blob: edbcf0e76d3a5ad82e6c4485e9bc675acde6dce3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/package_mixin.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'strong_test_helper.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class CheckerTest extends AbstractStrongTest with PackageMixin {
test_awaitForInCastsStreamElementToVariable() async {
await checkFile('''
import 'dart:async';
abstract class MyStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
factory MyStream() => throw 0;
main() async {
// Don't choke if sequence is not stream.
await for (var i in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/1234) {}
// Dynamic cast.
await for (String s in new MyStream<dynamic>()) {}
// Identity cast.
await for (String s in new MyStream<String>()) {}
// Untyped.
await for (var s in new MyStream<String>()) {}
// Downcast.
await for (int i in new MyStream<num>()) {}
test_awaitForInCastsSupertypeSequenceToStream() async {
await checkFile('''
main() async {
dynamic d;
await for (var i in d) {}
Object o;
await for (var i in o) {}
test_binaryAndIndexOperators() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
A operator *(B b) => null;
A operator /(B b) => null;
A operator ~/(B b) => null;
A operator %(B b) => null;
A operator +(B b) => null;
A operator -(B b) => null;
A operator <<(B b) => null;
A operator >>(B b) => null;
A operator &(B b) => null;
A operator ^(B b) => null;
A operator |(B b) => null;
A operator[](B b) => null;
class B {
A operator -(B b) => null;
foo() => new A();
test() {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
var c = foo();
a = a * b;
a = a * c;
a = a / b;
a = a ~/ b;
a = a % b;
a = a + b;
a = a - b;
b = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b - b;
a = a << b;
a = a >> b;
a = a & b;
a = a ^ b;
a = a | b;
c = (c + b);
String x = 'hello';
int y = 42;
x = x + x;
x = x + c;
bool p = true;
p = p && p;
p = p && c;
p = (c) && p;
p = (c) && c;
p = /*error:NON_BOOL_OPERAND*/y && p;
p = c == y;
a = a[b];
a = a[c];
c = (c[b]);
test_callMethodOnFunctions() async {
await checkFile(r'''
void f(int x) => print(x);
main() {*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'hi');
test_castsInConditions() async {
await checkFile('''
main() {
bool b = true;
num x = b ? 1 : 2.3;
int y = b ? 1 : 2.3;
String z = !b ? "hello" : null;
z = b ? null : "hello";
test_castsInConstantContexts() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
static const num n = 3.0;
// The severe error is from constant evaluation where we know the
// concrete type.
static const int i = /*error:VARIABLE_TYPE_MISMATCH*/n;
final int fi;
const A(num a) : = a;
class B extends A {
const B(Object a) : super(a);
void foo(Object o) {
var a = const A(/*error:CONST_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_ARGUMENT*/o);
test_classOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfAbstractSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {}
class T1 extends Base {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_classOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfConcreteSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
implements I1 {}
class T1 extends Base {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_classOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_classOverrideOfGrandInterface_mixinOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_classOverrideOfGrandInterface_superclassOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class T1 implements I2 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_compoundAssignment_returnsDynamic() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class Foo {
operator +(other) => null;
main() {
var foo = new Foo();
foo = foo + 1;
foo += 1;
test_compoundAssignments() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
A operator *(B b) => null;
A operator /(B b) => null;
A operator ~/(B b) => null;
A operator %(B b) => null;
A operator +(B b) => null;
A operator -(B b) => null;
A operator <<(B b) => null;
A operator >>(B b) => null;
A operator &(B b) => null;
A operator ^(B b) => null;
A operator |(B b) => null;
D operator [](B index) => null;
void operator []=(B index, D value) => null;
class B {
A operator -(B b) => null;
class D {
D operator +(D d) => null;
class SubA extends A {}
class SubSubA extends SubA {}
foo() => new A();
test() {
int x = 0;
x += 5;
x += /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/3.14;
double y = 0.0;
y += 5;
y += 3.14;
num z = 0;
z += 5;
z += 3.14;
x = x + z;
x += z;
y = y + z;
y += z;
dynamic w = 42;
x += w;
y += w;
z += w;
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
var c = foo();
a = a * b;
a *= b;
a *= c;
a /= b;
a ~/= b;
a %= b;
a += b;
a -= b;
b -= /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
a <<= b;
a >>= b;
a &= b;
a ^= b;
a |= b;
c += b;
SubA sa;
sa += b;
SubSubA ssa = sa += b;
var d = new D();
a[b] += d;
a[c] += d;
a[b] += c;
c[b] += d;
@failingTest // See
test_constantGenericTypeArg_explicit() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile('''
abstract class Equality<R> {}
abstract class EqualityBase<R> implements Equality<R> {
final C<R> c = const C<R>();
const EqualityBase();
class DefaultEquality<S> extends EqualityBase<S> {
const DefaultEquality();
class SetEquality<T> implements Equality<T> {
final Equality<T> field = const DefaultEquality<T>();
const SetEquality([Equality<T> inner = const DefaultEquality<T>()]);
class C<Q> {
final List<Q> list = const <Q>[];
final Map<Q, Iterable<Q>> m = const <Q, Iterable<Q>>{};
const C();
main() {
const SetEquality<String>();
test_constantGenericTypeArg_infer() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile('''
abstract class Equality<Q> {}
abstract class EqualityBase<R> implements Equality<R> {
final C<R> c = const C();
const EqualityBase();
class DefaultEquality<S> extends EqualityBase<S> {
const DefaultEquality();
class SetEquality<T> implements Equality<T> {
final Equality<T> field = const DefaultEquality();
const SetEquality([Equality<T> inner = const DefaultEquality()]);
class C<Q> {
final List<Q> list = const [];
final Map<Q, Iterable<Q>> m = const {};
const C();
main() {
const SetEquality<String>();
test_constructorInvalid() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile('''
class A {
B({ /*error:FIELD_INITIALIZER_OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR*/this.test: 1.0 }) {}
final double test = 0.0;
test_constructors() async {
await checkFile('''
const num z = 25;
Object obj = "world";
class A {
int x;
String y;
A(this.x) : this.y = /*error:FIELD_INITIALIZER_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/42;
A.c1(p): this.x = z, this.y = p;
A.c2(this.x, this.y);
A.c3(/*error:INVALID_PARAMETER_DECLARATION*/num this.x, String this.y);
class B extends A {
B() : super(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello");
B.c2(int x, String y) : super.c2(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/y,
B.c3(num x, Object y) : super.c3(x, y);
void main() {
A a = new A.c2(z, /*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/z);
var b = new B.c2(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", obj);
test_conversionAndDynamicInvoke() async {
dynamic toString = (int x) => x + 42;
dynamic hashCode = "hello";
''', name: '/helper.dart');
await checkFile('''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
class A {
String x = "hello world";
void baz1(y) { x + y; }
static baz2(y) => y + y;
void foo(String str) {
class B {
String toString([int arg]) => arg.toString();
void bar(a) {
baz() => new B();
typedef DynFun(x);
typedef StrFun(String x);
var bar1 = bar;
void main() {
var a = new A();
var b = bar;
var f1 = foo;
dynamic f2 = foo;
DynFun f3 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/foo;
StrFun f4 = foo;
var b1 = a.baz1;
var b2 = A.baz2;
dynamic a1 = new B();
var toStringClosure = a1.toString;
dynamic toString = () => null;
var toStringClosure2 = helper.toString;
int hashCode = helper.hashCode;
test_covariantOverride() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class C {
num f(num x) => x;
class D extends C {
int f(covariant int x) => x;
class E extends D {
int f(Object x) => x;
class F extends E {
int f(covariant int x) => x;
class G extends E implements D {}
class D_error extends C {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(int x) => x;
class E_error extends D {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(covariant double x) => 0;
class F_error extends E {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(covariant double x) => 0;
class G_error extends E implements D {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(covariant double x) => 0;
test_covariantOverride_fields() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class A {
get foo => '';
set foo(_) {}
class B extends A {
covariant num foo;
class C extends A {
covariant @virtual num foo;
class D extends C {
@virtual int foo;
class E extends D {
@virtual num foo;
test_covariantOverride_leastUpperBound() async {
await checkFile(r'''
abstract class Top {}
abstract class Left implements Top {}
abstract class Right implements Top {}
abstract class Bottom implements Left, Right {}
abstract class TakesLeft {
m(Left x);
abstract class TakesRight {
m(Right x);
abstract class TakesTop implements TakesLeft, TakesRight {
m(Top x); // works today
abstract class TakesBottom implements TakesLeft, TakesRight {
// LUB(Left, Right) == Top, so this is an implicit cast from Top to Bottom.
