blob: 7ac70b7d09de6d55702112f93b6359ce38d4a232 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Flags {
// TODO(johnniwinther): What is the right name for this?
static const String nnbdStrongMode = "--nnbd-strong";
static const String nnbdAgnosticMode = "--nnbd-agnostic";
static const String forceLateLowering = "--force-late-lowering";
static const String forceNoExplicitGetterCalls =
static const String target = "--target";
static const String linkDependencies = "--link-dependencies";
static const String bytecode = "--bytecode";
static const String compileSdk = "--compile-sdk";
static const String dumpIr = "--dump-ir";
static const String enableExperiment = "--enable-experiment";
static const String excludeSource = "--exclude-source";
static const String omitPlatform = "--omit-platform";
static const String fatal = "--fatal";
static const String fatalSkip = "--fatal-skip";
static const String help = "--help";
static const String librariesJson = "--libraries-json";
static const String noDefines = "--no-defines";
static const String output = "--output";
static const String packages = "--packages";
static const String platform = "--platform";
static const String sdk = "--sdk";
static const String singleRootBase = "--single-root-base";
static const String singleRootScheme = "--single-root-scheme";
static const String verbose = "--verbose";
static const String verify = "--verify";