blob: bb8216a0b18875a5b6bdae1554c5fcedce68c106 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): this file needs to be refactored, it's a port from
// package:dev_compiler's tests
/// General type checking tests
library analyzer.test.src.task.strong.checker_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'strong_test_helper.dart';
void main() {
testChecker('ternary operator', {
'/main.dart': '''
abstract class Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T other);
static int compare(Comparable a, Comparable b) => a.compareTo(b);
typedef int Comparator<T>(T a, T b);
typedef bool _Predicate<T>(T value);
class SplayTreeMap<K, V> {
Comparator<K> _comparator;
_Predicate _validKey;
// Initializing _comparator needs a cast, since K may not always be
// Comparable.
// Initializing _validKey shouldn't need a cast. Currently
// it requires inference to work because of
SplayTreeMap([int compare(K key1, K key2),
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)]) {
: _comparator = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/(compare == null)
? : compare,
_validKey = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/(isValidKey != null)
? isValidKey : ((v) => true);
_Predicate<Object> _v = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/(isValidKey != null)
? isValidKey : (/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(v) => true);
// TODO(leafp): Fix unimplemented LUB in analyzer
_v = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/(isValidKey != null)
? _v : (/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(v) => true);
void main() {
Object obj = 42;
dynamic dyn = 42;
int i = 42;
// Check the boolean conversion of the condition.
print((/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i) ? false : true);
print((/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj) ? false : true);
print((/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/dyn) ? false : true);
testChecker('if/for/do/while statements use boolean conversion', {
'/main.dart': '''
main() {
dynamic d = 42;
Object obj = 42;
int i = 42;
bool b = false;
if (b) {}
if (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/dyn) {}
if (/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj) {}
if (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i) {}
while (b) {}
while (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/dyn) {}
while (/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj) {}
while (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i) {}
do {} while (b);
do {} while (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/dyn);
do {} while (/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj);
do {} while (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i);
for (;b;) {}
for (;/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/dyn;) {}
for (;/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj;) {}
for (;/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i;) {}
testChecker('dynamic invocation', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
dynamic call(dynamic x) => x;
class B extends A {
int call(int x) => x;
double col(double x) => x;
void main() {
B f = new B();
int x;
double y;
x = f(3);
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/f.col(3.0);
y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/f(3);
y = f.col(3.0);
Function f = new B();
int x;
double y;
x = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f(3);
x = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f.col(3.0);
y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f(3);
y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f.col(3.0);
A f = new B();
int x;
double y;
x = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f(3);
y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/f(3);
dynamic g = new B();
A f = new B();;
testChecker('conversion and dynamic invoke', {
'/helper.dart': '''
dynamic toString = (int x) => x + 42;
dynamic hashCode = "hello";
'/main.dart': '''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
class A {
String x = "hello world";
void baz1(y) => x + /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
static baz2(y) => /*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/y + y;
void foo(String str) {
class B {
String toString([int arg]) => arg.toString();
void bar(a) {
baz() => new B();
typedef DynFun(x);
typedef StrFun(String x);
var bar1 = bar;
void main() {
var a = new A();
var b = bar;
var f1 = foo;
dynamic f2 = foo;
DynFun f3 = foo;
StrFun f4 = foo;
var b1 = a.baz1;
var b2 = A.baz2;
dynamic a1 = new B();
var toStringClosure = a1.toString;
dynamic toString = () => null;
var toStringClosure2 = helper.toString;
int hashCode = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/helper.hashCode;
testChecker('Constructors', {
'/main.dart': '''
const num z = 25;
Object obj = "world";
class A {
int x;
String y;
A(this.x) : this.y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/42;
A.c1(p): this.x = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/z, this.y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/p;
A.c2(this.x, this.y);
A.c3(/*severe:INVALID_PARAMETER_DECLARATION*/num this.x, String this.y);
class B extends A {
B() : super(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
B.c2(int x, String y) : super.c2(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/y,
B.c3(num x, Object y) : super.c3(x, /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/y);
void main() {
A a = new A.c2(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/z, /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/z);
var b = new B.c2(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/obj);
testChecker('Unbound variable', {
'/main.dart': '''
void main() {
dynamic y = /*pass should be severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/unboundVariable;
testChecker('Unbound type name', {
'/main.dart': '''
void main() {
/*pass should be severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/AToB y;
// Regression test for
testChecker('Void subtyping', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef int Foo();
void foo() {}
void main () {
Foo x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/foo();
testChecker('Ground type subtyping: dynamic is top', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
y = o;
y = i;
y = d;
y = n;
y = a;
y = b;
testChecker('Ground type subtyping: dynamic downcasts', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
