blob: 5abafe03bafc16fc9d31ec8fabe770a4b59eab8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of polymer;
/// Use this annotation to publish a field as an attribute. For example:
/// class MyPlaybackElement extends PolymerElement {
/// // This will be available as an HTML attribute, for example:
/// // <my-playback volume="11">
/// @published double volume;
/// }
const published = const PublishedProperty();
/// An annotation used to publish a field as an attribute. See [published].
class PublishedProperty extends ObservableProperty {
const PublishedProperty();
/// Use this type to observe a property and have the method be called when it
/// changes. For example:
/// @ObserveProperty(' baz qux')
/// validate() {
/// // use, this.baz, and this.qux in validation
/// ...
/// }
/// Note that you can observe a property path, and more than a single property
/// can be specified in a space-delimited list or as a constant List.
class ObserveProperty {
final _names;
List<String> get names {
var n = _names;
// TODO(jmesserly): the bogus '$n' is to workaround a dart2js bug, otherwise
// it generates an incorrect call site.
if (n is String) return '$n'.split(' ');
if (n is! Iterable) {
throw new UnsupportedError('ObserveProperty takes either an Iterable of '
'names, or a space separated String, instead of `$n`.');
return n;
const ObserveProperty(this._names);
/// The mixin class for Polymer elements. It provides convenience features on
/// top of the custom elements web standard.
/// If this class is used as a mixin,
/// you must call `polymerCreated()` from the body of your constructor.
abstract class Polymer implements Element, Observable, NodeBindExtension {
// TODO(jmesserly): should this really be public?
/// Regular expression that matches data-bindings.
static final bindPattern = new RegExp(r'\{\{([^{}]*)}}');
/// Like [document.register] but for Polymer elements.
/// Use the [name] to specify custom elment's tag name, for example:
/// "fancy-button" if the tag is used as `<fancy-button>`.
/// The [type] is the type to construct. If not supplied, it defaults to
/// [PolymerElement].
// NOTE: this is called "element" in src/declaration/polymer-element.js, and
// exported as "Polymer".
static void register(String name, [Type type]) {
//console.log('registering [' + name + ']');
if (type == null) type = PolymerElement;
_typesByName[name] = type;
// Dart note: here we notify JS of the element registration. We don't pass
// the Dart type because we will handle that in PolymerDeclaration.
// See _hookJsPolymerDeclaration for how this is done.
(js.context['Polymer'] as JsFunction).apply([name]);
/// The one syntax to rule them all.
static final BindingDelegate _polymerSyntax =
new PolymerExpressionsWithEvents();
static int _preparingElements = 0;
static final Completer _ready = new Completer();
/// Future indicating that the Polymer library has been loaded and is ready
/// for use.
static Future get onReady => _ready.future;
PolymerDeclaration _declaration;
/// The most derived `<polymer-element>` declaration for this element.
PolymerDeclaration get declaration => _declaration;
Map<String, StreamSubscription> _observers;
bool _unbound; // lazy-initialized
_Job _unbindAllJob;
CompoundObserver _propertyObserver;
bool get _elementPrepared => _declaration != null;
bool get applyAuthorStyles => false;
bool get resetStyleInheritance => false;
bool get alwaysPrepare => false;
bool get preventDispose => false;
BindingDelegate syntax = _polymerSyntax;
/// Shadow roots created by [parseElement]. See [getShadowRoot].
final _shadowRoots = new HashMap<String, ShadowRoot>();
/// Map of items in the shadow root(s) by their [].
// TODO(jmesserly): various issues:
// * wrap in UnmodifiableMapView?
// * should we have an object that implements noSuchMethod?
// * should the map have a key order (e.g. LinkedHash or SplayTree)?
// * should this be a live list? Polymer doesn't, maybe due to JS limitations?
// Note: this is observable to support $['someId'] being used in templates.
// The template is stamped before $ is populated, so we need observation if
// we want it to be usable in bindings.
@reflectable final Map<String, Element> $ =
new ObservableMap<String, Element>();
/// Gets the shadow root associated with the corresponding custom element.
