| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// @docImport '../scanner/scanner.dart'; |
| /// @docImport 'util.dart'; |
| library _fe_analyzer_shared.parser.parser; |
| |
| import '../experiments/flags.dart'; |
| |
| import '../messages/codes.dart' as codes; |
| |
| import '../scanner/scanner.dart' show ErrorToken, Token; |
| |
| import '../scanner/token.dart' |
| show |
| BeginToken, |
| Keyword, |
| StringToken, |
| SyntheticBeginToken, |
| SyntheticKeywordToken, |
| SyntheticStringToken, |
| SyntheticToken, |
| TokenType; |
| |
| import '../scanner/token_constants.dart' |
| show |
| |
| import 'assert.dart' show Assert; |
| |
| import 'async_modifier.dart' show AsyncModifier; |
| |
| import 'block_kind.dart'; |
| |
| import 'constructor_reference_context.dart' show ConstructorReferenceContext; |
| |
| import 'declaration_kind.dart' show DeclarationHeaderKind, DeclarationKind; |
| |
| import 'directive_context.dart'; |
| |
| import 'formal_parameter_kind.dart' show FormalParameterKind; |
| |
| import 'forwarding_listener.dart' show ForwardingListener, NullListener; |
| |
| import 'identifier_context.dart' |
| show |
| IdentifierContext, |
| looksLikeExpressionStart, |
| looksLikePatternStart, |
| okNextValueInFormalParameter; |
| |
| import 'identifier_context_impl.dart' |
| show looksLikeStartOfNextTopLevelDeclaration; |
| |
| import 'listener.dart' show Listener; |
| |
| import 'literal_entry_info.dart' |
| show |
| LiteralEntryInfo, |
| computeLiteralEntry, |
| looksLikeLiteralEntry, |
| simpleEntry; |
| |
| import 'loop_state.dart' show LoopState; |
| |
| import 'member_kind.dart' show MemberKind; |
| |
| import 'modifier_context.dart' show ModifierContext, isModifier; |
| |
| import 'recovery_listeners.dart' |
| show |
| DeclarationHeaderRecoveryListener, |
| ImportRecoveryListener, |
| MixinHeaderRecoveryListener; |
| |
| import 'token_stream_rewriter.dart' |
| show |
| TokenStreamRewriter, |
| TokenStreamRewriterImpl, |
| UndoableTokenStreamRewriter; |
| |
| import 'type_info.dart' |
| show |
| TypeInfo, |
| TypeParamOrArgInfo, |
| computeMethodTypeArguments, |
| computeType, |
| computeTypeParamOrArg, |
| computeVariablePatternType, |
| illegalPatternIdentifiers, |
| isValidNonRecordTypeReference, |
| noType, |
| noTypeParamOrArg; |
| |
| import 'type_info_impl.dart'; |
| |
| import 'util.dart' |
| show |
| findNonZeroLengthToken, |
| findPreviousNonZeroLengthToken, |
| isOneOf, |
| isOneOfOrEof, |
| optional; |
| |
| /// An event generating parser of Dart programs. This parser expects all tokens |
| /// in a linked list (aka a token stream). |
| /// |
| /// The class [Scanner] is used to generate a token stream. See the file |
| /// [scanner.dart](../scanner.dart). |
| /// |
| /// Subclasses of the class [Listener] are used to listen to events. |
| /// |
| /// Most methods of this class belong in one of four major categories: parse |
| /// methods, peek methods, ensure methods, and skip methods. |
| /// |
| /// Parse methods all have the prefix `parse`, generate events |
| /// (by calling methods on [listener]), and return the next token to parse. |
| /// Some exceptions to this last point are methods such as [parseFunctionBody] |
| /// and [parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody] which return the last token parsed |
| /// rather than the next token to be parsed. |
| /// Parse methods are generally named `parseGrammarProductionSuffix`. |
| /// The suffix can be one of `opt`, or `star`. |
| /// `opt` means zero or one matches, `star` means zero or more matches. |
| /// For example, [parseMetadataStar] corresponds to this grammar snippet: |
| /// `metadata*`, and [parseArgumentsOpt] corresponds to: `arguments?`. |
| /// |
| /// Peek methods all have the prefix `peek`, do not generate events |
| /// (except for errors) and may return null. |
| /// |
| /// Ensure methods all have the prefix `ensure` and may generate events. |
| /// They return the current token, or insert and return a synthetic token |
| /// if the current token does not match. For example, |
| /// [ensureSemicolon] returns the current token if the current token is a |
| /// semicolon, otherwise inserts a synthetic semicolon in the token stream |
| /// before the current token and then returns that new synthetic token. |
| /// |
| /// Skip methods are like parse methods, but all have the prefix `skip` |
| /// and skip over some parts of the file being parsed. |
| /// Typically, skip methods generate an event for the structure being skipped, |
| /// but not for its substructures. |
| /// |
| /// ## Current Token |
| /// |
| /// The current token is always to be found in a formal parameter named |
| /// `token`. This parameter should be the first as this increases the chance |
| /// that a compiler will place it in a register. |
| /// |
| /// ## Implementation Notes |
| /// |
| /// The parser assumes that keywords, built-in identifiers, and other special |
| /// words (pseudo-keywords) are all canonicalized. To extend the parser to |
| /// recognize a new identifier, one should modify |
| /// [keyword.dart](../scanner/keyword.dart) and ensure the identifier is added |
| /// to the keyword table. |
| /// |
| /// As a consequence of this, one should not use `==` to compare strings in the |
| /// parser. One should favor the method [optional] to recognize keywords or |
| /// identifiers. In some cases, it's possible to compare a token's `stringValue` |
| /// using [identical], but normally [optional] will suffice. |
| /// |
| /// Historically, we over-used identical, and when identical is used on objects |
| /// other than strings, it can often be replaced by `==`. |
| /// |
| /// ## Flexibility, Extensibility, and Specification |
| /// |
| /// The parser is designed to be flexible and extensible. Its methods are |
| /// designed to be overridden in subclasses, so it can be extended to handle |
| /// unspecified language extension or experiments while everything in this file |
| /// attempts to follow the specification (unless when it interferes with error |
| /// recovery). |
| /// |
| /// We achieve flexibility, extensible, and specification compliance by |
| /// following a few rules-of-thumb: |
| /// |
| /// 1. All methods in the parser should be public. |
| /// |
| /// 2. The methods follow the specified grammar, and do not implement custom |
| /// extensions, for example, `native`. |
| /// |
| /// 3. The parser doesn't rewrite the token stream (when dealing with `>>`). |
| /// |
| /// ### Implementing Extensions |
| /// |
| /// For various reasons, some Dart language implementations have used |
| /// custom/unspecified extensions to the Dart grammar. Examples of this |
| /// includes diet parsing, patch files, `native` keyword, and generic |
| /// comments. This class isn't supposed to implement any of these |
| /// features. Instead it provides hooks for those extensions to be implemented |
| /// in subclasses or listeners. Let's examine how diet parsing and `native` |
| /// keyword is currently supported by Fasta. |
| /// |
| /// #### Legacy Implementation of `native` Keyword |
| /// |
| /// TODO(ahe,danrubel): Remove this section. |
| /// |
| /// Both dart2js and the Dart VM have used the `native` keyword to mark methods |
| /// that couldn't be implemented in the Dart language and needed to be |
| /// implemented in JavaScript or C++, respectively. An example of the syntax |
| /// extension used by the Dart VM is: |
| /// |
| /// nativeFunction() native "NativeFunction"; |
| /// |
| /// When attempting to parse this function, the parser eventually calls |
| /// [parseFunctionBody]. This method will report an unrecoverable error to the |
| /// listener with the code [codes.codeExpectedFunctionBody]. The listener can |
| /// then look at the error code and the token and use the methods in |
| /// [native_support.dart](native_support.dart) to parse the native syntax. |
| /// |
| /// #### Implementation of Diet Parsing |
| /// |
| /// We call it _diet_ _parsing_ when the parser skips parts of a file. Both |
| /// dart2js and the Dart VM have been relying on this from early on as it allows |
| /// them to more quickly compile small programs that use small parts of big |
| /// libraries. It's also become an integrated part of how Fasta builds up |
| /// outlines before starting to parse method bodies. |
| /// |
| /// When looking through this parser, you'll find a number of unused methods |
| /// starting with `skip`. These methods are only used by subclasses, such as |
| /// [ClassMemberParser](class_member_parser.dart) and |
| /// [TopLevelParser](top_level_parser.dart). These methods violate the |
| /// principle above about following the specified grammar, and originally lived |
| /// in subclasses. However, we realized that these methods were so widely used |
| /// and hard to maintain in subclasses, that it made sense to move them here. |
| /// |
| /// ### Specification and Error Recovery |
| /// |
| /// To improve error recovery, the parser will inform the listener of |
| /// recoverable errors and continue to parse. An example of a recoverable |
| /// error is: |
| /// |
| /// Error: Asynchronous for-loop can only be used in 'async' or 'async*'... |
| /// main() { await for (var x in []) {} } |
| /// ^^^^^ |
| /// |
| /// ### Legacy Error Recovery |
| /// |
| /// What's described below will be phased out in preference of the parser |
| /// reporting and recovering from syntax errors. The motivation for this is |
| /// that we have multiple listeners that use the parser, and this will ensure |
| /// consistency. |
| /// |
| /// For unrecoverable errors, the parser will ask the listener for help to |
| /// recover from the error. We haven't made much progress on these kinds of |
| /// errors, so in most cases, the parser aborts by skipping to the end of file. |
| /// |
| /// Historically, this parser has been rather lax in what it allows, and |
| /// deferred the enforcement of some syntactical rules to subsequent phases. It |
| /// doesn't matter how we got there, only that we've identified that it's |
| /// easier if the parser reports as many errors it can, but informs the |
| /// listener if the error is recoverable or not. |
| class Parser { |
| Listener listener; |
| |
| Uri? get uri => listener.uri; |
| |
| bool mayParseFunctionExpressions = true; |
| |
| /// Represents parser state: what asynchronous syntax is allowed in the |
| /// function being currently parsed. In rare situations, this can be set by |
| /// external clients, for example, to parse an expression outside a function. |
| AsyncModifier asyncState = AsyncModifier.Sync; |
| |
| // TODO(danrubel): The [loopState] and associated functionality in the |
| // [Parser] duplicates work that the resolver needs to do when resolving |
| // break/continue targets. Long term, this state and functionality will be |
| // removed from the [Parser] class and the resolver will be responsible |
| // for generating all break/continue error messages. |
| |
| /// Represents parser state: whether parsing outside a loop, |
| /// inside a loop, or inside a switch. This is used to determine whether |
| /// break and continue statements are allowed. |
| LoopState loopState = LoopState.OutsideLoop; |
| |
| /// A rewriter for inserting synthetic tokens. |
| /// Access using [rewriter] for lazy initialization. |
| TokenStreamRewriter? cachedRewriter; |
| |
| TokenStreamRewriter get rewriter { |
| return cachedRewriter ??= new TokenStreamRewriterImpl(); |
| } |
| |
| /// If `true`, syntax like `foo<bar>.baz()` is parsed like an implicit |
| /// creation expression. Otherwise it is parsed as a explicit instantiation |
| /// followed by an invocation. |
| /// |
| /// With the constructor-tearoffs experiment, such syntax can lead to a valid |
| /// expression that is _not_ an implicit creation expression, and the parser |
| /// should therefore not special case the syntax but instead let listeners |
| /// resolve the expression by the seen selectors. |
| /// |
| /// Use this flag to test that the implementation doesn't need the special |
| /// casing. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when both analyzer and CFE can parse the |
| // implicit create expression without the special casing. |
| final bool useImplicitCreationExpression; |
| |
| /// Indicates whether pattern parsing is enabled. |
| /// |
| /// This ensures that we don't regress non-pattern functionality while pattern |
| /// parsing logic is being developed. Eventually we will want to turn this |
| /// functionality on permanently, and leave it to the client to report an |
| /// appropriate error if a pattern is used while patterns are not enabled. |
| /// TODO(paulberry): remove this flag when appropriate. |
| final bool allowPatterns; |
| |
| /// Indicates whether the last pattern parsed is allowed inside unary |
| /// patterns. This is set by [parsePrimaryPattern] and [parsePattern]. |
| /// |
| /// TODO(paulberry): once this package can safely use Dart 3.0 features, |
| /// remove this boolean and instead return a record (Token, bool) from the |
| /// [parsePrimaryPattern] and [parsePattern]. |
| bool isLastPatternAllowedInsideUnaryPattern = false; |
| |
| /// Whether the `enhanced-parts` feature is enabled. |
| final bool enableFeatureEnhancedParts; |
| |
| Parser( |
| this.listener, { |
| this.useImplicitCreationExpression = true, |
| this.allowPatterns = false, |
| this.enableFeatureEnhancedParts = false, |
| }) : assert(listener != null); // ignore:unnecessary_null_comparison |
| |
| /// Executes [callback]; however if `this` is the `TestParser` (from |