m(covariant Bottom x);
test_covariantOverride_markerIsInherited() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class C {
num f(covariant num x) => x;
class D extends C {
int f(int x) => x;
class E extends D {
int f(Object x) => x;
class F extends E {
int f(int x) => x;
class G extends E implements D {}
class D_error extends C {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(String x) => 0;
class E_error extends D {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(double x) => 0;
class F_error extends E {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(double x) => 0;
class G_error extends E implements D {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(double x) => 0;
test_dynamicInvocation() {
return checkFile(r'''
typedef dynamic A(dynamic x);
class B {
int call(int x) => x;
bool col(bool x) => x;
void main() {
B f = new B();
int x;
bool y;
x = f(3);
x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/f.col(true);
y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/f(3);
y = f.col(true);
Function f = new B();
int x;
bool y;
x = f(3);
x = f./*error:UNDEFINED_METHOD*/col(true);
y = f(3);
y = f./*error:UNDEFINED_METHOD*/col(true);
// Through type propagation, we know f is actually a B, hence the
// hint.
A f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B();
B b = new B();
f = /* error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
int x;
bool y;
x = f(3);
y = f(3);
dynamic g = new B();;
A f = /* error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B();
B b = new B();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
test_factoryConstructorDowncast() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class Animal {
factory => new Cat();
class Cat extends Animal {}
void main() {
Cat c = new;
c = /*error:INVALID_CAST_NEW_EXPR*/new Animal();
test_fieldFieldOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
class Child extends Base {
A /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f1; // invalid for getter
C /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f2; // invalid for setter
var f3;
dynamic /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f4;
class Child2 implements Base {
A /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f1; // invalid for getter
C /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f2; // invalid for setter
var f3;
dynamic /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f4;
test_fieldGetterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
class Child extends Base {
A get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f1 => null;
C get f2 => null;
get f3 => null;
dynamic get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f4 => null;
class /*error:NON_ABSTRACT_CLASS_INHERITS_ABSTRACT_MEMBER*/Child2 implements Base {
A get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f1 => null;
C get f2 => null;
get f3 => null;
dynamic get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f4 => null;
test_fieldOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef void ToVoid<T>(T x);
class F {
final ToVoid<dynamic> f = null;
final ToVoid<int> g = null;
class G extends F {
final ToVoid<int> /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f = null;
final ToVoid<dynamic> g = null;
class H implements F {
final ToVoid<int> /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f = null;
final ToVoid<dynamic> g = null;
test_fieldOverride_virtual() async {
await checkFile(r'''
import 'meta.dart';
class C {
@virtual int x;
class OverrideGetter extends C {
int get x => 42;
class OverrideSetter extends C {
set x(int v) {}
class OverrideBoth extends C {
int get x => 42;
set x(int v) {}
class OverrideWithField extends C {
int x;
// expose the hidden storage slot
int get superX => super.x;
set superX(int v) { super.x = v; }
class VirtualNotInherited extends OverrideWithField {
int x;
test_fieldSetterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B f1;
B f2;
B f3;
B f4;
B f5;
class Child extends Base {
B get f1 => null;
B get f2 => null;
B get f3 => null;
B get f4 => null;
B get f5 => null;
void set f1(A value) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f2(C value) {}
void set f3(value) {}
void set f4(dynamic value) {}
set f5(B value) {}
class Child2 implements Base {
B get f1 => null;
B get f2 => null;
B get f3 => null;
B get f4 => null;
B get f5 => null;
void set f1(A value) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f2(C value) {}
void set f3(value) {}
void set f4(dynamic value) {}
set f5(B value) {}
test_forInCastsIterateElementToVariable() async {
await checkFile('''
main() {
// Don't choke if sequence is not iterable.
for (var i in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/1234) {}
// Dynamic cast.
for (String s in <dynamic>[]) {}
// Identity cast.
for (String s in <String>[]) {}
// Untyped.
for (var s in <String>[]) {}
// Downcast.
for (int i in <num>[]) {}
test_forInCastsSupertypeSequenceToIterate() async {
await checkFile('''
main() {
dynamic d;
for (var i in d) {}
Object o;
for (var i in o) {}
test_forLoopVariable() async {
await checkFile('''
foo() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
bar() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int j = i + 1;
test_functionModifiers_async() async {
await checkFile('''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
dynamic x;
foo1() async => x;
Future foo2() async => x;
Future<int> foo3() async => x;
Future<int> foo4() async => new Future<int>.value(x);
Future<int> foo5() async =>
/*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/new Future<String>.value(
bar1() async { return x; }
Future bar2() async { return x; }
Future<int> bar3() async { return x; }
Future<int> bar4() async {
return new Future<int>.value(x);
Future<int> bar5() async {
return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/new Future<String>.value(
int y;
Future<int> z;
baz() async {
int a = await x;
int b = await y;
int c = await z;
String d = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/await z;
Future<bool> get issue_ddc_264 async {
await 42;
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return true;
} else {
return new Future<bool>.value(false);
Future<String> issue_sdk_26404() async {
return ((1 > 0) ? new Future<String>.value('hello') : "world");
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_classes() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef A Top(B x); // Top of the lattice
typedef B Left(B x); // Left branch
typedef B Left2(B x); // Left branch
typedef A Right(A x); // Right branch
typedef B Bot(A x); // Bottom of the lattice
B left(B x) => x;
B bot_(A x) => x;
B bot(A x) => x as B;
A top(B x) => x;
A right(A x) => x;
void main() {
{ // Check typedef equality
Left f = left;
Left2 g = f;
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Right f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Bot f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/right;
f = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_dynamic() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
typedef dynamic Top(Null x); // Top of the lattice
typedef dynamic Left(A x); // Left branch
typedef A Right(Null x); // Right branch
typedef A Bottom(A x); // Bottom of the lattice
void main() {
Top top;
Left left;
Right right;
Bottom bot;
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Right f;
f = top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Bottom f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_dynamic_knownFunctions() async {
// Our lattice should look like this:
// Bot -> Top
// / \
// A -> Top Bot -> A
// / \ /
// Top -> Top A -> A
// \ /
// Top -> A
// Note that downcasts of known functions are promoted to
// static type errors, since they cannot succeed.
