blob: 061b86517ed3e1b0e74f8dd605dc585332e6fed7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/flow_analysis_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/invocation_inference_helper.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/resolution_result.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/type_property_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_promotion_manager.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong/checker.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Helper for resolving [BinaryExpression]s.
class BinaryExpressionResolver {
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
final TypePromotionManager _promoteManager;
final FlowAnalysisHelper _flowAnalysis;
final ElementTypeProvider _elementTypeProvider;
final TypePropertyResolver _typePropertyResolver;
final InvocationInferenceHelper _inferenceHelper;
@required ResolverVisitor resolver,
@required TypePromotionManager promoteManager,
@required FlowAnalysisHelper flowAnalysis,
@required ElementTypeProvider elementTypeProvider,
}) : _resolver = resolver,
_promoteManager = promoteManager,
_flowAnalysis = flowAnalysis,
_elementTypeProvider = elementTypeProvider,
_typePropertyResolver = resolver.typePropertyResolver,
_inferenceHelper = resolver.inferenceHelper;
ErrorReporter get _errorReporter => _resolver.errorReporter;
bool get _isNonNullableByDefault => _typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault;
TypeProvider get _typeProvider => _resolver.typeProvider;
TypeSystemImpl get _typeSystem => _resolver.typeSystem;
void resolve(BinaryExpressionImpl node) {
TokenType operator = node.operator.type;
Expression left = node.leftOperand;
Expression right = node.rightOperand;
var flow = _flowAnalysis?.flow;
if (operator == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
InferenceContext.setType(left, _typeProvider.boolType);
InferenceContext.setType(right, _typeProvider.boolType);
// TODO(scheglov) Do we need these checks for null?
if (_flowAnalysis != null) {
flow?.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(left, isAnd: true);
flow?.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, right, isAnd: true);
} else {
() {
} else if (operator == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
InferenceContext.setType(left, _typeProvider.boolType);
InferenceContext.setType(right, _typeProvider.boolType);
// TODO(scheglov) Do we need these checks for null?
flow?.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(left, isAnd: false);
flow?.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, right, isAnd: false);
} else if (operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ || operator == TokenType.EQ_EQ) {
_flowAnalysis?.flow?.equalityOp_end(node, right,
notEqual: operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ);
} else {
if (operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
var leftContextType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
if (leftContextType != null && _isNonNullableByDefault) {
leftContextType = _typeSystem.makeNullable(leftContextType);
InferenceContext.setType(left, leftContextType);
// TODO(scheglov) Do we need these checks for null?
// Call ElementResolver.visitBinaryExpression to resolve the user-defined
// operator method, if applicable.
if (operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
// Set the right side, either from the context, or using the information
// from the left side if it is more precise.
DartType contextType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
DartType leftType = left?.staticType;
if (contextType == null || contextType.isDynamic) {
contextType = leftType;
InferenceContext.setType(right, contextType);
} else {
var invokeType = node.staticInvokeType;
if (invokeType != null && invokeType.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
// If this is a user-defined operator, set the right operand context
// using the operator method's parameter type.
var rightParam = invokeType.parameters[0];
right, _elementTypeProvider.getVariableType(rightParam));
if (operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
} else {
// TODO(scheglov) Do we need these checks for null?
/// Set the static type of [node] to be the least upper bound of the static
/// types of subexpressions [expr1] and [expr2].
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
void _analyzeLeastUpperBound(
Expression node, Expression expr1, Expression expr2,
{bool read = false}) {
DartType staticType1 = _getExpressionType(expr1, read: read);
DartType staticType2 = _getExpressionType(expr2, read: read);
_analyzeLeastUpperBoundTypes(node, staticType1, staticType2);
/// Set the static type of [node] to be the least upper bound of the static
/// types [staticType1] and [staticType2].
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
void _analyzeLeastUpperBoundTypes(
Expression node, DartType staticType1, DartType staticType2) {
if (staticType1 == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this can still happen.
staticType1 = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (staticType2 == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this can still happen.
staticType2 = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
DartType staticType =
_typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(staticType1, staticType2) ??
staticType = _resolver.toLegacyTypeIfOptOut(staticType);
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, staticType);
/// Gets the definite type of expression, which can be used in cases where
/// the most precise type is desired, for example computing the least upper
/// bound.
/// See [getExpressionType] for more information. Without strong mode, this is
/// equivalent to [_getStaticType].
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
DartType _getExpressionType(Expression expr, {bool read = false}) =>
getExpressionType(expr, _typeSystem, _typeProvider,
read: read, elementTypeProvider: _elementTypeProvider);
/// Return the static type of the given [expression] that is to be used for
/// type analysis.
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
DartType _getStaticType(Expression expression, {bool read = false}) {
if (expression is NullLiteral) {
return _typeProvider.nullType;
DartType type = read
? getReadType(expression, elementTypeProvider: _elementTypeProvider)
: expression.staticType;
return _resolveTypeParameter(type);
void _resolve1(BinaryExpressionImpl node) {
Token operator = node.operator;
if (operator.isUserDefinableOperator) {
_resolveBinaryExpression(node, operator.lexeme);
} else if (operator.type == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
_resolveBinaryExpression(node, TokenType.EQ_EQ.lexeme);
void _resolve2(BinaryExpressionImpl node) {
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
if (_isNonNullableByDefault) {
// The static type of a compound assignment using ??= with NNBD is the
// least upper bound of the static types of the LHS and RHS after
// promoting the LHS/ to non-null (as we know its value will not be used
// if null)
_getExpressionType(node.leftOperand, read: true)),
_getExpressionType(node.rightOperand, read: true));
} else {
// Without NNBD, evaluation of an if-null expression e of the form
// e1 ?? e2 is equivalent to the evaluation of the expression
// ((x) => x == null ? e2 : x)(e1). The static type of e is the least
// upper bound of the static type of e1 and the static type of e2.
_analyzeLeastUpperBound(node, node.leftOperand, node.rightOperand);
if (identical(node.leftOperand.staticType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, NeverTypeImpl.instance);
DartType staticType =
node.staticInvokeType?.returnType ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (node.leftOperand is! ExtensionOverride) {
staticType = _typeSystem.refineBinaryExpressionType(
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, staticType);
void _resolveBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node, String methodName) {
Expression leftOperand = node.leftOperand;
if (leftOperand is ExtensionOverride) {
ExtensionElement extension = leftOperand.extensionName.staticElement;
MethodElement member = extension.getMethod(methodName);
if (member == null) {
node.staticElement = member;
var leftType = _getStaticType(leftOperand);
if (identical(leftType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
ResolutionResult result = _typePropertyResolver.resolve(
receiver: leftOperand,
receiverType: leftType,
name: methodName,
receiverErrorNode: leftOperand,
nameErrorNode: node,
node.staticElement = result.getter;
node.staticInvokeType =
if (_shouldReportInvalidMember(leftType, result)) {
if (leftOperand is SuperExpression) {
[methodName, leftType],
} else {
[methodName, leftType],
/// If the given [type] is a type parameter, resolve it to the type that should
/// be used when looking up members. Otherwise, return the original type.
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
DartType _resolveTypeParameter(DartType type) =>
/// Return `true` if we should report an error for the lookup [result] on
/// the [type].
/// TODO(scheglov) this is duplicate
bool _shouldReportInvalidMember(DartType type, ResolutionResult result) {
if (result.isNone && type != null && !type.isDynamic) {
if (_isNonNullableByDefault && _typeSystem.isPotentiallyNullable(type)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;