri() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
var aDart = path.join(tempDir, 'a.dart');
var aUri = 'package:aaa/a.dart';
var aSum = path.join(tempDir, 'a.sum');
part '[invalid]';
await _doDrive(aDart,
uri: aUri, additionalArgs: ['--build-summary-output=$aSum']);
expect(exitCode, ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal);
var bytes = File(aSum).readAsBytesSync();
var bundle = PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
var bundle2 = bundle.bundle2;
expect(_linkedLibraryUriList(bundle2), [aUri]);
expect(_linkedLibraryUnitUriList(bundle2, aUri), [aUri, '']);
test_buildSuppressExitCode_fail_whenFileNotFound() async {
await _doDrive(path.join('data', 'non_existent_file.dart'),
additionalArgs: ['--build-suppress-exit-code']);
expect(exitCode, isNot(0));
test_buildSuppressExitCode_success_evenIfHasError() async {
await _doDrive(path.join('data', 'file_with_error.dart'),
additionalArgs: ['--build-suppress-exit-code']);
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_consumeLinked() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
var aDart = path.join(tempDir, 'a.dart');
var bDart = path.join(tempDir, 'b.dart');
var cDart = path.join(tempDir, 'c.dart');
var aUri = 'package:aaa/a.dart';
var bUri = 'package:bbb/b.dart';
var cUri = 'package:ccc/c.dart';
var aSum = path.join(tempDir, 'a.sum');
var bSum = path.join(tempDir, 'b.sum');
var cSum = path.join(tempDir, 'c.sum');
File(aDart).writeAsStringSync('class A {}');
export 'package:aaa/a.dart';
class B {}
import 'package:bbb/b.dart';
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// Analyze package:aaa/a.dart and compute summary.
await _doDrive(aDart,
uri: aUri, additionalArgs: ['--build-summary-output=$aSum']);
expect(exitCode, 0);
var bytes = File(aSum).readAsBytesSync();
var bundle = PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
var bundle2 = bundle.bundle2;
expect(_linkedLibraryUriList(bundle2), [aUri]);
expect(_linkedLibraryUnitUriList(bundle2, aUri), [aUri]);
// Analyze package:bbb/b.dart and compute summary.
await _doDrive(bDart, uri: bUri, additionalArgs: [
expect(exitCode, 0);
var bytes = File(bSum).readAsBytesSync();
var bundle = PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
var bundle2 = bundle.bundle2;
expect(_linkedLibraryUriList(bundle2), [bUri]);
expect(_linkedLibraryUnitUriList(bundle2, bUri), [bUri]);
// Analyze package:ccc/c.dart and compute summary.
await _doDrive(cDart, uri: cUri, additionalArgs: [
expect(exitCode, 0);
var bytes = File(cSum).readAsBytesSync();
var bundle = PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
var bundle2 = bundle.bundle2;
expect(_linkedLibraryUriList(bundle2), [cUri]);
expect(_linkedLibraryUnitUriList(bundle2, cUri), [cUri]);
test_dartSdkSummaryPath_strong() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
String sdkPath = _findSdkDirForSummaries();
String strongSummaryPath =
path.join(sdkPath, 'lib', '_internal', 'strong.sum');
var testDart = path.join(tempDir, 'test.dart');
var testSum = path.join(tempDir, 'test.sum');
File(testDart).writeAsStringSync('var v = 42;');
await _doDrive(testDart,
additionalArgs: [
dartSdkSummaryPath: strongSummaryPath);
var output = File(testSum);
expect(output.existsSync(), isTrue);
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_error_notUriPipePath() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
var testDart = path.join(tempDir, 'test.dart');
File(testDart).writeAsStringSync('var v = 42;');
// We pass just path, not "uri|path", this is a fatal error.
await drive(testDart, args: ['--build-mode', '--format=machine']);
expect(exitCode, ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal);
test_fail_whenHasError() async {
await _doDrive(path.join('data', 'file_with_error.dart'));
expect(exitCode, isNot(0));
test_noStatistics() async {
await _doDrive(path.join('data', 'test_file.dart'));
// Should not print statistics summary.
expect(outSink.toString(), isEmpty);
expect(errorSink.toString(), isEmpty);
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_onlyErrors_partFirst() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
var aDart = path.join(tempDir, 'a.dart');
var bDart = path.join(tempDir, 'b.dart');
var aUri = 'package:aaa/a.dart';
var bUri = 'package:aaa/b.dart';
library lib;
part 'b.dart';
class A {}
part of lib;
class B {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
// Analyze b.dart (part) and then a.dart (its library).