// This makes some of what look like downcasts turn into
// type errors below.
await checkFile('''
class A {}
typedef dynamic BotTop(Null x);
typedef dynamic ATop(A x);
typedef A BotA(Null x);
typedef A AA(A x);
typedef A TopA(Object x);
typedef dynamic TopTop(Object x);
dynamic aTop(A x) => x;
A aa(A x) => x;
dynamic topTop(dynamic x) => x;
A topA(dynamic x) => x;
void apply<T>(T f0, T f1, T f2,
T f3, T f4, T f5) {}
void main() {
BotTop botTop;
BotA botA;
BotTop f;
f = topA;
f = topTop;
f = aa;
f = aTop;
f = botA;
f = botTop;
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object),
(A x) => x,
(A x) => null,
ATop f;
f = topA;
f = topTop;
f = aa;
f = aTop;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/botA;
f = botTop;
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object),
(A x) => x,
(A x) => null,
BotA f;
f = topA;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/topTop;
f = aa;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/aTop;
f = botA;
f = botTop;
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object),
(A x) => x,
(A x) => (/*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/x as Object),
AA f;
f = topA;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/topTop;
f = aa;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop; // known function
f = botA;
f = botTop;
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop, // known function
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object),
(A x) => x,
(A x) => (/*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/x as Object), // known function
TopTop f;
f = topA;
f = topTop;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/aa;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop; // known function
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/botA;
f = botTop;
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop, // known function
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object),
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION_EXPR*/(A x) => (/*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/x as Object), // known function
TopA f;
f = topA;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/topTop; // known function
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aa; // known function
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop; // known function
f = botA;
f = botTop;
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/topTop, // known function
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aa, // known function
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/aTop, // known function
(dynamic x) => new A(),
(dynamic x) => (x as Object), // known function
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION_EXPR*/(A x) => x, // known function
/*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION_EXPR*/(A x) => (/*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/x as Object), // known function
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_functionLiteralVariance() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
A top(B x) => x;
B left(B x) => x;
A right(A x) => x;
B bot(A x) => x as B;
void main() {
Function2<B, A> f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<B, B> f; // left
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Function2<A, A> f; // right
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<A, B> f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/right;
f = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_functionVariableVariance() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
Function2<B, A> top;
Function2<B, B> left;
Function2<A, A> right;
Function2<A, B> bot;
top = right;
top = bot;
top = top;
top = left;
left = top;
left = left;
left = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
left = bot;
right = top;
right = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = top;
bot = left;
bot = right;
bot = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_higherOrderFunctionLiteral1() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
typedef A BToA(B x); // Top of the base lattice
typedef B AToB(A x); // Bot of the base lattice
BToA top(AToB f) => f;
AToB left(AToB f) => f;
BToA right(BToA f) => f;
AToB bot_(BToA f) => f;
AToB bot(BToA f) => f as AToB;
void main() {
Function2<AToB, BToA> f; // Top
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<AToB, AToB> f; // Left
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, BToA> f; // Right
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, AToB> f; // Bot
f = bot;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/right;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_higherOrderFunctionLiteral2() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
typedef A BToA(B x); // Top of the base lattice
typedef B AToB(A x); // Bot of the base lattice
Function2<B, A> top(AToB f) => f;
Function2<A, B> left(AToB f) => f;
Function2<B, A> right(BToA f) => f;
Function2<A, B> bot_(BToA f) => f;
Function2<A, B> bot(BToA f) => f as Function2<A, B>;
void main() {
Function2<AToB, BToA> f; // Top
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<AToB, AToB> f; // Left
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, BToA> f; // Right
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, AToB> f; // Bot
f = bot;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/right;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_higherOrderFunctionLiteral3() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
typedef A BToA(B x); // Top of the base lattice
typedef B AToB(A x); // Bot of the base lattice
BToA top(Function2<A, B> f) => f;
AToB left(Function2<A, B> f) => f;
BToA right(Function2<B, A> f) => f;
AToB bot_(Function2<B, A> f) => f;
AToB bot(Function2<B, A> f) => f as AToB;
void main() {
Function2<AToB, BToA> f; // Top
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<AToB, AToB> f; // Left
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, BToA> f; // Right
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Function2<BToA, AToB> f; // Bot
f = bot;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/top;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/right;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_higherOrderFunctionVariables() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
Function2<Function2<A, B>, Function2<B, A>> top;
Function2<Function2<B, A>, Function2<B, A>> right;
Function2<Function2<A, B>, Function2<A, B>> left;
Function2<Function2<B, A>, Function2<A, B>> bot;
top = right;
top = bot;
top = top;
top = left;
left = top;
left = left;
left =
left = bot;
right = top;
right =
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = top;
bot = left;
bot = right;
bot = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_instanceMethodVariance() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C {
A top(B x) => x;
B left(B x) => x;
A right(A x) => x;
B bot(A x) => x as B;
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
C c = new C();
Function2<B, A> f;
f =;
f = c.left;
f = c.right;
f =;
Function2<B, B> f;
f =;
f = c.left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/c.right;
f =;
Function2<A, A> f;
f =;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/c.left;
f = c.right;
f =;
Function2<A, B> f;
f =;
f = c.left;
f = c.right;
f =;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_intAndObject() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef Object Top(int x); // Top of the lattice
typedef int Left(int x); // Left branch
typedef int Left2(int x); // Left branch
typedef Object Right(Object x); // Right branch
typedef int Bot(Object x); // Bottom of the lattice
Object globalTop(int x) => x;
int globalLeft(int x) => x;
Object globalRight(Object x) => x;
int bot_(Object x) => x;
int globalBot(Object x) => x as int;
void main() {
// Note: use locals so we only know the type, not that it's a specific
// function declaration. (we can issue better errors in that case.)
var top = globalTop;
var left = globalLeft;
var right = globalRight;
var bot = globalBot;
{ // Check typedef equality
Left f = left;
Left2 g = f;
Top f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Left f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
f = bot;
Right f;
f = top;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
f = right;
f = bot;
Bot f;
f = top;
f = left;
f = right;
f = bot;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_namedAndOptionalParameters() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
typedef A FR(A x);
typedef A FO([A x]);
typedef A FN({A x});
typedef A FRR(A x, A y);
typedef A FRO(A x, [A y]);
typedef A FRN(A x, {A n});
typedef A FOO([A x, A y]);
typedef A FNN({A x, A y});
typedef A FNNN({A z, A y, A x});
void main() {
FR r;
FO o;
FN n;
FRR rr;
FRO ro;
FRN rn;
FOO oo;
FNN nn;
FNNN nnn;
r = r;
r = o;
r = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
r = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
r = ro;
r = rn;
r = oo;
r = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
r = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
o = r;
o = o;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ro;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
o = oo;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
o = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/r;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
n = n;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ro;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/oo;
n = nn;
n = nnn;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/r;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
rr = rr;
rr = ro;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
rr = oo;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
rr = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
ro = r;
ro = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
ro = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
ro = rr;
ro = ro;
ro = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
ro = oo;
ro = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
ro = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
rn = r;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ro;
rn = rn;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/oo;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
rn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
oo = r;
oo = o;
oo = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;
oo = rr;
oo = ro;
oo = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
oo = oo;
oo = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nn;
oo = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nnn;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/r;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
nn = n;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ro;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
nn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/oo;
nn = nn;
nn = nnn;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/r;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/o;
nnn = n;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rr;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/ro;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/rn;
nnn = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/oo;
nnn = nn;
nnn = nnn;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_objectsWithCallMethods() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef int I2I(int x);
typedef num N2N(num x);
class A {
int call(int x) => x;
class B {
num call(num x) => x;
int i2i(int x) => x;
num n2n(num x) => x;
void main() {
I2I f;
f = new A();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B();
f = i2i;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n2n;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/n2n as Function;
N2N f;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new A();
f = new B();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/i2i;
f = n2n;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/n2n as Function;
A f;
f = new A();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/i2i;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n2n;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST,error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n2n as Function;
B f;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new A();
f = new B();
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/i2i;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n2n;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST,error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n2n as Function;
Function f;
f = new A();
f = new B();
f = i2i;
f = n2n;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/i2i as Object;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/n2n as Function;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_staticMethodVariance() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C {
static A top(B x) => x;
static B left(B x) => x;
static A right(A x) => x;
static B bot(A x) => x as B;
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S z);
void main() {
Function2<B, A> f;
f =;
f = C.left;
f = C.right;
f =;
Function2<B, B> f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_METHOD*/;
f = C.left;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/C.right;
f =;
Function2<A, A> f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_METHOD*/;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/C.left;
f = C.right;
f =;
Function2<A, B> f;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_METHOD*/;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_METHOD*/C.left;
f = /*error:INVALID_CAST_METHOD*/C.right;
f =;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_subtypeOfUniversalType() async {
await checkFile('''
void main() {
nonGenericFn(x) => null;
R f<P, R>(P p) => null;
T g<S, T>(S s) => null;
var local = f;
local = g; // valid
// Non-generic function cannot subtype a generic one.
local = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/(x) => null;
local = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nonGenericFn;
Iterable<R> f<P, R>(List<P> p) => null;
List<T> g<S, T>(Iterable<S> s) => null;
var local = f;
local = g; // valid
var local2 = g;
local = local2;
local2 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_FUNCTION*/f;
local2 = local;
// Non-generic function cannot subtype a generic one.
local = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/(x) => null;
local = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/nonGenericFn;
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_uninferredClosure() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef num Num2Num(num x);
void main() {
Num2Num g = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/(int x) { return x; };
test_functionTypingAndSubtyping_void() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
void bar() => null;
void foo() => bar(); // allowed
test_genericClassMethodOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class Base<T extends B> {
T foo() => null;
class Derived<S extends A> extends Base<B> {
S /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/foo() => null;
class Derived2<S extends B> extends Base<B> {
S foo() => null;
test_genericFunctionWrongNumberOfArguments() async {
await checkFile(r'''
T foo<T>(T x, T y) => x;
T bar<T>({T x, T y}) => x;
main() {
String x;
// resolving these shouldn't crash.
foo/*error:EXTRA_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENTS*/(1, 2, 3);
x = foo/*error:EXTRA_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENTS*/('1', '2', '3');
// named arguments
bar(y: 1, x: 2, /*error:UNDEFINED_NAMED_PARAMETER*/z: 3);
x = bar(/*error:UNDEFINED_NAMED_PARAMETER*/z: '1', x: '2', y: '3');
bar(y: 1);
x = bar(x: '1', /*error:UNDEFINED_NAMED_PARAMETER*/z: 42);
x = bar(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/x: 1);
test_genericMethodOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class Future<T> {
S then<S>(S onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture<T> extends Future<T> {
S then<S>(S onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture2<A> extends Future<A> {
B then<B>(B onValue(A a)) => null;
class DerivedFuture3<T> extends Future<T> {
S then<S>(Object onValue(T t)) => null;
class DerivedFuture4<A> extends Future<A> {
B then<B>(Object onValue(A a)) => null;
test_genericMethodSuper() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class A<T> {
A<S> create<S extends T>() => new A<S>();
class B extends A {
A<S> create<S>() => super.create<S>();
class C extends A {
A<S> create<S>() => super.create();
class D extends A<num> {
A<S> create<S extends num>() => super.create<S>();
class E extends A<num> {
A<S> create<S extends num>() => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/super.create<int>();
class F extends A<num> {
create2<S>() => super.create</*error:TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS*/S>();
test_genericMethodSuperSubstitute() async {
await checkFile(r'''
class Cloneable<T> {}
class G<T> {
create<A extends Cloneable<T>, B extends Iterable<A>>() => null;
class H extends G<num> {
create2() => super.create<Cloneable<int>, List<Cloneable<int>>>();
test_getterGetterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
B get f1;
B get f2;
B get f3;
B get f4;
class Child extends Base {
A get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f1 => null;
C get f2 => null;
get f3 => null;
dynamic get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f4 => null;
test_getterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef void ToVoid<T>(T x);
class F {
ToVoid<dynamic> get f => null;
ToVoid<int> get g => null;
class G extends F {
ToVoid<int> get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f => null;
ToVoid<dynamic> get g => null;
class H implements F {
ToVoid<int> get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f => null;
ToVoid<dynamic> get g => null;
test_ifForDoWhileStatementsUseBooleanConversion() async {
await checkFile('''
main() {
dynamic dyn = 42;
Object obj = 42;
int i = 42;
bool b = false;
if (b) {}
if (dyn) {}
if (obj) {}
if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/i) {}
while (b) {}
while (dyn) {}
while (obj) {}
while (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/i) {}
do {} while (b);
do {} while (dyn);
do {} while (obj);
do {} while (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/i);
for (;b;) {}
for (;dyn;) {}
for (;obj;) {}
for (;/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/i;) {}
test_implicitCasts_assignment() async {
addFile('num n; int i; void main() { i = n;}//yy');
await check();
'num n; int i; void main() { i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;}//ny');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_compoundAssignment() async {
addFile('''f(num n, int i) {
i += n;}//yy''');
await check();
addFile('''f(num n, int i) {
i += /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;}//ny''');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_constructorInitializer() async {
addFile('class A { int i; A(num n) : i = n;}//yy');
await check();
'class A { int i; A(num n) : i = /*error:FIELD_INITIALIZER_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/n;}//ny');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_defaultValue() async {
addFile('''const num n = 0;
f({int i = n}) => i;//yy''');
await check();
addFile('''const num n = 0;
f({int i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n}) => i;//ny''');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_fieldInitializer() async {
addFile('class A { static num n; int i = n;}//yy');
await check();
'class A { static num n; int i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;}//nn');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_forEach() async {
main(dynamic a) {
for (int v in a) {
await check();
main(dynamic a) {
for (int v in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE*/a) {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_forEach_async() async {
main(dynamic a) async {
await for (int v in a) {
await check();
main(dynamic a) async {
await for (int v in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE*/a) {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_functionCall() async {
addFile('''num n;
f(int i) => i;
var i = f(n);//yy''');
await check();
addFile('''num n;
f(int i) => i;
var i = f(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/n);//nn''');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_genericMethods() async {
var x = <String>[].map<String>((x) => "");
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_initializer() async {
addFile('num n; int i = n;//yy');
await check();
addFile('num n; int i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/n;//nn');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_numericOps() async {
// Regression test for
void f() {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
x += y;
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_operator() async {
addFile('''num n;
int i;
var r = i & n;//yy''');
await check();
addFile('''num n;
int i;
var r = i & /*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/n;//nn''');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_return() async {
addFile('int f(num n) => n;//yy');
await check();
addFile('int f(num n) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/n;//nn');
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_implicitCasts_return_async() async {
import 'dart:async';
Future<List<String>> foo() async {
List<Object> x = <Object>["hello", "world"];
return x;
await check();
test_implicitDynamic_field() async {
class C {
var /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_FIELD*/x1 = (<dynamic>[])[0];
x3 = 42,
dynamic y0;
dynamic y1 = (<dynamic>[])[0];
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_function() async {
T a<T>(T t) => t;
T b<T>() => null;
void main<S>() {
dynamic d;
int i;
i = b();
void f<T>(T t) {};
T g<T>() => null;
i = g();
/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/(<T>(T t) => t)(d);
(<T>(T t) => t)(42);
(<T>() => /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/null as T)<int>();
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_listLiteral() async {
List<dynamic> l2 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_LIST_LITERAL*/[];
dynamic d = 42;
var l3 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_LIST_LITERAL*/[d, d];
var l4 = <dynamic>[];
var l5 = <int>[];
List<int> l6 = [];
var l7 = [42];
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_mapLiteral() async {
var m0 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_MAP_LITERAL*/{};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> m2 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_MAP_LITERAL*/{};
dynamic d = 42;
var m3 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_MAP_LITERAL*/{d: d};
var m4 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_MAP_LITERAL*/{'x': d, 'y': d};
var m5 = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_MAP_LITERAL*/{d: 'x'};
var m6 = <dynamic, dynamic>{};
var m7 = <String, String>{};
Map<String, String> m8 = {};
var m9 = {'hi': 'there'};
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_method() async {
class C {
T m<T>(T s) => s;
T n<T>() => null;
class D<E> {
T m<T>(T s) => s;
T n<T>() => null;
void f() {
dynamic d;
int i;