o = y;
i = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
d = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
n = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
a = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
b = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/y;
testChecker('Ground type subtyping: assigning a class', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
y = a;
o = a;
i = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/a;
d = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/a;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/a;
a = a;
b = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/a;
testChecker('Ground type subtyping: assigning a subclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
C c;
y = b;
o = b;
i = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b;
d = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b;
a = b;
b = b;
c = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b;
testChecker('Ground type subtyping: interfaces', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
class D extends B implements C {}
void main() {
A top;
B left;
C right;
D bot;
top = top;
top = left;
top = right;
top = bot;
left = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/top;
left = left;
left = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/right;
left = bot;
right = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/top;
right = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/left;
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/top;
bot = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/left;
bot = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/right;
bot = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: int and object', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef Object Top(int x); // Top of the lattice
typedef int Left(int x); // Left branch
typedef int Left2(int x); // Left branch
typedef Object Right(Object x); // Right branch
typedef int Bot(Object x); // Bottom of the lattice
Object top(int x) => x;
int left(int x) => x;
Object right(Object x) => x;
int _bot(Object x) => /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/x;
int bot(Object x) => x as int;
void main() {
{ // Check typedef equality
Left f = left;
Left2 g = f;
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right; // Should we reject this?
f = bot;
Right f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left; // Should we reject this?
f = right;
f = bot;
Bot f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
f = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: classes', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef A Top(B x); // Top of the lattice
typedef B Left(B x); // Left branch
typedef B Left2(B x); // Left branch
typedef A Right(A x); // Right branch
typedef B Bot(A x); // Bottom of the lattice
B left(B x) => x;
B _bot(A x) => /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/x;
B bot(A x) => x as B;
A top(B x) => x;
A right(A x) => x;
void main() {
{ // Check typedef equality
Left f = left;
Left2 g = f;
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right; // Should we reject this?
f = bot;
Right f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left; // Should we reject this?
f = right;
f = bot;
Bot f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
f = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: dynamic', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
typedef dynamic Top(dynamic x); // Top of the lattice
typedef dynamic Left(A x); // Left branch
typedef A Right(dynamic x); // Right branch
typedef A Bottom(A x); // Bottom of the lattice
dynamic left(A x) => x;
A bot(A x) => x;
dynamic top(dynamic x) => x;
A right(dynamic x) => /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x;
void main() {
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
f = bot;
Right f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Bottom f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
f = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: function literal variance', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
A top(B x) => x;
B left(B x) => x;
A right(A x) => x;
B bot(A x) => x as B;
void main() {
Function2<B, A> f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<B, B> f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right; // Should we reject this?
f = bot;
Function2<A, A> f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left; // Should we reject this?
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<A, B> f;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
f = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: function variable variance', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
Function2<B, A> top;
Function2<B, B> left;
Function2<A, A> right;
Function2<A, B> bot;
top = right;
top = bot;
top = top;
top = left;
left = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
left = left;
left = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right; // Should we reject this?
left = bot;
right = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
right = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left; // Should we reject this?
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
bot = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: higher order function literals', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
typedef A BToA(B x); // Top of the base lattice
typedef B AToB(A x); // Bot of the base lattice
BToA top(AToB f) => f;
AToB left(AToB f) => f;
BToA right(BToA f) => f;
AToB _bot(BToA f) => /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/f;
AToB bot(BToA f) => f as AToB;
Function2<B, A> top(AToB f) => f;
Function2<A, B> left(AToB f) => f;
Function2<B, A> right(BToA f) => f;
Function2<A, B> _bot(BToA f) => /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/f;
Function2<A, B> bot(BToA f) => f as Function2<A, B>;
BToA top(Function2<A, B> f) => f;
AToB left(Function2<A, B> f) => f;
BToA right(Function2<B, A> f) => f;
AToB _bot(Function2<B, A> f) => /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/f;
AToB bot(Function2<B, A> f) => f as AToB;
void main() {
Function2<AToB, BToA> f; // Top
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<AToB, AToB> f; // Left
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right; // Should we reject this?
