blob: 2d0b7f5631e9cb2f681bb65912372b3db917f02a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
class JavaScriptItemCompilationContext extends ItemCompilationContext {
final Set<HInstruction> boundsChecked = new Set<HInstruction>();
final Set<HInstruction> allocatedFixedLists = new Set<HInstruction>();
* Invariants:
* canInline(function) implies canInline(function, insideLoop:true)
* !canInline(function, insideLoop: true) implies !canInline(function)
class FunctionInlineCache {
final Map<FunctionElement, bool> canBeInlined =
new Map<FunctionElement, bool>();
final Map<FunctionElement, bool> canBeInlinedInsideLoop =
new Map<FunctionElement, bool>();
// Returns [:true:]/[:false:] if we have a cached decision.
// Returns [:null:] otherwise.
bool canInline(FunctionElement element, {bool insideLoop}) {
return insideLoop ? canBeInlinedInsideLoop[element] : canBeInlined[element];
void markAsInlinable(FunctionElement element, {bool insideLoop}) {
if (insideLoop) {
canBeInlinedInsideLoop[element] = true;
} else {
// If we can inline a function outside a loop then we should do it inside
// a loop as well.
canBeInlined[element] = true;
canBeInlinedInsideLoop[element] = true;
void markAsNonInlinable(FunctionElement element, {bool insideLoop}) {
if (insideLoop == null || insideLoop) {
// If we can't inline a function inside a loop, then we should not inline
// it outside a loop either.
canBeInlined[element] = false;
canBeInlinedInsideLoop[element] = false;
} else {
canBeInlined[element] = false;
class JavaScriptBackend extends Backend {
SsaBuilderTask builder;
SsaOptimizerTask optimizer;
SsaCodeGeneratorTask generator;
CodeEmitterTask emitter;
* The generated code as a js AST for compiled methods.
Map<Element, jsAst.Expression> get generatedCode {
return compiler.enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode;
FunctionInlineCache inlineCache = new FunctionInlineCache();
ClassElement jsInterceptorClass;
ClassElement jsStringClass;
ClassElement jsArrayClass;
ClassElement jsNumberClass;
ClassElement jsIntClass;
ClassElement jsDoubleClass;
ClassElement jsNullClass;
ClassElement jsBoolClass;
ClassElement jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass;
ClassElement jsUnknownJavaScriptObjectClass;
ClassElement jsIndexableClass;
ClassElement jsMutableIndexableClass;
ClassElement jsMutableArrayClass;
ClassElement jsFixedArrayClass;
ClassElement jsExtendableArrayClass;
ClassElement jsPositiveIntClass;
ClassElement jsUInt32Class;
ClassElement jsUInt31Class;
Element jsIndexableLength;
Element jsArrayTypedConstructor;
Element jsArrayRemoveLast;
Element jsArrayAdd;
Element jsStringSplit;
Element jsStringToString;
Element jsStringOperatorAdd;
Element objectEquals;
ClassElement typeLiteralClass;
ClassElement mapLiteralClass;
ClassElement constMapLiteralClass;
ClassElement typeVariableClass;
Element mapLiteralConstructor;
Element mapLiteralConstructorEmpty;
ClassElement noSideEffectsClass;
ClassElement noThrowsClass;
ClassElement noInlineClass;
ClassElement irRepresentationClass;
Element getInterceptorMethod;
Element interceptedNames;
* This element is a top-level variable (in generated output) that the
* compiler initializes to a datastructure used to map from a Type to the
* interceptor. See declaration of `mapTypeToInterceptor` in
* `interceptors.dart`.
Element mapTypeToInterceptor;
TypeMask get stringType => compiler.typesTask.stringType;
TypeMask get doubleType => compiler.typesTask.doubleType;
TypeMask get intType => compiler.typesTask.intType;
TypeMask get uint32Type => compiler.typesTask.uint32Type;
TypeMask get uint31Type => compiler.typesTask.uint31Type;
TypeMask get positiveIntType => compiler.typesTask.positiveIntType;
TypeMask get numType => compiler.typesTask.numType;
TypeMask get boolType => compiler.typesTask.boolType;
TypeMask get dynamicType => compiler.typesTask.dynamicType;
TypeMask get nullType => compiler.typesTask.nullType;
TypeMask get emptyType => const TypeMask.nonNullEmpty();
TypeMask indexablePrimitiveType;
TypeMask readableArrayType;
TypeMask mutableArrayType;
TypeMask fixedArrayType;
TypeMask extendableArrayType;
TypeMask nonNullType;
/// Maps special classes to their implementation (JSXxx) class.
Map<ClassElement, ClassElement> implementationClasses;
Element getNativeInterceptorMethod;
bool needToInitializeIsolateAffinityTag = false;
bool needToInitializeDispatchProperty = false;
/// Holds the method "getIsolateAffinityTag" when dart:_js_helper has been
/// loaded.
FunctionElement getIsolateAffinityTagMarker;
final Namer namer;
* Interface used to determine if an object has the JavaScript
* indexing behavior. The interface is only visible to specific
* libraries.
ClassElement jsIndexingBehaviorInterface;
* A collection of selectors that must have a one shot interceptor
* generated.
final Map<String, Selector> oneShotInterceptors;
* The members of instantiated interceptor classes: maps a member name to the
* list of members that have that name. This map is used by the codegen to
* know whether a send must be intercepted or not.
final Map<String, Set<Element>> interceptedElements;
* The members of mixin classes that are mixed into an instantiated
* interceptor class. This is a cached subset of [interceptedElements].
* Mixin methods are not specialized for the class they are mixed into.
* Methods mixed into intercepted classes thus always make use of the explicit
* receiver argument, even when mixed into non-interceptor classes.
* These members must be invoked with a correct explicit receiver even when
* the receiver is not an intercepted class.
final Map<String, Set<Element>> interceptedMixinElements =
new Map<String, Set<Element>>();
* A map of specialized versions of the [getInterceptorMethod].
* Since [getInterceptorMethod] is a hot method at runtime, we're
* always specializing it based on the incoming type. The keys in
* the map are the names of these specialized versions. Note that
* the generic version that contains all possible type checks is
* also stored in this map.
final Map<String, Set<ClassElement>> specializedGetInterceptors;
* Set of classes whose methods are intercepted.
final Set<ClassElement> _interceptedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
* Set of classes used as mixins on intercepted (native and primitive)
* classes. Methods on these classes might also be mixed in to regular Dart
* (unintercepted) classes.
final Set<ClassElement> classesMixedIntoInterceptedClasses =
new Set<ClassElement>();
* Set of classes whose `operator ==` methods handle `null` themselves.
final Set<ClassElement> specialOperatorEqClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
List<CompilerTask> get tasks {
return <CompilerTask>[builder, optimizer, generator, emitter];
final RuntimeTypes rti;
/// Holds the method "disableTreeShaking" in js_mirrors when
/// dart:mirrors has been loaded.