/// This is identical to [shadowRoot], unless there are multiple levels of
/// inheritance and they each have their own shadow root. For example,
/// this can happen if the base class and subclass both have `<template>` tags
/// in their `<polymer-element>` tags.
// TODO(jmesserly): Polymer does not have this feature. Reconcile.
ShadowRoot getShadowRoot(String customTagName) => _shadowRoots[customTagName];
/// If this class is used as a mixin, this method must be called from inside
/// of the `created()` constructor.
/// If this class is a superclass, calling `super.created()` is sufficient.
void polymerCreated() {
if (this.ownerDocument.window != null || alwaysPrepare ||
_preparingElements > 0) {
/// Retrieves the custom element name by inspecting the host node.
String get _customTagName {
var isAttr = attributes['is'];
return (isAttr == null || isAttr == '') ? localName : isAttr;
void prepareElement() {
// Dart note: get the _declaration, which also marks _elementPrepared
_declaration = _getDeclaration(_customTagName);
// do this first so we can observe changes during initialization
// install boilerplate attributes
// process input attributes
// add event listeners
// guarantees that while preparing, any
// sub-elements are also prepared
// process declarative resources
// decrement semaphore
// user entry point
/// Called when [prepareElement] is finished.
void ready() {}
void enteredView() {
if (!_elementPrepared) {
cancelUnbindAll(preventCascade: true);
void leftView() {
if (!preventDispose) asyncUnbindAll();
/// Recursive ancestral <element> initialization, oldest first.
void parseDeclarations(PolymerDeclaration declaration) {
if (declaration != null) {
/// Parse input `<polymer-element>` as needed, override for custom behavior.
void parseDeclaration(Element elementElement) {
var template = fetchTemplate(elementElement);
var root = null;
if (template != null) {
if (_declaration.element.attributes.containsKey('lightdom')) {
} else {
root = shadowFromTemplate(template);
// Dart note: the following code is to support the getShadowRoot method.
if (root is! ShadowRoot) return;
var name = elementElement.attributes['name'];
if (name == null) return;
_shadowRoots[name] = root;
/// Return a shadow-root template (if desired), override for custom behavior.
Element fetchTemplate(Element elementElement) =>
/// Utility function that stamps a `<template>` into light-dom.
Node lightFromTemplate(Element template) {
if (template == null) return null;
// stamp template
// which includes parsing and applying MDV bindings before being
// inserted (to avoid {{}} in attribute values)
// e.g. to prevent <img src="images/{{icon}}"> from generating a 404.
var dom = instanceTemplate(template);
// append to shadow dom
// perform post-construction initialization tasks on shadow root
shadowRootReady(this, template);
// return the created shadow root
return dom;
/// Utility function that creates a shadow root from a `<template>`.
/// The base implementation will return a [ShadowRoot], but you can replace it
/// with your own code and skip ShadowRoot creation. In that case, you should
/// return `null`.
/// In your overridden method, you can use [instanceTemplate] to stamp the
/// template and initialize data binding, and [shadowRootReady] to intialize
/// other Polymer features like event handlers. It is fine to call
/// shadowRootReady with a node other than a ShadowRoot such as with `this`.
ShadowRoot shadowFromTemplate(Element template) {
if (template == null) return null;
// cache elder shadow root (if any)
var elderRoot = this.shadowRoot;
// make a shadow root
var root = createShadowRoot();
// Provides ability to traverse from ShadowRoot to the host.
// TODO(jmessery): remove once we have this ability on the DOM.
