blob: a7f5e192fa3acf517f97b5669004a3b9a2fbc406 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Patch file for dart:convert library.
import 'dart:_js_helper' show argumentErrorValue, patch;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSExtendableArray;
import 'dart:_internal' show MappedIterable, ListIterable;
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap, MapBase;
import 'dart:_native_typed_data' show NativeUint8List;
* Parses [json] and builds the corresponding parsed JSON value.
* Parsed JSON values Nare of the types [num], [String], [bool], [Null],
* [List]s of parsed JSON values or [Map]s from [String] to parsed
* JSON values.
* The optional [reviver] function, if provided, is called once for each object
* or list property parsed. The arguments are the property name ([String]) or
* list index ([int]), and the value is the parsed value. The return value of
* the reviver will be used as the value of that property instead of the parsed
* value. The top level value is passed to the reviver with the empty string as
* a key.
* Throws [FormatException] if the input is not valid JSON text.
_parseJson(String source, reviver(key, value)?) {
if (source is! String) throw argumentErrorValue(source);
var parsed;
try {
parsed = JS('=Object|JSExtendableArray|Null|bool|num|String',
'JSON.parse(#)', source);
} catch (e) {
throw FormatException(JS<String>('!', 'String(#)', e));
if (reviver == null) {
return _convertJsonToDartLazy(parsed);
} else {
return _convertJsonToDart(parsed, reviver);
* Walks the raw JavaScript value [json], replacing JavaScript Objects with
* Maps. [json] is expected to be freshly allocated so elements can be replaced
* in-place.
_convertJsonToDart(json, reviver(Object? key, Object? value)) {
walk(e) {
// JavaScript null, string, number, bool are in the correct representation.
if (JS<bool>('!', '# == null', e) ||
JS<bool>('!', 'typeof # != "object"', e)) {
return e;
// This test is needed to avoid identifying '{"__proto__":[]}' as an Array.
// TODO(sra): Replace this test with cheaper '#.constructor === Array' when
// bug 621 below is fixed.
if (JS<bool>('!', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#) === Array.prototype', e)) {
// In-place update of the elements since JS Array is a Dart List.
for (int i = 0; i < JS<int>('!', '#.length', e); i++) {
// Use JS indexing to avoid range checks. We know this is the only
// reference to the list, but the compiler will likely never be able to
// tell that this instance of the list cannot have its length changed by
// the reviver even though it later will be passed to the reviver at the
// outer level.
var item = JS('', '#[#]', e, i);
JS('', '#[#]=#', e, i, reviver(i, walk(item)));
return e;
// Otherwise it is a plain object, so copy to a JSON map, so we process
// and revive all entries recursively.
_JsonMap map = _JsonMap(e);
var processed = map._processed;
List<String> keys = map._computeKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
String key = keys[i];
var revived = reviver(key, walk(JS('', '#[#]', e, key)));
JS('', '#[#]=#', processed, key, revived);
// Update the JSON map structure so future access is cheaper.
map._original = processed; // Don't keep two objects around.
return map;
return reviver(null, walk(json));
_convertJsonToDartLazy(object) {
// JavaScript null and undefined are represented as null.
if (object == null) return null;
// JavaScript string, number, bool already has the correct representation.
if (JS<bool>('!', 'typeof # != "object"', object)) {
return object;
// This test is needed to avoid identifying '{"__proto__":[]}' as an array.
// TODO(sra): Replace this test with cheaper '#.constructor === Array' when
// bug is fixed.
if (JS<bool>('!', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#) !== Array.prototype', object)) {
return _JsonMap(object);
// Update the elements in place since JS arrays are Dart lists.
for (int i = 0; i < JS<int>('!', '#.length', object); i++) {
// Use JS indexing to avoid range checks. We know this is the only
// reference to the list, but the compiler will likely never be able to
// tell that this instance of the list cannot have its length changed by
// the reviver even though it later will be passed to the reviver at the
// outer level.
var item = JS('', '#[#]', object, i);
JS('', '#[#]=#', object, i, _convertJsonToDartLazy(item));
return object;
class _JsonMap extends MapBase<String, dynamic> {
// The original JavaScript object remains unchanged until
// the map is eventually upgraded, in which case we null it
// out to reclaim the memory used by it.
var _original;
// We keep track of the map entries that we have already
// processed by adding them to a separate JavaScript object.
var _processed = _newJavaScriptObject();
// If the data slot isn't null, it represents either the list
// of keys (for non-upgraded JSON maps) or the upgraded map.
var _data = null;
operator [](key) {
if (_isUpgraded) {
return _upgradedMap[key];
} else if (key is! String) {
return null;
} else {
var result = _getProperty(_processed, key);
if (_isUnprocessed(result)) result = _process(key);
return result;
int get length => _isUpgraded ? _upgradedMap.length : _computeKeys().length;
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => length > 0;
Iterable<String> get keys {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.keys;
return _JsonMapKeyIterable(this);
Iterable get values {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.values;
return MappedIterable(_computeKeys(), (each) => this[each]);
operator []=(key, value) {
if (_isUpgraded) {
_upgradedMap[key] = value;
} else if (containsKey(key)) {
var processed = _processed;
_setProperty(processed, key, value);
var original = _original;
if (!identical(original, processed)) {
_setProperty(original, key, null); // Reclaim memory.