FunctionElement disableTreeShakingMarker;
/// Holds the method "preserveNames" in js_mirrors when
/// dart:mirrors has been loaded.
FunctionElement preserveNamesMarker;
/// Holds the method "preserveMetadata" in js_mirrors when
/// dart:mirrors has been loaded.
FunctionElement preserveMetadataMarker;
/// True if a call to preserveMetadataMarker has been seen. This means that
/// metadata must be retained for dart:mirrors to work correctly.
bool mustRetainMetadata = false;
/// True if any metadata has been retained. This is slightly different from
/// [mustRetainMetadata] and tells us if any metadata was retained. For
/// example, if [mustRetainMetadata] is true but there is no metadata in the
/// program, this variable will stil be false.
bool hasRetainedMetadata = false;
/// True if a call to preserveNames has been seen.
bool mustPreserveNames = false;
/// True if a call to disableTreeShaking has been seen.
bool isTreeShakingDisabled = false;
/// True if there isn't sufficient @MirrorsUsed data.
bool hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed = false;
/// List of constants from metadata. If metadata must be preserved,
/// these constants must be registered.
final List<Dependency> metadataConstants = <Dependency>[];
/// List of symbols that the user has requested for reflection.
final Set<String> symbolsUsed = new Set<String>();
/// List of elements that the user has requested for reflection.
final Set<Element> targetsUsed = new Set<Element>();
/// List of annotations provided by user that indicate that the annotated
/// element must be retained.
final Set<Element> metaTargetsUsed = new Set<Element>();
/// List of elements that the backend may use.
final Set<Element> helpersUsed = new Set<Element>();
/// Set of typedefs that are used as type literals.
final Set<TypedefElement> typedefTypeLiterals = new Set<TypedefElement>();
/// All the checked mode helpers.
static const checkedModeHelpers = CheckedModeHelper.helpers;
// Checked mode helpers indexed by name.
Map<String, CheckedModeHelper> checkedModeHelperByName =
new Map<String, CheckedModeHelper>.fromIterable(
key: (helper) =>;
TypeVariableHandler typeVariableHandler;
/// Number of methods compiled before considering reflection.
int preMirrorsMethodCount = 0;
/// Resolution and codegen support for generating table of interceptors and
/// constructors for custom elements.
CustomElementsAnalysis customElementsAnalysis;
JavaScriptConstantTask constantCompilerTask;
JavaScriptBackend(Compiler compiler, bool generateSourceMap)
: namer = determineNamer(compiler),
oneShotInterceptors = new Map<String, Selector>(),
interceptedElements = new Map<String, Set<Element>>(),
rti = new RuntimeTypes(compiler),
specializedGetInterceptors = new Map<String, Set<ClassElement>>(),
super(compiler) {
emitter = new CodeEmitterTask(compiler, namer, generateSourceMap);
builder = new SsaBuilderTask(this);
optimizer = new SsaOptimizerTask(this);
generator = new SsaCodeGeneratorTask(this);
typeVariableHandler = new TypeVariableHandler(this);
customElementsAnalysis = new CustomElementsAnalysis(this);
constantCompilerTask = new JavaScriptConstantTask(compiler);
ConstantSystem get constantSystem => constants.constantSystem;
/// Returns constant environment for the JavaScript interpretation of the
/// constants.
JavaScriptConstantCompiler get constants {
return constantCompilerTask.jsConstantCompiler;
static Namer determineNamer(Compiler compiler) {
return compiler.enableMinification ?
new MinifyNamer(compiler) :
new Namer(compiler);
bool usedByBackend(Element element) {
if (element.isParameter()
|| element.isFieldParameter()
|| element.isField()) {
if (usedByBackend(element.enclosingElement)) return true;
return helpersUsed.contains(element.declaration);
bool invokedReflectively(Element element) {
if (element.isParameter() || element.isFieldParameter()) {
if (invokedReflectively(element.enclosingElement)) return true;
if (element.isField()) {
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)
&& (element.modifiers.isFinal() || element.modifiers.isConst())) {
return false;
return isNeededForReflection(element.declaration);
bool canBeUsedForGlobalOptimizations(Element element) {
return !usedByBackend(element) && !invokedReflectively(element);
bool isInterceptorClass(ClassElement element) {
if (element == null) return false;
if (Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(element)) return true;
if (interceptedClasses.contains(element)) return true;
if (classesMixedIntoInterceptedClasses.contains(element)) return true;
return false;
String registerOneShotInterceptor(Selector selector) {
Set<ClassElement> classes = getInterceptedClassesOn(;
String name = namer.getOneShotInterceptorName(selector, classes);
if (!oneShotInterceptors.containsKey(name)) {
oneShotInterceptors[name] = selector;
return name;
bool isInterceptedMethod(Element element) {
if (!element.isInstanceMember()) return false;
if (element.isGenerativeConstructorBody()) {
return Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(element.getEnclosingClass());
return interceptedElements[] != null;
bool fieldHasInterceptedGetter(Element element) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
bool fieldHasInterceptedSetter(Element element) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
bool isInterceptedName(String name) {
return interceptedElements[name] != null;
bool isInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
return interceptedElements[] != null;
* Returns `true` iff [selector] matches an element defined in a class mixed
* into an intercepted class. These selectors are not eligible for the 'dummy
* explicit receiver' optimization.
bool isInterceptedMixinSelector(Selector selector) {
Set<Element> elements = interceptedMixinElements.putIfAbsent(,
() {
Set<Element> elements = interceptedElements[];
if (elements == null) return null;
return elements
.where((element) =>
if (elements == null) return false;
if (elements.isEmpty) return false;
return elements.any((element) => selector.applies(element, compiler));
final Map<String, Set<ClassElement>> interceptedClassesCache =
new Map<String, Set<ClassElement>>();
* Returns a set of interceptor classes that contain a member named
* [name]. Returns [:null:] if there is no class.
Set<ClassElement> getInterceptedClassesOn(String name) {
Set<Element> intercepted = interceptedElements[name];
if (intercepted == null) return null;
return interceptedClassesCache.putIfAbsent(name, () {
// Populate the cache by running through all the elements and
// determine if the given selector applies to them.
