blob: 74f2f1f84ef649734b40314df3030c34c7369acf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.ir_builder;
import 'ir_nodes.dart' as ir;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../dart2jslib.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../source_file.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../scanner/scannerlib.dart' show Token;
import '../dart_backend/dart_backend.dart' show DartBackend;
import 'ir_pickler.dart' show Unpickler, IrConstantPool;
* This task iterates through all resolved elements and builds [ir.Node]s. The
* nodes are stored in the [nodes] map and accessible through [hasIr] and
* [getIr].
* The functionality of the IrNodes is added gradually, therefore elements might
* have an IR or not, depending on the language features that are used. For
* elements that do have an IR, the tree [ast.Node]s and the [Token]s are not
* used in the rest of the compilation. This is ensured by setting the element's
* cached tree to `null` and also breaking the token stream to crash future
* attempts to parse.
* The type inferrer works on either IR nodes or tree nodes. The IR nodes are
* then translated into the SSA form for optimizations and code generation.
* Long-term, once the IR supports the full language, the backend can be
* re-implemented to work directly on the IR.
class IrBuilderTask extends CompilerTask {
final Map<Element, ir.FunctionDefinition> nodes =
<Element, ir.FunctionDefinition>{};
IrBuilderTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
String get name => 'IR builder';
bool hasIr(Element element) => nodes.containsKey(element.implementation);
ir.FunctionDefinition getIr(Element element) => nodes[element.implementation];
void buildNodes() {
if (!irEnabled()) return;
measure(() {
Map<Element, TreeElements> resolved =
resolved.forEach((Element element, TreeElements elementsMapping) {
if (canBuild(element)) {
element = element.implementation;
SourceFile sourceFile = elementSourceFile(element);
IrBuilder builder =
new IrBuilder(elementsMapping, compiler, sourceFile);
ir.FunctionDefinition function;
ElementKind kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR) {
// TODO(lry): build ir for constructors.
} else if (element.isDeferredLoaderGetter()) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Build ir for deferred loader functions.
} else if (kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY ||
kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION ||
kind == ElementKind.GETTER ||
kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
function = builder.buildFunction(element);
} else if (kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
// TODO(lry): build ir for lazy initializers of static fields.
} else {
compiler.internalError(element, 'Unexpected element kind $kind.');
if (function != null) {
assert(() {
// In host-checked mode, serialize and de-serialize the IrNode.
LibraryElement library = element.declaration.getLibrary();
IrConstantPool constantPool = IrConstantPool.forLibrary(library);
List<int> data = function.pickle(constantPool);
function = new Unpickler(compiler, constantPool).unpickle(data);
return true;
nodes[element] = function;
compiler.tracer.traceCompilation(, null, compiler);
compiler.tracer.traceGraph("IR Builder", function);
bool irEnabled() {
// TODO(lry): support checked-mode checks.
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions ||
compiler.backend is !DartBackend ||
compiler.enableConcreteTypeInference) {
return false;
return const bool.fromEnvironment('enable_ir', defaultValue: true);
bool canBuild(Element element) {
// TODO(lry): support lazy initializers.
FunctionElement function = element.asFunctionElement();
if (function == null) return false;
// TODO(kmillikin): support functions with optional parameters.
FunctionSignature signature = function.functionSignature;
if (signature.optionalParameterCount > 0) return false;
SupportedTypeVerifier typeVerifier = new SupportedTypeVerifier();
if (!signature.type.returnType.accept(typeVerifier, null)) return false;
bool parameters_ok = true;
signature.forEachParameter((parameter) {
parameters_ok =
parameters_ok && parameter.type.accept(typeVerifier, null);
if (!parameters_ok) return false;
// TODO(kmillikin): support getters and setters and static class members.
// With the current Dart Tree emitter they just require recognizing them
// and generating the correct syntax.
if (element.isGetter() || element.isSetter()) return false;
if (element.enclosingElement.isClass()) return false;
// TODO(lry): support native functions (also in [visitReturn]).
if (function.isNative()) return false;
return true;
bool get inCheckedMode {
bool result = false;
assert((result = true));
return result;
SourceFile elementSourceFile(Element element) {
if (element is FunctionElement) {
FunctionElement functionElement = element;
if (functionElement.patch != null) element = functionElement.patch;
return element.getCompilationUnit().script.file;
* A tree visitor that builds [IrNodes]. The visit methods add statements using
* to the [builder] and return the last added statement for trees that represent
* an expression.
class IrBuilder extends ResolvedVisitor<ir.Definition> {
final SourceFile sourceFile;
ir.Continuation returnContinuation = null;
List<ir.Parameter> parameters = <ir.Parameter>[];
// The IR builder maintains a context, which is an expression with a hole in
// it. The hole represents the focus where new expressions can be added.
