blob: 6dd9546a7a6bfa1769e34432c419ee6a648fe442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
// Patch file for the dart:async library.
import 'dart:_js_helper' show notNull, patch, ReifyFunctionTypes;
import 'dart:_isolate_helper' show TimerImpl;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName;
import 'dart:_runtime' as dart;
/// This function adapts ES6 generators to implement Dart's async/await.
/// It's designed to interact with Dart's Future and follow Dart async/await
/// semantics.
/// See for ideas on reconciling
/// Dart's Future and ES6 Promise. At that point we should use native JS
/// async/await.
/// Inspired by `co`:, which is a
/// stepping stone for ES async/await.
_async<T>(Function() initGenerator) {
var iter;
Object Function(Object) onValue;
Object Function(Object, StackTrace) onError;
onAwait(Object value) {
_Future f;
if (value is _Future) {
f = value;
} else if (value is Future) {
f = _Future();
_Future._chainForeignFuture(value, f);
} else {
f = _Future.value(value);
f = JS('', '#', f._thenAwait(onValue, onError));
return f;
onValue = (value) {
var iteratorResult = JS('', '', iter, value);
value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult);
return JS<bool>('!', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value);
// If the awaited Future throws, we want to convert this to an exception
// thrown from the `yield` point, as if it was thrown there.
// If the exception is not caught inside `gen`, it will emerge here, which
// will send it to anyone listening on this async function's Future<T>.
// In essence, we are giving the code inside the generator a chance to
// use try-catch-finally.
onError = (value, stackTrace) {
var iteratorResult = JS(
'', '#.throw(#)', iter, dart.createErrorWithStack(value, stackTrace));
value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult);
return JS<bool>('!', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value);
var zone = Zone.current;
if (!identical(zone, _rootZone)) {
onValue = zone.registerUnaryCallback(onValue);
onError = zone.registerBinaryCallback(onError);
var asyncFuture = _Future<T>();
// This will be set to true once we've yielded to the event loop.
// Before we've done that, we need to complete the future asynchronously to
// match dart2js/VM. See
// Once we've yielded to the event loop we can complete synchronously.
// Other implementations call this `isSync` to indicate that.
bool isRunningAsEvent = false;
runBody() {
try {
iter = JS('', '#[Symbol.iterator]()', initGenerator());
var iteratorValue = JS('', '', iter);
var value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorValue);
if (JS<bool>('!', '#.done', iteratorValue)) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a workaround for ignored cast failures.
// Remove it once we've fixed those. We should be able to call:
// if (isRunningAsEvent) {
// asyncFuture._complete(value);
// } else {
// asyncFuture._asyncComplete(value);
// }
// But if the user code returns `Future<dynamic>` instead of
// `Future<T>`, that function won't recognize it as a future and will
// instead treat it as a completed value.
if (value is Future) {
if (value is _Future) {
_Future._chainCoreFuture(value, asyncFuture);
} else {
_Future._chainForeignFuture(value, asyncFuture);
} else if (isRunningAsEvent) {
asyncFuture._completeWithValue(JS('', '#', value));
} else {
asyncFuture._asyncComplete(JS('', '#', value));
} else {
_Future._chainCoreFuture(onAwait(value), asyncFuture);
} catch (e, s) {
if (isRunningAsEvent) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s);
} else {
_asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s);
if (dart.startAsyncSynchronously) {
isRunningAsEvent = true;
} else {
isRunningAsEvent = true;
return asyncFuture;
class _AsyncRun {
static void _scheduleImmediate(void Function() callback) {
// Lazily initialized.
static final _scheduleImmediateClosure = _initializeScheduleImmediate();
static void Function(void Function()) _initializeScheduleImmediate() {
// d8 support, see preambles/d8.js for the definiton of `scheduleImmediate`.
