blob: 32a72d32d461522c1c792e407a4cb0c3efb3cb11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library domain.analysis;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_hover.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/error.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/constants.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
* Instances of the class [AnalysisDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the `analysis` domain.
class AnalysisDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* Initialize a newly created handler to handle requests for the given [server].
* Implement the `analysis.getErrors` request.
Response getErrors(Request request) {
String file = request.getRequiredParameter(FILE).asString();
server.onFileAnalysisComplete(file).then((_) {
Response response = new Response(;
AnalysisErrorInfo errorInfo = server.getErrors(file);
if (errorInfo == null) {
response.setResult(ERRORS, []);
} else {
response.setResult(ERRORS, engineErrorInfoToJson(errorInfo));
}).catchError((message) {
if (message is! String) {
'Illegal error message during getErrors: $message');
message = '';
Response response = new Response.getErrorsError(request, message);
response.setResult(ERRORS, []);
// delay response
return Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE;
* Implement the `analysis.getHover` request.
Response getHover(Request request) {
// prepare parameters
String file = request.getRequiredParameter(FILE).asString();
int offset = request.getRequiredParameter(OFFSET).asInt();
// prepare hovers
List<Hover> hovers = <Hover>[];
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
for (CompilationUnit unit in units) {
Hover hoverInformation =
new DartUnitHoverComputer(unit, offset).compute();
if (hoverInformation != null) {
// send response
Response response = new Response(;
response.setResult(HOVERS, hovers);
return response;
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
try {
String requestName = request.method;
if (requestName == ANALYSIS_GET_ERRORS) {
return getErrors(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_GET_HOVER) {
return getHover(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_SET_ANALYSIS_ROOTS) {
return setAnalysisRoots(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_SET_PRIORITY_FILES) {
return setPriorityFiles(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_SET_SUBSCRIPTIONS) {
return setSubscriptions(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_UPDATE_CONTENT) {
return updateContent(request);
} else if (requestName == ANALYSIS_UPDATE_OPTIONS) {
return updateOptions(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
* Implement the 'analysis.setAnalysisRoots' request.
Response setAnalysisRoots(Request request) {
// included
RequestDatum includedDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(INCLUDED);
List<String> includedPaths = includedDatum.asStringList();
// excluded
RequestDatum excludedDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(EXCLUDED);
List<String> excludedPaths = excludedDatum.asStringList();
// continue in server
server.setAnalysisRoots(, includedPaths, excludedPaths);
return new Response(;
* Implement the 'analysis.setPriorityFiles' request.
Response setPriorityFiles(Request request) {
// files
RequestDatum filesDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(FILES);
List<String> files = filesDatum.asStringList();
server.setPriorityFiles(request, files);
return new Response(;
* Implement the 'analysis.setSubscriptions' request.
Response setSubscriptions(Request request) {
// parse subscriptions
Map<AnalysisService, Set<String>> subMap;
RequestDatum subDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(SUBSCRIPTIONS);
Map<String, List<String>> subStringMap = subDatum.asStringListMap();
subMap = new HashMap<AnalysisService, Set<String>>();
subStringMap.forEach((String serviceName, List<String> paths) {
AnalysisService service =
Enum2.valueOf(AnalysisService.VALUES, serviceName);
if (service == null) {
throw new RequestFailure(
new Response.unknownAnalysisService(request, serviceName));
subMap[service] = new HashSet.from(paths);
return new Response(;
* Implement the 'analysis.updateContent' request.
Response updateContent(Request request) {
var changes = new HashMap<String, ContentChange>();
RequestDatum filesDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(FILES);
for (String file in filesDatum.keys) {
RequestDatum changeDatum = filesDatum[file];
ContentChange change = new ContentChange();
switch (changeDatum[TYPE].asString()) {
case ADD:
change.contentOrReplacement = changeDatum[CONTENT].asString();
case CHANGE:
change.offset = changeDatum[OFFSET].asInt();
change.length = changeDatum[LENGTH].asInt();
change.contentOrReplacement = changeDatum[REPLACEMENT].asString();
case REMOVE:
return new Response.invalidParameter(
'be one of "add", "change", or "remove"');
changes[file] = change;
return new Response(;
* Implement the 'analysis.updateOptions' request.
Response updateOptions(Request request) {
// options
RequestDatum optionsDatum = request.getRequiredParameter(OPTIONS);
List<OptionUpdater> updaters = new List<OptionUpdater>();
optionsDatum.forEachMap((String optionName, RequestDatum optionDatum) {
if (optionName == ANALYZE_ANGULAR) {
bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
options.analyzeAngular = optionValue;
} else if (optionName == ANALYZE_POLYMER) {
bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
options.analyzePolymer = optionValue;
} else if (optionName == ENABLE_ASYNC) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Uncomment this when the option is supported.
// bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
// updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
// options.enableAsync = optionValue;
// });
} else if (optionName == ENABLE_DEFERRED_LOADING) {
bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
options.enableDeferredLoading = optionValue;
} else if (optionName == ENABLE_ENUMS) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Uncomment this when the option is supported.
// bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
// updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
// options.enableEnums = optionValue;
// });
} else if (optionName == GENERATE_DART2JS_HINTS) {
bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
options.dart2jsHint = optionValue;
} else if (optionName == GENERATE_HINTS) {
bool optionValue = optionDatum.asBool();
updaters.add((AnalysisOptionsImpl options) {
options.hint = optionValue;
} else {
throw new RequestFailure(
new Response.unknownOptionName(request, optionName));
return new Response(;
* A description of the change to the content of a file.
class ContentChange {
* If [offset] and [length] are null, the full content of the file (or null
* if the file should be read from the filesystem).
* If [offset] and [length] are non-null, the replacement text which should
* take the place of the [length] characters of the file starting at [offset].
String contentOrReplacement;
int offset;
int length;