blob: f1a67f0418f2023d60af6907a4576fe3c138e5dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
class TypeTestEmitter extends CodeEmitterHelper {
static const int MAX_FUNCTION_TYPE_PREDICATES = 10;
* Raw ClassElement symbols occuring in is-checks and type assertions. If the
* program contains parameterized checks `x is Set<int>` and
* `x is Set<String>` then the ClassElement `Set` will occur once in
* [checkedClasses].
Set<ClassElement> checkedClasses;
* The set of function types that checked, both explicity through tests of
* typedefs and implicitly through type annotations in checked mode.
Set<FunctionType> checkedFunctionTypes;
Map<ClassElement, Set<FunctionType>> checkedGenericFunctionTypes =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<FunctionType>>();
Set<FunctionType> checkedNonGenericFunctionTypes =
new Set<FunctionType>();
final Set<ClassElement> rtiNeededClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
Iterable<ClassElement> cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests;
Iterable<ClassElement> get classesUsingTypeVariableTests {
if (cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests == null) {
cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests = compiler.codegenWorld.isChecks
.where((DartType t) => t is TypeVariableType)
.map((TypeVariableType v) => v.element.getEnclosingClass())
return cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests;
void emitIsTests(ClassElement classElement, ClassBuilder builder) {
assert(invariant(classElement, classElement.isDeclaration));
void generateIsTest(Element other) {
if (other == compiler.objectClass && other != classElement) {
// Avoid emitting [:$isObject:] on all classes but [Object].
other = backend.getImplementationClass(other);
builder.addProperty(namer.operatorIs(other), js('true'));
void generateFunctionTypeSignature(Element method, FunctionType type) {
jsAst.Expression thisAccess = new jsAst.This();
Node node = method.parseNode(compiler);
ClosureClassMap closureData =
if (closureData != null) {
Element thisElement =
if (thisElement != null) {
String thisName = namer.instanceFieldPropertyName(thisElement);
thisAccess = js('this')[js.string(thisName)];
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
jsAst.Expression encoding = rti.getSignatureEncoding(type, thisAccess);
String operatorSignature = namer.operatorSignature();
if (!type.containsTypeVariables) {
builder.functionType = '${task.metadataEmitter.reifyType(type)}';
} else {
builder.addProperty(operatorSignature, encoding);
void generateSubstitution(ClassElement cls, {bool emitNull: false}) {
if (cls.typeVariables.isEmpty) return;
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
jsAst.Expression expression;
bool needsNativeCheck = task.nativeEmitter.requiresNativeIsCheck(cls);
expression = rti.getSupertypeSubstitution(
classElement, cls, alwaysGenerateFunction: true);
if (expression == null && (emitNull || needsNativeCheck)) {
expression = new jsAst.LiteralNull();
if (expression != null) {
builder.addProperty(namer.substitutionName(cls), expression);
generateIsTestsOn(classElement, generateIsTest,
* Generate "is tests" for [cls]: itself, and the "is tests" for the
* classes it implements and type argument substitution functions for these
* tests. We don't need to add the "is tests" of the super class because
* they will be inherited at runtime, but we may need to generate the
* substitutions, because they may have changed.
void generateIsTestsOn(ClassElement cls,
void emitIsTest(Element element),
FunctionTypeSignatureEmitter emitFunctionTypeSignature,
SubstitutionEmitter emitSubstitution) {
if (checkedClasses.contains(cls)) {
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
bool haveSameTypeVariables(ClassElement a, ClassElement b) {
if (a.isClosure()) return true;
return backend.rti.isTrivialSubstitution(a, b);
if (superclass != null && superclass != compiler.objectClass &&
!haveSameTypeVariables(cls, superclass)) {
// We cannot inherit the generated substitutions, because the type
// variable layout for this class is different. Instead we generate
// substitutions for all checks and make emitSubstitution a NOP for the
// rest of this function.
Set<ClassElement> emitted = new Set<ClassElement>();
// TODO(karlklose): move the computation of these checks to
// RuntimeTypeInformation.
while (superclass != null) {
if (backend.classNeedsRti(superclass)) {
emitSubstitution(superclass, emitNull: true);
superclass = superclass.superclass;
for (DartType supertype in cls.allSupertypes) {
ClassElement superclass = supertype.element;
if (classesUsingTypeVariableTests.contains(superclass)) {
emitSubstitution(superclass, emitNull: true);
for (ClassElement check in checkedClasses) {
if (supertype.element == check && !emitted.contains(check)) {
// Generate substitution. If no substitution is necessary, emit
// [:null:] to overwrite a (possibly) existing substitution from the
// super classes.
emitSubstitution(check, emitNull: true);
void emitNothing(_, {emitNull}) {};
emitSubstitution = emitNothing;
Set<Element> generated = new Set<Element>();
// A class that defines a [:call:] method implicitly implements
// [Function] and needs checks for all typedefs that are used in is-checks.
if (checkedClasses.contains(compiler.functionClass) ||
!checkedFunctionTypes.isEmpty) {
Element call = cls.lookupLocalMember(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME);
if (call == null) {
// If [cls] is a closure, it has a synthetic call operator method.
call = cls.lookupBackendMember(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME);
if (call != null && call.isFunction()) {
FunctionType callType = call.computeType(compiler);
Map<FunctionType, bool> functionTypeChecks =
call, callType, functionTypeChecks,
for (DartType interfaceType in cls.interfaces) {
generateInterfacesIsTests(interfaceType.element, emitIsTest,
emitSubstitution, generated);
* Generate "is tests" where [cls] is being implemented.
void generateInterfacesIsTests(ClassElement cls,
void emitIsTest(ClassElement element),
SubstitutionEmitter emitSubstitution,
Set<Element> alreadyGenerated) {
void tryEmitTest(ClassElement check) {
if (!alreadyGenerated.contains(check) && checkedClasses.contains(check)) {
for (DartType interfaceType in cls.interfaces) {
Element element = interfaceType.element;
generateInterfacesIsTests(element, emitIsTest, emitSubstitution,
// We need to also emit "is checks" for the superclass and its supertypes.
ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
if (superclass != null) {
generateInterfacesIsTests(superclass, emitIsTest, emitSubstitution,
* Returns a mapping containing all checked function types for which [type]
* can be a subtype. A function type is mapped to [:true:] if [type] is
* statically known to be a subtype of it and to [:false:] if [type] might
* be a subtype, provided with the right type arguments.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change to return a mapping from function types to
// a set of variable points and use this to detect statically/dynamically
// known subtype relations.
Map<FunctionType, bool> getFunctionTypeChecksOn(DartType type) {
Map<FunctionType, bool> functionTypeMap = new Map<FunctionType, bool>();
for (FunctionType functionType in checkedFunctionTypes) {
int maybeSubtype = compiler.types.computeSubtypeRelation(type, functionType);
if (maybeSubtype == Types.IS_SUBTYPE) {
functionTypeMap[functionType] = true;
} else if (maybeSubtype == Types.MAYBE_SUBTYPE) {
functionTypeMap[functionType] = false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure stable ordering of the keys.
return functionTypeMap;
* Generates function type checks on [method] with type [methodType] against
* the function type checks in [functionTypeChecks].
void generateFunctionTypeTests(
Element method,
FunctionType methodType,
Map<FunctionType, bool> functionTypeChecks,
FunctionTypeSignatureEmitter emitFunctionTypeSignature) {
// TODO(ahe): We should be able to remove this forEach loop.
functionTypeChecks.forEach((FunctionType functionType, bool knownSubtype) {
emitFunctionTypeSignature(method, methodType);
void registerDynamicFunctionTypeCheck(FunctionType functionType) {
ClassElement classElement = Types.getClassContext(functionType);
if (classElement != null) {
() => new Set<FunctionType>()).add(functionType);
} else {
void emitRuntimeTypeSupport(CodeBuffer buffer, OutputUnit outputUnit) {
task.addComment('Runtime type support', buffer);
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
TypeChecks typeChecks = rti.requiredChecks;
// Add checks to the constructors of instantiated classes.
// TODO(sigurdm): We should avoid running through this list for each
// output unit.
for (ClassElement cls in typeChecks) {
OutputUnit destination =
if (destination != outputUnit) continue;
// TODO(9556). The properties added to 'holder' should be generated
// directly as properties of the class object, not added later.
String holder = namer.isolateAccess(backend.getImplementationClass(cls));
for (TypeCheck check in typeChecks[cls]) {
ClassElement cls = check.cls;
Substitution substitution = check.substitution;
if (substitution != null) {
CodeBuffer body =
jsAst.prettyPrint(substitution.getCode(rti, false), compiler);
* Returns the classes with constructors used as a 'holder' in
* [emitRuntimeTypeSupport].
* TODO(9556): Some cases will go away when the class objects are created as
* complete. Not all classes will go away while constructors are referenced
* from type substitutions.
Set<ClassElement> classesModifiedByEmitRuntimeTypeSupport() {
TypeChecks typeChecks = backend.rti.requiredChecks;
Set<ClassElement> result = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (ClassElement cls in typeChecks) {
for (TypeCheck check in typeChecks[cls]) {
return result;
Set<ClassElement> computeRtiNeededClasses() {
void addClassWithSuperclasses(ClassElement cls) {
for (ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
superclass != null;
superclass = superclass.superclass) {
void addClassesWithSuperclasses(Iterable<ClassElement> classes) {
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
// 1. Add classes that are referenced by type arguments or substitutions in
// argument checks.
// TODO(karlklose): merge this case with 2 when unifying argument and
// object checks.
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
rti.getRequiredArgumentClasses(backend).forEach((ClassElement c) {
// Types that we represent with JS native types (like int and String) do
// not need a class definition as we use the interceptor classes instead.
if (!rti.isJsNative(c)) {
// 2. Add classes that are referenced by substitutions in object checks and
// their superclasses.
TypeChecks requiredChecks =
rti.computeChecks(rtiNeededClasses, checkedClasses);
Set<ClassElement> classesUsedInSubstitutions =
rti.getClassesUsedInSubstitutions(backend, requiredChecks);
// 3. Add classes that contain checked generic function types. These are
// needed to store the signature encoding.
for (FunctionType type in checkedFunctionTypes) {
ClassElement contextClass = Types.getClassContext(type);
if (contextClass != null) {
bool canTearOff(Element function) {
if (!function.isFunction() ||
function.isConstructor() ||
function.isAccessor()) {
return false;
} else if (function.isInstanceMember()) {
if (!function.getEnclosingClass().isClosure()) {
return compiler.codegenWorld.hasInvokedGetter(function, compiler);
return false;
backend.generatedCode.keys.where((element) {
return element is FunctionElement &&
element is! ConstructorBodyElement &&
(canTearOff(element) || backend.isAccessibleByReflection(element));
}).forEach((FunctionElement function) {
DartType type = function.computeType(compiler);
for (ClassElement cls in backend.rti.getReferencedClasses(type)) {
while (cls != null) {
cls = cls.superclass;
return rtiNeededClasses;
void computeRequiredTypeChecks() {
assert(checkedClasses == null && checkedFunctionTypes == null);
checkedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
checkedFunctionTypes = new Set<FunctionType>();
compiler.codegenWorld.isChecks.forEach((DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
} else if (t is FunctionType) {