Set<ClassElement> result = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (Element element in intercepted) {
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
if (Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(classElement)
|| interceptedClasses.contains(classElement)) {
if (classesMixedIntoInterceptedClasses.contains(classElement)) {
Set<ClassElement> nativeSubclasses =
if (nativeSubclasses != null) result.addAll(nativeSubclasses);
return result;
Set<ClassElement> nativeSubclassesOfMixin(ClassElement mixin) {
Set<MixinApplicationElement> uses =[mixin];
if (uses == null) return null;
Set<ClassElement> result = null;
for (MixinApplicationElement use in uses) {
Iterable<ClassElement> subclasses =;
if (subclasses != null) {
for (ClassElement subclass in subclasses) {
if (Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(subclass)) {
if (result == null) result = new Set<ClassElement>();
return result;
bool operatorEqHandlesNullArgument(FunctionElement operatorEqfunction) {
return specialOperatorEqClasses.contains(
void initializeHelperClasses() {
getInterceptorMethod = compiler.findInterceptor('getInterceptor');
interceptedNames = compiler.findInterceptor('interceptedNames');
mapTypeToInterceptor = compiler.findInterceptor('mapTypeToInterceptor');
getNativeInterceptorMethod =
// These methods are overwritten with generated versions.
inlineCache.markAsNonInlinable(getInterceptorMethod, insideLoop: true);
List<ClassElement> classes = [
jsInterceptorClass =
jsStringClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSString'),
jsArrayClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSArray'),
// The int class must be before the double class, because the
// emitter relies on this list for the order of type checks.
jsIntClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSInt'),
jsPositiveIntClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSPositiveInt'),
jsUInt32Class = compiler.findInterceptor('JSUInt32'),
jsUInt31Class = compiler.findInterceptor('JSUInt31'),
jsDoubleClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSDouble'),
jsNumberClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSNumber'),
jsNullClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSNull'),
jsBoolClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSBool'),
jsMutableArrayClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSMutableArray'),
jsFixedArrayClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSFixedArray'),
jsExtendableArrayClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSExtendableArray'),
jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass =
jsUnknownJavaScriptObjectClass =
implementationClasses = <ClassElement, ClassElement>{};
implementationClasses[compiler.intClass] = jsIntClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.boolClass] = jsBoolClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.numClass] = jsNumberClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.doubleClass] = jsDoubleClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.stringClass] = jsStringClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.listClass] = jsArrayClass;
implementationClasses[compiler.nullClass] = jsNullClass;
jsIndexableClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSIndexable');
jsMutableIndexableClass = compiler.findInterceptor('JSMutableIndexable');
// TODO(kasperl): Some tests do not define the special JSArray
// subclasses, so we check to see if they are defined before
// trying to resolve them.
if (jsFixedArrayClass != null) {
if (jsExtendableArrayClass != null) {
jsIndexableLength = compiler.lookupElementIn(
jsIndexableClass, 'length');
if (jsIndexableLength != null && jsIndexableLength.isAbstractField()) {
AbstractFieldElement element = jsIndexableLength;
jsIndexableLength = element.getter;
jsArrayTypedConstructor = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsArrayClass, 'typed');
jsArrayRemoveLast = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsArrayClass, 'removeLast');
jsArrayAdd = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsArrayClass, 'add');
jsStringSplit = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsStringClass, 'split');
jsStringOperatorAdd = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsStringClass, '+');
jsStringToString = compiler.lookupElementIn(jsStringClass, 'toString');
typeLiteralClass = compiler.findHelper('TypeImpl');
mapLiteralClass = compiler.coreLibrary.find('LinkedHashMap');
constMapLiteralClass = compiler.findHelper('ConstantMap');
objectEquals = compiler.lookupElementIn(compiler.objectClass, '==');
jsIndexingBehaviorInterface =
typeVariableClass = compiler.findHelper('TypeVariable');
indexablePrimitiveType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(jsIndexableClass);
readableArrayType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(jsArrayClass);
mutableArrayType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(jsMutableArrayClass);
fixedArrayType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(jsFixedArrayClass);
extendableArrayType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(jsExtendableArrayClass);
nonNullType = compiler.typesTask.dynamicType.nonNullable();
noSideEffectsClass = compiler.findHelper('NoSideEffects');
noThrowsClass = compiler.findHelper('NoThrows');
noInlineClass = compiler.findHelper('NoInline');
irRepresentationClass = compiler.findHelper('IrRepresentation');
void validateInterceptorImplementsAllObjectMethods(
ClassElement interceptorClass) {
if (interceptorClass == null) return;
compiler.objectClass.forEachMember((_, Element member) {
if (member.isGenerativeConstructor()) return;
Element interceptorMember = interceptorClass.lookupMember(;
// Interceptors must override all Object methods due to calling convention
// differences.
assert(interceptorMember.getEnclosingClass() != compiler.objectClass);
void addInterceptorsForNativeClassMembers(
ClassElement cls, Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
cls.forEachMember((ClassElement classElement, Element member) {
if ( == Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME) {
if (member.isSynthesized) return;
// All methods on [Object] are shadowed by [Interceptor].
if (classElement == compiler.objectClass) return;
Set<Element> set = interceptedElements.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<Element>());
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
// Walk superclass chain to find mixins.
for (; cls != null; cls = cls.superclass) {
if (cls.isMixinApplication) {
MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication = cls;
void addInterceptors(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
TreeElements elements) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
cls.forEachMember((ClassElement classElement, Element member) {
// All methods on [Object] are shadowed by [Interceptor].
if (classElement == compiler.objectClass) return;
Set<Element> set = interceptedElements.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<Element>());
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, cls, elements);
Set<ClassElement> get interceptedClasses {
return _interceptedClasses;
void registerSpecializedGetInterceptor(Set<ClassElement> classes) {
String name = namer.getInterceptorName(getInterceptorMethod, classes);
if (classes.contains(jsInterceptorClass)) {
// We can't use a specialized [getInterceptorMethod], so we make
// sure we emit the one with all checks.
specializedGetInterceptors[name] = interceptedClasses;
} else {
specializedGetInterceptors[name] = classes;
void registerCompileTimeConstant(Constant constant, TreeElements elements) {
registerCompileTimeConstantInternal(constant, elements);
for (Constant dependency in constant.getDependencies()) {
registerCompileTimeConstant(dependency, elements);
void registerCompileTimeConstantInternal(Constant constant,
TreeElements elements) {
DartType type = constant.computeType(compiler);
registerInstantiatedConstantType(type, elements);
if (constant.isFunction) {
FunctionConstant function = constant;
} else if (constant.isInterceptor) {
// An interceptor constant references the class's prototype chain.
