blob: ff14738c68a676688369d4f82f7cb175e97a55f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.preprocess;
import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// Runs a simple preprocessor over [input] to remove sections that are
/// incompatible with the available barback version.
/// [versions] are the available versions of each installed package, and
/// [sourceUrl] is a [String] or [Uri] indicating where [input] came from. It's
/// used for error reporting.
/// For the most part, the preprocessor leaves text in the source document
/// alone. However, it handles two types of lines specially. Lines that begin
/// with `//>` are uncommented by the preprocessor, and lines that begin with
/// `//#` are operators.
/// The preprocessor currently supports one top-level operator, "if":
/// //# if barback >=0.14.1
/// ...
/// //# else
/// ...
/// //# end
/// If can check against any package installed in the current package. It can
/// check the version of the package, as above, or (if the version range is
/// omitted) whether the package exists at all. If the condition is true,
/// everything within the first block is included in the output and everything
/// within the second block is removed; otherwise, the first block is removed
/// and the second block is included. The `else` block is optional.
/// It's important that the preprocessor syntax also be valid Dart code, because
/// pub loads the source files before preprocessing and runs them against the
/// version of barback that was compiled into pub. This is why the `//>` syntax
/// exists: so that code can be hidden from the running pub process but still be
/// visible to the barback isolate. For example:
/// //# if barback >= 0.14.1
/// ClassMirror get aggregateClass => reflectClass(AggregateTransformer);
/// //# else
/// //> ClassMirror get aggregateClass => null;
/// //# end
String preprocess(String input, Map<String, Version> versions, sourceUrl) {
// Short-circuit if there are no preprocessor directives in the file.
if (!input.contains(new RegExp(r"^//[>#]", multiLine: true))) return input;
return new _Preprocessor(input, versions, sourceUrl).run();
/// The preprocessor class.
class _Preprocessor {
/// The scanner over the input string.
final StringScanner _scanner;
final Map<String, Version> _versions;
/// The buffer to which the output is written.
final _buffer = new StringBuffer();
_Preprocessor(String input, this._versions, sourceUrl)
: _scanner = new StringScanner(input, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
/// Run the preprocessor and return the processed output.
String run() {
while (!_scanner.isDone) {
if (_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"//#[ \t]*"))) {
} else {
return _buffer.toString();
/// Emit lines of the input document directly until an operator is
/// encountered.
void _emitText() {
while (!_scanner.isDone && !_scanner.matches("//#")) {
if (_scanner.scan("//>")) {
if (!_scanner.matches("\n")) _scanner.expect(" ");
_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[^\n]*\n?"));
/// Move through lines of the input document without emitting them until an
/// operator is encountered.
void _ignoreText() {
while (!_scanner.isDone && !_scanner.matches("//#")) {
_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[^\n]*\n?"));
/// Handle an `if` operator.
void _if() {
_scanner.expect(new RegExp(r"if[ \t]+"), name: "if statement");
_scanner.expect(new RegExp(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"), name: "package name");
var package = _scanner.lastMatch[0];
_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[ \t]*"));
var constraint = VersionConstraint.any;
if (_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[^\n]+"))) {
try {
constraint = new VersionConstraint.parse(_scanner.lastMatch[0]);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
_scanner.error("Invalid version constraint: ${error.message}");
var allowed = _versions.containsKey(package) &&
if (allowed) {
} else {
_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[ \t]*"));
if (_scanner.scan("else")) {
if (allowed) {
} else {
_scanner.scan(new RegExp(r"[ \t]*"));
if (!_scanner.isDone) _scanner.expect("\n");