new C()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/m(d);
new C().m(42);
new C()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/n();
d = new C()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/n();
i = new C().n();
new D<int>()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/m(d);
new D<int>().m(42);
new D<int>()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/n();
d = new D<int>()./*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_METHOD*/n();
i = new D<int>().n();
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_parameter() async {
const dynamic DYNAMIC_VALUE = 42;
// simple formal
void f0(/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER*/x) {}
void f1(dynamic x) {}
// default formal
void df1([dynamic x = DYNAMIC_VALUE]) {}
void df2([/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER*/x = 42]) {}
// default formal (named)
void nf1({dynamic x: DYNAMIC_VALUE}) {}
void nf2({/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER*/x: 42}) {}
// field formal
class C {
// function typed formal
void ftf0(void x(/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER*/y)) {}
void ftf1(void x(int y)) {}
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_return() async {
// function
/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_RETURN*/f0() {return f0();}
dynamic f1() { return 42; }
// nested function
void main() {
/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_RETURN*/g0() {return g0();}
dynamic g1() { return 42; }
// methods
class B {
int m1() => 42;
class C extends B {
/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_RETURN*/m0() => 123;
m1() => 123;
dynamic m2() => 'hi';
// accessors
set x(int value) {}
get /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_RETURN*/y0 => 42;
dynamic get y1 => 42;
// function typed formals
void ftf0(/*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_RETURN*/f(int x)) {}
void ftf1(dynamic f(int x)) {}
// function expressions
var fe0 = (int x) => x as dynamic;
var fe1 = (int x) => x;
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_static() async {
class C {
static void test(int body()) {}
void main() {
C.test(() {
return 42;
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_type() async {
class C<T> {}
class M1<T extends /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/List> {}
class M2<T> {}
class I<T> {}
class D<T, S> extends /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/C
with M1, /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/M2
implements /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/I {}
class D2<T, S> = /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/C
with M1, /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/M2
implements /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/I;
C f(D d) {
D x = new /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/D();
D<int, dynamic> y = new /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/D();
D<dynamic, int> z = new /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/D();
return new /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE*/C();
class A<T extends num> {}
class N1<T extends List<int>> {}
class N2<T extends Object> {}
class J<T extends Object> {}
class B<T extends Object> extends A with N1, N2 implements J {}
A g(B b) {
B y = new B();
return new A();
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_implicitDynamic_variable() async {
var /*error:IMPLICIT_DYNAMIC_VARIABLE*/x1 = (<dynamic>[])[0];
x3 = 42,
dynamic y0;
dynamic y1 = (<dynamic>[])[0];
await check(implicitDynamic: false);
test_interfaceOverridesAreAllChecked() {
// Regression test for
return checkFile(r'''
class B {
set x(int y) {}
class C {
set x(Object y) {}
class D implements B, C {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x;
test_interfacesFromMixinsAreChecked() {
// Regression test for
return checkFile(r'''
abstract class I {
set x(int v);
abstract class M implements I {}
class C extends Object with M {
String /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x;
abstract class M2 = Object with M;
class C2 extends Object with M2 {
String /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x;
test_interfacesFromMixinsOnlyConsiderMostDerivedMember() {
// Regression test for dart2js interface pattern in strong mode.
return checkFile(r'''
abstract class I1 { num get x; }
abstract class I2 extends I1 { int get x; }
class M1 { num get x => 0; }
class M2 { int get x => 0; }
class Base extends Object with M1 implements I1 {}
class Child extends Base with M2 implements I2 {}
class C extends Object with M1, M2 implements I1, I2 {}
test_interfacesFromMixinsUsedTwiceAreChecked() {
// Regression test for
return checkFile(r'''
abstract class I<E> {
set x(E v);
abstract class M<E> implements I<E> {}
class C extends Object with M<int> {
String /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x;
abstract class D extends Object with M<num> {}
/*error:CONFLICTING_GENERIC_INTERFACES*/class E extends D with M<int> {
int /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x;
/*error:CONFLICTING_GENERIC_INTERFACES*/class F extends D with M<int> {
num x;
test_invalidOverrides_baseClassOverrideToChildInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a) {}
extends Base implements I {}
test_invalidOverrides_childOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
A f;
class T1 extends Base {
class T2 extends Base {
B b) => null;
class T3 extends Base {
final B
class T4 extends Base {
// two: one for the getter one for the setter.
class T8 implements Base {
// two: one for the getter one for the setter.
test_invalidOverrides_childOverride2() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class Test extends Base {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_invalidOverrides_classOverrideOfInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class T1 implements I {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_invalidOverrides_doubleOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Parent extends Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Test extends Parent {
// Reported only once
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_invalidOverrides_doubleOverride2() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
class Parent extends Grandparent {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
class Test extends Parent {
m(B a) {}
test_invalidOverrides_grandChildOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Grandparent {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class Parent extends Grandparent {
class Test extends Parent {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
int x;
test_invalidOverrides_mixinOverrideOfInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I {
m(A a);
class M {
m(B a) {}
extends Object with M
implements I {}
class /*error:INCONSISTENT_INHERITANCE*/U1 = Object
with M implements I;
test_invalidOverrides_mixinOverrideToBase() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
class M2 {
int x;
class T1 extends Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1 {}
class T2 extends Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1, M2 {}
class T3 extends Base with M2, /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1 {}
class U1 = Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1;
class U2 = Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1, M2;
class U3 = Base with M2, /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M1;
test_invalidOverrides_mixinOverrideToMixin() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
int x;
class M2 {
m(A a) {}
int x;
class T1 extends Base with M1, /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M2 {}
class U1 = Base with M1, /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M2;
test_invalidOverrides_noDuplicateMixinOverride() async {
// This is a regression test for a bug in an earlier implementation were
// names were hiding errors if the first mixin override looked correct,
// but subsequent ones did not.
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class M1 {
m(A a) {}
class M2 {
m(B a) {}
class M3 {
m(B a) {}
class /*error:INCONSISTENT_INHERITANCE*/T1 extends Base
with M1, /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE_FROM_MIXIN*/M2, M3 {}
test_invalidOverrides_noErrorsIfSubclassCorrectlyOverrideBaseAndInterface() async {
// This is a case were it is incorrect to say that the base class
// incorrectly overrides the interface.
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Base {
m(A a) {}
class I1 {
m(B a) {}
extends Base
implements I1 {}
class T2 extends Base implements I1 {
m(a) {}
extends Object with Base
implements I1 {}
= Object with Base
implements I1;
class T4 extends Object with Base implements I1 {
m(a) {}
test_invalidRuntimeChecks() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef int I2I(int x);
typedef int D2I(x);
typedef int II2I(int x, int y);
typedef int DI2I(x, int y);
typedef int ID2I(int x, y);
typedef int DD2I(x, y);
typedef I2D(int x);
typedef D2D(x);
typedef II2D(int x, int y);
typedef DI2D(x, int y);
typedef ID2D(int x, y);
typedef DD2D(x, y);
int foo(int x) => x;
int bar(int x, int y) => x + y;
void main() {
bool b;
b = foo is I2I;
b = foo is D2I;
b = foo is I2D;
b = foo is D2D;
b = bar is II2I;
b = bar is DI2I;
b = bar is ID2I;
b = bar is II2D;
b = bar is DD2I;
b = bar is DI2D;
b = bar is ID2D;
b = bar is DD2D;
// For as, the validity of checks is deferred to runtime.