InterceptorConstant interceptor = constant;
registerInstantiatedConstantType(interceptor.dispatchedType, elements);
} else if (constant.isType) {
TypeConstant typeConstant = constant;
compiler.enqueuer.codegen, elements);
void registerInstantiatedConstantType(DartType type, TreeElements elements) {
Enqueuer enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.codegen;
DartType instantiatedType =
type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTION ? compiler.functionClass.rawType : type;
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedType(instantiatedType, elements);
if (type is InterfaceType && !type.treatAsRaw &&
classNeedsRti(type.element)) {
if (type.element == typeImplementation) {
// If we use a type literal in a constant, the compile time
// constant emitter will generate a call to the createRuntimeType
// helper so we register a use of that.
void registerMetadataConstant(Constant constant, TreeElements elements) {
if (mustRetainMetadata) {
registerCompileTimeConstant(constant, elements);
} else {
metadataConstants.add(new Dependency(constant, elements));
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
TreeElements elements) {
if (!cls.typeVariables.isEmpty) {
// Register any helper that will be needed by the backend.
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
if (cls == compiler.intClass
|| cls == compiler.doubleClass
|| cls == compiler.numClass) {
// The backend will try to optimize number operations and use the
// `iae` helper directly.
} else if (cls == compiler.listClass
|| cls == compiler.stringClass) {
// The backend will try to optimize array and string access and use the
// `ioore` and `iae` helpers directly.
} else if (cls == compiler.functionClass) {
enqueueClass(enqueuer, compiler.closureClass, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.mapClass) {
// The backend will use a literal list to initialize the entries
// of the map.
enqueueClass(enqueuer, compiler.listClass, elements);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, mapLiteralClass, elements);
// For map literals, the dependency between the implementation class
// and [Map] is not visible, so we have to add it manually.
rti.registerRtiDependency(mapLiteralClass, cls);
} else if (cls == compiler.boundClosureClass) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Move the bound closure class in the
// backend.
enqueueClass(enqueuer, compiler.boundClosureClass, elements);
} else if (Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(cls)) {
enqueue(enqueuer, getNativeInterceptorMethod, elements);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, jsInterceptorClass, compiler.globalDependencies);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass, elements);
} else if (cls == mapLiteralClass) {
// For map literals, the dependency between the implementation class
// and [Map] is not visible, so we have to add it manually.
Element getFactory(String name, int arity) {
// The constructor is on the patch class, but dart2js unit tests don't
// have a patch class.
ClassElement implementation = cls.patch != null ? cls.patch : cls;
return implementation.lookupConstructor(
new Selector.callConstructor(
name, mapLiteralClass.getLibrary(), arity),
(element) {
"Map literal class $mapLiteralClass missing "
"'$name' constructor"
" ${mapLiteralClass.constructors}");
mapLiteralConstructor = getFactory('_literal', 1);
mapLiteralConstructorEmpty = getFactory('_empty', 0);
enqueueInResolution(mapLiteralConstructor, elements);
enqueueInResolution(mapLiteralConstructorEmpty, elements);
if (cls == compiler.closureClass) {
ClassElement result = null;
if (cls == compiler.stringClass || cls == jsStringClass) {
addInterceptors(jsStringClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.listClass
|| cls == jsArrayClass
|| cls == jsFixedArrayClass
|| cls == jsExtendableArrayClass) {
addInterceptors(jsArrayClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsMutableArrayClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsFixedArrayClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsExtendableArrayClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.intClass || cls == jsIntClass) {
addInterceptors(jsIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsPositiveIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsUInt32Class, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsUInt31Class, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.doubleClass || cls == jsDoubleClass) {
addInterceptors(jsDoubleClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.boolClass || cls == jsBoolClass) {
addInterceptors(jsBoolClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.nullClass || cls == jsNullClass) {
addInterceptors(jsNullClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == compiler.numClass || cls == jsNumberClass) {
addInterceptors(jsIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsPositiveIntClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsUInt32Class, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsUInt31Class, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsDoubleClass, enqueuer, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNumberClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass) {
addInterceptors(jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (cls == jsUnknownJavaScriptObjectClass) {
addInterceptors(jsUnknownJavaScriptObjectClass, enqueuer, elements);
} else if (Elements.isNativeOrExtendsNative(cls)) {
addInterceptorsForNativeClassMembers(cls, enqueuer);
} else if (cls == jsIndexingBehaviorInterface) {
// These two helpers are used by the emitter and the codegen.
// Because we cannot enqueue elements at the time of emission,
// we make sure they are always generated.
customElementsAnalysis.registerInstantiatedClass(cls, enqueuer);
void registerUseInterceptor(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (!enqueuer.nativeEnqueuer.hasInstantiatedNativeClasses()) return;
TreeElements elements = compiler.globalDependencies;
enqueue(enqueuer, getNativeInterceptorMethod, elements);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, jsPlainJavaScriptObjectClass, elements);
needToInitializeIsolateAffinityTag = true;
needToInitializeDispatchProperty = true;
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext createItemCompilationContext() {
return new JavaScriptItemCompilationContext();
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world, TreeElements elements) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Not enqueuing those two classes currently make
// the compiler potentially crash. However, any reasonable program
// will instantiate those two classes.
addInterceptors(jsBoolClass, world, elements);
addInterceptors(jsNullClass, world, elements);
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
// Unconditionally register the helper that checks if the
// expression in an if/while/for is a boolean.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should we have the resolver register those instead?
Element e =
if (e != null) enqueue(world, e, elements);
onResolutionComplete() => rti.computeClassesNeedingRti();
void registerStringInterpolation(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getStringInterpolationHelper(), elements);
void registerCatchStatement(Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
void ensure(ClassElement classElement) {
if (classElement != null) {
enqueueClass(enqueuer, classElement, elements);
enqueueInResolution(getExceptionUnwrapper(), elements);
void registerThrowExpression(TreeElements elements) {
// We don't know ahead of time whether we will need the throw in a
// statement context or an expression context, so we register both
// here, even though we may not need the throwExpression helper.
enqueueInResolution(getWrapExceptionHelper(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getThrowExpressionHelper(), elements);
void registerLazyField(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getCyclicThrowHelper(), elements);
void registerTypeLiteral(Element element,
Enqueuer enqueuer,
TreeElements elements) {
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(typeImplementation, elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCreateRuntimeType(), elements);
// TODO(ahe): Might want to register [element] as an instantiated class
// when reflection is used. However, as long as we disable tree-shaking
// eagerly it doesn't matter.
