blob: 1825fdea5872292791bd524f0316baa790667eca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.completion.suggestion;
import 'package:analysis_services/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/json.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
* An enumeration of the relevance of a completion suggestion.
class CompletionRelevance {
static const CompletionRelevance LOW = const CompletionRelevance('LOW');
static const CompletionRelevance DEFAULT =
const CompletionRelevance('DEFAULT');
static const CompletionRelevance HIGH = const CompletionRelevance('HIGH');
final String name;
const CompletionRelevance(;
static CompletionRelevance value(String name) {
if ( == name) return LOW;
if ( == name) return DEFAULT;
if ( == name) return HIGH;
throw new ArgumentError('Unknown CompletionRelevance: $name');
toString() => 'CompletionRelevance.$name';
* A single completion suggestion.
class CompletionSuggestion implements HasToJson {
* The kind of element being suggested.
final CompletionSuggestionKind kind;
* The relevance of this completion suggestion.
final CompletionRelevance relevance;
* The identifier to be inserted if the suggestion is selected.
* If the suggestion is for a method or function, the client might want to
* additionally insert a template for the parameters.
* The information required in order to do so is contained in other fields.
final String completion;
* The offset, relative to the beginning of the completion, of where
* the selection should be placed after insertion.
final int selectionOffset;
* The number of characters that should be selected after insertion.
final int selectionLength;
* `true` if the suggested element is deprecated.
final bool isDeprecated;
* True if the element is not known to be valid for the target.
* This happens if the type of the target is dynamic.
final bool isPotential;
// optional fields
// final String docSummary;
// final String docComplete;
// final String declaringType;
// final String returnType;
// final List<String> parameterNames;
// final List<String> parameterTypes;
// final int requiredParameterCount;
// final int positionalParameterCount;
// final String parameterName;
// final String parameterType;
CompletionSuggestion(this.kind, this.relevance, this.completion,
this.selectionOffset, this.selectionLength, this.isDeprecated,
factory CompletionSuggestion.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
return new CompletionSuggestion(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
COMPLETION: completion,
SELECTION_OFFSET: selectionOffset,
SELECTION_LENGTH: selectionLength,
IS_DEPRECATED: isDeprecated,
IS_POTENTIAL: isPotential
* An enumeration of the kinds of elements that can be included
* in a completion suggestion.
class CompletionSuggestionKind {
static const CompletionSuggestionKind ARGUMENT_LIST =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('ARGUMENT_LIST');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind CLASS =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('CLASS');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind CLASS_ALIAS =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('CLASS_ALIAS');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind CONSTRUCTOR =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('CONSTRUCTOR');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind FIELD =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('FIELD');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind FUNCTION =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('FUNCTION');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind GETTER =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('GETTER');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind IMPORT =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('IMPORT');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind LIBRARY_PREFIX =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('LIBRARY_PREFIX');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind LOCAL_VARIABLE =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('LOCAL_VARIABLE');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind METHOD =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('METHOD');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind METHOD_NAME =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('METHOD_NAME');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind NAMED_ARGUMENT =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('NAMED_ARGUMENT');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind PARAMETER =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('PARAMETER');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind SETTER =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('SETTER');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE');
static const CompletionSuggestionKind TYPE_PARAMETER =
const CompletionSuggestionKind('TYPE_PARAMETER');
final String name;
const CompletionSuggestionKind(;
String toString() => name;
static CompletionSuggestionKind fromElementKind(ElementKind kind) {
// ElementKind.ANGULAR_VIEW,
if (kind == ElementKind.CLASS) return CLASS;
if (kind == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) return CONSTRUCTOR;
// ElementKind.DYNAMIC,
// ElementKind.ERROR,
// ElementKind.EXPORT,
if (kind == ElementKind.FIELD) return FIELD;
if (kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) return FUNCTION;
if (kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS) return FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
if (kind == ElementKind.GETTER) return GETTER;
// ElementKind.HTML,
if (kind == ElementKind.IMPORT) return IMPORT;
// ElementKind.LABEL,
// ElementKind.LIBRARY,
if (kind == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) return LOCAL_VARIABLE;
if (kind == ElementKind.METHOD) return METHOD;
// ElementKind.NAME,
if (kind == ElementKind.PARAMETER) return PARAMETER;
// ElementKind.POLYMER_TAG_DART,
// ElementKind.POLYMER_TAG_HTML,
// ElementKind.PREFIX,
if (kind == ElementKind.SETTER) return SETTER;
if (kind == ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE) return TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
// ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER,
// ElementKind.UNIVERSE
throw new ArgumentError('Unknown CompletionSuggestionKind for: $kind');
static CompletionSuggestionKind valueOf(String name) {
if ( == name) return ARGUMENT_LIST;
if ( == name) return CLASS;
if ( == name) return CLASS_ALIAS;
if ( == name) return CONSTRUCTOR;
if ( == name) return FIELD;
if ( == name) return FUNCTION;
if ( == name) return FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
if ( == name) return GETTER;
if ( == name) return IMPORT;
if ( == name) return LIBRARY_PREFIX;
if ( == name) return LOCAL_VARIABLE;
if ( == name) return METHOD;
if ( == name) return METHOD_NAME;
if ( == name) return NAMED_ARGUMENT;
if ( == name) return OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT;
if ( == name) return PARAMETER;
if ( == name) return SETTER;
if ( == name) return TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
if ( == name) return TYPE_PARAMETER;
throw new ArgumentError('Unknown CompletionSuggestionKind: $name');