blob: d644a5c3fbec504eca12992965113a65c54ce4c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_call_hierarchy.dart'
as call_hierarchy;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/error_or.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/registration/feature_registration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
typedef StaticOptions
= Either3<bool, CallHierarchyOptions, CallHierarchyRegistrationOptions>;
class CallHierarchyRegistrations extends FeatureRegistration
with SingleDynamicRegistration, StaticRegistration<StaticOptions> {
ToJsonable? get options =>
CallHierarchyRegistrationOptions(documentSelector: dartFiles);
Method get registrationMethod => Method.textDocument_prepareCallHierarchy;
StaticOptions get staticOptions => Either3.t1(true);
bool get supportsDynamic => clientDynamic.callHierarchy;
/// A handler for `callHierarchy/incoming` that returns the incoming calls for
/// the target supplied by the client.
class IncomingCallHierarchyHandler extends _AbstractCallHierarchyCallsHandler<
CallHierarchyIncomingCall> with _CallHierarchyUtils {
Method get handlesMessage => Method.callHierarchy_incomingCalls;
LspJsonHandler<CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams> get jsonHandler =>
bool get requiresTrustedCaller => false;
/// Fetches incoming calls from a [call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer].
/// This method is invoked by the superclass which handles similar logic for
/// both incoming and outgoing calls.
Future<List<call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls>> getCalls(
call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer computer,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem target,
) =>
computer.findIncomingCalls(target, server.searchEngine);
/// Handles the request by passing the target item to a shared implementation
/// in the superclass.
Future<ErrorOr<CallHierarchyIncomingCallsResult>> handle(
CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams params,
MessageInfo message,
CancellationToken token) =>
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls] into the correct LSP
/// type for incoming calls.
CallHierarchyIncomingCall toCall(
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls calls, {
required LineInfo localLineInfo,
required LineInfo itemLineInfo,
required Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
}) {
return CallHierarchyIncomingCall(
from: toLspItem(
supportedSymbolKinds: supportedSymbolKinds,
fromRanges: calls.ranges
// For incoming calls, ranges are in the referenced item so we use
// itemLineInfo and not localLineInfo (which is for the original
// target we're collecting calls to).
.map((call) => sourceRangeToRange(itemLineInfo, call))
/// A handler for `callHierarchy/outgoing` that returns the outgoing calls for
/// the target supplied by the client.
class OutgoingCallHierarchyHandler extends _AbstractCallHierarchyCallsHandler<
CallHierarchyOutgoingCall> with _CallHierarchyUtils {
Method get handlesMessage => Method.callHierarchy_outgoingCalls;
LspJsonHandler<CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams> get jsonHandler =>
bool get requiresTrustedCaller => false;
/// Fetches outgoing calls from a [call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer].
/// This method is invoked by the superclass which handles similar logic for
/// both incoming and outgoing calls.
Future<List<call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls>> getCalls(
call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer computer,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem target,
) =>
/// Handles the request by passing the target item to a shared implementation
/// in the superclass.
Future<ErrorOr<CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsResult>> handle(
CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams params,
MessageInfo message,
CancellationToken token) =>
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls] into the correct LSP
/// type for outgoing calls.
CallHierarchyOutgoingCall toCall(
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls calls, {
required LineInfo localLineInfo,
required LineInfo itemLineInfo,
required Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
}) {
return CallHierarchyOutgoingCall(
to: toLspItem(
supportedSymbolKinds: supportedSymbolKinds,
fromRanges: calls.ranges
// For incoming calls, ranges are in original target so we use
// localLineInfo and not itemLineInfo (which is for call target
// the outbound call points to).
.map((call) => sourceRangeToRange(localLineInfo, call))
/// A handler for the initial "prepare" request for starting navigation with
/// Call Hierarchy.
/// This handler returns the initial target based on the offset where the
/// feature is invoked. Invocations at call sites will resolve to the respective
/// declarations.
/// The target returned by this handler will be sent back to the server for
/// incoming/outgoing calls as the user navigates the call hierarchy in the
/// client.
class PrepareCallHierarchyHandler extends SharedMessageHandler<
TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchyResult> with _CallHierarchyUtils {
Method get handlesMessage => Method.textDocument_prepareCallHierarchy;
LspJsonHandler<CallHierarchyPrepareParams> get jsonHandler =>
bool get requiresTrustedCaller => false;
Future<ErrorOr<TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchyResult>> handle(
CallHierarchyPrepareParams params,
MessageInfo message,
CancellationToken token) async {
if (!isDartDocument(params.textDocument)) {
return success(const []);
var clientCapabilities = server.lspClientCapabilities;
if (clientCapabilities == null) {
// This should not happen unless a client misbehaves.
return serverNotInitializedError;
var pos = params.position;
var path = pathOfDoc(params.textDocument);
var unit = await path.mapResult(requireResolvedUnit);
var offset = unit.mapResultSync((unit) => toOffset(unit.lineInfo, pos));
return (unit, offset).mapResults((unit, offset) async {
var supportedSymbolKinds = clientCapabilities.documentSymbolKinds;
var computer = call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer(unit);
var target = computer.findTarget(offset);
if (target == null) {
return success(null);
return await _convertTarget(
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem] to the LSP protocol
/// equivalent.