if (element.isTypedef()) {
customElementsAnalysis.registerTypeLiteral(element, enqueuer);
void registerStackTraceInCatch(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getTraceFromException(), elements);
void registerGetRuntimeTypeArgument(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeArgument(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetTypeArgumentByIndex(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCopyTypeArguments(), elements);
void registerGenericCallMethod(Element callMethod,
Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue || methodNeedsRti(callMethod)) {
registerComputeSignature(enqueuer, elements);
void registerGenericClosure(Element closure,
Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
if (enqueuer.isResolutionQueue || methodNeedsRti(closure)) {
registerComputeSignature(enqueuer, elements);
void registerComputeSignature(Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
// Calls to [:computeSignature:] are generated by the emitter and we
// therefore need to enqueue the used elements in the codegen enqueuer as
// well as in the resolution enqueuer.
enqueue(enqueuer, getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueue(enqueuer, getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueue(enqueuer, getComputeSignature(), elements);
enqueue(enqueuer, getGetRuntimeTypeArguments(), elements);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, compiler.listClass, elements);
void registerRuntimeType(Enqueuer enqueuer, TreeElements elements) {
registerComputeSignature(enqueuer, elements);
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueClass(enqueuer, compiler.listClass, elements);
void registerTypeVariableExpression(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.listClass, elements);
enqueueInResolution(getRuntimeTypeToString(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCreateRuntimeType(), elements);
void registerIsCheck(DartType type, Enqueuer world, TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowRuntimeError(), elements);
type = type.unalias(compiler);
enqueueClass(world, compiler.boolClass, elements);
bool inCheckedMode = compiler.enableTypeAssertions;
// [registerIsCheck] is also called for checked mode checks, so we
// need to register checked mode helpers.
if (inCheckedMode) {
if (!world.isResolutionQueue) {
// All helpers are added to resolution queue in enqueueHelpers. These
// calls to enqueueInResolution serve as assertions that the helper was
// in fact added.
// TODO(13155): Find a way to enqueue helpers lazily.
CheckedModeHelper helper = getCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: false);
if (helper != null) {
enqueue(world, helper.getElement(compiler), elements);
// We also need the native variant of the check (for DOM types).
helper = getNativeCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: false);
if (helper != null) {
enqueue(world, helper.getElement(compiler), elements);
bool isTypeVariable = type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE;
if (type.kind == TypeKind.MALFORMED_TYPE) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowTypeError(), elements);
if (!type.treatAsRaw || type.containsTypeVariables) {
enqueueInResolution(getSetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getGetRuntimeTypeInfo(), elements);
if (inCheckedMode) {
enqueueInResolution(getAssertSubtype(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getCheckSubtype(), elements);
if (isTypeVariable) {
enqueueInResolution(getCheckSubtypeOfRuntimeType(), elements);
if (inCheckedMode) {
enqueueInResolution(getAssertSubtypeOfRuntimeType(), elements);
enqueueClass(world, compiler.listClass, elements);
if (type is FunctionType) {
compiler.findHelper('functionTypeTestMetaHelper'), elements);
if (type.element.isNative()) {
// We will neeed to add the "$is" and "$as" properties on the
// JavaScript object prototype, so we make sure
// [:defineProperty:] is compiled.
void registerAsCheck(DartType type, Enqueuer world, TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowRuntimeError(), elements);
type = type.unalias(compiler);
if (!world.isResolutionQueue) {
// All helpers are added to resolution queue in enqueueHelpers. These
// calls to enqueueInResolution serve as assertions that the helper was in
// fact added.
// TODO(13155): Find a way to enqueue helpers lazily.
CheckedModeHelper helper = getCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: true);
enqueueInResolution(helper.getElement(compiler), elements);
// We also need the native variant of the check (for DOM types).
helper = getNativeCheckedModeHelper(type, typeCast: true);
if (helper != null) {
enqueueInResolution(helper.getElement(compiler), elements);
void registerThrowNoSuchMethod(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowNoSuchMethod(), elements);
// Also register the types of the arguments passed to this method.
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.listClass, elements);
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.stringClass, elements);
void registerThrowRuntimeError(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowRuntimeError(), elements);
// Also register the types of the arguments passed to this method.
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.stringClass, elements);
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(DartType typeArgument,
DartType bound) {
rti.registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(typeArgument, bound);
void registerTypeVariableBoundCheck(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowTypeError(), elements);
enqueueInResolution(getAssertIsSubtype(), elements);
void registerAbstractClassInstantiation(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getThrowAbstractClassInstantiationError(), elements);
// Also register the types of the arguments passed to this method.
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.stringClass, elements);
void registerFallThroughError(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getFallThroughError(), elements);
void enableNoSuchMethod(Enqueuer world) {
enqueue(world, getCreateInvocationMirror(), compiler.globalDependencies);
void registerSuperNoSuchMethod(TreeElements elements) {
enqueueInResolution(getCreateInvocationMirror(), elements);
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, compiler.listClass, elements);
void registerRequiredType(DartType type, Element enclosingElement) {
// If [argument] has type variables or is a type variable, this method
// registers a RTI dependency between the class where the type variable is
// defined (that is the enclosing class of the current element being
// resolved) and the class of [type]. If the class of [type] requires RTI,
// then the class of the type variable does too.
ClassElement contextClass = Types.getClassContext(type);
if (contextClass != null) {
assert(contextClass == enclosingElement.getEnclosingClass().declaration);
rti.registerRtiDependency(type.element, contextClass);
void registerClassUsingVariableExpression(ClassElement cls) {
bool classNeedsRti(ClassElement cls) {
return rti.classesNeedingRti.contains(cls.declaration) ||
bool isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(Element element) {
assert( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD);
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
return classElement == compiler.objectClass
|| classElement == jsInterceptorClass;
bool isDefaultEqualityImplementation(Element element) {
assert( == '==');
ClassElement classElement = element.getEnclosingClass();
return classElement == compiler.objectClass
|| classElement == jsInterceptorClass
|| classElement == jsNullClass;
bool methodNeedsRti(FunctionElement function) {
return rti.methodsNeedingRti.contains(function) ||
// Enqueue [e] in [enqueuer].
// The backend must *always* call this method when enqueuing an
// element. Calls done by the backend are not seen by global
// optimizations, so they would make these optimizations unsound.
// Therefore we need to collect the list of helpers the backend may
// use.
void enqueue(Enqueuer enqueuer, Element e, TreeElements elements) {
if (e == null) return;
void enqueueInResolution(Element e, TreeElements elements) {
if (e == null) return;
ResolutionEnqueuer enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution;
enqueue(enqueuer, e, elements);
void enqueueClass(Enqueuer enqueuer, Element cls, TreeElements elements) {
if (cls == null) return;
// Both declaration and implementation may declare fields, so we
// add both to the list of helpers.
if (cls.declaration != cls.implementation) {
enqueuer.registerInstantiatedClass(cls, elements);
void registerConstantMap(TreeElements elements) {
void enqueue(String name) {
Element e = compiler.findHelper(name);
if (e != null) {
enqueueClass(compiler.enqueuer.resolution, e, elements);
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work) {
Element element = work.element;
var kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.TYPEDEF) return;
if (element.isConstructor() && element.getEnclosingClass() == jsNullClass) {
// Work around a problem compiling JSNull's constructor.
if (kind.category == ElementCategory.VARIABLE) {
Constant initialValue = constants.getConstantForVariable(element);
if (initialValue != null) {
registerCompileTimeConstant(initialValue, work.resolutionTree);
// We don't need to generate code for static or top-level
// variables. For instance variables, we may need to generate
// the checked setter.