_shadowHost[root] = this;
// migrate flag(s)(
root.applyAuthorStyles = applyAuthorStyles;
root.resetStyleInheritance = resetStyleInheritance;
// stamp template
// which includes parsing and applying MDV bindings before being
// inserted (to avoid {{}} in attribute values)
// e.g. to prevent <img src="images/{{icon}}"> from generating a 404.
var dom = instanceTemplate(template);
// append to shadow dom
// perform post-construction initialization tasks on shadow root
shadowRootReady(root, template);
// return the created shadow root
return root;
void shadowRootReady(Node root, Element template) {
// locate nodes with id and store references to them in this.$ hash
// TODO(jmesserly): port this
// set up pointer gestures
// PointerGestures.register(root);
/// Locate nodes with id and store references to them in [$] hash.
void marshalNodeReferences(Node root) {
if (root == null) return;
for (var n in (root as dynamic).querySelectorAll('[id]')) {
$[] = n;
void attributeChanged(String name, String oldValue, String newValue) {
if (name != 'class' && name != 'style') {
attributeToProperty(name, newValue);
// TODO(jmesserly): this could be a top level method.
/// Returns a future when `node` changes, or when its children or subtree
/// changes.
/// Use [MutationObserver] if you want to listen to a stream of changes.
Future<List<MutationRecord>> onMutation(Node node) {
var completer = new Completer();
new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) {
})..observe(node, childList: true, subtree: true);
return completer.future;
void copyInstanceAttributes() {
_declaration._instanceAttributes.forEach((name, value) {
attributes.putIfAbsent(name, () => value);
void takeAttributes() {
if (_declaration._publishLC == null) return;
/// If attribute [name] is mapped to a property, deserialize
/// [value] into that property.
void attributeToProperty(String name, String value) {
// try to match this attribute to a property (attributes are
// all lower-case, so this is case-insensitive search)
var decl = propertyForAttribute(name);
if (decl == null) return;
// filter out 'mustached' values, these are to be
// replaced with bound-data and are not yet values
// themselves.
if (value == null || value.contains(Polymer.bindPattern)) return;
final currentValue =,;
// deserialize Boolean or Number values from attribute
var type = decl.type;
if ((type == Object || type == dynamic) && currentValue != null) {
// Attempt to infer field type from the current value.
type = currentValue.runtimeType;
final newValue = deserializeValue(value, currentValue, type);
// only act if the value has changed
if (!identical(newValue, currentValue)) {
// install new value (has side-effects)
smoke.write(this,, newValue);
/// Return the published property matching name, or null.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we just return Symbol here?
smoke.Declaration propertyForAttribute(String name) {
final publishLC = _declaration._publishLC;
if (publishLC == null) return null;
//console.log('propertyForAttribute:', name, 'matches', match);
return publishLC[name];
/// Convert representation of [value] based on [type] and [currentValue].
Object deserializeValue(String value, Object currentValue, Type type) =>
deserialize.deserializeValue(value, currentValue, type);
String serializeValue(Object value) {
if (value == null) return null;
if (value is bool) {
return _toBoolean(value) ? '' : null;
} else if (value is String || value is num) {
return '$value';
return null;
void reflectPropertyToAttribute(PropertyPath path) {
if (path.length != 1) throw new ArgumentError('path must be length 1');
// TODO(sjmiles): consider memoizing this
// try to intelligently serialize property value
final propValue = path.getValueFrom(this);
final serializedValue = serializeValue(propValue);
// boolean properties must reflect as boolean attributes
if (serializedValue != null) {
attributes['$path'] = serializedValue;
// TODO(sorvell): we should remove attr for all properties
// that have undefined serialization; however, we will need to
// refine the attr reflection system to achieve this; pica, for example,
// relies on having inferredType object properties not removed as
// attrs.
} else if (propValue is bool) {
/// Creates the document fragment to use for each instance of the custom
/// element, given the `<template>` node. By default this is equivalent to:
/// templateBind(template).createInstance(this, polymerSyntax);
/// Where polymerSyntax is a singleton `PolymerExpressions` instance from the
/// [polymer_expressions](
/// package.
/// You can override this method to change the instantiation behavior of the
/// template, for example to use a different data-binding syntax.
DocumentFragment instanceTemplate(Element template) =>
templateBind(template).createInstance(this, syntax);
// TODO(jmesserly): Polymer does not seem to implement the oneTime flag
// correctly. File bug.