} else {
_upgrade()[key] = value;
void addAll(Map<String, dynamic> other) {
other.forEach((key, value) {
this[key] = value;
bool containsValue(value) {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.containsValue(value);
List<String> keys = _computeKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
String key = keys[i];
if (this[key] == value) return true;
return false;
bool containsKey(key) {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.containsKey(key);
if (key is! String) return false;
return _hasProperty(_original, key);
putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent()) {
if (containsKey(key)) return this[key];
var value = ifAbsent();
this[key] = value;
return value;
remove(Object? key) {
if (!_isUpgraded && !containsKey(key)) return null;
return _upgrade().remove(key);
void clear() {
if (_isUpgraded) {
} else {
if (_data != null) {
// Clear the list of keys to make sure we force
// a concurrent modification error if anyone is
// currently iterating over it.
_original = _processed = null;
_data = {};
void forEach(void f(String key, value)) {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap.forEach(f);
List<String> keys = _computeKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
String key = keys[i];
// Compute the value under the assumption that the property
// is present but potentially not processed.
var value = _getProperty(_processed, key);
if (_isUnprocessed(value)) {
value = _convertJsonToDartLazy(_getProperty(_original, key));
_setProperty(_processed, key, value);
// Do the callback.
f(key, value);
// Check if invoking the callback function changed
// the key set. If so, throw an exception.
if (!identical(keys, _data)) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
// ------------------------------------------
// Private helper methods.
// ------------------------------------------
bool get _isUpgraded => _processed == null;
Map<String, dynamic> get _upgradedMap {
// 'cast' the union type to LinkedHashMap. It would be even better if we
// could 'cast' to the implementation type, since LinkedHashMap includes
// _JsonMap.
return JS('LinkedHashMap', '#', _data);
List<String> _computeKeys() {
List? keys = _data;
if (keys == null) {
keys = _data = _getPropertyNames(_original);
return JS('JSExtendableArray', '#', keys);
Map<String, dynamic> _upgrade() {
if (_isUpgraded) return _upgradedMap;
// Copy all the (key, value) pairs to a freshly allocated
// linked hash map thus preserving the ordering.
var result = <String, dynamic>{};
List<String> keys = _computeKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
String key = keys[i];
result[key] = this[key];
// We only upgrade when we need to extend the map, so we can
// safely force a concurrent modification error in case
// someone is iterating over the map here.
if (keys.isEmpty) {
} else {
// Clear out the associated JavaScript objects and mark the
// map as having been upgraded.
_original = _processed = null;
_data = result;
return result;
_process(String key) {
if (!_hasProperty(_original, key)) return null;
var result = _convertJsonToDartLazy(_getProperty(_original, key));
return _setProperty(_processed, key, result);
// ------------------------------------------
// Private JavaScript helper methods.
// ------------------------------------------
static bool _hasProperty(object, String key) =>
JS<bool>('!', ',#)', object, key);
static _getProperty(object, String key) => JS('', '#[#]', object, key);
static _setProperty(object, String key, value) =>
JS('', '#[#]=#', object, key, value);
static List _getPropertyNames(object) =>
JS('JSExtendableArray', 'Object.keys(#)', object);
static bool _isUnprocessed(object) =>
JS<bool>('!', 'typeof(#)=="undefined"', object);
static _newJavaScriptObject() => JS('=Object', 'Object.create(null)');
class _JsonMapKeyIterable extends ListIterable<String> {
final _JsonMap _parent;
int get length => _parent.length;
String elementAt(int index) {
return _parent._isUpgraded
? _parent.keys.elementAt(index)
: _parent._computeKeys()[index];
/// Although [ListIterable] defines its own iterator, we return the iterator
/// of the underlying list [_keys] in order to propagate
/// [ConcurrentModificationError]s.
Iterator<String> get iterator {
return _parent._isUpgraded
? _parent.keys.iterator
: _parent._computeKeys().iterator;
/// Delegate to [parent.containsKey] to ensure the performance expected
/// from [Map.keys.containsKey].
bool contains(Object? key) => _parent.containsKey(key);
class JsonDecoder {
StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink<Object?> sink) {
return _JsonDecoderSink(_reviver, sink);
* Implements the chunked conversion from a JSON string to its corresponding
* object.
