blob: 77fe43096593cfc86296c0983261e2dd8e7cfe1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../closure.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart';
import '../native/native.dart' as native;
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../types/types.dart';
import '../world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
import 'graph_builder.dart';
import 'nodes.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// Keeps track of locals (including parameters and phis) when building. The
/// 'this' reference is treated as parameter and hence handled by this class,
/// too.
class LocalsHandler {
/// The values of locals that can be directly accessed (without redirections
/// to boxes or closure-fields).
/// [directLocals] is iterated, so it is "insertion ordered" to make the
/// iteration order a function only of insertions and not a function of
/// e.g. Element hash codes. I'd prefer to use a SortedMap but some elements
/// don't have source locations for [Elements.compareByPosition].
Map<Local, HInstruction> directLocals = new Map<Local, HInstruction>();
Map<Local, CapturedVariable> redirectionMapping =
new Map<Local, CapturedVariable>();
final GraphBuilder builder;
ClosureClassMap closureData;
Map<ResolutionTypeVariableType, TypeVariableLocal> typeVariableLocals =
new Map<ResolutionTypeVariableType, TypeVariableLocal>();
final ExecutableElement executableContext;
/// The class that defines the current type environment or null if no type
/// variables are in scope.
ClassElement get contextClass => executableContext.contextClass;
/// The type of the current instance, if concrete.
/// This allows for handling fixed type argument in case of inlining. For
/// instance, checking `'foo'` against `String` instead of `T` in `main`:
/// class Foo<T> {
/// T field;
/// Foo(this.field);
/// }
/// main() {
/// new Foo<String>('foo');
/// }
/// [instanceType] is not used if it contains type variables, since these
/// might not be in scope or from the current instance.
final ResolutionInterfaceType instanceType;
final Compiler _compiler;
LocalsHandler(this.builder, this.executableContext,
ResolutionInterfaceType instanceType, this._compiler)
: this.instanceType =
instanceType == null || instanceType.containsTypeVariables
? null
: instanceType;
ClosedWorld get closedWorld => builder.closedWorld;
CommonMasks get commonMasks => closedWorld.commonMasks;
GlobalTypeInferenceResults get _globalInferenceResults =>
/// Substituted type variables occurring in [type] into the context of
/// [contextClass].
ResolutionDartType substInContext(ResolutionDartType type) {
if (contextClass != null) {
ClassElement typeContext = Types.getClassContext(type);
if (typeContext != null) {
type = type.substByContext(contextClass.asInstanceOf(typeContext));
if (instanceType != null) {
type = type.substByContext(instanceType);
return type;
/// Creates a new [LocalsHandler] based on [other]. We only need to
/// copy the [directLocals], since the other fields can be shared
/// throughout the AST visit.
LocalsHandler.from(LocalsHandler other)
: directLocals = new Map<Local, HInstruction>.from(other.directLocals),
redirectionMapping = other.redirectionMapping,
executableContext = other.executableContext,
instanceType = other.instanceType,
builder = other.builder,
closureData = other.closureData,
_compiler = other._compiler,
activationVariables = other.activationVariables,
cachedTypeOfThis = other.cachedTypeOfThis,
cachedTypesOfCapturedVariables = other.cachedTypesOfCapturedVariables;
/// Redirects accesses from element [from] to element [to]. The [to] element
/// must be a boxed variable or a variable that is stored in a closure-field.
void redirectElement(Local from, CapturedVariable to) {
assert(redirectionMapping[from] == null);
redirectionMapping[from] = to;
assert(isStoredInClosureField(from) || isBoxed(from));
HInstruction createBox() {
// TODO(floitsch): Clean up this hack. Should we create a box-object by
// just creating an empty object literal?
HInstruction box = new HForeignCode(
js.js.parseForeignJS('{}'), commonMasks.nonNullType, <HInstruction>[],
nativeBehavior: native.NativeBehavior.PURE_ALLOCATION);
return box;
/// If the scope (function or loop) [node] has captured variables then this
/// method creates a box and sets up the redirections.
void enterScope(ast.Node node, Element element) {
// See if any variable in the top-scope of the function is captured. If yes
// we need to create a box-object.