Bindable bind(String name, Bindable bindable, {bool oneTime: false}) {
// note: binding is a prepare signal. This allows us to be sure that any
// property changes that occur as a result of binding will be observed.
if (!_elementPrepared) prepareElement();
var decl = propertyForAttribute(name);
if (decl == null) {
// Cannot call super.bind because template_binding is its own package
return nodeBindFallback(this).bind(name, bindable, oneTime: oneTime);
} else {
// clean out the closets
// use n-way Polymer binding
var observer = bindProperty(, bindable);
// reflect bound property to attribute when binding
// to ensure binding is not left on attribute if property
// does not update due to not changing.
// Dart note: we include this patch:
// TODO(jmesserly): polymer has the path_ in their observer object, should
// we use that too instead of allocating it here?
reflectPropertyToAttribute(new PropertyPath([]));
return bindings[name] = observer;
Map<String, Bindable> get bindings => nodeBindFallback(this).bindings;
TemplateInstance get templateInstance =>
void unbind(String name) => nodeBindFallback(this).unbind(name);
void asyncUnbindAll() {
if (_unbound == true) return;
_unbindLog.fine('[$localName] asyncUnbindAll');
_unbindAllJob = _runJob(_unbindAllJob, unbindAll, Duration.ZERO);
void unbindAll() {
if (_unbound == true) return;
var root = shadowRoot;
while (root != null) {
root = root.olderShadowRoot;
_unbound = true;
void cancelUnbindAll({bool preventCascade}) {
if (_unbound == true) {
'[$localName] already unbound, cannot cancel unbindAll');
_unbindLog.fine('[$localName] cancelUnbindAll');
if (_unbindAllJob != null) {
_unbindAllJob = null;
// cancel unbinding our shadow tree iff we're not in the process of
// cascading our tree (as we do, for example, when the element is inserted).
if (preventCascade == true) return;
_forNodeTree(shadowRoot, (n) {
if (n is Polymer) {
(n as Polymer).cancelUnbindAll();
static void _unbindNodeTree(Node node) {
_forNodeTree(node, (node) => nodeBind(node).unbindAll());
static void _forNodeTree(Node node, void callback(Node node)) {
if (node == null) return;
for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextNode) {
_forNodeTree(child, callback);
/// Set up property observers.
void observeProperties() {
final observe = _declaration._observe;
final publish = _declaration._publish;
// TODO(jmesserly): workaround for a dart2js compiler bug
bool hasObserved = observe != null;
if (hasObserved || publish != null) {
var o = _propertyObserver = new CompoundObserver();
if (hasObserved) {
for (var path in observe.keys) {
o.addPath(this, path);
// TODO(jmesserly): on the Polymer side it doesn't look like they
// will observe arrays unless it is a length == 1 path.
observeArrayValue(path, path.getValueFrom(this), null);
if (publish != null) {
for (var path in publish.keys) {
if (!hasObserved || !observe.containsKey(path)) {
o.addPath(this, path);
/// Responds to property changes on this element.
void notifyPropertyChanges(List newValues, Map oldValues, List paths) {
final observe = _declaration._observe;
final publish = _declaration._publish;
final called = new HashSet();
oldValues.forEach((i, oldValue) {
// note: paths is of form [object, path, object, path]
var path = paths[2 * i + 1];
if (publish != null && publish.containsKey(path)) {
if (observe == null) return;
var methods = observe[path];
if (methods == null) return;
for (var method in methods) {
if (!called.add(method)) continue; // don't invoke more than once.
final newValue = newValues[i];
// observes the value if it is an array
observeArrayValue(path, newValue, oldValue);
// Dart note: JS passes "arguments", so we pass along our args.