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) return;
} else {
// If the constant-handler was not able to produce a result we have to
// go through the builder (below) to generate the lazy initializer for
// the static variable.
// We also need to register the use of the cyclic-error helper.
HGraph graph =;
optimizer.optimize(work, graph);
jsAst.Expression code = generator.generateCode(work, graph);
generatedCode[element] = code;
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeResolutionEnqueuer(Enqueuer world) {
return new native.NativeResolutionEnqueuer(world, compiler);
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeCodegenEnqueuer(Enqueuer world) {
return new native.NativeCodegenEnqueuer(world, compiler, emitter);
ClassElement defaultSuperclass(ClassElement element) {
// Native classes inherit from Interceptor.
return element.isNative() ? jsInterceptorClass : compiler.objectClass;
* Unit test hook that returns code of an element as a String.
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
String assembleCode(Element element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
return jsAst.prettyPrint(generatedCode[element], compiler).getText();
void assembleProgram() {
int totalMethodCount = generatedCode.length;
if (totalMethodCount != preMirrorsMethodCount) {
int mirrorCount = totalMethodCount - preMirrorsMethodCount;
double percentage = (mirrorCount / totalMethodCount) * 100;
compiler.mainApp, MessageKind.MIRROR_BLOAT,
{'count': mirrorCount,
'total': totalMethodCount,
'percentage': percentage.round()});
for (LibraryElement library in compiler.libraries.values) {
if (library.isInternalLibrary) continue;
for (LibraryTag tag in library.tags) {
Import importTag = tag.asImport();
if (importTag == null) continue;
LibraryElement importedLibrary = library.getLibraryFromTag(tag);
if (importedLibrary != compiler.mirrorsLibrary) continue;
MessageKind kind =
compiler.withCurrentElement(library, () {
compiler.reportInfo(importTag, kind);
Element getDartClass(Element element) {
for (ClassElement dartClass in implementationClasses.keys) {
if (element == implementationClasses[dartClass]) {
return dartClass;
return element;
Element getImplementationClass(Element element) {
for (ClassElement dartClass in implementationClasses.keys) {
if (element == dartClass) {
return implementationClasses[dartClass];
return element;
* Returns the checked mode helper that will be needed to do a type check/type
* cast on [type] at runtime. Note that this method is being called both by
* the resolver with interface types (int, String, ...), and by the SSA
* backend with implementation types (JSInt, JSString, ...).
CheckedModeHelper getCheckedModeHelper(DartType type, {bool typeCast}) {
return getCheckedModeHelperInternal(
type, typeCast: typeCast, nativeCheckOnly: false);
* Returns the native checked mode helper that will be needed to do a type
* check/type cast on [type] at runtime. If no native helper exists for
* [type], [:null:] is returned.
CheckedModeHelper getNativeCheckedModeHelper(DartType type, {bool typeCast}) {
return getCheckedModeHelperInternal(
type, typeCast: typeCast, nativeCheckOnly: true);
* Returns the checked mode helper for the type check/type cast for [type]. If
* [nativeCheckOnly] is [:true:], only names for native helpers are returned.
CheckedModeHelper getCheckedModeHelperInternal(DartType type,
{bool typeCast,
bool nativeCheckOnly}) {
String name = getCheckedModeHelperNameInternal(type,
typeCast: typeCast, nativeCheckOnly: nativeCheckOnly);
if (name == null) return null;
CheckedModeHelper helper = checkedModeHelperByName[name];
assert(helper != null);
return helper;
String getCheckedModeHelperNameInternal(DartType type,
{bool typeCast,
bool nativeCheckOnly}) {
assert(type.kind != TypeKind.TYPEDEF);
if (type.kind == TypeKind.MALFORMED_TYPE) {
// The same error is thrown for type test and type cast of a malformed
// type so we only need one check method.
return 'checkMalformedType';
Element element = type.element;
bool nativeCheck = nativeCheckOnly ||
// TODO(13955), TODO(9731). The test for non-primitive types should use an
// interceptor. The interceptor should be an argument to HTypeConversion so
// that it can be optimized by standard interceptor optimizations.
nativeCheck = true;
if (type == compiler.types.voidType) {
assert(!typeCast); // Cannot cast to void.
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return 'voidTypeCheck';
} else if (element == jsStringClass || element == compiler.stringClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'stringTypeCast'
: 'stringTypeCheck';
} else if (element == jsDoubleClass || element == compiler.doubleClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'doubleTypeCast'
: 'doubleTypeCheck';
} else if (element == jsNumberClass || element == compiler.numClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'numTypeCast'
: 'numTypeCheck';
} else if (element == jsBoolClass || element == compiler.boolClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'boolTypeCast'
: 'boolTypeCheck';
} else if (element == jsIntClass || element == compiler.intClass
|| element == jsUInt32Class || element == jsUInt31Class
|| element == jsPositiveIntClass) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'intTypeCast'
: 'intTypeCheck';
} else if (Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? 'numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCast'
: 'numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCheck';
} else {
return typeCast
? 'numberOrStringSuperTypeCast'
: 'numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck';
} else if (Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? 'stringSuperNativeTypeCast'
: 'stringSuperNativeTypeCheck';
} else {
return typeCast
? 'stringSuperTypeCast'
: 'stringSuperTypeCheck';
} else if ((element == compiler.listClass || element == jsArrayClass) &&
type.treatAsRaw) {
if (nativeCheckOnly) return null;
return typeCast
? 'listTypeCast'
: 'listTypeCheck';
} else {
if (Elements.isListSupertype(element, compiler)) {
if (nativeCheck) {
return typeCast
? 'listSuperNativeTypeCast'
: 'listSuperNativeTypeCheck';
} else {
return typeCast
? 'listSuperTypeCast'
: 'listSuperTypeCheck';
} else {
if (type.kind == TypeKind.INTERFACE && !type.treatAsRaw) {
return typeCast
? 'subtypeCast'
: 'assertSubtype';
} else if (type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
return typeCast
? 'subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast'
: 'assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType';
} else if (type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTION) {
return null;
} else {
if (nativeCheck) {
// TODO(karlklose): can we get rid of this branch when we use
// interceptors?
return typeCast
? 'interceptedTypeCast'
: 'interceptedTypeCheck';
} else {
return typeCast
? 'propertyTypeCast'
: 'propertyTypeCheck';
void registerCheckedModeHelpers(TreeElements elements) {
// We register all the helpers in the resolution queue.