Future<ErrorOr<TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchyResult>> _convertTarget(
AnalysisSession session,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem target,
Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
) async {
// Since the target might be in a different file (for example if invoked at
// a call site), we need to get a consistent LineInfo for the target file
// for this session.
var targetFile = session.getFile(target.file);
if (targetFile is! FileResult) {
return error(
'Call Hierarchy target was in an unavailable file: '
'${target.displayName} in ${target.file}',
var targetLineInfo = targetFile.lineInfo;
var item = toLspItem(
supportedSymbolKinds: supportedSymbolKinds,
return success([item]);
/// An abstract base class for incoming and outgoing CallHierarchy handlers
/// which perform largely the same task using different LSP classes.
abstract class _AbstractCallHierarchyCallsHandler<P, R, C>
extends SharedMessageHandler<P, R> with _CallHierarchyUtils {
/// Gets the appropriate types of calls for this handler.
Future<List<call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls>> getCalls(
call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer computer,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem target);
/// Handles a request for incoming or outgoing calls (handled by the concrete
/// implementation) by delegating fetching and converting calls to the
/// subclass.
Future<ErrorOr<List<C>?>> handleCalls(CallHierarchyItem item) async {
if (!isDartUri(item.uri)) {
return success(const []);
var clientCapabilities = server.lspClientCapabilities;
if (clientCapabilities == null) {
// This should not happen unless a client misbehaves.
return failure(serverNotInitializedError);
var path = pathOfUri(item.uri);
var unit = await path.mapResult(requireResolvedUnit);
return unit.mapResult((unit) async {
var supportedSymbolKinds = clientCapabilities.documentSymbolKinds;
var computer = call_hierarchy.DartCallHierarchyComputer(unit);
// Convert the clients item back to one in the servers format so that we
// can use it to get incoming/outgoing calls.
var target = toServerItem(
supportedSymbolKinds: supportedSymbolKinds,
if (target == null) {
return error(
'Content was modified since Call Hierarchy node was produced',
var calls = await getCalls(computer, target);
var results = _convertCalls(
return success(results);
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls] to the appropriate
/// LSP type [C].
C toCall(
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls calls, {
required LineInfo localLineInfo,
required LineInfo itemLineInfo,
required Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
C? _convertCall(
AnalysisSession session,
LineInfo localLineInfo,
Map<String, LineInfo?> lineInfoCache,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls calls,
Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
) {
var filePath = calls.item.file;
var itemLineInfo = lineInfoCache.putIfAbsent(filePath, () {
var file = session.getFile(filePath);
return file is FileResult ? file.lineInfo : null;
if (itemLineInfo == null) {
return null;
return toCall(
localLineInfo: localLineInfo,
itemLineInfo: itemLineInfo,
supportedSymbolKinds: supportedSymbolKinds,
List<C> _convertCalls(
ResolvedUnitResult unit,
List<call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls> calls,
Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
) {
var session = unit.session;
var lineInfoCache = <String, LineInfo?>{};
var results = convert(
(call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyCalls call) => _convertCall(
return results.toList();
/// Utility methods used by all Call Hierarchy handlers.
mixin _CallHierarchyUtils on HandlerHelperMixin<AnalysisServer> {
/// A mapping from server kinds to LSP [SymbolKind]s.
static const toSymbolKindMapping = {
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.class_: SymbolKind.Class,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.constructor: SymbolKind.Constructor,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.extension: SymbolKind.Class,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.file: SymbolKind.File,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.function: SymbolKind.Function,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.method: SymbolKind.Method,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.mixin: SymbolKind.Class, SymbolKind.Property,
/// A mapping from LSP [SymbolKind]s to server kinds.
static final fromSymbolKindMapping = {
for (var entry in toSymbolKindMapping.entries) entry.value: entry.key,
/// Converts a [SymbolKind] passed back from the client over LSP to a server
/// [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind].
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind fromSymbolKind(SymbolKind kind) {
var result = fromSymbolKindMapping[kind];
assert(result != null);
return result ?? call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind.unknown;
/// Converts a server [SourceRange] to an LSP [Range].
Range sourceRangeToRange(LineInfo lineInfo, SourceRange range) =>
toRange(lineInfo, range.offset, range.length);
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem] to an LSP
/// [CallHierarchyItem].
CallHierarchyItem toLspItem(
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem item,
LineInfo lineInfo, {
required Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
}) {
return CallHierarchyItem(
name: item.displayName,
detail: item.containerName,
kind: toSymbolKind(supportedSymbolKinds, item.kind),
uri: uriConverter.toClientUri(item.file),
range: sourceRangeToRange(lineInfo, item.codeRange),
selectionRange: sourceRangeToRange(lineInfo, item.nameRange),
/// Converts an LSP [CallHierarchyItem] supplied by the client back to a
/// server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem] to use to look up calls.
/// Returns `null` if the supplied item is no longer valid (for example its
/// ranges are no longer valid in the current state of the document).
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem? toServerItem(
CallHierarchyItem item,
LineInfo lineInfo, {
required Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
}) {
var nameRange = toSourceRange(lineInfo, item.selectionRange);
var codeRange = toSourceRange(lineInfo, item.range);
return (nameRange, codeRange).mapResultsSync((nameRange, codeRange) {
return success(call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyItem(
containerName: item.detail,
kind: fromSymbolKind(item.kind),
file: uriConverter.fromClientUri(item.uri),
nameRange: nameRange,
codeRange: codeRange,
/// Converts a server [call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind] to a [SymbolKind]
/// used in the LSP Protocol.
SymbolKind toSymbolKind(Set<SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyKind kind) {
var result = toSymbolKindMapping[kind];
assert(result != null);
// Handle fallbacks and not-supported kinds.
if (!supportedSymbolKinds.contains(result)) {
if (result == SymbolKind.File) {
result = SymbolKind.Module;
} else {
result = null;
return result ?? SymbolKind.Obj;