smoke.invoke(this, method,
[oldValue, newValue, newValues, oldValues, paths], adjust: true);
void observeArrayValue(PropertyPath name, Object value, Object old) {
final observe = _declaration._observe;
if (observe == null) return;
// we only care if there are registered side-effects
var callbacks = observe[name];
if (callbacks == null) return;
// if we are observing the previous value, stop
if (old is ObservableList) {
if (_observeLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_observeLog.fine('[$localName] observeArrayValue: unregister observer '
// if the new value is an array, being observing it
if (value is ObservableList) {
if (_observeLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_observeLog.fine('[$localName] observeArrayValue: register observer '
var sub = value.listChanges.listen((changes) {
for (var callback in callbacks) {
smoke.invoke(this, callback, [old], adjust: true);
registerObserver('${name}__array', sub);
bool unbindProperty(String name) => unregisterObserver(name);
void unbindAllProperties() {
if (_propertyObserver != null) {
_propertyObserver = null;
/// Bookkeeping observers for memory management.
void registerObserver(String name, StreamSubscription sub) {
if (_observers == null) {
_observers = new Map<String, StreamSubscription>();
_observers[name] = sub;
bool unregisterObserver(String name) {
var sub = _observers.remove(name);
if (sub == null) return false;
return true;
void unregisterObservers() {
if (_observers == null) return;
for (var sub in _observers.values) sub.cancel();
_observers = null;
/// Bind a [property] in this object to a [path] in model. *Note* in Dart it
/// is necessary to also define the field:
/// var myProperty;
/// ready() {
/// super.ready();
/// bindProperty(#myProperty, this, '');
/// }
Bindable bindProperty(Symbol name, Bindable bindable) {
// Dart note: normally we only reach this code when we know it's a
// property, but if someone uses bindProperty directly they might get a
// NoSuchMethodError either from the getField below, or from the setField
// inside PolymerBinding. That doesn't seem unreasonable, but it's a slight
// difference from Polymer.js behavior.
if (_bindLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_bindLog.fine('bindProperty: [$bindable] to [${localName}].[name]');
// capture A's value if B's value is null or undefined,
// otherwise use B's value
// TODO(sorvell): need to review, can do with ObserverTransform
var v = bindable.value;
if (v == null) {
bindable.value =, name);
// TODO(jmesserly): this will create another subscription.
// It would be nice to have this reuse our existing _propertyObserver
// created by observeProperties, to avoid more observation overhead.
return new _PolymerBinding(this, name, bindable);
/// Attach event listeners on the host (this) element.
void addHostListeners() {
var events = _declaration._eventDelegates;
if (events.isEmpty) return;
if (_eventsLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_eventsLog.fine('[$localName] addHostListeners: $events');
addNodeListeners(this, events.keys, hostEventListener);
void addNodeListeners(Node node, Iterable<String> events,
void listener(Event e)) {
for (var name in events) {
addNodeListener(node, name, listener);
void addNodeListener(Node node, String event, void listener(Event e)) {
void hostEventListener(Event event) {
// TODO(jmesserly): do we need this check? It was using cancelBubble, see:
if (!event.bubbles) return;
bool log = _eventsLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
if (log) {
_eventsLog.fine('>>> [$localName]: hostEventListener(${event.type})');
var h = findEventDelegate(event);
if (h != null) {
if (log) _eventsLog.fine('[$localName] found host handler name [$h]');
var detail = event is CustomEvent ? event.detail : null;
// TODO(jmesserly): cache the symbols?
dispatchMethod(this, h, [event, detail, this]);
if (log) {
_eventsLog.fine('<<< [$localName]: hostEventListener(${event.type})');
String findEventDelegate(Event event) =>
/// Calls [methodOrCallback] with [args] if it is a closure, otherwise, treat
/// it as a method name in [object], and invoke it.
void dispatchMethod(object, callbackOrMethod, List args) {
bool log = _eventsLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
if (log) _eventsLog.fine('>>> [$localName]: dispatch $callbackOrMethod');
if (callbackOrMethod is Function) {
int maxArgs = smoke.maxArgs(callbackOrMethod);
if (maxArgs == -1) {
'invalid callback: expected callback of 0, 1, 2, or 3 arguments');
args.length = maxArgs;
Function.apply(callbackOrMethod, args);
} else if (callbackOrMethod is String) {
smoke.invoke(object, smoke.nameToSymbol(callbackOrMethod), args,
adjust: true);
} else {
_eventsLog.warning('invalid callback');
if (log)'<<< [$localName]: dispatch $callbackOrMethod');
/// Bind events via attributes of the form `on-eventName`. This method can be
/// use to hooks into the model syntax and adds event listeners as needed. By
/// default, binding paths are always method names on the root model, the
/// custom element in which the node exists. Adding a '@' in the path directs
/// the event binding to use the model path as the event listener. In both
/// cases, the actual listener is attached to a generic method which evaluates
/// the bound path at event execution time.