Function f;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/foo as I2I;
f = foo as D2I;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/foo as I2D;
f = foo as D2D;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/bar as II2I;
f = bar as DI2I;
f = bar as ID2I;
f = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/bar as II2D;
f = bar as DD2I;
f = bar as DI2D;
f = bar as ID2D;
f = bar as DD2D;
test_leastUpperBounds() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef T Returns<T>();
// regression test for
class A <S extends Returns<S>, T extends Returns<T>> {
int test(bool b) {
S s;
T t;
if (b) {
return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/b ? s : t;
} else {
return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/s ?? t;
class B<S, T extends S> {
T t;
S s;
int test(bool b) {
return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/b ? t : s;
class C {
// Check that the least upper bound of two types with the same
// class but different type arguments produces the pointwise
// least upper bound of the type arguments
int test1(bool b) {
List<int> li;
List<double> ld;
return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/b ? li : ld;
// TODO(leafp): This case isn't handled yet. This test checks
// the case where two related classes are instantiated with related
// but different types.
Iterable<num> test2(bool b) {
List<int> li;
Iterable<double> id;
int x = b ? li : id;
return b ? li : id;
test_list_ifElement_dynamicCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int>[if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_dynamicCondition_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0];
await check();
test_list_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamic_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0 else /*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamic_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0 else dyn];
await check();
test_list_ifElement_falseBranch_supertype_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0 else /*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_falseBranch_supertype_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0 else someNum];
await check();
test_list_ifElement_objectCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int>[if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_objectCondition_implicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) 0];
await check();
test_list_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamic_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) /*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamic_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) dyn];
await check();
test_list_ifElement_trueBranch_supertype_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) /*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum];
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_list_ifElement_trueBranch_supertype_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) someNum];
await check();
test_loadLibrary() async {
addFile('''library lib1;''', name: '/lib1.dart');
await checkFile(r'''
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as lib1;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
main() {
Future f = lib1.loadLibrary();
test_map_ifElement_dynamicCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0: 0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_dynamicCondition_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0: 0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamicKey_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else /*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamicKey_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else dyn:0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamicValue_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else 0:/*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamicValue_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else 0:dyn};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_supertypeKey_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else /*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_supertypeKey_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else someNum:0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_supertypeValue_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else 0:/*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_falseBranch_supertypeValue_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:0 else 0:someNum};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_objectCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0: 0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_objectCondition_implicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0: 0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamicKey_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) /*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn:0 else 0:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamicKey_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) dyn:0 else 0:0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamicValue_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:/*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn else 0:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamicValue_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:dyn else 0:0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_supertypeKey_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) /*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum:0 else 0:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_supertypeKey_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) someNum:0 else 0:0};
await check();
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_supertypeValue_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:/*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum else 0:0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_map_ifElement_trueBranch_supertypeValue_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int, int>{if (c) 0:someNum else 0:0};
await check();
test_methodOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class Base {
B m1(B a) => null;
B m2(B a) => null;
B m3(B a) => null;
B m4(B a) => null;
B m5(B a) => null;
B m6(B a) => null;
class Child extends Base {
A /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m1(A value) => null;
C /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m2(C value) => null;
A /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m3(C value) => null;
C m4(A value) => null;
m5(value) => null;
dynamic /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m6(dynamic value) => null;
test_methodOverride_contravariant() async {
await checkFile('''
abstract class A {
bool operator ==(Object object);
class B implements A {}
class F {
void f(x) {}
void g(int x) {}
class G extends F {
void /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(int x) {}
void g(dynamic x) {}
class H implements F {
void /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f(int x) {}
void g(dynamic x) {}
test_methodTearoffStrictArrow() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile(r'''
class A {
void foo(dynamic x) {}
void test(void f(int x)) {
test_mixinApplicationIsConcrete() {
return checkFile(r'''
class A {
int get foo => 3;
class B {
num get foo => 3.0;
class C = Object with B;
class /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/D extends Object with C implements A {}
test_mixinOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfAbstractSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M {}
class U1 = Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M;
test_mixinOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfConcreteSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
implements I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M {}
class U1 = Base with /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/M;
test_mixinOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
extends Object with M
implements I2 {}
= Object with M
implements I2;
test_mixinOverrideOfGrandInterface_mixinOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
extends Object with M
implements I2 {}
= Object with M
implements I2;
test_mixinOverrideOfGrandInterface_superclassOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
extends Object with M
implements I2 {}
= Object with M
implements I2;
test_noDuplicateReports_baseTypeAndMixinOverrideSameMethodInInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class M {
m(B a) {}
// TODO(jmesserly): the `INCONSISTENT_METHOD_INHERITANCE` message is from the
// Dart 1 checking logic (using strong mode type system), it is not produced
// by the strong mode OverrideChecker.
extends Base
with M
implements I1 {}
with M
implements I1;
test_noDuplicateReports_twoGrandTypesOverrideSameMethodInInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Grandparent {
m(B a) {}
class Parent1 extends Grandparent {
m(B a) {}
class Parent2 extends Grandparent {}
// Note: otherwise both errors would be reported on this line
extends Parent1
implements I1 {}
extends Parent2
implements I1 {}
test_noDuplicateReports_twoMixinsOverrideSameMethodInInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class M1 {
m(B a) {}
class M2 {
m(B a) {}
class /*error:INCONSISTENT_INHERITANCE*/T1 extends Object
with M1, M2
implements I1 {}
test_noDuplicateReports_typeAndBaseTypeOverrideSameMethodInInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base implements I1 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
extends Base
implements I1 {}
test_noDuplicateReports_typeAndMixinOverrideSameMethodInInterface() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class M {
m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Object with M implements I1 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
extends Object with M
implements I1 {}
= Object with M
implements I1;
test_noDuplicateReports_typeOverridesSomeMethodInMultipleInterfaces() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {
m(A a);
class Base {}
class T1 implements I2 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
test_nullCoalescingOperator() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class C<T> {}
main() {
A a, b;
a ??= new A();
b = b ?? new A();
// downwards inference
C<int> c, d;
c ??= new C();
d = d ?? new C();
test_nullCoalescingStrictArrow() async {
await checkFile(r'''
bool _alwaysTrue(x) => true;
typedef bool TakesA<T>(T t);
class C<T> {
TakesA<T> g;
C(TakesA<T> f)
: g = f ?? _alwaysTrue;
C.a() : g = _alwaysTrue;
test_optionalParams() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile(r'''
void takesF(void f(int x)) {
takesF(([x]) { bool z = x.isEven; });
takesF((y) { bool z = y.isEven; });
test_overrideNarrowsType() async {
class A {}
class B extends A {}
abstract class C {
m(A a);
n(B b);
abstract class D extends C {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B b);
n(A a);
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_overrideNarrowsType_legalWithChecked() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile(r'''
abstract class A { void test(A arg) { } }
abstract class B extends A { void test(covariant B arg) { } }
abstract class X implements A { }
class C extends B with X { }
class D extends B implements A { }
test_overrideNarrowsType_noDuplicateError() {
// Regression test for
return checkFile(r'''
abstract class A { void test(A arg) { } }
abstract class B extends A {
void /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/test(B arg) { }
abstract class X implements A { }
class C extends B {}
class /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/D extends B with X { }
class /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/E extends B implements A { }
test_privateOverride() async {
import 'main.dart' as main;
class Base {
var f1;
var _f2;
var _f3;
get _f4 => null;
int _m1() => null;
class GrandChild extends main.Child {
var _f2;
var _f3;
var _f4;
String /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/_m1() => null;
''', name: '/helper.dart');
await checkFile('''
import 'helper.dart' as helper;
class Child extends helper.Base {
var f1;
var _f2;
var _f4;
String _m1() => null;
test_proxy() {
return checkFile(r'''
@proxy class C {}
@proxy class D {
var f;
m() => null;
operator -() => null;
operator +(int other) => null;
operator [](int index) => null;
call() => null;
@proxy class F implements Function { noSuchMethod(i) => 42; }
m() {
D d = new D();
d + 7;
C c = new C();
c /*error:UNDEFINED_OPERATOR*/+ 7;
c /*error:UNDEFINED_OPERATOR*/[7];
F f = new F();
test_redirectingConstructor() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
A(A x) {}
A.two() : this(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3);
test_relaxedCasts() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class L<T> {}
class M<T> extends L<T> {}
// L<dynamic|Object>
// / \
// M<dynamic|Object> L<A>
// \ /
// M<A>
// In normal Dart, there are additional edges
// from M<A> to M<dynamic>
// from L<A> to M<dynamic>
// from L<A> to L<dynamic>
void main() {
L lOfDs;
L<Object> lOfOs;
L<A> lOfAs;
M mOfDs;
M<Object> mOfOs;
M<A> mOfAs;
lOfDs = mOfDs;
lOfDs = mOfOs;
lOfDs = mOfAs;
lOfDs = lOfDs;
lOfDs = lOfOs;
lOfDs = lOfAs;
lOfDs = new L(); // Reset type propagation.