| /// `pkg/front_end/test/parser_test_parser.dart`) then no output is printed |
| /// during its execution. |
| /// |
| /// This is sometimes necessary inside `assert` statements, to ensure that the |
| /// output of `TestParser` is the same regardless of whether assertions are |
| /// enabled. |
| T inhibitPrinting<T>(T Function() callback) { |
| return callback(); |
| } |
| |
| bool get inGenerator { |
| return asyncState == AsyncModifier.AsyncStar || |
| asyncState == AsyncModifier.SyncStar; |
| } |
| |
| bool get inAsync { |
| return asyncState == AsyncModifier.Async || |
| asyncState == AsyncModifier.AsyncStar; |
| } |
| |
| bool get inPlainSync => asyncState == AsyncModifier.Sync; |
| |
| bool get isBreakAllowed => loopState != LoopState.OutsideLoop; |
| |
| bool get isContinueAllowed => loopState == LoopState.InsideLoop; |
| |
| bool get isContinueWithLabelAllowed => loopState != LoopState.OutsideLoop; |
| |
| /// Parse a compilation unit. |
| /// |
| /// This method is only invoked from outside the parser. As a result, this |
| /// method takes the next token to be consumed rather than the last consumed |
| /// token and returns the token after the last consumed token rather than the |
| /// last consumed token. |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// libraryDefinition: |
| /// scriptTag? |
| /// libraryName? |
| /// importOrExport* |
| /// partDirective* |
| /// topLevelDefinition* |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// partDeclaration: |
| /// partHeader topLevelDefinition* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseUnit(Token token) { |
| // Skip over error tokens and report them at the end |
| // so that the parser has the chance to adjust the error location. |
| Token errorToken = token; |
| token = skipErrorTokens(errorToken); |
| |
| listener.beginCompilationUnit(token); |
| int count = 0; |
| DirectiveContext directiveState = new DirectiveContext( |
| enableFeatureEnhancedParts: enableFeatureEnhancedParts, |
| ); |
| token = syntheticPreviousToken(token); |
| if (identical(token.next!.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG)) { |
| directiveState.checkScriptTag(this, token.next!); |
| token = parseScript(token); |
| } |
| while (!token.next!.isEof) { |
| final Token start = token.next!; |
| token = parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(token, directiveState); |
| listener.endTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| count++; |
| if (start == token.next!) { |
| // Recovery: |
| // If progress has not been made reaching the end of the token stream, |
| // then report an error and skip the current token. |
| token = token.next!; |
| listener.beginMetadataStar(token); |
| listener.endMetadataStar(/* count = */ 0); |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithToken( |
| token, codes.templateExpectedDeclaration); |
| listener.handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| listener.endTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| count++; |
| } |
| } |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(token.isEof); |
| reportAllErrorTokens(errorToken); |
| listener.endCompilationUnit(count, token); |
| // Clear fields that could lead to memory leak. |
| cachedRewriter = null; |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// This method exists for analyzer compatibility only |
| /// and will be removed once analyzer/fasta integration is complete. |
| /// |
| /// Similar to [parseUnit], this method parses a compilation unit, |
| /// but stops when it reaches the first declaration or EOF. |
| /// |
| /// This method is only invoked from outside the parser. As a result, this |
| /// method takes the next token to be consumed rather than the last consumed |
| /// token and returns the token after the last consumed token rather than the |
| /// last consumed token. |
| Token parseDirectives(Token token) { |
| listener.beginCompilationUnit(token); |
| int count = 0; |
| DirectiveContext directiveState = new DirectiveContext( |
| enableFeatureEnhancedParts: enableFeatureEnhancedParts, |
| ); |
| token = syntheticPreviousToken(token); |
| while (!token.next!.isEof) { |
| final Token start = token.next!; |
| final String? nextValue = start.next!.stringValue; |
| |
| // If a built-in keyword is being used as function name, then stop. |
| if (identical(nextValue, '.') || |
| identical(nextValue, '<') || |
| identical(nextValue, '(')) { |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if (identical(token.next!.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG)) { |
| directiveState.checkScriptTag(this, token.next!); |
| token = parseScript(token); |
| } else { |
| token = parseMetadataStar(token); |
| Token keyword = token.next!; |
| final String? value = keyword.stringValue; |
| if (identical(value, 'import')) { |
| directiveState.checkImport(this, keyword); |
| token = parseImport(keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'export')) { |
| directiveState.checkExport(this, keyword); |
| token = parseExport(keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'library')) { |
| directiveState.checkLibrary(this, keyword); |
| token = parseLibraryName(keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'part')) { |
| token = parsePartOrPartOf(keyword, directiveState); |
| } else if (identical(value, ';')) { |
| token = start; |
| listener.handleDirectivesOnly(); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleDirectivesOnly(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| listener.endTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| } |
| token = token.next!; |
| listener.endCompilationUnit(count, token); |
| // Clear fields that could lead to memory leak. |
| cachedRewriter = null; |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse a top-level declaration. |
| /// |
| /// This method is only invoked from outside the parser. As a result, this |
| /// method takes the next token to be consumed rather than the last consumed |
| /// token and returns the token after the last consumed token rather than the |
| /// last consumed token. |
| Token parseTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) { |
| token = parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl( |
| syntheticPreviousToken(token), /* directiveState = */ null); |
| listener.endTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| return token.next!; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// topLevelDefinition: |
| /// classDefinition | |
| /// enumType | |
| /// typeAlias | |
| /// 'external'? functionSignature ';' | |
| /// 'external'? getterSignature ';' | |
| /// 'external''? setterSignature ';' | |
| /// functionSignature functionBody | |
| /// returnType? 'get' identifier functionBody | |
| /// returnType? 'set' identifier formalParameterList functionBody | |
| /// ('final' | 'const') type? staticFinalDeclarationList ';' | |
| /// variableDeclaration ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl( |
| Token token, DirectiveContext? directiveState) { |
| token = parseMetadataStar(token); |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (next.isTopLevelKeyword) { |
| return parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration( |
| /* beginToken = */ token.next!, |
| /* modifierStart = */ token, |
| /* keyword = */ next, |
| /* macroToken = */ null, |
| /* sealedToken = */ null, |
| /* baseToken = */ null, |
| /* interfaceToken = */ null, |
| directiveState); |
| } |
| final Token beginToken = token.next!; |
| Token modifierStart = token; |
| // Skip modifiers to find a top level keyword or identifier |
| if (next.isModifier) { |
| if (optional('var', next) || |
| optional('late', next) || |
| (optional('final', next) && |
| (!optional('class', next.next!) && |
| !optional('mixin', next.next!) && |
| !optional('enum', next.next!))) || |
| // Ignore using 'final' as a modifier for a class, a mixin, or an |
| // enum, but allow in other contexts. |
| (optional('const', next) && !optional('class', next.next!))) { |
| // Ignore `const class` so that it is reported below as an invalid |
| // modifier on a class. |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(token); |
| } |
| while (token.next!.isModifier) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| next = token.next!; |
| Token? macroToken; |
| Token? sealedToken; |
| Token? baseToken; |
| Token? interfaceToken; |
| if (next.isIdentifier && |
| next.lexeme == 'macro' && |
| optional('class', next.next!)) { |
| macroToken = next; |
| next = next.next!; |
| } else if (next.isIdentifier && optional('sealed', next)) { |
| sealedToken = next; |
| if (optional('class', next.next!) || |
| optional('mixin', next.next!) || |
| optional('enum', next.next!)) { |
| next = next.next!; |
| } else if (optional('abstract', next.next!) && |
| optional('class', next.next!.next!)) { |
| // Defer error handling of sealed abstract to |
| // [parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication] after the abstract is parsed. |
| modifierStart = next; |
| next = next.next!.next!; |
| } |
| } else if (next.isIdentifier && optional('base', next)) { |
| baseToken = next; |
| if (optional('class', next.next!) || |
| optional('mixin', next.next!) || |
| optional('enum', next.next!)) { |
| next = next.next!; |
| } |
| } else if (next.isIdentifier && optional('interface', next)) { |
| interfaceToken = next; |
| if (optional('class', next.next!) || |
| optional('mixin', next.next!) || |
| optional('enum', next.next!)) { |
| next = next.next!; |
| } |
| // TODO(kallentu): Handle incorrect ordering of modifiers. |
| } |
| if (next.isTopLevelKeyword) { |
| return parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration( |
| /* beginToken = */ beginToken, |
| /* modifierStart = */ modifierStart, |
| /* keyword = */ next, |
| /* macroToken = */ macroToken, |
| /* sealedToken = */ sealedToken, |
| /* baseToken = */ baseToken, |
| /* interfaceToken = */ interfaceToken, |
| directiveState); |
| } else if (next.isKeywordOrIdentifier) { |
| // TODO(danrubel): improve parseTopLevelMember |
| // so that we don't parse modifiers twice. |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(modifierStart); |
| } else if (modifierStart.next != next) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| // Handle the edge case where a modifier is being used as an identifier |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(modifierStart); |
| } else if (/* record type */ optional('(', next)) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(modifierStart); |
| } |
| |
| // Recovery |
| if (next.isOperator && optional('(', next.next!)) { |
| // This appears to be a top level operator declaration, which is invalid. |
| reportRecoverableError(next, codes.messageTopLevelOperator); |
| // Insert a synthetic identifier |
| // and continue parsing as a top level function. |
| rewriter.insertSyntheticIdentifier( |
| next, '#synthetic_function_${next.charOffset}'); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(next); |
| } |
| // Ignore any preceding modifiers and just report the unexpected token |
| listener.beginTopLevelMember(next); |
| return parseInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(token); |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse any top-level declaration that begins with a keyword. |
| /// [beginToken] is the first token after any metadata that is parsed as |
| /// part of the declaration. [modifierStart] is the token before any modifiers |
| /// preceding [keyword]. [beginToken] may point to some out-of-order modifiers |
| /// before [modifierStart]. |
| Token parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration( |
| Token beginToken, |
| Token modifierStart, |
| Token keyword, |
| Token? macroToken, |
| Token? sealedToken, |
| Token? baseToken, |
| Token? interfaceToken, |
| DirectiveContext? directiveState) { |
| assert(keyword.isTopLevelKeyword); |
| final String? value = keyword.stringValue; |
| if (identical(value, 'class')) { |
| return _handleModifiersForClassDeclaration( |
| beginToken, |
| modifierStart, |
| keyword, |
| macroToken, |
| sealedToken, |
| baseToken, |
| interfaceToken, |
| /* mixinToken = */ null, |
| directiveState); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'enum')) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(this); |
| context.parseEnumModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| // Enums can't declare any explicit modifier. |
| if (baseToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(baseToken, codes.messageBaseEnum); |
| } |
| if (context.finalToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(context.finalToken!, codes.messageFinalEnum); |
| } |
| if (interfaceToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(interfaceToken, codes.messageInterfaceEnum); |
| } |
| if (sealedToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(sealedToken, codes.messageSealedEnum); |
| } |
| return parseEnum(beginToken, context.augmentToken, keyword); |
| } else { |
| // The remaining top level keywords are built-in keywords |
| // and can be used in a top level declaration |
| // as an identifier such as "abstract<T>() => 0;" |
| // or as a prefix such as "abstract.A b() => 0;". |
| // This also means that `typedef ({int? j}) => 0;` is a method, but with |
| // records something like `typedef ({int? j}) X();` is a typedef. |
| String? nextValue = keyword.next!.stringValue; |
| bool typedefWithRecord = false; |
| if (identical(value, 'typedef') && identical(nextValue, '(')) { |