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, BToA> f; // Right
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left; // Should we reject this?
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, AToB> f; // Bot
f = bot;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
'Function typing and subtyping: higher order function variables', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
Function2<Function2<A, B>, Function2<B, A>> top;
Function2<Function2<B, A>, Function2<B, A>> right;
Function2<Function2<A, B>, Function2<A, B>> left;
Function2<Function2<B, A>, Function2<A, B>> bot;
top = right;
top = bot;
top = top;
top = left;
left = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
left = left;
left =
/*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE should be severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/right;
left = bot;
right = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
right =
/*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE should be severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/left;
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/top;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/left;
bot = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/right;
bot = bot;
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: named and optional parameters', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
typedef A FR(A x);
typedef A FO([A x]);
typedef A FN({A x});
typedef A FRR(A x, A y);
typedef A FRO(A x, [A y]);
typedef A FRN(A x, {A n});
typedef A FOO([A x, A y]);
typedef A FNN({A x, A y});
typedef A FNNN({A z, A y, A x});
void main() {
FR r;
FO o;
FN n;
FRR rr;
FRO ro;
FRN rn;
FOO oo;
FNN nn;
FNNN nnn;
r = r;
r = o;
r = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
r = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
r = ro;
r = rn;
r = oo;
r = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn;
r = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
o = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/r;
o = o;
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/ro;
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
o = oo;
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn
o = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/r;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
n = n;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/ro;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
n = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/oo;
n = nn;
n = nnn;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/r;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
rr = rr;
rr = ro;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
rr = oo;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn;
rr = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
ro = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/r;
ro = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
ro = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
ro = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/rr;
ro = ro;
ro = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
ro = oo;
ro = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn;
ro = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
rn = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/r;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/ro;
rn = rn;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/oo;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn;
rn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
oo = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/r;
oo = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/o;
oo = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n;
oo = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/rr;
oo = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/ro;
oo = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
oo = oo;
oo = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nn;
oo = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/nnn;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/r;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
nn = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/n;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/ro;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
nn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/oo;
nn = nn;
nn = nnn;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/r;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/o;
nnn = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/n;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rr;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/ro;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/rn;
nnn = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/oo;
nnn = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/nn;
nnn = nnn;
testChecker('Function subtyping: objects with call methods', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef int I2I(int x);
typedef num N2N(num x);
class A {
int call(int x) => x;
class B {
num call(num x) => x;
int i2i(int x) => x;
num n2n(num x) => x;
void main() {
I2I f;
f = new A();
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B();
f = i2i;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/n2n;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/i2i as Object;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/n2n as Function;
N2N f;
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new A();
f = new B();
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/i2i;
f = n2n;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/i2i as Object;
f = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/n2n as Function;
A f;
f = new A();
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B();
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i2i;
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n2n;
f = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n2n as Function;
B f;
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new A();
f = new B();
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i2i;
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/n2n;
f = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n2n as Function;
Function f;
f = new A();
f = new B();
f = i2i;
f = n2n;
f = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/i2i as Object;
f = (n2n as Function);
testChecker('Function typing and subtyping: void', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
void bar() => null;
void foo() => bar; // allowed
testChecker('Function subtyping: uninferred closure', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef num Num2Num(num x);
void main() {