// TODO(13155): Find a way to register fewer helpers.
for (CheckedModeHelper helper in checkedModeHelpers) {
enqueueInResolution(helper.getElement(compiler), elements);
* Returns [:true:] if the checking of [type] is performed directly on the
* object and not on an interceptor.
bool hasDirectCheckFor(DartType type) {
Element element = type.element;
return element == compiler.stringClass ||
element == compiler.boolClass ||
element == compiler.numClass ||
element == compiler.intClass ||
element == compiler.doubleClass ||
element == jsArrayClass ||
element == jsMutableArrayClass ||
element == jsExtendableArrayClass ||
element == jsFixedArrayClass;
Element getExceptionUnwrapper() {
return compiler.findHelper('unwrapException');
Element getThrowRuntimeError() {
return compiler.findHelper('throwRuntimeError');
Element getThrowTypeError() {
return compiler.findHelper('throwTypeError');
Element getThrowAbstractClassInstantiationError() {
return compiler.findHelper('throwAbstractClassInstantiationError');
Element getStringInterpolationHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper('S');
Element getWrapExceptionHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper(r'wrapException');
Element getThrowExpressionHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper('throwExpression');
Element getClosureConverter() {
return compiler.findHelper('convertDartClosureToJS');
Element getTraceFromException() {
return compiler.findHelper('getTraceFromException');
Element getSetRuntimeTypeInfo() {
return compiler.findHelper('setRuntimeTypeInfo');
Element getGetRuntimeTypeInfo() {
return compiler.findHelper('getRuntimeTypeInfo');
Element getGetTypeArgumentByIndex() {
return compiler.findHelper('getTypeArgumentByIndex');
Element getCopyTypeArguments() {
return compiler.findHelper('copyTypeArguments');
Element getComputeSignature() {
return compiler.findHelper('computeSignature');
Element getGetRuntimeTypeArguments() {
return compiler.findHelper('getRuntimeTypeArguments');
Element getGetRuntimeTypeArgument() {
return compiler.findHelper('getRuntimeTypeArgument');
Element getRuntimeTypeToString() {
return compiler.findHelper('runtimeTypeToString');
Element getAssertIsSubtype() {
return compiler.findHelper('assertIsSubtype');
Element getCheckSubtype() {
return compiler.findHelper('checkSubtype');
Element getAssertSubtype() {
return compiler.findHelper('assertSubtype');
Element getCheckSubtypeOfRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper('checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType');
Element getAssertSubtypeOfRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper('assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType');
Element getThrowNoSuchMethod() {
return compiler.findHelper('throwNoSuchMethod');
Element getCreateRuntimeType() {
return compiler.findHelper('createRuntimeType');
Element getFallThroughError() {
return compiler.findHelper("getFallThroughError");
Element getCreateInvocationMirror() {
return compiler.findHelper(Compiler.CREATE_INVOCATION_MIRROR);
Element getCyclicThrowHelper() {
return compiler.findHelper("throwCyclicInit");
bool isNullImplementation(ClassElement cls) {
return cls == jsNullClass;
ClassElement get intImplementation => jsIntClass;
ClassElement get uint32Implementation => jsUInt32Class;
ClassElement get uint31Implementation => jsUInt31Class;
ClassElement get positiveIntImplementation => jsPositiveIntClass;
ClassElement get doubleImplementation => jsDoubleClass;
ClassElement get numImplementation => jsNumberClass;
ClassElement get stringImplementation => jsStringClass;
ClassElement get listImplementation => jsArrayClass;
ClassElement get constListImplementation => jsArrayClass;
ClassElement get fixedListImplementation => jsFixedArrayClass;
ClassElement get growableListImplementation => jsExtendableArrayClass;
ClassElement get mapImplementation => mapLiteralClass;
ClassElement get constMapImplementation => constMapLiteralClass;
ClassElement get typeImplementation => typeLiteralClass;
ClassElement get boolImplementation => jsBoolClass;
ClassElement get nullImplementation => jsNullClass;
void registerStaticUse(Element element, Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (element == disableTreeShakingMarker) {
compiler.disableTypeInferenceForMirrors = true;
isTreeShakingDisabled = true;
} else if (element == preserveNamesMarker) {
mustPreserveNames = true;
} else if (element == preserveMetadataMarker) {
mustRetainMetadata = true;
} else if (element == getIsolateAffinityTagMarker) {
needToInitializeIsolateAffinityTag = true;
} else if (element.isDeferredLoaderGetter()) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Create a function registerLoadLibraryAccess.
if (compiler.loadLibraryFunction == null) {
compiler.loadLibraryFunction =
customElementsAnalysis.registerStaticUse(element, enqueuer);
/// Called when [:const Symbol(name):] is seen.
void registerConstSymbol(String name, TreeElements elements) {
if (name.endsWith('=')) {
symbolsUsed.add(name.substring(0, name.length - 1));
/// Called when [:new Symbol(...):] is seen.
void registerNewSymbol(TreeElements elements) {
/// Called when resolving the `Symbol` constructor.
void registerSymbolConstructor(TreeElements elements) {
// Make sure that _internals.Symbol.validated is registered.
assert(compiler.symbolValidatedConstructor != null);
enqueueInResolution(compiler.symbolValidatedConstructor, elements);
/// Should [element] (a getter) be retained for reflection?
bool shouldRetainGetter(Element element) => isNeededForReflection(element);
/// Should [element] (a setter) be retained for reflection?
bool shouldRetainSetter(Element element) => isNeededForReflection(element);
/// Should [name] be retained for reflection?
bool shouldRetainName(String name) {
if (hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed) return mustPreserveNames;
if (name == '') return false;
return symbolsUsed.contains(name);
bool get rememberLazies => isTreeShakingDisabled;
bool retainMetadataOf(Element element) {
if (mustRetainMetadata) hasRetainedMetadata = true;
if (mustRetainMetadata && isNeededForReflection(element)) {
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in element.metadata) {
Constant constant = constants.getConstantForMetadata(metadata);
return true;
return false;
Future onLibraryLoaded(LibraryElement library, Uri uri) {
if (uri == Uri.parse('dart:_js_mirrors')) {
disableTreeShakingMarker =
preserveMetadataMarker =
} else if (uri == Uri.parse('dart:_js_names')) {
preserveNamesMarker =
} else if (uri == Uri.parse('dart:_js_helper')) {
getIsolateAffinityTagMarker =
return new Future.value();
void registerMirrorUsage(Set<String> symbols,
Set<Element> targets,
Set<Element> metaTargets) {
if (symbols == null && targets == null && metaTargets == null) {
// The user didn't specify anything, or there are imports of
// 'dart:mirrors' without @MirrorsUsed.
hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed = true;
if (symbols != null) symbolsUsed.addAll(symbols);
if (targets != null) {
for (Element target in targets) {
if (target.isAbstractField()) {
AbstractFieldElement field = target;
} else {
if (metaTargets != null) metaTargetsUsed.addAll(metaTargets);
* Returns `true` if [element] can be accessed through reflection, that is,
* is in the set of elements covered by a `MirrorsUsed` annotation.