| Token? endParen = keyword.next!.endGroup; |
| if (endParen != null && |
| _isIdentifierOrQuestionIdentifier(endParen.next!)) { |
| // Looks like a typedef with a record. |
| TypeInfo typeInfo = computeType(keyword, /* required = */ false); |
| if (typeInfo is ComplexTypeInfo && typeInfo.isRecordType) { |
| typedefWithRecord = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if ((identical(nextValue, '(') || identical(nextValue, '.')) && |
| !typedefWithRecord) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(modifierStart); |
| } else if (identical(nextValue, '<')) { |
| if (identical(value, 'extension')) { |
| // The name in an extension declaration is optional: |
| // `extension<T> on ...` |
| Token? endGroup = keyword.next!.endGroup; |
| if (endGroup != null && optional('on', endGroup.next!)) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(this); |
| context.parseExtensionModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| return parseExtension(beginToken, context.augmentToken, keyword); |
| } |
| } |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTopLevelMemberImpl(modifierStart); |
| } else { |
| ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(this); |
| if (identical(value, 'import')) { |
| context.parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| directiveState?.checkImport(this, keyword); |
| return parseImport(keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'export')) { |
| context.parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| directiveState?.checkExport(this, keyword); |
| return parseExport(keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'typedef')) { |
| context.parseTypedefModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseTypedef(context.augmentToken, keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'mixin')) { |
| if (identical(nextValue, 'class')) { |
| return _handleModifiersForClassDeclaration( |
| beginToken, |
| modifierStart, |
| keyword.next!, |
| macroToken, |
| sealedToken, |
| baseToken, |
| interfaceToken, |
| keyword, |
| directiveState); |
| } |
| context.parseMixinModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| // Mixins can't have any modifier other than a base modifier. |
| if (context.finalToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| context.finalToken!, codes.messageFinalMixin); |
| } |
| if (interfaceToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(interfaceToken, codes.messageInterfaceMixin); |
| } |
| if (sealedToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(sealedToken, codes.messageSealedMixin); |
| } |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseMixin( |
| beginToken, context.augmentToken, baseToken, keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'extension')) { |
| context.parseExtensionModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| return parseExtension( |
| modifierStart.next!, context.augmentToken, keyword); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'part')) { |
| context.parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| return parsePartOrPartOf(keyword, directiveState); |
| } else if (identical(value, 'library')) { |
| directiveState?.checkLibrary(this, keyword); |
| context.parseLibraryDirectiveModifiers(modifierStart, keyword); |
| if (context.augmentToken case final augmentKeyword?) { |
| return parseLibraryAugmentation(augmentKeyword, keyword); |
| } else { |
| return parseLibraryName(keyword); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| throw "Internal error: Unhandled top level keyword '$value'."; |
| } |
| |
| Token _handleModifiersForClassDeclaration( |
| Token beginToken, |
| Token modifierStart, |
| Token classKeyword, |
| Token? macroToken, |
| Token? sealedToken, |
| Token? baseToken, |
| Token? interfaceToken, |
| Token? mixinToken, |
| DirectiveContext? directiveState) { |
| directiveState?.checkDeclaration(); |
| ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(this); |
| if (mixinToken != null) { |
| context.parseClassModifiers(modifierStart, mixinToken); |
| |
| // Mixin classes can't have any modifier other than a base modifier. |
| if (context.finalToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| context.finalToken!, codes.messageFinalMixinClass); |
| } |
| if (interfaceToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| interfaceToken, codes.messageInterfaceMixinClass); |
| } |
| if (sealedToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(sealedToken, codes.messageSealedMixinClass); |
| } |
| } else { |
| context.parseClassModifiers(modifierStart, classKeyword); |
| } |
| return parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication( |
| beginToken, |
| context.abstractToken, |
| macroToken, |
| sealedToken, |
| baseToken, |
| interfaceToken, |
| context.finalToken, |
| context.augmentToken, |
| mixinToken, |
| classKeyword); |
| } |
| |
| bool _isIdentifierOrQuestionIdentifier(Token token) { |
| if (token.isIdentifier) return true; |
| if (optional("?", token)) { |
| return token.next!.isIdentifier; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// libraryAugmentationDirective: |
| /// 'augment' 'library' uri ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseLibraryAugmentation(Token augmentKeyword, Token libraryKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('augment', augmentKeyword)); |
| assert(optional('library', libraryKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(libraryKeyword); |
| listener.beginLibraryAugmentation(augmentKeyword, libraryKeyword); |
| Token start = libraryKeyword; |
| Token token = ensureLiteralString(start); |
| Token semicolon = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endLibraryAugmentation(augmentKeyword, libraryKeyword, semicolon); |
| return semicolon; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// libraryDirective: |
| /// 'library' qualified? ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseLibraryName(Token libraryKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('library', libraryKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(libraryKeyword); |
| listener.beginLibraryName(libraryKeyword); |
| Token token = libraryKeyword.next!; |
| bool hasName = !optional(';', token); |
| if (hasName) { |
| token = parseQualified(libraryKeyword, IdentifierContext.libraryName, |
| IdentifierContext.libraryNameContinuation); |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| } else { |
| token = ensureSemicolon(libraryKeyword); |
| } |
| listener.endLibraryName(libraryKeyword, token, hasName); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// importPrefix: |
| /// 'deferred'? 'as' identifier |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseImportPrefixOpt(Token token) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('deferred', next) && optional('as', next.next!)) { |
| Token deferredToken = next; |
| Token asKeyword = next.next!; |
| token = ensureIdentifier( |
| asKeyword, IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration); |
| listener.handleImportPrefix(deferredToken, asKeyword); |
| } else if (optional('as', next)) { |
| Token asKeyword = next; |
| token = ensureIdentifier(next, IdentifierContext.importPrefixDeclaration); |
| listener.handleImportPrefix(/* deferredKeyword = */ null, asKeyword); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleImportPrefix( |
| /* deferredKeyword = */ null, |
| /* asKeyword = */ null, |
| ); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// importDirective: |
| /// 'import' uri ('if' '(' test ')' uri)* importPrefix? combinator* ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseImport(Token importKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('import', importKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(importKeyword); |
| listener.beginImport(importKeyword); |
| Token start = importKeyword; |
| Token? augmentToken; |
| if (start.next!.isIdentifier && start.next!.lexeme == 'augment') { |
| start = augmentToken = start.next!; |
| } |
| Token token = ensureLiteralString(start); |
| Token uri = token; |
| token = parseConditionalUriStar(token); |
| token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token); |
| token = parseCombinatorStar(token).next!; |
| if (optional(';', token)) { |
| listener.endImport(importKeyword, augmentToken, token); |
| return token; |
| } else { |
| // Recovery |
| listener.endImport(importKeyword, augmentToken, /* semicolon = */ null); |
| return parseImportRecovery(uri); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Recover given out-of-order clauses in an import directive where [token] is |
| /// the import keyword. |
| Token parseImportRecovery(Token token) { |
| final Listener primaryListener = listener; |
| final ImportRecoveryListener recoveryListener = |
| new ImportRecoveryListener(); |
| |
| // Reparse to determine which clauses have already been parsed |
| // but intercept the events so they are not sent to the primary listener |
| listener = recoveryListener; |
| token = parseConditionalUriStar(token); |
| token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token); |
| token = parseCombinatorStar(token); |
| |
| Token? firstDeferredKeyword = recoveryListener.deferredKeyword; |
| bool hasPrefix = recoveryListener.asKeyword != null; |
| bool hasCombinator = recoveryListener.hasCombinator; |
| |
| // Update the recovery listener to forward subsequent events |
| // to the primary listener |
| recoveryListener.listener = primaryListener; |
| |
| // Parse additional out-of-order clauses. |
| Token? semicolon; |
| do { |
| Token start = token.next!; |
| |
| // Check for extraneous token in the middle of an import statement. |
| token = skipUnexpectedTokenOpt( |
| token, const <String>['if', 'deferred', 'as', 'hide', 'show', ';']); |
| |
| // During recovery, clauses are parsed in the same order |
| // and generate the same events as in the parseImport method above. |
| recoveryListener.clear(); |
| token = parseConditionalUriStar(token); |
| if (recoveryListener.ifKeyword != null) { |
| if (firstDeferredKeyword != null) { |
| // TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should |
| // be moved before deferred keyword |
| } else if (hasPrefix) { |
| // TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should |
| // be moved before prefix clause |
| } else if (hasCombinator) { |
| // TODO(danrubel): report error indicating conditional should |
| // be moved before combinators |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (optional('deferred', token.next!) && |
| !optional('as', token.next!.next!)) { |
| listener.handleImportPrefix(token.next!, /* asKeyword = */ null); |
| token = token.next!; |
| } else { |
| token = parseImportPrefixOpt(token); |
| } |
| if (recoveryListener.deferredKeyword != null) { |
| if (firstDeferredKeyword != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.deferredKeyword!, |
| codes.messageDuplicateDeferred); |
| } else { |
| if (hasPrefix) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.deferredKeyword!, |
| codes.messageDeferredAfterPrefix); |
| } |
| firstDeferredKeyword = recoveryListener.deferredKeyword; |
| } |
| } |
| if (recoveryListener.asKeyword != null) { |
| if (hasPrefix) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| recoveryListener.asKeyword!, codes.messageDuplicatePrefix); |
| } else { |
| if (hasCombinator) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.asKeyword!, |
| codes.messagePrefixAfterCombinator); |
| } |
| hasPrefix = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| token = parseCombinatorStar(token); |
| hasCombinator = hasCombinator || recoveryListener.hasCombinator; |
| |
| if (optional(';', token.next!)) { |
| semicolon = token.next!; |
| } else if (identical(start, token.next!)) { |
| // If no forward progress was made, insert ';' so that we exit loop. |
| semicolon = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| } |
| listener.handleRecoverImport(semicolon); |
| } while (semicolon == null); |
| |
| if (firstDeferredKeyword != null && !hasPrefix) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| firstDeferredKeyword, codes.messageMissingPrefixInDeferredImport); |
| } |
| |
| return semicolon; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// conditionalUris: |
| /// conditionalUri* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseConditionalUriStar(Token token) { |
| listener.beginConditionalUris(token.next!); |
| int count = 0; |
| while (optional('if', token.next!)) { |
| count++; |
| token = parseConditionalUri(token); |
| } |
| listener.endConditionalUris(count); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// conditionalUri: |
| /// 'if' '(' dottedName ('==' literalString)? ')' uri |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseConditionalUri(Token token) { |
| Token ifKeyword = token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('if', token)); |
| listener.beginConditionalUri(token); |
| Token leftParen = token.next!; |
| if (!optional('(', leftParen)) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| leftParen, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('(')); |
| leftParen = rewriter.insertParens(token, /* includeIdentifier = */ true); |
| } |
| token = parseDottedName(leftParen); |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| Token? equalitySign; |
| if (optional('==', next)) { |
| equalitySign = next; |
| token = ensureLiteralString(next); |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| if (next != leftParen.endGroup) { |
| Token endGroup = leftParen.endGroup!; |