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
if (scopeData == null) return;
HInstruction box;
// The scope has captured variables.
if (element != null && element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) {
// The box is passed as a parameter to a generative
// constructor body.
box = builder.addParameter(scopeData.boxElement, commonMasks.nonNullType);
} else {
box = createBox();
// Add the box to the known locals.
directLocals[scopeData.boxElement] = box;
// Make sure that accesses to the boxed locals go into the box. We also
// need to make sure that parameters are copied into the box if necessary.
(LocalVariableElement from, BoxFieldElement to) {
// The [from] can only be a parameter for function-scopes and not
// loop scopes.
if (from.isRegularParameter && !element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) {
// Now that the redirection is set up, the update to the local will
// write the parameter value into the box.
// Store the captured parameter in the box. Get the current value
// before we put the redirection in place.
// We don't need to update the local for a generative
// constructor body, because it receives a box that already
// contains the updates as the last parameter.
HInstruction instruction = readLocal(from);
redirectElement(from, to);
updateLocal(from, instruction);
} else {
redirectElement(from, to);
/// Replaces the current box with a new box and copies over the given list
/// of elements from the old box into the new box.
void updateCaptureBox(
BoxLocal boxElement, List<LocalVariableElement> toBeCopiedElements) {
// Create a new box and copy over the values from the old box into the
// new one.
HInstruction oldBox = readLocal(boxElement);
HInstruction newBox = createBox();
for (LocalVariableElement boxedVariable in toBeCopiedElements) {
// [readLocal] uses the [boxElement] to find its box. By replacing it
// behind its back we can still get to the old values.
updateLocal(boxElement, oldBox);
HInstruction oldValue = readLocal(boxedVariable);
updateLocal(boxElement, newBox);
updateLocal(boxedVariable, oldValue);
updateLocal(boxElement, newBox);
/// Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
/// Invariant: [function] must be an implementation element.
void startFunction(AstElement element, ast.Node node) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
closureData = _compiler.closureToClassMapper
if (element is FunctionElement) {
FunctionElement functionElement = element;
FunctionSignature params = functionElement.functionSignature;
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
params.orderedForEachParameter((ParameterElement parameterElement) {
if (element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) {
if (scopeData != null &&
scopeData.isCapturedVariable(parameterElement)) {
// The parameter will be a field in the box passed as the
// last parameter. So no need to have it.
HInstruction parameter = builder.addParameter(
parameterElement, _globalInferenceResults));
builder.parameters[parameterElement] = parameter;
directLocals[parameterElement] = parameter;
enterScope(node, element);
// If the freeVariableMapping is not empty, then this function was a
// nested closure that captures variables. Redirect the captured
// variables to fields in the closure.
closureData.forEachFreeVariable((Local from, CapturedVariable to) {
redirectElement(from, to);
JavaScriptBackend backend = _compiler.backend;
if (closureData.isClosure) {
// Inside closure redirect references to itself to [:this:].
HThis thisInstruction =
new HThis(closureData.thisLocal, commonMasks.nonNullType);
builder.graph.thisInstruction = thisInstruction;
updateLocal(closureData.closureElement, thisInstruction);
} else if (element.isInstanceMember) {
// Once closures have been mapped to classes their instance members might
// not have any thisElement if the closure was created inside a static
// context.
HThis thisInstruction = new HThis(closureData.thisLocal, getTypeOfThis());
builder.graph.thisInstruction = thisInstruction;
directLocals[closureData.thisLocal] = thisInstruction;
// If this method is an intercepted method, add the extra
// parameter to it, that is the actual receiver for intercepted
// classes, or the same as [:this:] for non-intercepted classes.
ClassElement cls = element.enclosingClass;
// When the class extends a native class, the instance is pre-constructed
// and passed to the generative constructor factory function as a parameter.
// Instead of allocating and initializing the object, the constructor
// 'upgrades' the native subclass object by initializing the Dart fields.
bool isNativeUpgradeFactory =
element.isGenerativeConstructor && backend.isNativeOrExtendsNative(cls);
if (backend.isInterceptedMethod(element)) {
bool isInterceptorClass = backend.isInterceptorClass(cls.declaration);
String name = isInterceptorClass ? 'receiver' : '_';
SyntheticLocal parameter = new SyntheticLocal(name, executableContext);
HParameterValue value = new HParameterValue(parameter, getTypeOfThis());
builder.graph.explicitReceiverParameter = value;
builder.graph.entry.addAfter(directLocals[closureData.thisLocal], value);
if (builder.lastAddedParameter == null) {
// If this is the first parameter inserted, make sure it stays first.
builder.lastAddedParameter = value;
if (isInterceptorClass) {
// Only use the extra parameter in intercepted classes.
directLocals[closureData.thisLocal] = value;
} else if (isNativeUpgradeFactory) {
SyntheticLocal parameter =
new SyntheticLocal('receiver', executableContext);
// Unlike `this`, receiver is nullable since direct calls to generative
// constructor call the constructor with `null`.