// TODO(jmesserly): do we need this? It's only for our d8 stack trace test.
if (JS('', '#.scheduleImmediate', dart.global_) != null) {
return _scheduleImmediateJSOverride;
return _scheduleImmediateWithPromise;
static void _scheduleImmediateJSOverride(void Function() callback) {
JS('void', '#.scheduleImmediate(#)', dart.global_, () {
static Object _scheduleImmediateWithPromise(void Function() callback) {
JS('', '#.Promise.resolve(null).then(#)', dart.global_, () {
class DeferredLibrary {
Future<Null> load() {
throw 'DeferredLibrary not supported. '
'please use the `import "lib.dart" deferred as lib` syntax.';
class Timer {
static Timer _createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return TimerImpl(milliseconds, callback);
static Timer _createPeriodicTimer(
Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return TimerImpl.periodic(milliseconds, callback);
void _rethrow(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
JS('', 'throw #', dart.createErrorWithStack(error, stackTrace));
/// Used by the compiler to implement `async*` functions.
/// This is inspired by _AsyncStarStreamController in dart-lang/sdk's
/// runtime/lib/core_patch.dart
/// Given input like:
/// foo() async* {
/// yield 1;
/// yield* bar();
/// print(await baz());
/// }
/// This compiles to:
/// function foo() {
/// return new (AsyncStarImplOfT()).new(function*(stream) {
/// if (stream.add(1)) return;
/// yield;
/// if (stream.addStream(bar()) return;
/// yield;
/// print(yield baz());
/// });
/// }
class _AsyncStarImpl<T> {
StreamController<T> controller;
Object Function(_AsyncStarImpl<T>) initGenerator;
bool isSuspendedAtYieldStar = false;
bool onListenReceived = false;
bool isScheduled = false;
bool isSuspendedAtYield = false;
/// Whether we're suspended at an `await`.
bool isSuspendedAtAwait = false;
Completer cancellationCompleter;
Object jsIterator;
Null Function(Object, StackTrace) _handleErrorCallback;
void Function([Object]) _runBodyCallback;
_AsyncStarImpl(this.initGenerator) {
controller = StreamController(
onListen: JS('!', 'this.onListen.bind(this)'),
onResume: JS('!', 'this.onResume.bind(this)'),
onCancel: JS('!', 'this.onCancel.bind(this)'));
jsIterator = JS('!', '#[Symbol.iterator]()', initGenerator(this));
/// The stream produced by this `async*` function.
Stream<T> get stream =>;
/// Returns the callback used for error handling.
/// This callback throws the error back into the user code, at the appropriate
/// location (e.g. `await` `yield` or `yield*`). This gives user code a chance
/// to handle it try-catch. If they do not handle, the error gets routed to
/// the [stream] as an error via [addError].
/// As a performance optimization, this callback is only bound once to the
/// current [Zone]. This works because a single subscription stream should
/// always be running in its original zone. An `async*` method will always
/// save/restore the zone that was active when `listen()` was first called,
/// similar to a stream. This follows from section 16.14 of the Dart 4th
/// edition spec:
/// > If `f` is marked `async*` (9), then a fresh instance `s` implementing
/// > the built-in class `Stream` is associated with the invocation and
/// > immediately returned. When `s` is listened to, execution of the body of
/// > `f` will begin.
Null Function(Object, StackTrace) get handleError {
if (_handleErrorCallback == null) {
_handleErrorCallback = (error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
try {
JS('', '#.throw(#)', jsIterator,
dart.createErrorWithStack(error, stackTrace));
} catch (e, newStack) {
// The generator didn't catch the error, or it threw a new one.
// Make sure to propagate the new error.
addError(e, newStack);
var zone = Zone.current;
if (!identical(zone, Zone.root)) {
_handleErrorCallback = zone.bindBinaryCallback(_handleErrorCallback);
return _handleErrorCallback;
void scheduleGenerator() {
// TODO(jmesserly): is this isPaused check in the right place? Assuming the
// async* Stream yields, then is paused (by other code), the body will
// already be scheduled. This will cause at least one more iteration to
// run (adding another data item to the Stream) before actually pausing.