| if (endGroup.isSynthetic) { |
| // The scanner did not place the synthetic ')' correctly, so move it. |
| next = rewriter.moveSynthetic(token, endGroup); |
| } else { |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(next, codes.templateUnexpectedToken); |
| next = endGroup; |
| } |
| } |
| token = next; |
| assert(optional(')', token)); |
| |
| token = ensureLiteralString(token); |
| listener.endConditionalUri(ifKeyword, leftParen, equalitySign); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// dottedName: |
| /// identifier ('.' identifier)* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseDottedName(Token token) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.dottedName); |
| Token firstIdentifier = token; |
| int count = 1; |
| while (optional('.', token.next!)) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier( |
| token.next!, IdentifierContext.dottedNameContinuation); |
| count++; |
| } |
| listener.handleDottedName(count, firstIdentifier); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// exportDirective: |
| /// 'export' uri conditional-uris* combinator* ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseExport(Token exportKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('export', exportKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(exportKeyword); |
| listener.beginExport(exportKeyword); |
| Token token = ensureLiteralString(exportKeyword); |
| token = parseConditionalUriStar(token); |
| token = parseCombinatorStar(token); |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endExport(exportKeyword, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// combinators: |
| /// (hideCombinator | showCombinator)* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseCombinatorStar(Token token) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| listener.beginCombinators(next); |
| int count = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| String? value = next.stringValue; |
| if (identical('hide', value)) { |
| token = parseHide(token); |
| } else if (identical('show', value)) { |
| token = parseShow(token); |
| } else { |
| listener.endCombinators(count); |
| break; |
| } |
| next = token.next!; |
| count++; |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// hideCombinator: |
| /// 'hide' identifierList |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseHide(Token token) { |
| Token hideKeyword = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('hide', hideKeyword)); |
| listener.beginHide(hideKeyword); |
| token = parseIdentifierList(hideKeyword); |
| listener.endHide(hideKeyword); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// showCombinator: |
| /// 'show' identifierList |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseShow(Token token) { |
| Token showKeyword = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('show', showKeyword)); |
| listener.beginShow(showKeyword); |
| token = parseIdentifierList(showKeyword); |
| listener.endShow(showKeyword); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// identifierList: |
| /// identifier (',' identifier)* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseIdentifierList(Token token) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.combinator); |
| int count = 1; |
| while (optional(',', token.next!)) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token.next!, IdentifierContext.combinator); |
| count++; |
| } |
| listener.handleIdentifierList(count); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// typeList: |
| /// type (',' type)* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseTypeList(Token token) { |
| listener.beginTypeList(token.next!); |
| token = |
| computeType(token, /* required = */ true).ensureTypeOrVoid(token, this); |
| int count = 1; |
| while (optional(',', token.next!)) { |
| token = computeType(token.next!, /* required = */ true) |
| .ensureTypeOrVoid(token.next!, this); |
| count++; |
| } |
| listener.endTypeList(count); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parsePartOrPartOf(Token partKeyword, DirectiveContext? directiveState) { |
| assert(optional('part', partKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(partKeyword); |
| if (optional('of', partKeyword.next!)) { |
| directiveState?.checkPartOf(this, partKeyword); |
| return parsePartOf(partKeyword); |
| } else { |
| directiveState?.checkPart(this, partKeyword); |
| return parsePart(partKeyword); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// partDirective: |
| /// 'part' uri ('if' '(' test ')' uri)* ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parsePart(Token partKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('part', partKeyword)); |
| listener.beginPart(partKeyword); |
| Token token = ensureLiteralString(partKeyword); |
| token = parseConditionalUriStar(token); |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endPart(partKeyword, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// partOfDirective: |
| /// 'part' 'of' (qualified | uri) ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parsePartOf(Token partKeyword) { |
| Token ofKeyword = partKeyword.next!; |
| assert(optional('part', partKeyword)); |
| assert(optional('of', ofKeyword)); |
| listener.beginPartOf(partKeyword); |
| bool hasName = ofKeyword.next!.isIdentifier; |
| Token token; |
| if (hasName) { |
| token = parseQualified(ofKeyword, IdentifierContext.partName, |
| IdentifierContext.partNameContinuation); |
| } else { |
| token = ensureLiteralString(ofKeyword); |
| } |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endPartOf(partKeyword, ofKeyword, token, hasName); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// metadata: |
| /// annotation* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseMetadataStar(Token token) { |
| listener.beginMetadataStar(token.next!); |
| int count = 0; |
| while (optional('@', token.next!)) { |
| token = parseMetadata(token); |
| count++; |
| } |
| listener.endMetadataStar(count); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// <metadata> ::= (‘@’ <metadatum>)* |
| /// <metadatum> ::= <identifier> |
| /// | <qualifiedName> |
| /// | <constructorDesignation> <arguments> |
| /// <qualifiedName> ::= <typeIdentifier> ‘.’ <identifier> |
| /// | <typeIdentifier> ‘.’ <typeIdentifier> ‘.’ <identifier> |
| /// <constructorDesignation> ::= <typeIdentifier> |
| /// | <qualifiedName> |
| /// | <typeName> <typeArguments> (‘.’ <identifier>)? |
| /// <typeName> ::= <typeIdentifier> (‘.’ <typeIdentifier>)? |
| /// ``` |
| /// (where typeIdentifier is an identifier that's not on the list of |
| /// built in identifiers) |
| /// So these are legal: |
| /// * identifier |
| /// qualifiedName: |
| /// * typeIdentifier.identifier |
| /// * typeIdentifier.typeIdentifier.identifier |
| /// via constructorDesignation part 1 |
| /// * typeIdentifier(arguments) |
| /// via constructorDesignation part 2 |
| /// * typeIdentifier.identifier(arguments) |
| /// * typeIdentifier.typeIdentifier.identifier(arguments) |
| /// via constructorDesignation part 3 |
| /// * typeIdentifier<typeArguments>(arguments) |
| /// * typeIdentifier<typeArguments>.identifier(arguments) |
| /// * typeIdentifier.typeIdentifier<typeArguments>(arguments) |
| /// * typeIdentifier.typeIdentifier<typeArguments>.identifier(arguments) |
| /// |
| /// So in another way (ignoring the difference between typeIdentifier and |
| /// identifier): |
| /// * 1, 2 or 3 identifiers with or without arguments. |
| /// * 1 or 2 identifiers, then type arguments, then possibly followed by a |
| /// single identifier, and then (required!) arguments. |
| /// |
| /// Note that if this is updated [skipMetadata] (in util.dart) should be |
| /// updated as well. |
| Token parseMetadata(Token token) { |
| Token atToken = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('@', atToken)); |
| listener.beginMetadata(atToken); |
| token = ensureIdentifier(atToken, IdentifierContext.metadataReference); |
| token = |
| parseQualifiedRestOpt(token, IdentifierContext.metadataContinuation); |
| bool hasTypeArguments = optional("<", token.next!); |
| token = computeTypeParamOrArg(token).parseArguments(token, this); |
| Token? period = null; |
| if (optional('.', token.next!)) { |
| period = token.next!; |
| token = ensureIdentifier( |
| period, IdentifierContext.metadataContinuationAfterTypeArguments); |
| } |
| if (hasTypeArguments && !optional("(", token.next!)) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| token, codes.messageMetadataTypeArgumentsUninstantiated); |
| } |
| token = parseArgumentsOptMetadata(token, hasTypeArguments); |
| listener.endMetadata(atToken, period, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// scriptTag: |
| /// '#!' (ËœNEWLINE)* NEWLINE |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseScript(Token token) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(identical(token.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG)); |
| listener.handleScript(token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// typeAlias: |
| /// metadata 'typedef' typeAliasBody | |
| /// metadata 'typedef' identifier typeParameters? '=' functionType ';' |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// functionType: |
| /// returnType? 'Function' typeParameters? parameterTypeList |
| /// |
| /// typeAliasBody: |
| /// functionTypeAlias |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// functionTypeAlias: |
| /// functionPrefix typeParameters? formalParameterList ‘;’ |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// functionPrefix: |
| /// returnType? identifier |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseTypedef(Token? augmentToken, Token typedefKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('typedef', typedefKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedefKeyword); |
| listener.beginTypedef(typedefKeyword); |
| TypeInfo typeInfo = computeType(typedefKeyword, /* required = */ false); |
| Token token = typeInfo.skipType(typedefKeyword); |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| Token? equals; |
| TypeParamOrArgInfo typeParam = |
| computeTypeParamOrArg(next, /* inDeclaration = */ true); |
| if (typeInfo == noType && optional('=', typeParam.skip(next).next!)) { |
| // New style typedef, e.g. typedef foo = void Function();". |
| |
| // Parse as recovered here to 'force' using it as an identifier as we've |
| // already established that the next token is the equal sign we're looking |
| // for. |
| token = ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(token, |
| IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration, /* isRecovered = */ true); |
| |
| token = typeParam.parseVariables(token, this); |
| next = token.next!; |
| // parseVariables rewrites so even though we checked in the if, |
| // we might not have an equal here now. |
| if (!optional('=', next) && optional('=', next.next!)) { |
| // Recovery after recovery: A token was inserted, but we'll skip it now |
| // to get more in line with what we thought in the if before. |
| next = next.next!; |
| } |
| if (optional('=', next)) { |
| equals = next; |
| TypeInfo type = computeType(equals, /* required = */ true); |
| if (!type.isFunctionType) { |
| // Recovery: In certain cases insert missing 'Function' and missing |
| // parens. |
| Token skippedType = type.skipType(equals); |
| if (optional('(', skippedType.next!) && |
| skippedType.next!.endGroup != null && |
| optional(';', skippedType.next!.endGroup!.next!)) { |
| // Turn "<return type>? '(' <whatever> ')';" |
| // into "<return type>? Function '(' <whatever> ')';". |
| // Assume the type is meant as the return type. |
| Token functionToken = |
| rewriter.insertSyntheticKeyword(skippedType, Keyword.FUNCTION); |
| reportRecoverableError(functionToken, |
| codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('Function')); |
| type = computeType(equals, /* required = */ true); |
| } else if (type is NoType && |
| optional('<', skippedType.next!) && |
| skippedType.next!.endGroup != null) { |
| // Recover these two: |
| // "<whatever>;" => "Function<whatever>();" |
| // "<whatever>(<whatever>);" => "Function<whatever>(<whatever>);" |
| Token endGroup = skippedType.next!.endGroup!; |
| bool recover = false; |
| if (optional(';', endGroup.next!)) { |
| // Missing parenthesis. Insert them. |
| // Turn "<whatever>;" into "<whatever>();" |
| // Insert missing 'Function' below. |
| reportRecoverableError(endGroup, |
| missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias)); |
| rewriter.insertParens(endGroup, /* includeIdentifier = */ false); |
| recover = true; |
| } else if (optional('(', endGroup.next!) && |
| endGroup.next!.endGroup != null && |
| optional(';', endGroup.next!.endGroup!.next!)) { |
| // "<whatever>(<whatever>);". Insert missing 'Function' below. |
| recover = true; |
| } |
| |
| if (recover) { |
| // Assume the '<' indicates type arguments to the function. |
| // Insert 'Function' before them. |
| Token functionToken = |
| rewriter.insertSyntheticKeyword(equals, Keyword.FUNCTION); |
| reportRecoverableError(functionToken, |
| codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('Function')); |
| type = computeType(equals, /* required = */ true); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // E.g. "typedef j = foo;" -- don't attempt any recovery. |
| } |
| } |
| token = type.ensureTypeOrVoid(equals, this); |
| } else { |
| // A rewrite caused the = to disappear |
| token = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt( |
