blob: 1d9f06e3ad7b78461c6853493a53f1d593120113 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _AttributeClassSet extends CssClassSetImpl {
final Element _element;
Set<String> readClasses() {
var classname = _element.attributes['class'];
Set<String> s = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
if (classname == null) {
return s;
for (String name in classname.split(' ')) {
String trimmed = name.trim();
if (!trimmed.isEmpty) {
return s;
void writeClasses(Set s) {
_element.attributes['class'] = s.join(' ');
static final _START_TAG_REGEXP = new RegExp('<(\\w+)');
factory $CLASSNAME.tag(String tag) =>
document.createElementNS("", tag);
factory $CLASSNAME.svg(String svg,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
if (validator == null && treeSanitizer == null) {
validator = new NodeValidatorBuilder.common()..allowSvg();
final match = _START_TAG_REGEXP.firstMatch(svg);
var parentElement;
if (match != null && == 'svg') {
parentElement = document.body;
} else {
parentElement = new SvgSvgElement();
var fragment = parentElement.createFragment(svg, validator: validator,
treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
return fragment.nodes.where((e) => e is SvgElement).single;
_AttributeClassSet _cssClassSet;
CssClassSet get classes {
if (_cssClassSet == null) {
_cssClassSet = new _AttributeClassSet(this);
return _cssClassSet;
List<Element> get children => new FilteredElementList<Element>(this);
void set children(List<Element> value) {
final children = this.children;
String get outerHtml {
final container = new Element.tag("div");
final SvgElement cloned = this.clone(true);
return container.innerHtml;
String get innerHtml {
final container = new Element.tag("div");
final SvgElement cloned = this.clone(true);
return container.innerHtml;
void set innerHtml(String value) {
DocumentFragment createFragment(String svg,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
if (treeSanitizer == null) {
if (validator == null) {
validator = new NodeValidatorBuilder.common()
treeSanitizer = new NodeTreeSanitizer(validator);
// We create a fragment which will parse in the HTML parser
var html = '<svg version="1.1">$svg</svg>';
var fragment = document.body.createFragment(html,
treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
var svgFragment = new DocumentFragment();
// The root is the <svg/> element, need to pull out the contents.
var root = fragment.nodes.single;
while (root.firstChild != null) {
return svgFragment;
// Unsupported methods inherited from Element.
void insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot invoke insertAdjacentText on SVG.");
void insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String text) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot invoke insertAdjacentHtml on SVG.");
Element insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot invoke insertAdjacentElement on SVG.");
HtmlCollection get _children {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot get _children on SVG.");
bool get isContentEditable => false;
void click() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot invoke click SVG.");
* Checks to see if the SVG element type is supported by the current platform.
* The tag should be a valid SVG element tag name.
static bool isTagSupported(String tag) {
var e = new $CLASSNAME.tag(tag);
return e is $CLASSNAME && !(e is UnknownElement);