HParameterValue value =
new HParameterValue(parameter, new TypeMask.exact(cls, closedWorld));
builder.graph.explicitReceiverParameter = value;
/// Returns true if the local can be accessed directly. Boxed variables or
/// captured variables that are stored in the closure-field return [:false:].
bool isAccessedDirectly(Local local) {
assert(local != null);
return !redirectionMapping.containsKey(local) &&
bool isStoredInClosureField(Local local) {
assert(local != null);
if (isAccessedDirectly(local)) return false;
CapturedVariable redirectTarget = redirectionMapping[local];
if (redirectTarget == null) return false;
return redirectTarget is ClosureFieldElement;
bool isBoxed(Local local) {
if (isAccessedDirectly(local)) return false;
if (isStoredInClosureField(local)) return false;
return redirectionMapping.containsKey(local);
bool isUsedInTryOrGenerator(Local local) {
return closureData.variablesUsedInTryOrGenerator.contains(local);
/// Returns an [HInstruction] for the given element. If the element is
/// boxed or stored in a closure then the method generates code to retrieve
/// the value.
HInstruction readLocal(Local local, {SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
if (isAccessedDirectly(local)) {
if (directLocals[local] == null) {
if (local is TypeVariableElement) {
"Runtime type information not available for $local.");
} else {
local, "Cannot find value $local in ${directLocals.keys}.");
HInstruction value = directLocals[local];
if (sourceInformation != null) {
value = new HRef(value, sourceInformation);
return value;
} else if (isStoredInClosureField(local)) {
ClosureFieldElement redirect = redirectionMapping[local];
HInstruction receiver = readLocal(closureData.closureElement);
TypeMask type = local is BoxLocal
? commonMasks.nonNullType
: getTypeOfCapturedVariable(redirect);
HInstruction fieldGet = new HFieldGet(redirect, receiver, type);
return fieldGet..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else if (isBoxed(local)) {
BoxFieldElement redirect = redirectionMapping[local];
// In the function that declares the captured variable the box is
// accessed as direct local. Inside the nested closure the box is
// accessed through a closure-field.
// Calling [readLocal] makes sure we generate the correct code to get
// the box.
HInstruction box = readLocal(;
HInstruction lookup =
new HFieldGet(redirect, box, getTypeOfCapturedVariable(redirect));
return lookup..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else {
HLocalValue localValue = getLocal(local);
HInstruction instruction = new HLocalGet(
local, localValue, commonMasks.dynamicType, sourceInformation);
return instruction;
HInstruction readThis() {
HInstruction res = readLocal(closureData.thisLocal);
if (res.instructionType == null) {
res.instructionType = getTypeOfThis();
return res;
HLocalValue getLocal(Local local, {SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
// If the element is a parameter, we already have a
// HParameterValue for it. We cannot create another one because
// it could then have another name than the real parameter. And
// the other one would not know it is just a copy of the real
// parameter.
if (local is ParameterElement) {
assert(invariant(local, builder.parameters.containsKey(local),
message: "No local value for parameter $local in "
return builder.parameters[local];
return activationVariables.putIfAbsent(local, () {
HLocalValue localValue = new HLocalValue(local, commonMasks.nonNullType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return localValue;
Local getTypeVariableAsLocal(ResolutionTypeVariableType type) {
return typeVariableLocals.putIfAbsent(type, () {
return new TypeVariableLocal(type, executableContext);
/// Sets the [element] to [value]. If the element is boxed or stored in a
/// closure then the method generates code to set the value.
void updateLocal(Local local, HInstruction value,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
if (value is HRef) {
HRef ref = value;
value = ref.value;
if (isAccessedDirectly(local)) {
directLocals[local] = value;
} else if (isBoxed(local)) {
BoxFieldElement redirect = redirectionMapping[local];
// The box itself could be captured, or be local. A local variable that
// is captured will be boxed, but the box itself will be a local.