Num2Num g = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE,severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(int x) { return x; };
testChecker('Relaxed casts', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class L<T> {}
class M<T> extends L<T> {}
// L<dynamic|Object>
// / \
// M<dynamic|Object> L<A>
// \ /
// M<A>
// In normal Dart, there are additional edges
// from M<A> to M<dynamic>
// from L<A> to M<dynamic>
// from L<A> to L<dynamic>
void main() {
L lOfDs;
L<Object> lOfOs;
L<A> lOfAs;
M mOfDs;
M<Object> mOfOs;
M<A> mOfAs;
lOfDs = mOfDs;
lOfDs = mOfOs;
lOfDs = mOfAs;
lOfDs = lOfDs;
lOfDs = lOfOs;
lOfDs = lOfAs;
lOfOs = mOfDs;
lOfOs = mOfOs;
lOfOs = mOfAs;
lOfOs = lOfDs;
lOfOs = lOfOs;
lOfOs = lOfAs;
lOfAs = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/mOfDs;
lOfAs = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/mOfOs;
lOfAs = mOfAs;
lOfAs = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/lOfDs;
lOfAs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfOs;
lOfAs = lOfAs;
mOfDs = mOfDs;
mOfDs = mOfOs;
mOfDs = mOfAs;
mOfDs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfDs;
mOfDs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfOs;
mOfDs = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/lOfAs;
mOfOs = mOfDs;
mOfOs = mOfOs;
mOfOs = mOfAs;
mOfOs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfDs;
mOfOs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfOs;
mOfOs = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/lOfAs;
mOfAs = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/mOfDs;
mOfAs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/mOfOs;
mOfAs = mOfAs;
mOfAs = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/lOfDs;
mOfAs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfOs;
mOfAs = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/lOfAs;
testChecker('Type checking literals', {
'/main.dart': '''
test() {
num n = 3;
int i = 3;
String s = "hello";
List<int> l = <int>[i];
l = <int>[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/s];
l = <int>[/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n];
l = <int>[i, /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n, /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/s];
List l = [i];
l = [s];
l = [n];
l = [i, n, s];
Map<String, int> m = <String, int>{s: i};
m = <String, int>{s: /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/s};
m = <String, int>{s: /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n};
m = <String, int>{s: i,
s: /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/n,
s: /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/s};
// TODO(leafp): We can't currently test for key errors since the
// error marker binds to the entire entry.
Map m = {s: i};
m = {s: s};
m = {s: n};
m = {s: i,
s: n,
s: s};
m = {i: s,
n: s,
s: s};
testChecker('casts in constant contexts', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
static const num n = 3.0;
static const int i = /*info:ASSIGNMENT_CAST*/n;
final int fi;
const A(num a) : = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/a;
class B extends A {
const B(Object a) : super(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/a);
void foo(Object o) {
var a = const A(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/o);
testChecker('casts in conditionals', {
'/main.dart': '''
main() {
bool b = true;
num x = b ? 1 : 2.3;
int y = /*info:ASSIGNMENT_CAST*/b ? 1 : 2.3;
String z = !b ? "hello" : null;
z = b ? null : "hello";
// This is a regression test for
testChecker('unbound redirecting constructor', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Foo {
Foo() : this.init();
testChecker('redirecting constructor', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
A(A x) {}
A.two() : this(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
testChecker('super constructor', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A { A(A x) {} }
class B extends A {
B() : super(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
testChecker('factory constructor downcast', {
'/main.dart': r'''
class Animal {
factory => return new Cat();
class Cat extends Animal {}
void main() {
Cat c = /*info:ASSIGNMENT_CAST*/new;
c = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Animal();
testChecker('field/field override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
class Child extends Base {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A f1; // invalid for getter
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/C f2; // invalid for setter
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/var f3;
class Child2 implements Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A f1; // invalid for getter
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/C f2; // invalid for setter
var f3;
testChecker('private override', {
'/helper.dart': '''
import 'main.dart' as main;
class Base {
var f1;
var _f2;
var _f3;
get _f4 => null;
int _m1();
class GrandChild extends main.Child {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/var _f2;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/var _f3;
var _f4;
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/String _m1();
'/main.dart': '''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
class Child extends helper.Base {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/var f1;
var _f2;
var _f4;
String _m1();
testChecker('getter/getter override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
B get f1;
B get f2;
B get f3;
B get f4;
class Child extends Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A get f1 => null;
C get f2 => null;
get f3 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic get f4 => null;
testChecker('field/getter override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
class Child extends Base {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/C get f2 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/get f3 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic get f4 => null;
class Child2 implements Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A get f1 => null;
C get f2 => null;
get f3 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic get f4 => null;
testChecker('setter/setter override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
void set f1(B value);
void set f2(B value);
void set f3(B value);
void set f4(B value);
void set f5(B value);
class Child extends Base {
void set f1(A value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f2(C value) {}
void set f3(value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f4(dynamic value) {}
set f5(B value) {}
testChecker('field/setter override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
B f5;