// from src/instance/event.js#prepareBinding
static PrepareBindingFunction prepareBinding(String path, String name, node) {
// provide an event-binding callback.
return (model, node, oneTime) {
if (_eventsLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_eventsLog.fine('event: [$node].$name => [$model].$path())');
var eventName = _removeEventPrefix(name);
// TODO(sigmund): polymer.js dropped event translations. reconcile?
var translated = _eventTranslations[eventName];
eventName = translated != null ? translated : eventName;
return new _EventBindable(node, eventName, model, path);
/// Call [methodName] method on this object with [args].
invokeMethod(Symbol methodName, List args) =>
smoke.invoke(this, methodName, args, adjust: true);
/// Invokes a function asynchronously.
/// This will call `Platform.flush()` and then return a `new Timer`
/// with the provided [method] and [timeout].
/// If you would prefer to run the callback using
/// [window.requestAnimationFrame], see the [async] method.
// Dart note: "async" is split into 2 methods so it can have a sensible type
// signatures. Also removed the various features that don't make sense in a
// Dart world, like binding to "this" and taking arguments list.
Timer asyncTimer(void method(), Duration timeout) {
// when polyfilling Object.observe, ensure changes
// propagate before executing the async method
return new Timer(timeout, method);
/// Invokes a function asynchronously.
/// This will call `Platform.flush()` and then call
/// [window.requestAnimationFrame] with the provided [method] and return the
/// result.
/// If you would prefer to run the callback after a given duration, see
/// the [asyncTimer] method.
int async(RequestAnimationFrameCallback method) {
// when polyfilling Object.observe, ensure changes
// propagate before executing the async method
return window.requestAnimationFrame(method);
/// Fire a [CustomEvent] targeting [toNode], or this if toNode is not
/// supplied. Returns the [detail] object.
Object fire(String type, {Object detail, Node toNode, bool canBubble}) {
var node = toNode != null ? toNode : this;
// && console.log('[%s]: sending [%s]', node.localName, inType);
node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
canBubble: canBubble != null ? canBubble : true,
detail: detail
return detail;
/// Fire an event asynchronously. See [async] and [fire].
asyncFire(String type, {Object detail, Node toNode, bool canBubble}) {
// TODO(jmesserly): I'm not sure this method adds much in Dart, it's easy to
// add "() =>"
async((x) => fire(
type, detail: detail, toNode: toNode, canBubble: canBubble));
/// Remove [className] from [old], add class to [anew], if they exist.
void classFollows(Element anew, Element old, String className) {
if (old != null) {
if (anew != null) {
/// Installs external stylesheets and <style> elements with the attribute
/// polymer-scope='controller' into the scope of element. This is intended
/// to be a called during custom element construction. Note, this incurs a
/// per instance cost and should be used sparingly.
/// The need for this type of styling should go away when the shadowDOM spec
/// addresses these issues:
/// @param element The custom element instance into whose controller (parent)
/// scope styles will be installed.
/// @param elementElement The <element> containing controller styles.
// TODO(sorvell): remove when spec issues are addressed
void installControllerStyles() {
var scope = findStyleController();
if (scope != null && scopeHasElementStyle(scope, _STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE)) {
// allow inherited controller styles
var decl = _declaration;
var cssText = new StringBuffer();
while (decl != null) {
decl = decl.superDeclaration;
if (cssText.length > 0) {
var style = decl.cssTextToScopeStyle(cssText.toString(),
// TODO(sorvell): for now these styles are not shimmed
// but we may need to shim them
Polymer.applyStyleToScope(style, scope);
Node findStyleController() {
if (js.context.hasProperty('ShadowDOMPolyfill')) {
return document.querySelector('head'); // get wrapped <head>.