lOfOs = mOfDs;
lOfOs = mOfOs;
lOfOs = mOfAs;
lOfOs = lOfDs;
lOfOs = lOfOs;
lOfOs = lOfAs;
lOfOs = new L<Object>(); // Reset type propagation.
lOfAs = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/mOfDs;
lOfAs = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/mOfOs;
lOfAs = mOfAs;
lOfAs = lOfDs;
lOfAs = lOfOs;
lOfAs = lOfAs;
lOfAs = new L<A>(); // Reset type propagation.
mOfDs = mOfDs;
mOfDs = mOfOs;
mOfDs = mOfAs;
mOfDs = lOfDs;
mOfDs = lOfOs;
mOfDs = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/lOfAs;
mOfDs = new M(); // Reset type propagation.
mOfOs = mOfDs;
mOfOs = mOfOs;
mOfOs = mOfAs;
mOfOs = lOfDs;
mOfOs = lOfOs;
mOfOs = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/lOfAs;
mOfOs = new M<Object>(); // Reset type propagation.
mOfAs = mOfDs;
mOfAs = mOfOs;
mOfAs = mOfAs;
mOfAs = lOfDs;
mOfAs = lOfOs;
mOfAs = lOfAs;
test_set_ifElement_dynamicCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int>{if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_dynamicCondition_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic c;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0};
await check();
test_set_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamic_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0 else /*error:SET_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_falseBranch_dynamic_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0 else dyn};
await check();
test_set_ifElement_falseBranch_supertype_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0 else /*error:SET_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_falseBranch_supertype_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0 else someNum};
await check();
test_set_ifElement_objectCondition_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int>{if (/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/c) 0};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_objectCondition_implicitCasts() async {
Object c;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) 0};
await check();
test_set_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamic_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) /*error:SET_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/dyn};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_trueBranch_dynamic_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<int>[if (c) dyn];
await check();
test_set_ifElement_trueBranch_supertype_disableImplicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) /*error:SET_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/someNum};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_set_ifElement_trueBranch_supertype_implicitCasts() async {
bool c;
num someNum;
void main() {
<int>{if (c) someNum};
await check();
test_setterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
typedef void ToVoid<T>(T x);
class F {
void set f(ToVoid<dynamic> x) {}
void set g(ToVoid<int> x) {}
void set h(dynamic x) {}
void set i(int x) {}
class G extends F {
void set f(ToVoid<int> x) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/g(ToVoid<dynamic> x) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/h(int x) {}
void set i(dynamic x) {}
class H implements F {
void set f(ToVoid<int> x) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/g(ToVoid<dynamic> x) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/h(int x) {}
void set i(dynamic x) {}
test_setterReturnTypes() async {
await checkFile('''
void voidFn() => null;
class A {
set a(y) => 4;
set b(y) => voidFn();
void set c(y) => 4;
void set d(y) => voidFn();
/*error:NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_SETTER*/int set e(y) => 4;
/*error:NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_SETTER*/int set f(y) =>
set g(y) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/4;}
void set h(y) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/4;}
/*error:NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_SETTER*/int set i(y) {return 4;}
test_setterSetterOverride() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
abstract class Base {
void set f1(B value);
void set f2(B value);
void set f3(B value);
void set f4(B value);
void set f5(B value);
class Child extends Base {
void set f1(A value) {}
void set /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/f2(C value) {}
void set f3(value) {}
void set f4(dynamic value) {}
set f5(B value) {}
test_spread_dynamicInList_disableImplicitCasts() async {
// TODO(mfairhurst) fix this, see
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_dynamicInList_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
await check();
test_spread_dynamicInMap_disableImplicitCasts() async {
// TODO(mfairhurst) fix this, see
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<dynamic, dynamic>{.../*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/dyn};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_dynamicInMap_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
<dynamic, dynamic>{...dyn};
await check();
test_spread_dynamicInSet_disableImplicitCasts() async {
// TODO(mfairhurst) fix this, see
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_dynamicInSet_implicitCasts() async {
dynamic dyn;
void main() {
await check();
test_spread_listElement_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Iterable<num> i;
void main() {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_listElement_implicitCasts() async {
Iterable<num> i;
void main() {
await check();
test_spread_mapKey_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Map<num, dynamic> map;
void main() {
<int, dynamic>{1: 2, .../*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/map};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_mapKey_implicitCasts() async {
Map<num, dynamic> map;
void main() {
<int, dynamic>{1: 2,};
await check();
test_spread_mapValue_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Map<dynamic, num> map;
void main() {
<dynamic, int>{1: 2, .../*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/map};
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_mapValue_implicitCasts() async {
Map<dynamic, num> map;
void main() {
<dynamic, int>{1: 2,};
await check();
test_spread_setElement_disableImplicitCasts() async {
Iterable<num> i;
void main() {
await check(implicitCasts: false);
test_spread_setElement_implicitCasts() async {
Iterable<num> i;
void main() {
await check();
test_strictInference_instanceCreation() async {
class C<T> {
C([T t]);
C.of(T t);
factory C.from(Object e) => C();
main() {
// These should be allowed:
C<int> downwardsInferenceIsOK = C();
C<dynamic> downwardsInferenceDynamicIsOK = C();
var inferredFromConstructorParameterIsOK = C(42);
var explicitDynamicIsOK = C<dynamic>(42);
var rawConstructorCall = /*info:INFERENCE_FAILURE_ON_INSTANCE_CREATION*/C();
var factoryConstructor = /*info:INFERENCE_FAILURE_ON_INSTANCE_CREATION*/C.from(42);
var upwardsInfersDynamic = C(42 as dynamic);
var namedConstructor = C.of(42 as dynamic);
await check(strictInference: true);
test_superCallPlacement() async {
await checkFile('''
class Base {
var x;
Base() : x = print('Base.1') { print('Base.2'); }
class Derived extends Base {
var y, z;
: y = print('Derived.1'),
z = print('Derived.2') {
class Valid extends Base {
var y, z;
: y = print('Valid.1'),
z = print('Valid.2'),
super() {
class AlsoValid extends Base {
AlsoValid() : super();
main() => new Derived();
test_superclassOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfAbstractSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class Base implements I1 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base {
m(B a) {}
test_superclassOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfConcreteSuperclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
class Base implements I1 {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(B a) {}
class T1 extends Base {
m(B a) {}