// It could be fixed by moving the `isPaused` check inside `runBody`.
if (isScheduled ||
controller.isPaused ||
isSuspendedAtYieldStar ||
isSuspendedAtAwait) {
isScheduled = true;
// Capture the current zone. See comment on [handleError] for more
// information about this optimization.
var zone = Zone.current;
if (_runBodyCallback == null) {
_runBodyCallback = JS('!', '#.bind(this)', runBody);
if (!identical(zone, Zone.root)) {
var registered = zone.registerUnaryCallback(_runBodyCallback);
_runBodyCallback = ([arg]) => zone.runUnaryGuarded(registered, arg);
void runBody(awaitValue) {
isScheduled = false;
isSuspendedAtYield = false;
isSuspendedAtAwait = false;
Object iterResult;
try {
iterResult = JS('', '', jsIterator, awaitValue);
} catch (e, s) {
addError(e, s);
return null;
if (JS('!', '#.done', iterResult)) {
return null;
// If we're suspended at a yield/yield*, we're done for now.
if (isSuspendedAtYield || isSuspendedAtYieldStar) return null;
// Handle `await`: if we get a value passed to `yield` it means we are
// waiting on this Future. Make sure to prevent scheduling, and pass the
// value back as the result of the `yield`.
// TODO(jmesserly): is the timing here correct? The assumption here is
// that we should schedule `await` in `async*` the same as in `async`.
isSuspendedAtAwait = true;
FutureOr<Object> value = JS('', '#.value', iterResult);
// TODO(jmesserly): this logic was copied from `async` function impl.
_Future f;
if (value is _Future) {
f = value;
} else if (value is Future) {
f = _Future();
_Future._chainForeignFuture(value, f);
} else {
f = _Future.value(value);
f._thenAwait(_runBodyCallback, handleError);
/// Adds element to [stream] and returns true if the caller should terminate
/// execution of the generator.
/// This is called from generated code like this:
/// if (controller.add(1)) return;
/// yield;
// TODO(hausner): Per spec, the generator should be suspended before exiting
// when the stream is closed. We could add a getter like this:
// get isCancelled => controller.hasListener;
// The generator would translate a 'yield e' statement to
// controller.add(1);
// suspend; // this is `yield` in JS.
// if (controller.isCancelled) return;
bool add(T event) {
if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield before stream is listened to");
if (isSuspendedAtYield) _fatal("unexpected yield");
// If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator.
if (!controller.hasListener) {
return true;
isSuspendedAtYield = true;
return false;
/// Adds the elements of [stream] into this [controller]'s stream, and returns
/// true if the caller should terminate execution of the generator.
/// The generator will be scheduled again when all of the elements of the
/// added stream have been consumed.
bool addStream(Stream<T> stream) {
if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield* before stream is listened to");
// If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator.
if (!controller.hasListener) return true;
isSuspendedAtYieldStar = true;
var whenDoneAdding = controller.addStream(stream, cancelOnError: false);
whenDoneAdding.then((_) {
isSuspendedAtYieldStar = false;
if (!isScheduled) isSuspendedAtYield = true;
}, onError: handleError);
return false;
void addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(error, "error");
if (cancellationCompleter != null && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) {
// If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future
// with the error.
cancellationCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
} else if (controller.hasListener) {
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
// No need to schedule the generator body here. This code is only
// called from the catch clause of the implicit try-catch-finally
// around the generator body. That is, we are on the error path out
// of the generator and do not need to run the generator again.
void close() {
if (cancellationCompleter != null && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) {
// If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future
// with the error.
onListen() {
onListenReceived = true;
onResume() {
if (isSuspendedAtYield) {
onCancel() {
if (controller.isClosed) {
return null;
if (cancellationCompleter == null) {
cancellationCompleter = Completer();
// Only resume the generator if it is suspended at a yield.
// Cancellation does not affect an async generator that is
// suspended at an await.
if (isSuspendedAtYield) {
return cancellationCompleter.future;
_fatal(String message) => throw StateError(message);