class Child extends Base {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/B get f1 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/B get f2 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/B get f3 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/B get f4 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/B get f5 => null;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/void set f1(A value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f2(C value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/void set f3(value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f4(dynamic value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/set f5(B value) {}
class Child2 implements Base {
B get f1 => null;
B get f2 => null;
B get f3 => null;
B get f4 => null;
B get f5 => null;
void set f1(A value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f2(C value) {}
void set f3(value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/void set f4(dynamic value) {}
set f5(B value) {}
testChecker('method override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B m1(B a);
B m2(B a);
B m3(B a);
B m4(B a);
B m5(B a);
B m6(B a);
class Child extends Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A m1(A value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/C m2(C value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/A m3(C value) {}
C m4(A value) {}
m5(value) {}
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic m6(dynamic value) {}
testChecker('generic class method override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class Base<T extends B> {
T foo() => null;
class Derived<S extends A> extends Base<B> {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/S foo() => null;
class Derived2<S extends B> extends Base<B> {
S foo() => null;
testChecker('generic method override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Future<T> {
/*=S*/ then/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture<T> extends Future<T> {
/*=S*/ then/*<S>*/(/*=S*/ onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture2<A> extends Future<A> {
/*=B*/ then/*<B>*/(/*=B*/ onValue(A a)) => null;
class DerivedFuture3<T> extends Future<T> {
/*=S*/ then/*<S>*/(Object onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture4<A> extends Future<A> {
/*=B*/ then/*<B>*/(Object onValue(A a)) => null;
testChecker('generic function wrong number of arguments', {
'/main.dart': r'''
/*=T*/ foo/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ x, /*=T*/ y) => x;
/*=T*/ bar/*<T>*/({/*=T*/ x, /*=T*/ y}) => x;
main() {
// resolving thses shouldn't crash.
foo(1, 2, 3);
String x = foo('1', '2', '3');
String x = foo('1');
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/foo(1, 2, 3);
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/foo(1);
// named arguments
bar(y: 1, x: 2, z: 3);
String x = bar(z: '1', x: '2', y: '3');
bar(y: 1);
x = bar(x: '1', z: 42);
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/bar(y: 1, x: 2, z: 3);
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/bar(x: 1);
testChecker('type promotion from dynamic', {
'/main.dart': r'''
f() {
dynamic x;
if (x is int) {
int y = x;
String z = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/x;
g() {
Object x;
if (x is int) {
int y = x;
String z = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/x;
testChecker('unary operators', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
A operator ~() {}
A operator +(int x) {}
A operator -(int x) {}
A operator -() {}
foo() => new A();
test() {
A a = new A();
var c = foo();
testChecker('binary and index operators', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
A operator *(B b) {}
A operator /(B b) {}
A operator ~/(B b) {}
A operator %(B b) {}
A operator +(B b) {}
A operator -(B b) {}
A operator <<(B b) {}
A operator >>(B b) {}
A operator &(B b) {}
A operator ^(B b) {}
A operator |(B b) {}
A operator[](B b) {}
class B {
A operator -(B b) {}
foo() => new A();
test() {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
var c = foo();
a = a * b;
a = a * /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
a = a / b;
a = a ~/ b;
a = a % b;
a = a + b;
a = a + /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/a;
a = a - b;
b = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b - b;
a = a << b;
a = a >> b;
a = a & b;
a = a ^ b;
a = a | b;
c = (/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/c + b);
String x = 'hello';
int y = 42;
x = x + x;
x = x + /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
x = x + /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/y;
bool p = true;
p = p && p;
p = p && /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
p = (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c) && p;
p = (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c) && /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
p = (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/y) && p;
p = c == y;
a = a[b];
a = a[/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c];
c = (/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/c[b]);
testChecker('null coalescing operator', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class C<T> {}
main() {
A a, b;
a ??= new A();
b = b ?? new A();
// downwards inference
C<int> c, d;
c ??= /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new C();
d = d ?? /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new C();
testChecker('compound assignments', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
A operator *(B b) {}
A operator /(B b) {}
A operator ~/(B b) {}
A operator %(B b) {}
A operator +(B b) {}
A operator -(B b) {}
A operator <<(B b) {}
A operator >>(B b) {}
A operator &(B b) {}
A operator ^(B b) {}
A operator |(B b) {}
D operator [](B index) {}
void operator []=(B index, D value) {}
class B {
A operator -(B b) {}
class D {
D operator +(D d) {}
foo() => new A();
test() {
int x = 0;
x += 5;
(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/x += 3.14);
double y = 0.0;
y += 5;
y += 3.14;
num z = 0;
z += 5;
z += 3.14;
x = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/x + z;
x += /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/z;
y = /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/y + z;
y += /*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/z;
dynamic w = 42;
x += /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/w;
y += /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/w;
z += /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/w;
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
var c = foo();
a = a * b;
a *= b;
a *= /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
a /= b;
a ~/= b;
a %= b;
a += b;