test_superclassOverrideOfGrandInterface_interfaceOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 implements I1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
extends Base implements I2 {}
test_superclassOverrideOfGrandInterface_mixinOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class M1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends Object with M1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
extends Base
implements I2 {}
test_superclassOverrideOfGrandInterface_superclassOfInterfaceOfChild() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B {}
abstract class I1 {
m(A a);
abstract class I2 extends I1 {}
class Base {
m(B a) {}
extends Base
implements I2 {}
test_superConstructor() async {
await checkFile('''
class A { A(A x) {} }
class B extends A {
B() : super(/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3);
test_tearOffTreatedConsistentlyAsStrictArrow() async {
await checkFile(r'''
void foo(void f(String x)) {}
class A {
Null bar1(dynamic x) => null;
void bar2(dynamic x) => null;
Null bar3(String x) => null;
void test() {
Null baz1(dynamic x) => null;
void baz2(dynamic x) => null;
Null baz3(String x) => null;
void test() {
test_tearOffTreatedConsistentlyAsStrictArrowNamedParam() async {
await checkFile(r'''
typedef void Handler(String x);
void foo({Handler f}) {}
class A {
Null bar1(dynamic x) => null;
void bar2(dynamic x) => null;
Null bar3(String x) => null;
void test() {
foo(f: bar1);
foo(f: bar2);
foo(f: bar3);
Null baz1(dynamic x) => null;
void baz2(dynamic x) => null;
Null baz3(String x) => null;
void test() {
foo(f: baz1);
foo(f: baz2);
foo(f: baz3);
test_ternaryOperator() async {
await checkFile('''
abstract class Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T other);
static int compare(Comparable a, Comparable b) => a.compareTo(b);
typedef int Comparator<T>(T a, T b);
typedef bool _Predicate<T>(T value);
class SplayTreeMap<K, V> {
Comparator<K> _comparator;
_Predicate _validKey;
// The warning on assigning to _comparator is legitimate. Since K has
// no bound, all we know is that it's object. _comparator's function
// type is effectively: (Object, Object) -> int
// We are assigning it a fn of type: (Comparable, Comparable) -> int
// There's no telling if that will work. For example, consider:
// new SplayTreeMap<Uri>();
// This would end up calling .compareTo() on a Uri, which doesn't
// define that since it doesn't implement Comparable.
SplayTreeMap([int compare(K key1, K key2),
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)])
: _comparator = (compare == null) ? : compare,
_validKey = (isValidKey != null) ? isValidKey : ((v) => true) {
_Predicate<Object> v = (isValidKey != null)
? isValidKey : ((_) => true);
v = (isValidKey != null)
? v : ((_) => true);
void main() {
Object obj = 42;
dynamic dyn = 42;
int i = 42;
// Check the boolean conversion of the condition.
print(/*error:NON_BOOL_CONDITION*/i ? false : true);
print((obj) ? false : true);
print((dyn) ? false : true);
test_typeCheckingLiterals() async {
await checkFile('''
test() {
num n = 3;
int i = 3;
String s = "hello";
List<int> l = <int>[i];
l = <int>[n];
l = <int>[i, n, /*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/s];
List l = [i];
l = [s];
l = [n];
l = [i, n, s];
Map<String, int> m = <String, int>{s: i};
m = <String, int>{s: /*error:MAP_VALUE_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/s};
m = <String, int>{s: n};
m = <String, int>{s: i,
s: n,
// TODO(leafp): We can't currently test for key errors since the
// error marker binds to the entire entry.
Map m = {s: i};
m = {s: s};
m = {s: n};
m = {s: i,
s: n,
s: s};
m = {i: s,
n: s,
s: s};
test_typePromotionFromDynamic() async {
await checkFile(r'''
f() {
dynamic x;
if (x is int) {
int y = x;
String z = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/x;
g() {
Object x;
if (x is int) {
int y = x;
String z = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/x;
test_typePromotionFromTypeParameter() async {
// Regression test for:
await checkFile(r'''
void f<T>(T object) {
if (object is String) print(object.substring(1));
void g<T extends num>(T object) {
if (object is int) print(object.isEven);
if (object is String) print(object./*error:UNDEFINED_METHOD*/substring(1));
class Cloneable<T> {}
class SubCloneable<T> extends Cloneable<T> {
T m(T t) => t;
void takesSubCloneable<A>(SubCloneable<A> t) {}
void h<T extends Cloneable<T>>(T object) {
if (object is SubCloneable<T>) {
SubCloneable<T> s = object;
// Issue #35799: According to the language team, this should work, but both
// analyzer and CFE currently reject it, likely due to a strange
// representation of promoted type variables.
// h(object);
test_typePromotionFromTypeParameterAndInference() async {
// Regression test for:
await checkFile(r'''
void f<T extends num>(T x, T y) {
var z = x;
var f = () => x;
f = () => y;
if (x is int) {
var q = x;
q = z;
// This captures the type `T extends int`.
var g = () => x;
g = f;
q = g();
int r = x;
test_typeSubtyping_assigningClass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
y = a;
o = a;
i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/a;
d = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/a;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/a;
a = a;
b = a;
test_typeSubtyping_assigningSubclass() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
C c;
y = b;
o = b;
i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
d = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
n = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
a = b;
b = b;
c = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/b;
test_typeSubtyping_dynamicDowncasts() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
o = y;
i = y;
d = y;
n = y;
a = y;
b = y;
test_typeSubtyping_dynamicIsTop() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
dynamic y;
Object o;
int i = 0;
double d = 0.0;
num n;
A a;
B b;
y = o;
y = i;
y = d;
y = n;
y = a;
y = b;
test_typeSubtyping_interfaces() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
class D extends B implements C {}
void main() {
A top;
B left;
C right;
D bot;
top = top;
top = left;
top = right;
top = bot;
left = top;
left = left;
left = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/right;
left = bot;
right = top;
right = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/left;
right = right;
right = bot;
bot = top;
bot = left;
bot = right;
bot = bot;
test_unaryOperators() async {
await checkFile('''
class A {
A operator ~() => null;
A operator +(int x) => null;
A operator -(int x) => null;
A operator -() => null;
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
foo() => new A();
test() {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
var c = foo();
dynamic d;
takesC(C c) => null;
test_unboundRedirectingConstructor() async {
// This is a regression test for
await checkFile('''
class Foo {
test_unboundTypeName() async {
await checkFile('''
void main() {
test_unboundVariable() async {
await checkFile('''
void main() {
dynamic y = /*error:UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER*/unboundVariable;
test_universalFunctionSubtyping() async {
await checkFile(r'''
dynamic foo<T>(dynamic x) => x;
void takesDtoD(dynamic f(dynamic x)) {}
void test() {
// here we currently infer an instantiation.
takesDtoD(/*pass should be error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/foo);
class A {
dynamic method(dynamic x) => x;
class B extends A {
T /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/method<T>(T x) => x;
test_voidSubtyping() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFile('''
typedef int Foo();
void foo() {}
void main () {
Foo x = /*error:USE_OF_VOID_RESULT*/foo();
void _addMetaLibrary() {
library meta;
class _Checked { const _Checked(); }
const Object checked = const _Checked();
class _Virtual { const _Virtual(); }
const Object virtual = const _Virtual();
''', name: '/meta.dart');