// No errors should be reported - the part should know its library.
await _doDrive(bDart, uri: bUri, additionalArgs: ['$aUri|$aDart']);
expect(errorSink, isEmpty);
Iterable<String> _linkedLibraryUnitUriList(
LinkedNodeBundle bundle2,
String libraryUriStr,
) {
var libraries = bundle2.libraries;
var library = libraries.singleWhere((l) => l.uriStr == libraryUriStr);
return => u.uriStr).toList();
Iterable<String> _linkedLibraryUriList(LinkedNodeBundle bundle2) {
var libraries = bundle2.libraries;
return => l.uriStr).toList();
class ExitCodesTest extends BaseTest {
test_bazelWorkspace_relativePath() async {
// Copy to temp dir so that existing analysis options
// in the test directory hierarchy do not interfere
await withTempDirAsync((String tempDirPath) async {
String dartSdkPath = path.absolute(getSdkPath());
await recursiveCopy(
Directory(path.join(testDirectory, 'data', 'bazel')), tempDirPath);
Directory origWorkingDir = Directory.current;
try {
Directory.current = path.join(tempDirPath, 'proj');
Driver driver = Driver(isTesting: true);
try {
await driver.start([
path.join('lib', 'file.dart'),
} catch (e) {
print('=== debug info ===');
print('dartSdkPath: $dartSdkPath');
expect(errorSink.toString(), isEmpty);
expect(outSink.toString(), contains('No issues found'));
expect(exitCode, 0);
} finally {
Directory.current = origWorkingDir;
test_enableAssertInitializer() async {
await drive('data/file_with_assert_initializers.dart',
args: ['--enable-assert-initializers']);
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_fatalErrors() async {
await drive('data/file_with_error.dart');
expect(exitCode, 3);
test_fatalHints() async {
await drive('data/file_with_hint.dart', args: ['--fatal-hints']);
expect(exitCode, 1);
test_missingDartFile() async {
await drive('data/NO_DART_FILE_HERE.dart');
expect(exitCode, 3);
test_missingOptionsFile() async {
await drive('data/test_file.dart', options: 'data/NO_OPTIONS_HERE');
expect(exitCode, 3);
test_notFatalHints() async {
await drive('data/file_with_hint.dart');
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_partFile() async {
await driveMany([
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/lib.dart'),
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/part1.dart')
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_partFile_dangling() async {
await drive('data/library_and_parts/part2.dart');
expect(exitCode, 3);
test_partFile_extra() async {
await driveMany([
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/lib.dart'),
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/part1.dart'),
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/part2.dart')
expect(exitCode, 3);
test_partFile_reversed() async {
Driver driver = Driver(isTesting: true);
await driver.start([
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/part1.dart'),
path.join(testDirectory, 'data/library_and_parts/lib.dart')
expect(exitCode, 0);
class ExitCodesTest_PreviewDart2 extends ExitCodesTest {
bool get usePreviewDart2 => true;
class LinterTest extends BaseTest {
String get optionsFileName => AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE;
test_containsLintRuleEntry() async {
YamlMap options = _parseOptions('''
- foo
expect(containsLintRuleEntry(options), true);
options = _parseOptions('''
expect(containsLintRuleEntry(options), false);
options = _parseOptions('''
# - foo
expect(containsLintRuleEntry(options), true);
options = _parseOptions('''
# rules:
# - foo
expect(containsLintRuleEntry(options), false);
test_defaultLints_generatedLints() async {
await _runLinter_defaultLints();
contains('lint - Name types using UpperCamelCase'));
test_defaultLints_getsDefaultLints() async {
await _runLinter_defaultLints();
/// Lints should be enabled.
expect(analysisOptions.lint, isTrue);
/// Default list should include camel_case_types.
var lintNames = =>;
expect(lintNames, contains('camel_case_types'));
test_lintsInOptions_generatedLints() async {
await _runLinter_lintsInOptions();
contains('lint - Name types using UpperCamelCase'));
test_lintsInOptions_getAnalysisOptions() async {
await _runLinter_lintsInOptions();
/// Lints should be enabled.
expect(analysisOptions.lint, isTrue);
/// The analysis options file only specifies 'camel_case_types'.