a += /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/a;
a -= b;
(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/b -= b);
a <<= b;
a >>= b;
a &= b;
a ^= b;
a |= b;
(/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/c += b);
var d = new D();
a[b] += d;
a[/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c] += d;
a[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/z] += d;
a[b] += /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/c;
a[b] += /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/z;
(/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/(/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/c[b]) += d);
testChecker('super call placement', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Base {
var x;
Base() : x = print('Base.1') { print('Base.2'); }
class Derived extends Base {
var y, z;
: y = print('Derived.1'),
z = print('Derived.2') {
class Valid extends Base {
var y, z;
: y = print('Valid.1'),
z = print('Valid.2'),
super() {
class AlsoValid extends Base {
AlsoValid() : super();
main() => new Derived();
testChecker('for loop variable', {
'/main.dart': '''
foo() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
i = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
bar() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int j = i + 1;
testChecker('loadLibrary', {
'/lib1.dart': '''library lib1;''',
'/main.dart': r'''
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as lib1;
main() {
Future f = lib1.loadLibrary();
group('invalid overrides', () {
testChecker('child override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
A f;
class T1 extends Base {
class T2 extends Base {
class T3 extends Base {
class T4 extends Base {
// two: one for the getter one for the setter.
class T5 implements Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/B get f => null;
class T6 implements Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/set f(B b) => null;
class T7 implements Base {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/final B f;
class T8 implements Base {
// two: one for the getter one for the setter.
testChecker('child override 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class Test extends Base {
testChecker('grandchild override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class Parent extends Grandparent {
class Test extends Parent {
testChecker('double override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Parent extends Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Test extends Parent {
// Reported only once
testChecker('double override 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Parent extends Grandparent {
class Test extends Parent {
m(B a) {}
testChecker('mixin override to base', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
class M2 {
int x;
class T1 extends Base with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M1 {}
class T2 extends Base with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M1, /*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/M2 {}
class T3 extends Base with /*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/M2, /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M1 {}
testChecker('mixin override to mixin', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
int x;
class M2 {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class T1 extends Base with M1, /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE,severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/M2 {}
// This is a regression test for a bug in an earlier implementation were
// names were hiding errors if the first mixin override looked correct,
// but subsequent ones did not.
testChecker('no duplicate mixin override', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class M1 {
m(A a) {}
class M2 {
m(B a) {}
class M3 {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base
with M1, /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M2, M3 {}
testChecker('class override of interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class T1 implements I {
testChecker('base class override to child interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base implements I {
testChecker('mixin override of interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M
implements I {}
// This is a case were it is incorrect to say that the base class
// incorrectly overrides the interface.
'no errors if subclass correctly overrides base and interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class I1 {
m(B a) {}
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I1 {}
class T2 extends Base implements I1 {
class T3 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/Base
implements I1 {}
class T4 extends Object with Base implements I1 {
group('class override of grand interface', () {
testChecker('interface of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
testChecker('superclass of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
testChecker('mixin of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
testChecker('interface of abstract superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {}
class T1 extends Base {
testChecker('interface of concrete superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
// See issue #25
/*pass should be warning:AnalyzerError*/class Base implements I1 {
class T1 extends Base {
// not reported technically because if the class is concrete,
// it should implement all its interfaces and hence it is
// sufficient to check overrides against it.
m(B a) {}
group('mixin override of grand interface', () {
testChecker('interface of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M
implements I2 {
testChecker('superclass of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M
implements I2 {
testChecker('mixin of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M
implements I2 {
testChecker('interface of abstract superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M {
testChecker('interface of concrete superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
// See issue #25
/*pass should be warning:AnalyzerError*/class Base implements I1 {
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base with M {
group('superclass override of grand interface', () {
testChecker('interface of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I2 {
testChecker('superclass of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I2 {
testChecker('mixin of interface of child', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I2 {
testChecker('interface of abstract superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {
class T1 extends Base {
// we consider the base class incomplete because it is
// abstract, so we report the error here too.