* This property is used to tag emitted elements with a marker which is
* checked by the runtime system to throw an exception if an element is
* accessed (invoked, get, set) that is not accessible for the reflective
* system.
bool isAccessibleByReflection(Element element) {
// TODO(ahe): This isn't sufficient: simply importing dart:mirrors
// causes hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed to become true.
if (hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed) return true;
return isNeededForReflection(element);
* Returns `true` if the emitter must emit the element even though there
* is no direct use in the program, but because the reflective system may
* need to access it.
bool isNeededForReflection(Element element) {
element = getDartClass(element);
if (hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed) return isTreeShakingDisabled;
/// Record the name of [element] in [symbolsUsed]. Return true for
/// convenience.
bool registerNameOf(Element element) {
if (element.isConstructor()) {
return true;
Element enclosing = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosing != null && isNeededForReflection(enclosing)) {
return registerNameOf(element);
if (isNeededThroughMetaTarget(element)) {
return registerNameOf(element);
if (!targetsUsed.isEmpty && targetsUsed.contains(element)) {
return registerNameOf(element);
// TODO(kasperl): Consider caching this information. It is consulted
// multiple times because of the way we deal with the enclosing element.
return false;
* Returns `true` if the element is needed because it has an annotation
* of a type that is used as a meta target for reflection.
bool isNeededThroughMetaTarget(Element element) {
if (metaTargetsUsed.isEmpty) return false;
for (Link link = element.metadata; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
MetadataAnnotation metadata = link.head;
// TODO(kasperl): It would be nice if we didn't have to resolve
// all metadata but only stuff that potentially would match one
// of the used meta targets.
Constant value = metadata.value;
if (value == null) continue;
DartType type = value.computeType(compiler);
if (metaTargetsUsed.contains(type.element)) return true;
return false;
jsAst.Call generateIsJsIndexableCall(jsAst.Expression use1,
jsAst.Expression use2) {
String dispatchPropertyName = 'init.dispatchPropertyName';
// We pass the dispatch property record to the isJsIndexable
// helper rather than reading it inside the helper to increase the
// chance of making the dispatch record access monomorphic.
jsAst.PropertyAccess record = new jsAst.PropertyAccess(
use2, new jsAst.VariableUse(dispatchPropertyName));
List<jsAst.Expression> arguments = <jsAst.Expression>[use1, record];
FunctionElement helper =
String helperName = namer.isolateAccess(helper);
return new jsAst.Call(new jsAst.VariableUse(helperName), arguments);
bool isTypedArray(TypeMask mask) {
// Just checking for [:TypedData:] is not sufficient, as it is an
// abstract class any user-defined class can implement. So we also
// check for the interface [JavaScriptIndexingBehavior].
return compiler.typedDataClass != null
&& mask.satisfies(compiler.typedDataClass, compiler)
&& mask.satisfies(jsIndexingBehaviorInterface, compiler);
bool couldBeTypedArray(TypeMask mask) {
bool intersects(TypeMask type1, TypeMask type2) =>
!type1.intersection(type2, compiler).isEmpty;
return compiler.typedDataClass != null
&& intersects(mask, new TypeMask.subtype(compiler.typedDataClass))
&& intersects(mask, new TypeMask.subtype(jsIndexingBehaviorInterface));
/// Returns all static fields that are referenced through [targetsUsed].
/// If the target is a library or class all nested static fields are
/// included too.
Iterable<Element> _findStaticFieldTargets() {
List staticFields = [];
void addFieldsInContainer(ScopeContainerElement container) {
container.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
if (!member.isInstanceMember() && member.isField()) {
} else if (member.isClass()) {
for (Element target in targetsUsed) {
if (target == null) continue;
if (target.isField()) {
} else if (target.isLibrary() || target.isClass()) {
return staticFields;
/// Called when [enqueuer] is empty, but before it is closed.
void onQueueEmpty(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
if (!enqueuer.isResolutionQueue && preMirrorsMethodCount == 0) {
preMirrorsMethodCount = generatedCode.length;
if (isTreeShakingDisabled) {
} else if (!targetsUsed.isEmpty && enqueuer.isResolutionQueue) {
// Add all static elements (not classes) that have been requested for
// reflection. If there is no mirror-usage these are probably not
// necessary, but the backend relies on them being resolved.
if (mustPreserveNames) compiler.log('Preserving names.');
if (mustRetainMetadata) {
compiler.log('Retaining metadata.');
for (Dependency dependency in metadataConstants) {
dependency.constant, dependency.user);
void onElementResolved(Element element, TreeElements elements) {
LibraryElement library = element.getLibrary();
if (!library.isPlatformLibrary && !library.canUseNative) return;
bool hasNoInline = false;
bool hasNoThrows = false;
bool hasNoSideEffects = false;
for (MetadataAnnotation metadata in element.metadata) {
if (!metadata.value.isConstructedObject) continue;
ObjectConstant value = metadata.value;
ClassElement cls = value.type.element;
if (cls == noInlineClass) {
hasNoInline = true;
{'text': "Cannot inline"});
} else if (cls == noThrowsClass) {
hasNoThrows = true;
if (!Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(element)) {
"@NoThrows() is currently limited to top-level"
" or static functions");
{'text': "Cannot throw"});
} else if (cls == noSideEffectsClass) {
hasNoSideEffects = true;
{'text': "Has no side effects"});
if (hasNoThrows && !hasNoInline) {
"@NoThrows() should always be combined with @NoInline.");
if (hasNoSideEffects && !hasNoInline) {
"@NoSideEffects() should always be combined with @NoInline.");
CodeBuffer codeOf(Element element) {
return generatedCode.containsKey(element)
? jsAst.prettyPrint(generatedCode[element], compiler)
: null;
/// Records that [constant] is used by [user.element].
class Dependency {
final Constant constant;
final TreeElements user;
const Dependency(this.constant, this.user);