| next, MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Old style typedef, e.g. "typedef void foo();". |
| token = typeInfo.parseType(typedefKeyword, this); |
| next = token.next!; |
| bool isIdentifierRecovered = false; |
| if (next.kind != IDENTIFIER_TOKEN && |
| optional('(', typeParam.skip(next).next!)) { |
| // Recovery: Not a valid identifier, but is used as such. |
| isIdentifierRecovered = true; |
| } |
| token = ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered( |
| token, IdentifierContext.typedefDeclaration, isIdentifierRecovered); |
| token = typeParam.parseVariables(token, this); |
| token = |
| parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(token, MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias); |
| } |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endTypedef(augmentToken, typedefKeyword, equals, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse a mixin application starting from `with`. Assumes that the first |
| /// type has already been parsed. |
| Token parseMixinApplicationRest(Token token) { |
| Token withKeyword = token.next!; |
| if (!optional('with', withKeyword)) { |
| // Recovery: Report an error and insert synthetic `with` clause. |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| withKeyword, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('with')); |
| withKeyword = rewriter.insertSyntheticKeyword(token, Keyword.WITH); |
| if (!isValidNonRecordTypeReference(withKeyword.next!)) { |
| rewriter.insertSyntheticIdentifier(withKeyword); |
| } |
| } |
| token = parseTypeList(withKeyword); |
| listener.handleNamedMixinApplicationWithClause(withKeyword); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseClassWithClauseOpt(Token token) { |
| // <mixins> ::= with <typeNotVoidList> |
| Token withKeyword = token.next!; |
| if (optional('with', withKeyword)) { |
| token = parseTypeList(withKeyword); |
| listener.handleClassWithClause(withKeyword); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleClassNoWithClause(); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseEnumWithClauseOpt(Token token) { |
| // <mixins> ::= with <typeNotVoidList> |
| Token withKeyword = token.next!; |
| if (optional('with', withKeyword)) { |
| token = parseTypeList(withKeyword); |
| listener.handleEnumWithClause(withKeyword); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleEnumNoWithClause(); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse the formal parameters of a getter (which shouldn't have parameters) |
| /// or function or method. |
| Token parseGetterOrFormalParameters( |
| Token token, Token name, bool isGetter, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional("(", next)) { |
| if (isGetter) { |
| reportRecoverableError(next, codes.messageGetterWithFormals); |
| } |
| token = parseFormalParameters(token, kind); |
| } else if (isGetter) { |
| listener.handleNoFormalParameters(next, kind); |
| } else { |
| // Recovery |
| if (optional('operator', name)) { |
| Token next = name.next!; |
| if (next.isOperator) { |
| name = next; |
| } else if (isUnaryMinus(next)) { |
| name = next.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| reportRecoverableError(name, missingParameterMessage(kind)); |
| token = rewriter.insertParens(token, /* includeIdentifier = */ false); |
| token = parseFormalParametersRest(token, kind); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseFormalParametersOpt(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('(', next)) { |
| token = parseFormalParameters(token, kind); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleNoFormalParameters(next, kind); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token skipFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| return skipFormalParametersRest(token.next!, kind); |
| } |
| |
| Token skipFormalParametersRest(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| assert(optional('(', token)); |
| // TODO(ahe): Shouldn't this be `beginFormalParameters`? |
| listener.beginOptionalFormalParameters(token); |
| Token closeBrace = token.endGroup!; |
| assert(optional(')', closeBrace)); |
| listener.endFormalParameters(/* count = */ 0, token, closeBrace, kind); |
| return closeBrace; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse a record type similarly as a formal parameter list of a function. |
| /// |
| /// recordType ::= '(' recordTypeFields ',' recordTypeNamedFields ')' |
| /// | '(' recordTypeFields ','? ')' |
| /// | '(' recordTypeNamedFields? ')' |
| /// |
| /// recordTypeFields ::= recordTypeField ( ',' recordTypeField )* |
| /// recordTypeField ::= metadata type identifier? |
| /// |
| /// recordTypeNamedFields ::= '{' recordTypeNamedField |
| /// ( ',' recordTypeNamedField )* ','? '}' |
| /// recordTypeNamedField ::= metadata type identifier |
| Token parseRecordType( |
| final Token start, Token token, bool isQuestionMarkPartOfType) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('(', token)); |
| |
| listener.beginRecordType(start); |
| |
| Token begin = token; |
| |
| /// parameterCount counting the presence of named fields as 1. |
| int parameterCount = 0; |
| bool hasNamedFields = false; |
| bool sawComma = false; |
| Token? illegalTrailingComma; |
| while (true) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional(')', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| break; |
| } else if (parameterCount == 0 && |
| optional(',', next) && |
| optional(')', next.next!)) { |
| illegalTrailingComma = next; |
| token = next.next!; |
| break; |
| } |
| ++parameterCount; |
| String? value = next.stringValue; |
| if (identical(value, '{')) { |
| hasNamedFields = true; |
| token = parseRecordTypeNamedFields(token); |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| break; |
| } |
| token = parseRecordTypeField(token, identifierIsOptional: true); |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (!optional(',', next)) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional(')', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| } else { |
| // Recovery. |
| // TODO: This is copied from parseFormalParametersRest. |
| // We could possibly either have more specific recovery here |
| // or have the recovery in a shared method. |
| if (begin.endGroup!.isSynthetic) { |
| // Scanner has already reported a missing `)` error, |
| // but placed the `)` in the wrong location, so move it. |
| token = rewriter.moveSynthetic(token, begin.endGroup!); |
| } else if (next.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN && |
| next.next!.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN) { |
| // Looks like a missing comma |
| token = rewriteAndRecover( |
| token, |
| codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(','), |
| new SyntheticToken(TokenType.COMMA, next.charOffset)); |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } else { |
| sawComma = true; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| } |
| assert(optional(')', token)); |
| |
| if (parameterCount == 0 && illegalTrailingComma != null) { |
| // Empty record type with a comma `(,)`. |
| reportRecoverableError(illegalTrailingComma, |
| codes.messageRecordTypeZeroFieldsButTrailingComma); |
| } else if (parameterCount == 1 && !hasNamedFields && !sawComma) { |
| // Single non-named element without trailing comma. |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| token, codes.messageRecordTypeOnePositionalFieldNoTrailingComma); |
| } |
| |
| // Only consume the `?` if it is part of the type. |
| Token? questionMark = token.next!; |
| if (optional('?', questionMark) && isQuestionMarkPartOfType) { |
| token = questionMark; |
| } else { |
| questionMark = null; |
| } |
| listener.endRecordType(start, questionMark, parameterCount, |
| /* hasNamedFields = */ hasNamedFields); |
| |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseRecordTypeField(Token token, |
| {required bool identifierIsOptional}) { |
| listener.beginRecordTypeEntry(); |
| token = parseMetadataStar(token); |
| token = computeType( |
| token, |
| /* required = */ true, |
| ).ensureTypeOrVoid(token, this); |
| if (token.next!.isIdentifier || !identifierIsOptional) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.recordFieldDeclaration); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleNoName(token.next!); |
| } |
| listener.endRecordTypeEntry(); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseRecordTypeNamedFields(Token token) { |
| Token begin = token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('{', token)); |
| listener.beginRecordTypeNamedFields(begin); |
| int parameterCount = 0; |
| Token next; |
| while (true) { |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('}', next)) { |
| // breaking with next pointing to '}'. |
| break; |
| } |
| token = parseRecordTypeField(token, identifierIsOptional: false); |
| next = token.next!; |
| ++parameterCount; |
| if (!optional(',', next)) { |
| if (!optional('}', next)) { |
| // Recovery |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| next, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('}')); |
| // Scanner guarantees a closing bracket. |
| next = begin.endGroup!; |
| } |
| // breaking with next pointing to '}'. |
| break; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| assert(optional('}', token)); |
| if (parameterCount == 0) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| token, codes.messageEmptyRecordTypeNamedFieldsList); |
| } |
| listener.endRecordTypeNamedFields(parameterCount, begin); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses the formal parameter list of a function. |
| /// |
| /// If `kind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType`, then names may be |
| /// omitted (except for named arguments). Otherwise, types may be omitted. |
| Token parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (!optional('(', next)) { |
| reportRecoverableError(next, missingParameterMessage(kind)); |
| next = rewriter.insertParens(token, /* includeIdentifier = */ false); |
| } |
| return parseFormalParametersRest(next, kind); |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses the formal parameter list of a function given that the left |
| /// parenthesis is known to exist. |
| /// |
| /// If `kind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType`, then names may be |
| /// omitted (except for named arguments). Otherwise, types may be omitted. |
| Token parseFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| return parseFormalParametersRest(token.next!, kind); |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses the formal parameter list of a function given that the left |
| /// parenthesis passed in as [token]. |
| /// |
| /// If `kind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType`, then names may be |
| /// omitted (except for named arguments). Otherwise, types may be omitted. |
| Token parseFormalParametersRest(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token begin = token; |
| assert(optional('(', token)); |
| listener.beginFormalParameters(begin, kind); |
| int parameterCount = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional(')', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| break; |
| } |
| ++parameterCount; |
| String? value = next.stringValue; |
| if (identical(value, '[')) { |
| token = parseOptionalPositionalParameters(token, kind); |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| break; |
| } else if (identical(value, '{')) { |
| token = parseOptionalNamedParameters(token, kind); |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| break; |
| } else if (identical(value, '[]')) { |
| // Recovery |
| token = rewriteSquareBrackets(token); |
| token = parseOptionalPositionalParameters(token, kind); |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| break; |
| } |
| token = parseFormalParameter( |
| token, FormalParameterKind.requiredPositional, kind); |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (!optional(',', next)) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional(')', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| } else { |
| // Recovery |
| if (begin.endGroup!.isSynthetic) { |
| // Scanner has already reported a missing `)` error, |
| // but placed the `)` in the wrong location, so move it. |
| token = rewriter.moveSynthetic(token, begin.endGroup!); |
| } else if (next.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN && |
| next.next!.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN) { |
| // Looks like a missing comma |
| token = rewriteAndRecover( |
| token, |
| codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(','), |
| new SyntheticToken(TokenType.COMMA, next.charOffset)); |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| token = ensureCloseParen(token, begin); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| } |
| assert(optional(')', token)); |
| listener.endFormalParameters(parameterCount, begin, token, kind); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Return the message that should be produced when the formal parameters are |
| /// missing. |
| codes.Message missingParameterMessage(MemberKind kind) { |
| switch (kind) { |
| case MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias: |
| return codes.messageMissingTypedefParameters; |
| case MemberKind.StaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.NonStaticMethod: |
| return codes.messageMissingMethodParameters; |
| case MemberKind.TopLevelMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionNonStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionTypeNonStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionTypeStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.Catch: |