// TODO(sigmund): consider tracking overrides in a fine-grain
// manner, then this and the double-overrides would not be
// reported.
testChecker('interface of concrete superclass', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base implements I1 {
class T1 extends Base {
m(B a) {}
group('no duplicate reports from overriding interfaces', () {
testChecker('type overrides same method in multiple interfaces', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {
class T1 implements I2 {
testChecker('type and base type override same method in interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a);
// Note: no error reported in `extends Base` to avoid duplicating
// the error in T1.
class T1 extends Base implements I1 {
// If there is no error in the class, we do report the error at
// the base class:
class T2 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I1 {
testChecker('type and mixin override same method in interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class M {
m(B a);
class T1 extends Object with M implements I1 {
class T2 extends Object with /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/M
implements I1 {
testChecker('two grand types override same method in interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Grandparent {
m(B a) {}
class Parent1 extends Grandparent {
m(B a) {}
class Parent2 extends Grandparent {
// Note: otherwise both errors would be reported on this line
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Parent1
implements I1 {
class T2 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Parent2
implements I1 {
testChecker('two mixins override same method in interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
class M2 {
m(B a) {}
// Here we want to report both, because the error location is
// different.
// TODO(sigmund): should we merge these as well?
class T1 extends Object
implements I1 {
testChecker('base type and mixin override same method in interface', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
// Here we want to report both, because the error location is
// different.
// TODO(sigmund): should we merge these as well?
class T1 /*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/extends Base
implements I1 {
testChecker('invalid runtime checks', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef int I2I(int x);
typedef int D2I(x);
typedef int II2I(int x, int y);
typedef int DI2I(x, int y);
typedef int ID2I(int x, y);
typedef int DD2I(x, y);
typedef I2D(int x);
typedef D2D(x);
typedef II2D(int x, int y);
typedef DI2D(x, int y);
typedef ID2D(int x, y);
typedef DD2D(x, y);
int foo(int x) => x;
int bar(int x, int y) => x + y;
void main() {
bool b;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/foo is I2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/foo is D2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/foo is I2D;
b = foo is D2D;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is II2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is DI2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is ID2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is II2D;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is DD2I;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is DI2D;
b = /*info:NON_GROUND_TYPE_CHECK_INFO*/bar is ID2D;
b = bar is DD2D;
// For as, the validity of checks is deferred to runtime.
Function f;
f = foo as I2I;
f = foo as D2I;
f = foo as I2D;
f = foo as D2D;
f = bar as II2I;
f = bar as DI2I;
f = bar as ID2I;
f = bar as II2D;
f = bar as DD2I;
f = bar as DI2D;
f = bar as ID2D;
f = bar as DD2D;
group('function modifiers', () {
testChecker('async', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
dynamic x;
foo1() async => x;
Future foo2() async => x;
Future<int> foo3() async => (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x);
Future<int> foo4() async => (new Future<int>.value(/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x));
Future<int> foo5() async => (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Future<String>.value(/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x));
bar1() async { return x; }
Future bar2() async { return x; }
Future<int> bar3() async { return (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Future<int> bar4() async { return (new Future<int>.value(/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x)); }
Future<int> bar5() async { return (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Future<String>.value(/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x)); }
int y;
Future<int> z;
void baz() async {
int a = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/await x;
int b = await y;
int c = await z;
String d = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/await z;
Future<bool> get issue_264 async {
await 42;
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return true;
} else {
return new Future<bool>.value(false);
testChecker('async*', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
dynamic x;
bar1() async* { yield x; }
Stream bar2() async* { yield x; }
Stream<int> bar3() async* { yield (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Stream<int> bar4() async* { yield (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Stream<int>()); }
baz1() async* { yield* (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Stream baz2() async* { yield* (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Stream<int> baz3() async* { yield* (/*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/x); }
Stream<int> baz4() async* { yield* new Stream<int>(); }
Stream<int> baz5() async* { yield* (/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Stream()); }
testChecker('sync*', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
dynamic x;
bar1() sync* { yield x; }
Iterable bar2() sync* { yield x; }
Iterable<int> bar3() sync* { yield (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Iterable<int> bar4() sync* { yield (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Iterable<int>()); }
baz1() sync* { yield* (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Iterable baz2() sync* { yield* (/*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x); }
Iterable<int> baz3() sync* { yield* (/*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/x); }
Iterable<int> baz4() sync* { yield* new Iterable<int>(); }
Iterable<int> baz5() sync* { yield* (/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Iterable()); }