} else {
// find the shadow root that contains this element
var n = this;
while (n.parentNode != null) {
n = n.parentNode;
return identical(n, document) ? document.head : n;
bool scopeHasElementStyle(scope, descriptor) {
var rule = '$_STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE=$localName-$descriptor';
return scope.querySelector('style[$rule]') != null;
static void applyStyleToScope(StyleElement style, Node scope) {
if (style == null) return;
// TODO(sorvell): necessary for IE
// see
// cloning-a-style-element-and-adding-to-document-produces
// -unexpected-result#details
// var clone = style.cloneNode(true);
var clone = new StyleElement()..text = style.text;
var attr = style.attributes[_STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE];
if (attr != null) {
clone.attributes[_STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE] = attr;
// Dart note: Polymer addresses n-way bindings by metaprogramming: redefine
// the property on the PolymerElement instance to always get its value from the
// model@path. We can't replicate this in Dart so we do the next best thing:
// listen to changes on both sides and update the values.
// TODO(jmesserly): our approach leads to race conditions in the bindings.
// See
class _PolymerBinding extends Bindable {
final Polymer _target;
final Symbol _property;
final Bindable _bindable;
StreamSubscription _sub;
Object _lastValue;
_PolymerBinding(this._target, this._property, this._bindable) {
_sub = _target.changes.listen(_propertyValueChanged);
void _updateNode(newValue) {
_lastValue = newValue;
smoke.write(_target, _property, newValue);
void _propertyValueChanged(List<ChangeRecord> records) {
for (var record in records) {
if (record is PropertyChangeRecord && == _property) {
final newValue =, _property);
if (!identical(_lastValue, newValue)) {
this.value = newValue;
open(callback(value)) =>;
get value => _bindable.value;
set value(newValue) => _bindable.value = newValue;
void close() {
if (_sub != null) {
_sub = null;
bool _toBoolean(value) => null != value && false != value;
final Logger _observeLog = new Logger('polymer.observe');
final Logger _eventsLog = new Logger('');
final Logger _unbindLog = new Logger('polymer.unbind');
final Logger _bindLog = new Logger('polymer.bind');
final Expando _shadowHost = new Expando<Polymer>();
final Expando _eventHandledTable = new Expando<Set<Node>>();
/// Base class for PolymerElements deriving from HtmlElement.
/// See [Polymer].
class PolymerElement extends HtmlElement with Polymer, Observable {
PolymerElement.created() : super.created() {
class _PropertyValue {
Object oldValue, newValue;
class PolymerExpressionsWithEvents extends PolymerExpressions {
PolymerExpressionsWithEvents({Map<String, Object> globals})
: super(globals: globals);
prepareBinding(String path, name, node) {
if (_hasEventPrefix(name)) return Polymer.prepareBinding(path, name, node);
return super.prepareBinding(path, name, node);
class _EventBindable extends Bindable {
final Node _node;
final String _eventName;
final _model;
final String _path;
StreamSubscription _sub;
_EventBindable(this._node, this._eventName, this._model, this._path);
_listener(event) {
var ctrlr = _findController(_node);
if (ctrlr is! Polymer) return;
var obj = ctrlr;
var method = _path;
if (_path.startsWith('@')) {
obj = _model;
method = new PropertyPath(_path.substring(1)).getValueFrom(_model);
var detail = event is CustomEvent ?
(event as CustomEvent).detail : null;
ctrlr.dispatchMethod(obj, method, [event, detail, _node]);
// TODO(jmesserly): this won't find the correct host unless the ShadowRoot
// was created on a PolymerElement.
static Polymer _findController(Node node) {
while (node.parentNode != null) {
node = node.parentNode;
return _shadowHost[node];
get value => null;
open(callback) {
_sub = _node.on[_eventName].listen(_listener);
close() {
if (_sub != null) {
if (_eventsLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
'event.remove: [$_node].$_eventName => [$_model].$_path())');
_sub = null;