| case MemberKind.Factory: |
| case MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter: |
| case MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType: |
| case MemberKind.Local: |
| case MemberKind.NonStaticField: |
| case MemberKind.StaticField: |
| case MemberKind.TopLevelField: |
| case MemberKind.PrimaryConstructor: |
| return codes.messageMissingFunctionParameters; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Check if [token] is the usage of 'required' in a formal parameter in a |
| /// context where it's not legal (i.e. in non-nnbd-mode). |
| bool _isUseOfRequiredInNonNNBD(Token token) { |
| if (token.next is StringToken && token.next!.value() == "required") { |
| // Possible recovery: Figure out if we're in a situation like |
| // required covariant? <type> name |
| // (in non-nnbd-mode) where the required modifier is not legal and thus |
| // would normally be parsed as the type. |
| token = token.next!; |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| // Skip modifiers. |
| while (next.isModifier) { |
| token = next; |
| next = next.next!; |
| } |
| // Parse the (potential) new type. |
| TypeInfo typeInfoAlternative = computeType( |
| token, |
| /* required = */ false, |
| /* inDeclaration = */ true, |
| ); |
| token = typeInfoAlternative.skipType(token); |
| next = token.next!; |
| |
| // We've essentially ignored the 'required' at this point. |
| // `token` is (in the good state) the last token of the type, |
| // `next` is (in the good state) the name; |
| // Are we in a 'good' state? |
| if (typeInfoAlternative != noType && |
| next.isIdentifier && |
| (optional(',', next.next!) || optional('}', next.next!))) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// normalFormalParameter: |
| /// functionFormalParameter | |
| /// fieldFormalParameter | |
| /// simpleFormalParameter |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// functionFormalParameter: |
| /// metadata 'covariant'? returnType? identifier formalParameterList |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// simpleFormalParameter: |
| /// metadata 'covariant'? finalConstVarOrType? identifier | |
| /// ; |
| /// |
| /// fieldFormalParameter: |
| /// metadata finalConstVarOrType? 'this' '.' identifier formalParameterList? |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseFormalParameter( |
| Token token, FormalParameterKind parameterKind, MemberKind memberKind) { |
| token = parseMetadataStar(token); |
| |
| Token? skippedNonRequiredRequired; |
| if (_isUseOfRequiredInNonNNBD(token)) { |
| skippedNonRequiredRequired = token.next!; |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(skippedNonRequiredRequired, |
| codes.templateUnexpectedModifierInNonNnbd); |
| token = token.next!; |
| } |
| |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| Token start = next; |
| |
| final bool inFunctionType = |
| memberKind == MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType; |
| |
| Token? requiredToken; |
| Token? covariantToken; |
| Token? varFinalOrConst; |
| if (isModifier(next)) { |
| if (optional('required', next)) { |
| if (parameterKind == FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed) { |
| parameterKind = FormalParameterKind.requiredNamed; |
| requiredToken = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isModifier(next)) { |
| if (optional('covariant', next)) { |
| switch (memberKind) { |
| case MemberKind.StaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.TopLevelMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionNonStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionTypeNonStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.ExtensionTypeStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.PrimaryConstructor: |
| // Error cases reported in |
| // [ModifierContext.parseFormalParameterModifiers]. |
| break; |
| case MemberKind.Catch: |
| case MemberKind.Factory: |
| case MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias: |
| case MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter: |
| case MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType: |
| case MemberKind.Local: |
| case MemberKind.NonStaticMethod: |
| case MemberKind.NonStaticField: |
| case MemberKind.StaticField: |
| case MemberKind.TopLevelField: |
| covariantToken = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isModifier(next)) { |
| if (!inFunctionType) { |
| if (optional('var', next)) { |
| varFinalOrConst = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } else if (optional('final', next)) { |
| varFinalOrConst = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isModifier(next)) { |
| // Recovery |
| ModifierContext context = new ModifierContext(this) |
| ..covariantToken = covariantToken |
| ..requiredToken = requiredToken |
| ..varFinalOrConst = varFinalOrConst; |
| |
| token = context.parseFormalParameterModifiers( |
| token, parameterKind, memberKind); |
| next = token.next!; |
| |
| covariantToken = context.covariantToken; |
| requiredToken = context.requiredToken; |
| varFinalOrConst = context.varFinalOrConst; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (requiredToken == null) { |
| // `required` was used as a modifier in non-nnbd mode. An error has been |
| // emitted. Still use it as a required token for the remainder in an |
| // attempt to avoid cascading errors (and for passing to the listener). |
| requiredToken = skippedNonRequiredRequired; |
| } |
| |
| listener.beginFormalParameter( |
| start, memberKind, requiredToken, covariantToken, varFinalOrConst); |
| |
| // Type is required in a generalized function type, but optional otherwise. |
| final Token beforeType = token; |
| TypeInfo typeInfo = computeType( |
| token, |
| inFunctionType, |
| /* inDeclaration = */ false, |
| /* acceptKeywordForSimpleType = */ true, |
| ); |
| token = typeInfo.skipType(token); |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (typeInfo == noType && |
| (optional('.', next) || |
| (next.isIdentifier && optional('.', next.next!)))) { |
| // Recovery: Malformed type reference. |
| typeInfo = computeType(beforeType, /* required = */ true); |
| token = typeInfo.skipType(beforeType); |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| |
| Token? thisKeyword; |
| Token? superKeyword; |
| Token? periodAfterThisOrSuper; |
| IdentifierContext nameContext = |
| IdentifierContext.formalParameterDeclaration; |
| |
| if (!inFunctionType && |
| (optional('this', next) || optional('super', next))) { |
| Token originalToken = token; |
| if (optional('this', next)) { |
| thisKeyword = token = next; |
| } else { |
| superKeyword = token = next; |
| } |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (!optional('.', next)) { |
| if (isOneOf(next, okNextValueInFormalParameter)) { |
| // Recover by not parsing as 'this' --- an error will be given |
| // later that it's not an allowed identifier. |
| token = originalToken; |
| next = token.next!; |
| thisKeyword = superKeyword = null; |
| } else { |
| // Recover from a missing period by inserting one. |
| next = rewriteAndRecover( |
| token, |
| codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('.'), |
| new SyntheticToken(TokenType.PERIOD, next.charOffset)); |
| // These 3 lines are duplicated here and below. |
| periodAfterThisOrSuper = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| nameContext = IdentifierContext.fieldInitializer; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // These 3 lines are duplicated here and above. |
| periodAfterThisOrSuper = token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| nameContext = IdentifierContext.fieldInitializer; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (next.isIdentifier) { |
| token = next; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| Token? beforeInlineFunctionType; |
| TypeParamOrArgInfo typeParam = noTypeParamOrArg; |
| if (optional("<", next)) { |
| typeParam = computeTypeParamOrArg(token); |
| if (typeParam != noTypeParamOrArg) { |
| Token closer = typeParam.skip(token); |
| if (optional("(", closer.next!)) { |
| if (varFinalOrConst != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| varFinalOrConst, codes.messageFunctionTypedParameterVar); |
| } |
| beforeInlineFunctionType = token; |
| token = closer.next!.endGroup!; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (optional("(", next)) { |
| if (varFinalOrConst != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| varFinalOrConst, codes.messageFunctionTypedParameterVar); |
| } |
| beforeInlineFunctionType = token; |
| token = next.endGroup!; |
| next = token.next!; |
| } |
| if (typeInfo != noType && |
| varFinalOrConst != null && |
| optional('var', varFinalOrConst)) { |
| reportRecoverableError(varFinalOrConst, codes.messageTypeAfterVar); |
| } |
| |
| Token? endInlineFunctionType; |
| if (beforeInlineFunctionType != null) { |
| endInlineFunctionType = |
| typeParam.parseVariables(beforeInlineFunctionType, this); |
| listener |
| .beginFunctionTypedFormalParameter(beforeInlineFunctionType.next!); |
| token = typeInfo.parseType(beforeType, this); |
| endInlineFunctionType = parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt( |
| endInlineFunctionType, MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter); |
| Token? question; |
| if (optional('?', endInlineFunctionType.next!)) { |
| question = endInlineFunctionType = endInlineFunctionType.next!; |
| } |
| listener.endFunctionTypedFormalParameter( |
| beforeInlineFunctionType, question); |
| |
| // Generalized function types don't allow inline function types. |
| // The following isn't allowed: |
| // int Function(int bar(String x)). |
| if (inFunctionType) { |
| reportRecoverableError(beforeInlineFunctionType.next!, |
| codes.messageInvalidInlineFunctionType); |
| } |
| } else if (inFunctionType) { |
| token = typeInfo.ensureTypeOrVoid(beforeType, this); |
| } else { |
| token = typeInfo.parseType(beforeType, this); |
| } |
| |
| Token nameToken; |
| if (periodAfterThisOrSuper != null) { |
| token = periodAfterThisOrSuper; |
| } |
| final bool isNamedParameter = parameterKind.isNamed; |
| next = token.next!; |
| if (inFunctionType && |
| !isNamedParameter && |
| !next.isKeywordOrIdentifier && |
| beforeInlineFunctionType == null) { |
| nameToken = token.next!; |
| listener.handleNoName(nameToken); |
| } else { |
| nameToken = token = ensureIdentifier(token, nameContext); |
| if (isNamedParameter && nameToken.lexeme.startsWith("_")) { |
| reportRecoverableError(nameToken, codes.messagePrivateNamedParameter); |
| } |
| } |
| if (endInlineFunctionType != null) { |
| token = endInlineFunctionType; |
| } |
| next = token.next!; |
| |
| String? value = next.stringValue; |
| Token? initializerStart, initializerEnd; |
| if ((identical('=', value)) || (identical(':', value))) { |
| Token equal = next; |
| initializerStart = equal.next!; |
| listener.beginFormalParameterDefaultValueExpression(); |
| token = initializerEnd = parseExpression(equal); |
| next = token.next!; |
| listener.endFormalParameterDefaultValueExpression(); |
| // TODO(danrubel): Consider removing the last parameter from the |
| // handleValuedFormalParameter event... it appears to be unused. |
| listener.handleValuedFormalParameter(equal, next, parameterKind); |
| if (parameterKind.isRequiredPositional) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| equal, codes.messageRequiredParameterWithDefault); |
| } else if (parameterKind.isOptionalPositional && identical(':', value)) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| equal, codes.messagePositionalParameterWithEquals); |
| } else if (inFunctionType || |
| memberKind == MemberKind.FunctionTypeAlias || |
| memberKind == MemberKind.FunctionTypedParameter) { |
| reportRecoverableError(equal, codes.messageFunctionTypeDefaultValue); |
| } |
| } else { |
| listener.handleFormalParameterWithoutValue(next); |
| } |
| listener.endFormalParameter( |
| thisKeyword, |
| superKeyword, |
| periodAfterThisOrSuper, |
| nameToken, |
| initializerStart, |
| initializerEnd, |
| parameterKind, |
| memberKind); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// defaultFormalParameter: |
| /// normalFormalParameter ('=' expression)? |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseOptionalPositionalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token begin = token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('[', token)); |
| listener.beginOptionalFormalParameters(begin); |
| int parameterCount = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional(']', next)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| token = parseFormalParameter( |
| token, FormalParameterKind.optionalPositional, kind); |
| next = token.next!; |
| ++parameterCount; |
| if (!optional(',', next)) { |
| if (!optional(']', next)) { |
| // Recovery |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| next, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(']')); |
| // Scanner guarantees a closing bracket. |
| next = begin.endGroup!; |
| while (token.next != next) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| } |
| if (parameterCount == 0) { |
| rewriteAndRecover( |
| token, |
| codes.messageEmptyOptionalParameterList, |
| new SyntheticStringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, '', |
| token.next!.charOffset, /* _length = */ 0)); |
| token = parseFormalParameter( |
| token, FormalParameterKind.optionalPositional, kind); |
| ++parameterCount; |