// The context is implemented by 'root' which is the root of the expression
// and 'current' which is the expression that immediately contains the hole.
// Not all expressions have a hole (e.g., invocations, which always occur in
// tail position, do not have a hole). Expressions with a hole have a plug
// method.
// Conceptually, visiting a statement takes a context as input and returns
// either a new context or else an expression without a hole if all
// control-flow paths through the statement have exited. An expression
// without a hole is represented by a (root, current) pair where root is the
// expression and current is null.
// Conceptually again, visiting an expression takes a context as input and
// returns either a pair of a new context and a definition denoting
// the expression's value, or else an expression without a hole if all
// control-flow paths through the expression have exited.
// We do not pass and return contexts, rather we use the current context
// (root, current) as the visitor state and mutate current. Visiting a
// statement returns null; visiting an expression optionally returns the
// definition denoting its value.
ir.Expression root = null;
ir.Expression current = null;
Map<Element, int> variableIndex = <Element, int>{};
List<ir.Definition> assignedVars = <ir.Definition>[];
IrBuilder(TreeElements elements, Compiler compiler, this.sourceFile)
: super(elements, compiler);
* Builds the [ir.FunctionDefinition] for a function element. In case the
* function uses features that cannot be expressed in the IR, this function
* returns `null`.
ir.FunctionDefinition buildFunction(FunctionElement functionElement) {
return nullIfGiveup(() => buildFunctionInternal(functionElement));
ir.FunctionDefinition buildFunctionInternal(FunctionElement element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
ast.FunctionExpression function = element.parseNode(compiler);
assert(function != null);
assert(elements[function] != null);
returnContinuation = new ir.Continuation.retrn();
root = current = null;
FunctionSignature signature = element.functionSignature;
signature.orderedForEachParameter((parameterElement) {
ir.Parameter parameter = new ir.Parameter(parameterElement);
variableIndex[parameterElement] = assignedVars.length;
return new ir.FunctionDefinition(returnContinuation, parameters, root);
ConstantSystem get constantSystem => compiler.backend.constantSystem;
bool get isOpen => root == null || current != null;
// Plug an expression into the 'hole' in the context being accumulated. The
// empty context (just a hole) is represented by root (and current) being
// null. Since the hole in the current context is filled by this function,
// the new hole must be in the newly added expression---which becomes the
// new value of current.
void add(ir.Expression expr) {
if (root == null) {
root = current = expr;
} else if (current != null) {
current = current.plug(expr);
* Add an explicit `return null` for functions that don't have a return
* statement on each branch. This includes functions with an empty body,
* such as `foo(){ }`.
void ensureReturn(ast.FunctionExpression node) {
if (!isOpen) return;
ir.Constant constant = new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createNull());
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
add(new ir.InvokeContinuation(returnContinuation, constant));
current = null;
// Build(EmptyStatement, C) = C
ir.Definition visitEmptyStatement(ast.EmptyStatement node) {
return null;
// Build(Block(stamements), C) = C'
// where C' = statements.fold(Build, C)
ir.Definition visitBlock(ast.Block node) {
for (var n in node.statements.nodes) {
if (!isOpen) return null;
return null;
// Build(ExpressionStatement(e), C) = C'
// where (C', _) = Build(e, C)
ir.Definition visitExpressionStatement(ast.ExpressionStatement node) {
return null;
// Build(Return(e), C) = C'[InvokeContinuation(return, x)]
// where (C', x) = Build(e, C)
// Return without a subexpression is translated as if it were return null.
ir.Definition visitReturn(ast.Return node) {
// TODO(lry): support native returns.
if (node.beginToken.value == 'native') return giveup();
ir.Definition value;
if (node.expression == null) {
value = new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createNull());
add(new ir.LetPrim(value));
} else {
value = node.expression.accept(this);
if (!isOpen) return null;
add(new ir.InvokeContinuation(returnContinuation, value));
current = null;
return null;
// For all simple literals:
// Build(Literal(c), C) = C[let val x = Constant(c) in [], x]
ir.Definition visitLiteralBool(ast.LiteralBool node) {
ir.Constant constant =
new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createBool(node.value));
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
return constant;
ir.Definition visitLiteralDouble(ast.LiteralDouble node) {
ir.Constant constant =
new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createDouble(node.value));
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
return constant;
ir.Definition visitLiteralInt(ast.LiteralInt node) {
ir.Constant constant =
new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createInt(node.value));
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
return constant;
ir.Definition visitLiteralNull(ast.LiteralNull node) {
ir.Constant constant = new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createNull());
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
return constant;
// TODO(kmillikin): other literals. Strings require quoting and escaping
// in the Dart backend.