// Inside the closure the box is stored in a closure-field and cannot
// be accessed directly.
HInstruction box = readLocal(;
builder.add(new HFieldSet(redirect, box, value)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation);
} else {
HLocalValue localValue = getLocal(local);
builder.add(new HLocalSet(local, localValue, value)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation);
/// This function, startLoop, must be called before visiting any children of
/// the loop. In particular it needs to be called before executing the
/// initializers.
/// The [LocalsHandler] will make the boxes and updates at the right moment.
/// The builder just needs to call [enterLoopBody] and [enterLoopUpdates]
/// (for [ast.For] loops) at the correct places. For phi-handling
/// [beginLoopHeader] and [endLoop] must also be called.
/// The correct place for the box depends on the given loop. In most cases
/// the box will be created when entering the loop-body: while, do-while, and
/// for-in (assuming the call to [:next:] is inside the body) can always be
/// constructed this way.
/// Things are slightly more complicated for [ast.For] loops. If no declared
/// loop variable is boxed then the loop-body approach works here too. If a
/// loop-variable is boxed we need to introduce a new box for the
/// loop-variable before we enter the initializer so that the initializer
/// writes the values into the box. In any case we need to create the box
/// before the condition since the condition could box the variable.
/// Since the first box is created outside the actual loop we have a second
/// location where a box is created: just before the updates. This is
/// necessary since updates are considered to be part of the next iteration
/// (and can again capture variables).
/// For example the following Dart code prints 1 3 -- 3 4.
/// var fs = [];
/// for (var i = 0; i < 3; (f() { fs.add(f); print(i); i++; })()) {
/// i++;
/// }
/// print("--");
/// for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) fs[i]();
/// We solve this by emitting the following code (only for [ast.For] loops):
/// <Create box> <== move the first box creation outside the loop.
/// <initializer>;
/// loop-entry:
/// if (!<condition>) goto loop-exit;
/// <body>
/// <update box> // create a new box and copy the captured loop-variables.
/// <updates>
/// goto loop-entry;
/// loop-exit:
void startLoop(ast.Node node) {
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
if (scopeData == null) return;
if (scopeData.hasBoxedLoopVariables()) {
// If there are boxed loop variables then we set up the box and
// redirections already now. This way the initializer can write its
// values into the box.
// For other loops the box will be created when entering the body.
enterScope(node, null);
/// Create phis at the loop entry for local variables (ready for the values
/// from the back edge). Populate the phis with the current values.
void beginLoopHeader(HBasicBlock loopEntry) {
// Create a copy because we modify the map while iterating over it.
Map<Local, HInstruction> savedDirectLocals =
new Map<Local, HInstruction>.from(directLocals);
JavaScriptBackend backend = _compiler.backend;
// Create phis for all elements in the definitions environment.
savedDirectLocals.forEach((Local local, HInstruction instruction) {
if (isAccessedDirectly(local)) {
// We know 'this' cannot be modified.
if (local != closureData.thisLocal) {
HPhi phi =
new HPhi.singleInput(local, instruction, commonMasks.dynamicType);
directLocals[local] = phi;
} else {
directLocals[local] = instruction;
void enterLoopBody(ast.Node node) {
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
if (scopeData == null) return;
// If there are no declared boxed loop variables then we did not create the
// box before the initializer and we have to create the box now.
if (!scopeData.hasBoxedLoopVariables()) {
enterScope(node, null);
void enterLoopUpdates(ast.Node node) {
// If there are declared boxed loop variables then the updates might have
// access to the box and we must switch to a new box before executing the
// updates.
// In all other cases a new box will be created when entering the body of
// the next iteration.
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
if (scopeData == null) return;
if (scopeData.hasBoxedLoopVariables()) {
updateCaptureBox(scopeData.boxElement, scopeData.boxedLoopVariables);
/// Goes through the phis created in beginLoopHeader entry and adds the
/// input from the back edge (from the current value of directLocals) to them.
void endLoop(HBasicBlock loopEntry) {
// If the loop has an aborting body, we don't update the loop
// phis.
if (loopEntry.predecessors.length == 1) return;
loopEntry.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
Local element = phi.sourceElement;
HInstruction postLoopDefinition = directLocals[element];
/// Merge [otherLocals] into this locals handler, creating phi-nodes when
/// there is a conflict.