| } |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional(']', token)); |
| listener.endOptionalFormalParameters(parameterCount, begin, token, kind); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// defaultNamedParameter: |
| /// normalFormalParameter ('=' expression)? | |
| /// normalFormalParameter (':' expression)? |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseOptionalNamedParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) { |
| Token begin = token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('{', token)); |
| listener.beginOptionalFormalParameters(begin); |
| int parameterCount = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('}', next)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| token = |
| parseFormalParameter(token, FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed, kind); |
| next = token.next!; |
| ++parameterCount; |
| if (!optional(',', next)) { |
| if (!optional('}', next)) { |
| // Recovery |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| next, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('}')); |
| // Scanner guarantees a closing bracket. |
| next = begin.endGroup!; |
| while (token.next != next) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| token = next; |
| } |
| if (parameterCount == 0) { |
| rewriteAndRecover( |
| token, |
| codes.messageEmptyNamedParameterList, |
| new SyntheticStringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, '', |
| token.next!.charOffset, /* _length = */ 0)); |
| token = |
| parseFormalParameter(token, FormalParameterKind.optionalNamed, kind); |
| ++parameterCount; |
| } |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('}', token)); |
| listener.endOptionalFormalParameters(parameterCount, begin, token, kind); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// qualified: |
| /// identifier qualifiedRest* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseQualified(Token token, IdentifierContext context, |
| IdentifierContext continuationContext) { |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, context); |
| while (optional('.', token.next!)) { |
| token = parseQualifiedRest(token, continuationContext); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// qualifiedRestOpt: |
| /// qualifiedRest? |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseQualifiedRestOpt( |
| Token token, IdentifierContext continuationContext) { |
| if (optional('.', token.next!)) { |
| return parseQualifiedRest(token, continuationContext); |
| } else { |
| return token; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// qualifiedRest: |
| /// '.' identifier |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseQualifiedRest(Token token, IdentifierContext context) { |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('.', token)); |
| _tryRewriteNewToIdentifier(token, context); |
| Token period = token; |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, context); |
| listener.handleQualified(period); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token skipBlock(Token token) { |
| // The scanner ensures that `{` always has a closing `}`. |
| return ensureBlock(token, /* missingBlockKind = */ null).endGroup!; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// enumType: |
| /// metadata 'enum' id typeParameters? mixins? interfaces? '{' |
| /// enumEntry (',' enumEntry)* (',')? (';' |
| /// (metadata classMemberDefinition)* |
| /// )? |
| /// '}' |
| /// |
| /// enumEntry: |
| /// metadata id argumentPart? |
| /// | metadata id typeArguments? '.' id arguments |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseEnum(Token beginToken, Token? augmentToken, Token enumKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('enum', enumKeyword)); |
| listener.beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(enumKeyword); |
| Token token = |
| ensureIdentifier(enumKeyword, IdentifierContext.enumDeclaration); |
| String name = token.lexeme; |
| listener.beginEnum(enumKeyword); |
| token = parseEnumHeaderOpt(token, enumKeyword); |
| Token leftBrace = token.next!; |
| int elementCount = 0; |
| int memberCount = 0; |
| if (optional('{', leftBrace)) { |
| listener.handleEnumHeader(augmentToken, enumKeyword, leftBrace); |
| token = leftBrace; |
| while (true) { |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('}', next) || optional(';', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| break; |
| } |
| token = parseEnumElement(token); |
| next = token.next!; |
| elementCount++; |
| if (optional(',', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| } else if (optional('}', next) || optional(';', next)) { |
| token = next; |
| break; |
| } else { |
| // Recovery |
| Token endGroup = leftBrace.endGroup!; |
| if (endGroup.isSynthetic) { |
| // The scanner did not place the synthetic '}' correctly. |
| token = rewriter.moveSynthetic(token, endGroup); |
| break; |
| } else if (next.isIdentifier) { |
| // If the next token is an identifier, assume a missing comma. |
| // TODO(danrubel): Consider improved recovery for missing `}` |
| // both here and when the scanner inserts a synthetic `}` |
| // for situations such as `enum Letter {a, b Letter e;`. |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| next, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments(',')); |
| } else { |
| // Otherwise assume a missing `}` and exit the loop |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| next, codes.templateExpectedButGot.withArguments('}')); |
| token = leftBrace.endGroup!; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| listener.handleEnumElements(token, elementCount); |
| if (optional(';', token)) { |
| while (notEofOrValue('}', token.next!)) { |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl( |
| token, DeclarationKind.Enum, name); |
| ++memberCount; |
| } |
| token = token.next!; |
| assert(token.isEof || optional('}', token)); |
| } |
| } else { |
| leftBrace = ensureBlock(token, BlockKind.enumDeclaration); |
| listener.handleEnumHeader(augmentToken, enumKeyword, leftBrace); |
| listener.handleEnumElements(token, elementCount); |
| token = leftBrace.endGroup!; |
| } |
| assert(optional('}', token)); |
| listener.endEnum(beginToken, enumKeyword, leftBrace, memberCount, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseEnumHeaderOpt(Token token, Token enumKeyword) { |
| token = computeTypeParamOrArg( |
| token, /* inDeclaration = */ true, /* allowsVariance = */ true) |
| .parseVariables(token, this); |
| List<String> lookForNext = const ['{', 'with', 'implements']; |
| if (!isOneOf(token.next!, lookForNext)) { |
| // Recovery: Possible unexpected tokens before any clauses. |
| Token? skipToken = recoverySmallLookAheadSkipTokens(token, lookForNext); |
| if (skipToken != null) { |
| token = skipToken; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Token beforeWith = token; |
| token = parseEnumWithClauseOpt(token); |
| |
| while (!isOneOf(token.next!, const ['{', 'implements'])) { |
| // Recovery: Skip unexpected tokens and more with clauses. |
| // Note that if we find a "with" we've seen one already (otherwise the |
| // parseEnumWithClauseOpt call above would have found this 'with'). |
| Token? skipToken = recoveryEnumWith(token, |
| codes.templateMultipleClauses.withArguments("enum", "with")) ?? |
| recoverySmallLookAheadSkipTokens(token, lookForNext); |
| |
| if (skipToken != null) { |
| // Skipped tokens. |
| token = skipToken; |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| |
| bool? hasWithClauses; |
| while (!optional('{', token.next!)) { |
| if (hasWithClauses == null) { |
| hasWithClauses = optional('with', beforeWith.next!); |
| } |
| |
| // Recovery: Skip unexpected tokens and more with/implements clauses. |
| Token? skipToken = recoveryEnumWith( |
| token, |
| hasWithClauses |
| ? codes.templateMultipleClauses.withArguments("enum", "with") |
| : codes.templateOutOfOrderClauses |
| .withArguments("with", "implements")); |
| if (skipToken != null) { |
| hasWithClauses = true; |
| } |
| if (skipToken == null) { |
| // Note that if we find a "implements" we've seen one already (otherwise |
| // the parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt call above would have found |
| // this 'implements'). |
| skipToken = recoveryEnumImplements(token, |
| codes.templateMultipleClauses.withArguments("enum", "implements")); |
| } |
| if (skipToken == null) { |
| skipToken = recoverySmallLookAheadSkipTokens(token, lookForNext); |
| } |
| |
| if (skipToken != null) { |
| // Skipped tokens. |
| token = skipToken; |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token? recoveryEnumWith(Token token, codes.Message message) { |
| if (optional('with', token.next!)) { |
| reportRecoverableError(token.next!, message); |
| Listener originalListener = listener; |
| listener = new NullListener(); |
| token = parseEnumWithClauseOpt(token); |
| listener = originalListener; |
| return token; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| Token? recoveryEnumImplements(Token token, codes.Message message) { |
| if (optional('implements', token.next!)) { |
| reportRecoverableError(token.next!, message); |
| Listener originalListener = listener; |
| listener = new NullListener(); |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| listener = originalListener; |
| return token; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| /// Allow a small lookahead (currently up to 3 tokens) trying to find any in |
| /// [lookFor]. |
| /// |
| /// If any wanted token is found an error is issued about unexpected tokens, |
| /// and the last skipped token is returned. |
| /// Otherwise null is returned. |
| Token? recoverySmallLookAheadSkipTokens( |
| final Token token, Iterable<String> lookFor) { |
| // Recovery: Allow a small lookahead for '{'. E.g. the user might be in |
| // the middle of writing 'with' or 'implements'. |
| Token skipToken = token.next!; |
| bool foundWanted = false; |
| |
| if (looksLikeStartOfNextTopLevelDeclaration(skipToken)) return null; |
| |
| int skipped = 0; |
| while (skipped < 3) { |
| skipped++; |
| if (isOneOf(skipToken.next!, lookFor)) { |
| foundWanted = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| skipToken = skipToken.next!; |
| if (looksLikeStartOfNextTopLevelDeclaration(skipToken)) return null; |
| } |
| |
| if (foundWanted) { |
| // Give error and skip the tokens. |
| if (skipped == 1) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| skipToken, codes.templateUnexpectedToken.withArguments(skipToken)); |
| } else { |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithEnd( |
| token.next!, skipToken, codes.messageUnexpectedTokens); |
| } |
| return skipToken; |
| } |
| |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseEnumElement(Token token) { |
| Token beginToken = token; |
| token = parseMetadataStar(token); |
| |
| Token? augmentToken; |
| if (optional('augment', token.next!)) { |
| augmentToken = token.next!; |
| token = token.next!; |
| } |
| |
| token = ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.enumValueDeclaration); |
| bool hasTypeArgumentsOrDot = false; |
| { |
| // This is almost a verbatim copy of [parseConstructorReference] inserted |
| // to provide better recovery. |
| Token start = token; |
| listener.handleNoTypeNameInConstructorReference(token.next!); |
| listener.beginConstructorReference(start); |
| TypeParamOrArgInfo typeArg = computeTypeParamOrArg(token); |
| if (typeArg != noTypeParamOrArg) { |
| hasTypeArgumentsOrDot = true; |
| } |
| token = typeArg.parseArguments(token, this); |
| Token? period = null; |
| if (optional('.', token.next!)) { |
| hasTypeArgumentsOrDot = true; |
| period = token.next!; |
| token = ensureIdentifier( |
| period, |
| IdentifierContext |
| .constructorReferenceContinuationAfterTypeArguments); |
| } else { |
| listener |
| .handleNoConstructorReferenceContinuationAfterTypeArguments(token); |
| } |
| listener.endConstructorReference( |
| start, period, token, ConstructorReferenceContext.Const); |
| } |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('(', next) || hasTypeArgumentsOrDot) { |
| token = parseConstructorInvocationArguments(token); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleNoArguments(token); |
| } |
| listener.handleEnumElement(beginToken, augmentToken); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication( |
| Token beginToken, |
| Token? abstractToken, |
| Token? macroToken, |
| Token? sealedToken, |
| Token? baseToken, |
| Token? interfaceToken, |
| Token? finalToken, |
| Token? augmentToken, |
| Token? mixinToken, |
| Token classKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('class', classKeyword)); |
| listener.beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(beginToken); |
| Token name = ensureIdentifier( |
| classKeyword, IdentifierContext.classOrMixinOrExtensionDeclaration); |
| Token token = computeTypeParamOrArg( |
| name, /* inDeclaration = */ true, /* allowsVariance = */ true) |
| .parseVariables(name, this); |
| if (abstractToken != null) { |
| if (sealedToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableError(sealedToken, codes.messageAbstractSealedClass); |
| } else if (finalToken != null) { |
| if (baseToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithEnd( |
| finalToken, baseToken, codes.messageAbstractFinalBaseClass); |
| } else if (interfaceToken != null) { |
| reportRecoverableErrorWithEnd(finalToken, interfaceToken, |
| codes.messageAbstractFinalInterfaceClass); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (optional('=', token.next!)) { |
| listener.beginNamedMixinApplication( |