* The sink only creates one object, but its input can be chunked.
// TODO(floitsch): don't accumulate everything before starting to decode.
class _JsonDecoderSink extends _StringSinkConversionSink<StringBuffer> {
final Object? Function(Object? key, Object? value)? _reviver;
final Sink<Object?> _sink;
_JsonDecoderSink(this._reviver, this._sink) : super(StringBuffer(''));
void close() {
String accumulated = _stringSink.toString();
Object? decoded = _parseJson(accumulated, _reviver);
class Utf8Decoder {
Converter<List<int>, T> fuse<T>(Converter<String, T> next) {
return super.fuse(next);
// Currently not intercepting UTF8 decoding.
static String? _convertIntercepted(
bool allowMalformed, List<int> codeUnits, int start, int? end) {
// Test `codeUnits is NativeUint8List`. Dart's NativeUint8List is
// implemented by JavaScript's Uint8Array.
if (JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof Uint8Array', codeUnits)) {
// JS 'cast' to avoid a downcast equivalent to the is-check we hand-coded.
NativeUint8List casted = JS<NativeUint8List>('!', '#', codeUnits);
return _convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, casted, start, end);
static String? _convertInterceptedUint8List(
bool allowMalformed, NativeUint8List codeUnits, int start, int? end) {
if (allowMalformed) {
// TextDecoder with option {fatal: false} does not produce the same result
// as [Utf8Decoder]. It disagrees on the number of `U+FFFD` (REPLACEMENT
// CHARACTER) generated for some malformed sequences. We could use
// TextDecoder with option {fatal: true}, catch the error, and re-try
// without acceleration. That turns out to be extremely slow (the Error
// captures a stack trace).
// TODO(31370): Bring Utf8Decoder into alignment with TextDecoder.
// TODO(sra): If we can't do that, can we detect valid input fast enough
// to use a check like the [_unsafe] check below?
return null;
var decoder = _decoder;
if (decoder == null) return null;
if (0 == start && end == null) {
return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, codeUnits);
int length = codeUnits.length;
end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length);
if (0 == start && end == codeUnits.length) {
return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, codeUnits);
return _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder,
JS<NativeUint8List>('!', '#.subarray(#, #)', codeUnits, start, end));
static String? _useTextDecoderChecked(decoder, NativeUint8List codeUnits) {
if (_unsafe(codeUnits)) return null;
return _useTextDecoderUnchecked(decoder, codeUnits);
static String? _useTextDecoderUnchecked(decoder, NativeUint8List codeUnits) {
// If the input is malformed, catch the exception and return `null` to fall
// back on unintercepted decoder. The fallback will either succeed in
// decoding, or report the problem better than TextDecoder.
try {
return JS<String>('!', '#.decode(#)', decoder, codeUnits);
} catch (e) {}
return null;
/// Returns `true` if [codeUnits] contains problematic encodings.
/// TextDecoder behaves differently to [Utf8Encoder] when the input encodes a
/// surrogate (U+D800 through U+DFFF). TextDecoder considers the surrogate to
/// be an encoding error and, depending on the `fatal` option, either throws
/// and Error or encodes the surrogate as U+FFFD. [Utf8Decoder] does not
/// consider the surrogate to be an error and returns the code unit encoded by
/// the surrogate.
/// Throwing an `Error` captures the stack, whoch makes it so expensive that
/// it is worth checking the input for surrogates and avoiding TextDecoder in
/// this case.
static bool _unsafe(NativeUint8List codeUnits) {
// Surrogates encode as (hex) ED Ax xx or ED Bx xx.
int limit = codeUnits.length - 2;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
int unit1 = codeUnits[i];
if (unit1 == 0xED) {
int unit2 = JS('!', '#', codeUnits[i + 1]);
if ((unit2 & 0xE0) == 0xA0) return true;
return false;
//// TextDecoder is not defined on some browsers and on the stand-alone d8 and
/// jsshell engines. Use a lazy initializer to do feature detection once.
static final _decoder = () {
try {
// Use `{fatal: true}`. 'fatal' does not correspond exactly to
// `!allowMalformed`: TextDecoder rejects unpaired surrogates which
// [Utf8Decoder] accepts. In non-fatal mode, TextDecoder translates
// unpaired surrogates to REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD) whereas
// [Utf8Decoder] leaves the surrogate intact.
return JS('', 'new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: true})');
} catch (e) {}
return null;
class _Utf8Decoder {
_Utf8Decoder(this.allowMalformed) : _state = beforeBom;
String convertSingle(List<int> codeUnits, int start, int? maybeEnd) {
return convertGeneral(codeUnits, start, maybeEnd, true);
String convertChunked(List<int> codeUnits, int start, int? maybeEnd) {
return convertGeneral(codeUnits, start, maybeEnd, false);