/// If a phi node is necessary, it will use this handler's instruction as the
/// first input, and the otherLocals instruction as the second.
void mergeWith(LocalsHandler otherLocals, HBasicBlock joinBlock) {
// If an element is in one map but not the other we can safely
// ignore it. It means that a variable was declared in the
// block. Since variable declarations are scoped the declared
// variable cannot be alive outside the block. Note: this is only
// true for nodes where we do joins.
Map<Local, HInstruction> joinedLocals = new Map<Local, HInstruction>();
otherLocals.directLocals.forEach((Local local, HInstruction instruction) {
// We know 'this' cannot be modified.
if (local == closureData.thisLocal) {
assert(directLocals[local] == instruction);
joinedLocals[local] = instruction;
} else {
HInstruction mine = directLocals[local];
if (mine == null) return;
if (identical(instruction, mine)) {
joinedLocals[local] = instruction;
} else {
HInstruction phi = new HPhi.manyInputs(local,
<HInstruction>[mine, instruction], commonMasks.dynamicType);
joinedLocals[local] = phi;
directLocals = joinedLocals;
/// When control flow merges, this method can be used to merge several
/// localsHandlers into a new one using phis. The new localsHandler is
/// returned. Unless it is also in the list, the current localsHandler is not
/// used for its values, only for its declared variables. This is a way to
/// exclude local values from the result when they are no longer in scope.
LocalsHandler mergeMultiple(
List<LocalsHandler> localsHandlers, HBasicBlock joinBlock) {
assert(localsHandlers.length > 0);
if (localsHandlers.length == 1) return localsHandlers.single;
Map<Local, HInstruction> joinedLocals = new Map<Local, HInstruction>();
HInstruction thisValue = null;
directLocals.forEach((Local local, HInstruction instruction) {
if (local != closureData.thisLocal) {
HPhi phi = new HPhi.noInputs(local, commonMasks.dynamicType);
joinedLocals[local] = phi;
} else {
// We know that "this" never changes, if it's there.
// Save it for later. While merging, there is no phi for "this",
// so we don't have to special case it in the merge loop.
thisValue = instruction;
for (LocalsHandler handler in localsHandlers) {
handler.directLocals.forEach((Local local, HInstruction instruction) {
HPhi phi = joinedLocals[local];
if (phi != null) {
if (thisValue != null) {
// If there was a "this" for the scope, add it to the new locals.
joinedLocals[closureData.thisLocal] = thisValue;
// Remove locals that are not in all handlers.
directLocals = new Map<Local, HInstruction>();
joinedLocals.forEach((Local local, HInstruction instruction) {
if (local != closureData.thisLocal &&
instruction.inputs.length != localsHandlers.length) {
} else {
directLocals[local] = instruction;
return this;
TypeMask cachedTypeOfThis;
TypeMask getTypeOfThis() {
TypeMask result = cachedTypeOfThis;
if (result == null) {
ThisLocal local = closureData.thisLocal;
ClassElement cls = local.enclosingClass;
if (closedWorld.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) {
// If the enclosing class is used as a mixin, [:this:] can be
// of the class that mixins the enclosing class. These two
// classes do not have a subclass relationship, so, for
// simplicity, we mark the type as an interface type.
result = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(cls.declaration, closedWorld);
} else {
result = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(cls.declaration, closedWorld);
cachedTypeOfThis = result;
return result;
Map<Element, TypeMask> cachedTypesOfCapturedVariables =
new Map<Element, TypeMask>();
TypeMask getTypeOfCapturedVariable(FieldElement element) {
return cachedTypesOfCapturedVariables.putIfAbsent(element, () {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredTypeForElement(
element, _globalInferenceResults);
/// Variables stored in the current activation. These variables are
/// being updated in try/catch blocks, and should be
/// accessed indirectly through [HLocalGet] and [HLocalSet].
Map<Local, HLocalValue> activationVariables = <Local, HLocalValue>{};
/// A synthetic local variable only used with the SSA graph.
/// For instance used for holding return value of function or the exception of a
/// try-catch statement.
class SyntheticLocal extends Local {
final String name;
final ExecutableElement executableContext;
// Avoid slow Object.hashCode.
final int hashCode = _nextHashCode = (_nextHashCode + 1).toUnsigned(30);
static int _nextHashCode = 0;
SyntheticLocal(, this.executableContext);
toString() => 'SyntheticLocal($name)';