var lintNames = =>;
expect(lintNames, orderedEquals(['camel_case_types']));
test_noLints_lintsDisabled() async {
await _runLinter_noLintsFlag();
expect(analysisOptions.lint, isFalse);
test_noLints_noGeneratedWarnings() async {
await _runLinter_noLintsFlag();
expect(outSink.toString(), contains('No issues found'));
test_noLints_noRegisteredLints() async {
await _runLinter_noLintsFlag();
expect(analysisOptions.lintRules, isEmpty);
YamlMap _parseOptions(String src) =>
Future<void> _runLinter_defaultLints() async {
await drive('data/linter_project/test_file.dart',
options: 'data/linter_project/$optionsFileName', args: ['--lints']);
Future<void> _runLinter_lintsInOptions() async {
await drive('data/linter_project/test_file.dart',
options: 'data/linter_project/$optionsFileName', args: ['--lints']);
Future<void> _runLinter_noLintsFlag() async {
await drive('data/no_lints_project/test_file.dart',
options: 'data/no_lints_project/$optionsFileName');
class LinterTest_PreviewDart2 extends LinterTest {
bool get usePreviewDart2 => true;
class NonDartFilesTest extends BaseTest {
test_analysisOptionsYaml() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
String filePath =
path.join(tempDir, AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE);
string-mode: true
await drive(filePath);
"warning - The option 'string-mode' isn't supported by 'analyzer'"));
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_manifestFileChecks() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
String filePath =
path.join(tempDir, AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE);
chrome-os-manifest-checks: true
String manifestPath =
path.join(tempDir, AnalysisEngine.ANDROID_MANIFEST_FILE);
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
await drive(manifestPath, options: filePath);
"warning - The feature is not supported on Chrome OS"));
expect(exitCode, 0);
test_pubspecYaml() async {
await withTempDirAsync((tempDir) async {
String filePath = path.join(tempDir, AnalysisEngine.PUBSPEC_YAML_FILE);
name: foo
await drive(filePath);
"warning - The value of the 'asset' field is expected to be a list of relative file paths"));
expect(exitCode, 0);
class OptionsTest extends BaseTest {
String get optionsFileName => AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE;
List<ErrorProcessor> get processors => analysisOptions.errorProcessors;
ErrorProcessor processorFor(AnalysisError error) =>
processors.firstWhere((p) => p.appliesTo(error));
test_analysisOptions_excludes() async {
await drive('data/exclude_test_project',
options: 'data/exclude_test_project/$optionsFileName');
test_analysisOptions_excludesRelativeToAnalysisOptions_explicit() async {
// The exclude is relative to the project, not/ the analyzed path, and it
// has to then understand that.
await drive('data/exclude_test_project',
options: 'data/exclude_test_project/$optionsFileName');
test_analysisOptions_excludesRelativeToAnalysisOptions_inferred() async {
// By passing no options, and the path `lib`, it should discover the
// analysis_options above lib. The exclude is relative to the project, not
// the analyzed path, and it has to then understand that.
await drive('data/exclude_test_project/lib', options: null);
test_analyzeFilesInDifferentContexts() async {
await driveMany([
], options: null);
// Should have the lint in the project with lint rules enabled.
contains(path.join('linter_project', 'test_file.dart') +
':7:7 - camel_case_types'));
// Should be just one lint in total.
expect(outSink.toString(), contains('1 lint found.'));
test_basic_filters() async {
await _driveBasic();
expect(processors, hasLength(3));
// unused_local_variable: ignore
var unused_local_variable =
AnalysisError(TestSource(), 0, 1, HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, [
expect(processorFor(unused_local_variable).severity, isNull);
// missing_return: error
var missing_return =
AnalysisError(TestSource(), 0, 1, HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, [
expect(processorFor(missing_return).severity, ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
contains("error - This function has a return type of 'int'"));
expect(outSink.toString(), contains("1 error and 1 warning found."));
test_includeDirective() async {
String testDir = path.join(
testDirectory, 'data', 'options_include_directive_tests_project');
await drive(
path.join(testDir, 'lib', 'test_file.dart'),
args: [
path.join(testDir, '_packages'),
options: path.join(testDir, 'analysis_options.yaml'),
expect(exitCode, 3);
contains('but doesn\'t end with a return statement'));
expect(outSink.toString(), contains('isn\'t defined'));
expect(outSink.toString(), contains('Avoid empty else statements'));
test_todo() async {
await drive('data/file_with_todo.dart');
expect(outSink.toString().contains('[info]'), isFalse);
test_withFlags_overrideFatalWarning() async {
await drive('data/options_tests_project/test_file.dart',
args: ['--fatal-warnings'],
options: 'data/options_tests_project/$optionsFileName');
// missing_return: error
var undefined_function = AnalysisError(
TestSource(), 0, 1, StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION, [
expect(processorFor(undefined_function).severity, ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
// Should not be made fatal by `--fatal-warnings`.
contains("warning - The function 'baz' isn't defined"));
expect(outSink.toString(), contains("1 error and 1 warning found."));
Future<void> _driveBasic() async {
await drive('data/options_tests_project/test_file.dart',
options: 'data/options_tests_project/$optionsFileName');
void _expectUndefinedClassErrorsWithoutExclusions() {
contains("error - Undefined class 'IncludedUndefinedClass'"));
isNot(contains("error - Undefined class 'ExcludedUndefinedClass'")));
expect(outSink.toString(), contains("1 error found."));
class OptionsTest_PreviewDart2 extends OptionsTest {
bool get usePreviewDart2 => true;
class TestSource implements Source {
String get fullName => '/package/lib/test.dart';
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class _DependencyPackage {
final String name;
final String path;
final String uri;
final String sum;
final String dep;
_DependencyPackage({, this.path, this.uri, this.sum, this.dep});