blob: 13e8b1c765fdef0f6e61a17c6aa74487ca9e86ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of polymer;
/// Annotation used to automatically register polymer elements.
class CustomTag {
final String tagName;
const CustomTag(this.tagName);
/// Metadata used to label static or top-level methods that are called
/// automatically when loading the library of a custom element.
const initMethod = const InitMethodAnnotation();
/// Implementation behind [initMethod]. Only exposed for internal implementation
/// details
class InitMethodAnnotation {
const InitMethodAnnotation();
/// This method is deprecated. It used to be where polymer initialization
/// happens, now this is done automatically from bootstrap.dart.
Zone initPolymer() {
return Zone.current;
const _ERROR = '''
initPolymer is now deprecated. To initialize a polymer app:
* add to your page: <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
* replace "application/dart" mime-types with "application/dart;component=1"
* if you use "init.dart", remove it
* if you have a main, change it into a method annotated with @initMethod
/// True if we're in deployment mode.
bool _deployMode = false;
/// Starts polymer by running all [initializers] and hooking the polymer.js
/// code. **Note**: this function is not meant to be invoked directly by
/// application developers. It is invoked by a bootstrap entry point that is
/// automatically generated. During development, this entry point is generated
/// dynamically in `boot.js`. Similarly, pub-build generates this entry point
/// for deployment.
void startPolymer(List<Function> initializers, [bool deployMode = true]) {
_deployMode = deployMode;
for (var initializer in initializers) {
/// To ensure Dart can interoperate with polymer-element registered by
/// polymer.js, we need to be able to execute Dart code if we are registering
/// a Dart class for that element. We trigger Dart logic by patching
/// polymer-element's register function and:
/// * if it has a Dart class, run PolymerDeclaration's register.
/// * otherwise it is a JS prototype, run polymer-element's normal register.
void _hookJsPolymer() {
var polymerJs = js.context['Polymer'];
if (polymerJs == null) {
throw new StateError('polymer.js must be loaded before polymer.dart, please'
' add <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html"> to your'
' <head> before any Dart scripts. Alternatively you can get a different'
' version of polymer.js by following the instructions at'
'; if you do that be sure to include'
' the platform polyfills.');
// TODO(jmesserly): dart:js appears to not callback in the correct zone:
var zone = Zone.current;
[zone.bindCallback(() => Polymer._ready.complete())]);
var polyElem = document.createElement('polymer-element');
var proto = new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(polyElem)['__proto__'];
if (proto is Node) proto = new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(proto);
JsFunction originalRegister = proto['register'];
if (originalRegister == null) {
throw new StateError('polymer.js must expose "register" function on '
'polymer-element to enable polymer.dart to interoperate.');
registerDart(jsElem, String name, String extendee) {
// By the time we get here, we'll know for sure if it is a Dart object
// or not, because polymer-element will wait for us to notify that
// the @CustomTag was found.
final type = _getRegisteredType(name);
if (type != null) {
final extendsDecl = _getDeclaration(extendee);
return =>
new PolymerDeclaration(jsElem, name, type, extendsDecl).register());
// It's a JavaScript polymer element, fall back to the original register.
return originalRegister.apply([name, extendee], thisArg: jsElem);
proto['register'] = new JsFunction.withThis(registerDart);