blob: fd62d57aa0ba829619e1a38919a189e6bf7331de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Common methods used by transfomers.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart' show Document;
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show HtmlParser;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:observe/transformer.dart' show ObservableTransformer;
const _ignoredErrors = const [
/// Parses an HTML file [contents] and returns a DOM-like tree. Adds emitted
/// error/warning to [logger].
Document _parseHtml(String contents, String sourcePath, TransformLogger logger,
{bool checkDocType: true, bool showWarnings: true}) {
// TODO(jmesserly): make HTTP encoding configurable
var parser = new HtmlParser(contents, encoding: 'utf8',
generateSpans: true, sourceUrl: sourcePath);
var document = parser.parse();
// Note: errors aren't fatal in HTML (unless strict mode is on).
// So just print them as warnings.
if (showWarnings) {
for (var e in parser.errors) {
if (_ignoredErrors.contains(e.errorCode)) continue;
if (checkDocType || e.errorCode != 'expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag') {
logger.warning(e.message, span: e.span);
return document;
/// Additional options used by polymer transformers
class TransformOptions {
/// List of entrypoints paths. The paths are relative to the package root and
/// are represented using posix style, which matches the representation used
/// in asset ids in barback. If null, anything under 'web/' or 'test/' is
/// considered an entry point.
final List<String> entryPoints;
/// Map of stylesheet paths that should or should not be inlined. The paths
/// are relative to the package root and are represented using posix style,
/// which matches the representation used in asset ids in barback.
/// There is an additional special key 'default' for the global default.
final Map<String, bool> inlineStylesheets;
/// True to enable Content Security Policy.
/// This means the HTML page will include *.dart.precompiled.js
/// This flag has no effect unless [directlyIncludeJS] is enabled.
final bool contentSecurityPolicy;
/// True to include the compiled JavaScript directly from the HTML page.
/// If enabled this will remove "packages/browser/dart.js" and replace
/// `type="application/dart"` scripts with equivalent *.dart.js files.
/// If [contentSecurityPolicy] enabled, this will reference files
/// named *.dart.precompiled.js.
final bool directlyIncludeJS;
/// Run transformers to create a releasable app. For example, include the
/// minified versions of the polyfills rather than the debug versions.
final bool releaseMode;
/// This will make a physical element appear on the page showing build logs.
/// It will only appear when ![releaseMode] even if this is true.
final bool injectBuildLogsInOutput;
/// True to run liner on all html files before starting other phases.
// TODO(jmesserly): instead of this flag, we should only run linter on
// reachable (entry point+imported) html if deploying. See
final bool lint;
TransformOptions({entryPoints, this.inlineStylesheets,
this.contentSecurityPolicy: false, this.directlyIncludeJS: true,
this.releaseMode: true, this.lint: true,
this.injectBuildLogsInOutput: false})
: entryPoints = entryPoints == null ? null
/// Whether an asset with [id] is an entry point HTML file.
bool isHtmlEntryPoint(AssetId id) {
if (id.extension != '.html') return false;
// Note: [id.path] is a relative path from the root of a package.
if (entryPoints == null) {
return id.path.startsWith('web/') || id.path.startsWith('test/');
return entryPoints.contains(id.path);
// Whether a stylesheet with [id] should be inlined, the default is true.
bool shouldInlineStylesheet(AssetId id) {
// Note: [id.path] is a relative path from the root of a package.
// Default is to inline everything
if (inlineStylesheets == null) return true;
// First check for the full asset path overrides.
var override = inlineStylesheets[id.toString()];
if (override != null) return override;
// Then check just the path overrides (if the package was not specified).
override = inlineStylesheets[id.path];
if (override != null) return override;
// Then check the global default setting.
var globalDefault = inlineStylesheets['default'];
return (globalDefault != null) ? globalDefault : true;
/// Mixin for polymer transformers.
abstract class PolymerTransformer {
TransformOptions get options;
Future<Document> readPrimaryAsHtml(Transform transform) {
var asset = transform.primaryInput;
var id =;
return asset.readAsString().then((content) {
return _parseHtml(content, id.path, transform.logger,
checkDocType: options.isHtmlEntryPoint(id));
Future<Document> readAsHtml(AssetId id, Transform transform,
{bool showWarnings: true}) {
var primaryId =;
bool samePackage = id.package == primaryId.package;
var url = spanUrlFor(id, transform);
return transform.readInputAsString(id).then((content) {
return _parseHtml(content, url, transform.logger,
checkDocType: samePackage && options.isHtmlEntryPoint(id),
showWarnings: showWarnings);
Future<bool> assetExists(AssetId id, Transform transform) =>
transform.getInput(id).then((_) => true).catchError((_) => false);
String toString() => 'polymer ($runtimeType)';
/// Gets the appropriate URL to use in a span to produce messages (e.g.
/// warnings) for users. This will attempt to format the URL in the most useful
/// way:
/// - If the asset is within the primary package, then use the [id.path],
/// the user will know it is a file from their own code.
/// - If the asset is from another package, then use [assetUrlFor], this will
/// likely be a "package:" url to the file in the other package, which is
/// enough for users to identify where the error is.
String spanUrlFor(AssetId id, Transform transform) {
var primaryId =;
bool samePackage = id.package == primaryId.package;
return samePackage ? id.path
: assetUrlFor(id, primaryId, transform.logger, allowAssetUrl: true);
/// Transformer phases which should be applied to the Polymer package.
List<List<Transformer>> get phasesForPolymer =>
[[new ObservableTransformer(['lib/src/instance.dart'])]];
/// Generate the import url for a file described by [id], referenced by a file
/// with [sourceId].
// TODO(sigmund): this should also be in barback (
String assetUrlFor(AssetId id, AssetId sourceId, TransformLogger logger,
{bool allowAssetUrl: false}) {
// use package: and asset: urls if possible
if (id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
return 'package:${id.package}/${id.path.substring(4)}';
if (id.path.startsWith('asset/')) {
if (!allowAssetUrl) {
logger.error("asset urls not allowed. "
"Don't know how to refer to $id from $sourceId");
return null;
return 'asset:${id.package}/${id.path.substring(6)}';
// Use relative urls only if it's possible.
if (id.package != sourceId.package) {
logger.error("don't know how to refer to $id from $sourceId");
return null;
var builder = path.url;
return builder.relative(builder.join('/', id.path),
from: builder.join('/', builder.dirname(sourceId.path)));
/// Convert system paths to asset paths (asset paths are posix style).
String systemToAssetPath(String assetPath) {
if (path.Style.platform != return assetPath;
return path.posix.joinAll(path.split(assetPath));
/// These names have meaning in SVG or MathML, so they aren't allowed as custom
/// tags. See [isCustomTagName].
const invalidTagNames = const {
'annotation-xml': '',
'color-profile': '',
'font-face': '',
'font-face-src': '',
'font-face-uri': '',
'font-face-format': '',
'font-face-name': '',
'missing-glyph': '',
/// Returns true if this is a valid custom element name. See:
/// <>
bool isCustomTagName(String name) {
if (name == null || !name.contains('-')) return false;
return !invalidTagNames.containsKey(name);
/// Regex to split names in the 'attributes' attribute, which supports 'a b c',
/// 'a,b,c', or even 'a b,c'. This is the same as in `lib/src/declaration.dart`.
final ATTRIBUTES_REGEX = new RegExp(r'\s|,');
const POLYMER_EXPERIMENTAL_HTML = 'packages/polymer/polymer_experimental.html';
const String LOG_EXTENSION = '._buildLogs';