| beginToken, |
| abstractToken, |
| macroToken, |
| sealedToken, |
| baseToken, |
| interfaceToken, |
| finalToken, |
| augmentToken, |
| mixinToken, |
| name); |
| return parseNamedMixinApplication(token, beginToken, classKeyword); |
| } else { |
| listener.beginClassDeclaration( |
| beginToken, |
| abstractToken, |
| macroToken, |
| sealedToken, |
| baseToken, |
| interfaceToken, |
| finalToken, |
| augmentToken, |
| mixinToken, |
| name); |
| return parseClass(token, beginToken, classKeyword, name.lexeme); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Token parseNamedMixinApplication( |
| Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) { |
| Token equals = token = token.next!; |
| assert(optional('=', equals)); |
| token = computeType(token, /* required = */ true) |
| .ensureTypeNotVoid(token, this); |
| token = parseMixinApplicationRest(token); |
| Token? implementsKeyword = null; |
| if (optional('implements', token.next!)) { |
| implementsKeyword = token.next!; |
| token = parseTypeList(implementsKeyword); |
| } |
| token = ensureSemicolon(token); |
| listener.endNamedMixinApplication( |
| begin, classKeyword, equals, implementsKeyword, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse the portion of a class declaration (not a mixin application) that |
| /// follows the end of the type parameters. |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// classDefinition: |
| /// metadata abstract? 'class' identifier typeParameters? |
| /// (superclass mixins?)? interfaces? |
| /// '{' (metadata classMemberDefinition)* '}' | |
| /// metadata abstract? 'class' mixinApplicationClass |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseClass( |
| Token token, Token beginToken, Token classKeyword, String className) { |
| Token start = token; |
| token = parseClassHeaderOpt(token, beginToken, classKeyword); |
| if (!optional('{', token.next!)) { |
| // Recovery |
| token = parseClassHeaderRecovery(start, beginToken, classKeyword); |
| ensureBlock(token, BlockKind.classDeclaration); |
| } |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody( |
| token, DeclarationKind.Class, className); |
| listener.endClassDeclaration(beginToken, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseClassHeaderOpt(Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) { |
| token = parseClassExtendsOpt(token, DeclarationHeaderKind.Class); |
| token = parseClassWithClauseOpt(token); |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| Token? nativeToken; |
| if (optional('native', token.next!)) { |
| nativeToken = token.next!; |
| token = parseNativeClause(token); |
| } |
| listener.handleClassHeader(begin, classKeyword, nativeToken); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Recover given out-of-order clauses in a class header. |
| Token parseClassHeaderRecovery(Token token, Token begin, Token classKeyword) { |
| return parseDeclarationHeaderRecoveryInternal( |
| token, begin, classKeyword, DeclarationHeaderKind.Class); |
| } |
| |
| /// Recover given out-of-order clauses in an extension type header. |
| Token parseExtensionTypeHeaderRecovery(Token token, Token extensionKeyword) { |
| return parseDeclarationHeaderRecoveryInternal(token, extensionKeyword, |
| extensionKeyword, DeclarationHeaderKind.ExtensionType); |
| } |
| |
| /// Recover given out-of-order clauses in a class, enum, mixin, extension, or |
| /// extension type header. |
| Token parseDeclarationHeaderRecoveryInternal(Token token, Token begin, |
| Token declarationKeyword, DeclarationHeaderKind kind) { |
| final Listener primaryListener = listener; |
| final DeclarationHeaderRecoveryListener recoveryListener = |
| new DeclarationHeaderRecoveryListener(); |
| |
| // Reparse to determine which clauses have already been parsed |
| // but intercept the events so they are not sent to the primary listener. |
| listener = recoveryListener; |
| switch (kind) { |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.Class: |
| token = parseClassHeaderOpt(token, begin, declarationKeyword); |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.ExtensionType: |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| } |
| bool hasExtends = recoveryListener.extendsKeyword != null; |
| bool hasImplements = recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null; |
| bool hasWith = recoveryListener.withKeyword != null; |
| |
| // Update the recovery listener to forward subsequent events |
| // to the primary listener. |
| recoveryListener.listener = primaryListener; |
| |
| // Parse additional out-of-order clauses |
| Token start; |
| do { |
| start = token; |
| |
| // Check for extraneous token in the middle of a declaration header. |
| token = skipUnexpectedTokenOpt( |
| token, const <String>['extends', 'with', 'implements', '{']); |
| |
| // During recovery, clauses are parsed in the same order |
| // and generate the same events as in the parseClassHeader method above. |
| recoveryListener.clear(); |
| |
| if (token.next!.isKeywordOrIdentifier && |
| const ['extend', 'on'].contains(token.next!.lexeme)) { |
| reportRecoverableError(token.next!, |
| codes.templateExpectedInstead.withArguments('extends')); |
| token = parseClassExtendsSeenExtendsClause(token.next!, token, kind); |
| } else { |
| token = parseClassExtendsOpt(token, kind); |
| } |
| |
| if (recoveryListener.extendsKeyword != null) { |
| switch (kind) { |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.Class: |
| if (hasExtends) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.extendsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageMultipleExtends); |
| } else { |
| if (hasWith) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.extendsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageWithBeforeExtends); |
| } else if (hasImplements) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.extendsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageImplementsBeforeExtends); |
| } |
| hasExtends = true; |
| } |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.ExtensionType: |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.extendsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageExtensionTypeExtends); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| token = parseClassWithClauseOpt(token); |
| |
| if (recoveryListener.withKeyword != null) { |
| switch (kind) { |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.Class: |
| if (hasWith) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| recoveryListener.withKeyword!, codes.messageMultipleWith); |
| } else { |
| if (hasImplements) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.withKeyword!, |
| codes.messageImplementsBeforeWith); |
| } |
| hasWith = true; |
| } |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.ExtensionType: |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| recoveryListener.withKeyword!, codes.messageExtensionTypeWith); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| |
| if (recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null) { |
| if (hasImplements) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.implementsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageMultipleImplements); |
| } else { |
| hasImplements = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| listener.handleRecoverDeclarationHeader(kind); |
| |
| // Exit if a declaration body is detected, or if no progress has been made |
| } while (!optional('{', token.next!) && start != token); |
| |
| listener = primaryListener; |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseClassExtendsOpt(Token token, DeclarationHeaderKind kind) { |
| // extends <typeNotVoid> |
| Token next = token.next!; |
| if (optional('extends', next)) { |
| token = parseClassExtendsSeenExtendsClause(next, token, kind); |
| } else { |
| listener.handleNoType(token); |
| listener.handleClassExtends( |
| /* extendsKeyword = */ null, |
| /* typeCount = */ 1, |
| ); |
| } |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseClassExtendsSeenExtendsClause( |
| Token extendsKeyword, Token token, DeclarationHeaderKind kind) { |
| Token next = extendsKeyword; |
| token = |
| computeType(next, /* required = */ true).ensureTypeNotVoid(next, this); |
| int count = 1; |
| |
| // Error recovery: extends <typeNotVoid>, <typeNotVoid> [...] |
| if (optional(',', token.next!)) { |
| switch (kind) { |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.Class: |
| reportRecoverableError(token.next!, codes.messageMultipleExtends); |
| break; |
| case DeclarationHeaderKind.ExtensionType: |
| // This is an error case. The error is reported elsewhere. |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| while (optional(',', token.next!)) { |
| next = token.next!; |
| token = computeType(next, /* required = */ true) |
| .ensureTypeNotVoid(next, this); |
| count++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| listener.handleClassExtends(extendsKeyword, count); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// ``` |
| /// implementsClause: |
| /// 'implements' typeName (',' typeName)* |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(Token token) { |
| Token? implementsKeyword; |
| int interfacesCount = 0; |
| if (optional('implements', token.next!)) { |
| implementsKeyword = token.next!; |
| do { |
| token = computeType(token.next!, /* required = */ true) |
| .ensureTypeNotVoid(token.next!, this); |
| ++interfacesCount; |
| } while (optional(',', token.next!)); |
| } |
| listener.handleImplements(implementsKeyword, interfacesCount); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse a mixin declaration. |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// mixinDeclaration: |
| /// metadata? 'augment'? 'base'? 'mixin' [SimpleIdentifier] |
| /// [TypeParameterList]? [OnClause]? [ImplementsClause]? |
| /// '{' [ClassMember]* '}' |
| /// ; |
| /// ``` |
| Token parseMixin(Token beginToken, Token? augmentToken, Token? baseToken, |
| Token mixinKeyword) { |
| assert(optional('mixin', mixinKeyword)); |
| listener.beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(mixinKeyword); |
| Token name = ensureIdentifier( |
| mixinKeyword, IdentifierContext.classOrMixinOrExtensionDeclaration); |
| Token headerStart = computeTypeParamOrArg( |
| name, /* inDeclaration = */ true, /* allowsVariance = */ true) |
| .parseVariables(name, this); |
| listener.beginMixinDeclaration( |
| beginToken, augmentToken, baseToken, mixinKeyword, name); |
| Token token = parseMixinHeaderOpt(headerStart, mixinKeyword); |
| if (!optional('{', token.next!)) { |
| // Recovery |
| token = parseMixinHeaderRecovery(token, mixinKeyword, headerStart); |
| ensureBlock(token, BlockKind.mixinDeclaration); |
| } |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody( |
| token, DeclarationKind.Mixin, name.lexeme); |
| listener.endMixinDeclaration(beginToken, token); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseMixinHeaderOpt(Token token, Token mixinKeyword) { |
| token = parseMixinOnOpt(token); |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| listener.handleMixinHeader(mixinKeyword); |
| return token; |
| } |
| |
| Token parseMixinHeaderRecovery( |
| Token token, Token mixinKeyword, Token headerStart) { |
| final Listener primaryListener = listener; |
| final MixinHeaderRecoveryListener recoveryListener = |
| new MixinHeaderRecoveryListener(); |
| |
| // Reparse to determine which clauses have already been parsed |
| // but intercept the events so they are not sent to the primary listener. |
| listener = recoveryListener; |
| token = parseMixinHeaderOpt(headerStart, mixinKeyword); |
| bool hasOn = recoveryListener.onKeyword != null; |
| bool hasImplements = recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null; |
| |
| // Update the recovery listener to forward subsequent events |
| // to the primary listener. |
| recoveryListener.listener = primaryListener; |
| |
| // Parse additional out-of-order clauses |
| Token start; |
| do { |
| start = token; |
| |
| // Check for extraneous token in the middle of a class header. |
| token = skipUnexpectedTokenOpt( |
| token, const <String>['on', 'implements', '{']); |
| |
| // During recovery, clauses are parsed in the same order and |
| // generate the same events as in the parseMixinHeaderOpt method above. |
| recoveryListener.clear(); |
| |
| if (token.next!.isKeywordOrIdentifier && |
| const ['extend', 'extends'].contains(token.next!.lexeme)) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| token.next!, codes.templateExpectedInstead.withArguments('on')); |
| token = parseMixinOn(token); |
| } else { |
| token = parseMixinOnOpt(token); |
| } |
| |
| if (recoveryListener.onKeyword != null) { |
| if (hasOn) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| recoveryListener.onKeyword!, codes.messageMultipleOnClauses); |
| } else { |
| if (hasImplements) { |
| reportRecoverableError( |
| recoveryListener.onKeyword!, codes.messageImplementsBeforeOn); |
| } |
| hasOn = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| token = parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(token); |
| |
| if (recoveryListener.implementsKeyword != null) { |
| if (hasImplements) { |
| reportRecoverableError(recoveryListener.implementsKeyword!, |
| codes.messageMultipleImplements); |
| } else { |
| hasImplements = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (optional("with", token.next!)) { |
| Token withKeyword = token.next!; |
| reportRecoverableError(token.next!, codes.messageMixinWithClause); |
| token = parseTypeList(withKeyword); |
| listener.handleMixinWithClause(withKeyword); |