// LiteralString
// LiteralList
// LiteralMap
// LiteralMapEntry
// LiteralSymbol
ir.Definition visitAssert(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
ir.Definition visitClosureSend(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
ir.Definition visitDynamicSend(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
ir.Definition visitGetterSend(ast.Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (!Elements.isLocal(element)) return giveup();
return assignedVars[variableIndex[element]];
ir.Definition visitOperatorSend(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
// Build(StaticSend(f, arguments), C) = C[C'[InvokeStatic(f, xs)]]
// where (C', xs) = arguments.fold(Build, C)
ir.Definition visitStaticSend(ast.Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
// TODO(lry): support static fields. (separate IR instruction?)
if (element.isField() || element.isGetter()) return giveup();
// TODO(kmillikin): support static setters.
if (element.isSetter()) return giveup();
// TODO(lry): support constructors / factory calls.
if (element.isConstructor()) return giveup();
// TODO(lry): support foreign functions.
if (element.isForeign(compiler)) return giveup();
// TODO(lry): for elements that could not be resolved emit code to throw a
// [NoSuchMethodError].
if (element.isErroneous()) return giveup();
// TODO(lry): generate IR for object identicality.
if (element == compiler.identicalFunction) giveup();
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
// TODO(lry): support named arguments
if (selector.namedArgumentCount != 0) return giveup();
// TODO(kmillikin): support a receiver: A.m().
if (node.receiver != null) return giveup();
List arguments = [];
// TODO(lry): support default arguments, need support for locals.
bool succeeded = selector.addArgumentsToList(
node.arguments, arguments, element.implementation,
// Guard against visiting arguments after an argument expression throws.
(node) => isOpen ? node.accept(this) : null,
(node) => giveup(),
if (!succeeded) {
// TODO(lry): generate code to throw a [WrongArgumentCountError].
return giveup();
if (!isOpen) return null;
ir.Parameter v = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation k = new ir.Continuation(v);
ir.Expression invoke =
new ir.InvokeStatic(element, selector, k, arguments);
add(new ir.LetCont(k, invoke));
return v;
ir.Definition visitSuperSend(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
ir.Definition visitTypeReferenceSend(ast.Send node) {
return giveup();
ir.Definition visitSendSet(ast.SendSet node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (!Elements.isLocal(element)) return giveup();
if (node.assignmentOperator.source != '=') return giveup();
// Exactly one argument expected for a simple assignment.
ir.Definition result = node.arguments.head.accept(this);
assignedVars[variableIndex[element]] = result;
return result;
ir.Definition visitVariableDefinitions(ast.VariableDefinitions node) {
for (ast.Node definition in node.definitions.nodes) {
Element element = elements[definition];
// Definitions are either SendSets if there is an initializer, or
// Identifiers if there is no initializer.
if (definition is ast.SendSet) {
ir.Definition initialValue = definition.arguments.head.accept(this);
// Do not continue adding instructions if the initializer throws.
if (!isOpen) return null;
variableIndex[element] = assignedVars.length;
} else {
assert(definition is ast.Identifier);
// The initial value is null.
// TODO(kmillikin): Consider pooling constants.
ir.Constant constant = new ir.Constant(constantSystem.createNull());
add(new ir.LetPrim(constant));
variableIndex[element] = assignedVars.length;
return null;
static final String ABORT_IRNODE_BUILDER = "IrNode builder aborted";
ir.Definition giveup() => throw ABORT_IRNODE_BUILDER;
ir.FunctionDefinition nullIfGiveup(ir.FunctionDefinition action()) {
try {
return action();
} catch(e) {
if (e == ABORT_IRNODE_BUILDER) return null;
void internalError(String reason, {ast.Node node}) {
// Verify that types are ones that can be reconstructed by the type emitter.
class SupportedTypeVerifier extends DartTypeVisitor<bool, Null> {
bool visitType(DartType type, Null _) => false;
bool visitVoidType(VoidType type, Null _) => true;
// Currently, InterfaceType and TypedefType are supported so long as they
// do not have type parameters. They are subclasses of GenericType.
bool visitGenericType(GenericType type, Null _) => !type.isGeneric;