blob: 1f5e90843bf1a7310d46d28bd6c5a12c7a265350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source_map_builder;
import 'util/util.dart';
import 'scanner/scannerlib.dart' show Token;
import 'source_file.dart';
import 'util/uri_extras.dart' show relativize;
class SourceMapBuilder {
static const int VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5;
static const int VLQ_BASE_MASK = (1 << 5) - 1;
static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = 1 << 5;
static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_MASK = 1 << 5;
static const String BASE64_DIGITS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmn'
final Uri uri;
final Uri fileUri;
List<SourceMapEntry> entries;
Map<String, int> sourceUrlMap;
List<String> sourceUrlList;
Map<String, int> sourceNameMap;
List<String> sourceNameList;
int previousTargetLine;
int previousTargetColumn;
int previousSourceUrlIndex;
int previousSourceLine;
int previousSourceColumn;
int previousSourceNameIndex;
bool firstEntryInLine;
SourceMapBuilder(this.uri, this.fileUri) {
entries = new List<SourceMapEntry>();
sourceUrlMap = new Map<String, int>();
sourceUrlList = new List<String>();
sourceNameMap = new Map<String, int>();
sourceNameList = new List<String>();
previousTargetLine = 0;
previousTargetColumn = 0;
previousSourceUrlIndex = 0;
previousSourceLine = 0;
previousSourceColumn = 0;
previousSourceNameIndex = 0;
firstEntryInLine = true;
void addMapping(int targetOffset, SourceFileLocation sourceLocation) {
entries.add(new SourceMapEntry(sourceLocation, targetOffset));
void printStringListOn(List<String> strings, StringBuffer buffer) {
bool first = true;
for (String string in strings) {
if (!first) buffer.write(',');
writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(string, buffer);
first = false;
String build(SourceFile targetFile) {
StringBuffer mappingsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
entries.forEach((SourceMapEntry entry) => writeEntry(entry, targetFile,
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(' "version": 3,\n');
if (uri != null && fileUri != null) {
buffer.write(' "file": "${relativize(uri, fileUri, false)}",\n');
buffer.write(' "sourceRoot": "",\n');
buffer.write(' "sources": ');
if (uri != null) {
sourceUrlList = => relativize(uri, Uri.parse(url), false))
printStringListOn(sourceUrlList, buffer);
buffer.write(' "names": ');
printStringListOn(sourceNameList, buffer);
buffer.write(' "mappings": "');
return buffer.toString();
void writeEntry(SourceMapEntry entry, SourceFile targetFile, StringBuffer output) {
int targetLine = targetFile.getLine(entry.targetOffset);
int targetColumn = targetFile.getColumn(targetLine, entry.targetOffset);
if (targetLine > previousTargetLine) {
for (int i = previousTargetLine; i < targetLine; ++i) {
previousTargetLine = targetLine;
previousTargetColumn = 0;
firstEntryInLine = true;
if (!firstEntryInLine) {
firstEntryInLine = false;
encodeVLQ(output, targetColumn - previousTargetColumn);
previousTargetColumn = targetColumn;
if (entry.sourceLocation == null) return;
String sourceUrl = entry.sourceLocation.getSourceUrl();
int sourceLine = entry.sourceLocation.getLine();
int sourceColumn = entry.sourceLocation.getColumn();
String sourceName = entry.sourceLocation.getSourceName();
int sourceUrlIndex = indexOf(sourceUrlList, sourceUrl, sourceUrlMap);
encodeVLQ(output, sourceUrlIndex - previousSourceUrlIndex);
previousSourceUrlIndex = sourceUrlIndex;
encodeVLQ(output, sourceLine - previousSourceLine);
previousSourceLine = sourceLine;
encodeVLQ(output, sourceColumn - previousSourceColumn);
previousSourceColumn = sourceColumn;
if (sourceName == null) {
int sourceNameIndex = indexOf(sourceNameList, sourceName, sourceNameMap);
encodeVLQ(output, sourceNameIndex - previousSourceNameIndex);
previousSourceNameIndex = sourceNameIndex;
int indexOf(List<String> list, String value, Map<String, int> map) {
return map.putIfAbsent(value, () {
int index = list.length;
return index;
static void encodeVLQ(StringBuffer output, int value) {
int signBit = 0;
if (value < 0) {
signBit = 1;
value = -value;
value = (value << 1) | signBit;
do {
int digit = value & VLQ_BASE_MASK;
value >>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
if (value > 0) {
} while (value > 0);
class SourceMapEntry {
SourceFileLocation sourceLocation;
int targetOffset;
SourceMapEntry(this.sourceLocation, this.targetOffset);
abstract class SourceFileLocation {
SourceFile sourceFile;
SourceFileLocation(this.sourceFile) {
int line;
int get offset;
String getSourceUrl() => sourceFile.filename;
int getLine() {
if (line == null) line = sourceFile.getLine(offset);
return line;
int getColumn() => sourceFile.getColumn(getLine(), offset);
String getSourceName();
bool isValid() => offset < sourceFile.length;
class TokenSourceFileLocation extends SourceFileLocation {
final Token token;
TokenSourceFileLocation(SourceFile sourceFile, this.token)
: super(sourceFile);
int get offset => token.charOffset;
String getSourceName() {
if (token.isIdentifier()) return token.value;
return null;
class OffsetSourceFileLocation extends SourceFileLocation {
final int offset;
final String sourceName;
OffsetSourceFileLocation(SourceFile sourceFile, this.offset,
[this.sourceName]) : super(sourceFile);
String getSourceName() => sourceName;