blob: 34c14837d66ee7b36484320f9d76b4ddb16dfa3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyze_unused_dart2js;
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart';
import 'package:compiler/implementation/filenames.dart';
import 'analyze_helper.dart';
// Do not remove WHITE_LIST even if it's empty. The error message for
// unused members refers to WHITE_LIST by name.
const Map<String, List<String>> WHITE_LIST = const {
// Helper methods for debugging should never be called from production code:
"implementation/helpers/": const [" is never "],
// Node.asLiteralBool is never used.
"implementation/tree/nodes.dart": const [
"The method 'asLiteralBool' is never called"],
// Some things in dart_printer are not yet used
"implementation/dart_backend/backend_ast_nodes.dart": const [" is never "],
// dart2js uses only the encoding functions, the decoding functions are used
// from the generated code.
"implementation/runtime_data.dart": const [" is never "],
// Setlet implements the Set interface: Issue 18959.
"implementation/util/setlet.dart": const [" is never "],
// MethodElement
// TODO(20377): Why is MethodElement unused?
"implementation/elements/elements.dart": const [" is never "]
void main() {
var uri = currentDirectory.resolve(
asyncTest(() => analyze([uri], WHITE_LIST,
analyzeAll: false, checkResults: checkResults));
bool checkResults(Compiler compiler, CollectingDiagnosticHandler handler) {
var helperUri = currentDirectory.resolve(
void checkLive(member) {
if (member.isFunction) {
if (compiler.enqueuer.resolution.isLive(member)) {
compiler.reportHint(member, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "Helper function in production code '$member'."});
} else if (member.isClass) {
if (member.isResolved) {
compiler.reportHint(member, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "Helper class in production code '$member'."});
} else {
} else if (member.isTypedef) {
if (member.isResolved) {
compiler.reportHint(member, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "Helper typedef in production code '$member'."});
return handler.checkResults();