blob: c3eb0b540c5fe7f09f4efae621a42b6b749d5e54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of polymer;
/// *Warning* this class is experimental and subject to change.
/// The data associated with a polymer-element declaration, if it is backed
/// by a Dart class instead of a JavaScript prototype.
class PolymerDeclaration {
/// The polymer-element for this declaration.
final HtmlElement element;
/// The Dart type corresponding to this custom element declaration.
final Type type;
/// If we extend another custom element, this points to the super declaration.
final PolymerDeclaration superDeclaration;
/// The name of the custom element.
final String name;
/// Map of publish properties. Can be a field or a property getter, but if
/// this map contains a getter, is because it also has a corresponding setter.
/// Note: technically these are always single properties, so we could use a
/// Symbol instead of a PropertyPath. However there are lookups between this
/// map and [_observe] so it is easier to just track paths.
Map<PropertyPath, smoke.Declaration> _publish;
/// The names of published properties for this polymer-element.
Iterable<String> get publishedProperties =>
_publish != null ? => '$p') : const [];
/// Same as [_publish] but with lower case names.
Map<String, smoke.Declaration> _publishLC;
Map<PropertyPath, List<Symbol>> _observe;
Map<String, Object> _instanceAttributes;
List<Element> _sheets;
List<Element> get sheets => _sheets;
List<Element> _styles;
List<Element> get styles => _styles;
DocumentFragment get templateContent {
final template = element.querySelector('template');
return template != null ? templateBind(template).content : null;
/// Maps event names and their associated method in the element class.
final Map<String, String> _eventDelegates = {};
/// Expected events per element node.
// TODO(sigmund): investigate whether we need more than 1 set of local events
// per element (why does the js implementation stores 1 per template node?)
Expando<Set<String>> _templateDelegates;
String get extendee => superDeclaration != null ? : null;
// Dart note: since polymer-element is handled in JS now, we have a simplified
// flow for registering. We don't need to wait for the supertype or the code
// to be noticed.
PolymerDeclaration(this.element,, this.type, this.superDeclaration);
void register() {
// build prototype combining extendee, Polymer base, and named api
// back reference declaration element
// TODO(sjmiles): replace `element` with `elementElement` or `declaration`
_declarations[name] = this;
// more declarative features
// register our custom element
// NOTE: skip in Dart because we don't have mutable global scope.
// reference constructor in a global named by 'constructor' attribute
// publishConstructor();
/// Gets the Dart type registered for this name, and sets up declarative
/// features. Fills in the [type] and [supertype] fields.
/// *Note*: unlike the JavaScript version, we do not have to metaprogram the
/// prototype, which simplifies this method.
void buildType() {
// transcribe `attributes` declarations onto own prototype's `publish`
// desugar compound observer syntax, e.g. @ObserveProperty('a b c')
// Skip the rest in Dart:
// chain various meta-data objects to inherited versions
// chain custom api to inherited
// build side-chained lists to optimize iterations
// inherit publishing meta-data
// x-platform fixup
/// Implement various declarative features.
void desugar() {
// compile list of attributes to copy to instances
// parse on-* delegates declared on `this` element
// install external stylesheets as if they are inline
// TODO(sorvell): install a helper method this.resolvePath to aid in
// setting resource paths. e.g.
// this.$.image.src = this.resolvePath('images/foo.png')
// Potentially remove when spec bug is addressed.
// TODO(jmesserly): resolvePath not ported, see first comment in this class.
// under ShadowDOMPolyfill, transforms to approximate missing CSS features
_shimShadowDomStyling(templateContent, name, extendee);
// TODO(jmesserly): this feels unnatrual in Dart. Since we have convenient
// lazy static initialization, can we get by without it?
if (smoke.hasStaticMethod(type, #registerCallback)) {
smoke.invoke(type, #registerCallback, [this]);
// TODO(sorvell): remove when spec addressed:
// make <shadow></shadow> be <shadow><content></content></shadow>
void adjustShadowElement() {
// TODO(sorvell): avoid under SD polyfill until this bug is addressed:
if (!_hasShadowDomPolyfill) {
final content = templateContent;
if (content == null) return;
for (var s in content.querySelectorAll('shadow')) {
if (s.nodes.isEmpty) s.append(new ContentElement());
void registerType(String name) {
var baseTag;
var decl = this;
while (decl != null) {
baseTag = decl.element.attributes['extends'];
decl = decl.superDeclaration;
document.register(name, type, extendsTag: baseTag);
void publishAttributes(PolymerDeclaration superDecl) {
// get properties to publish
if (superDecl != null && superDecl._publish != null) {
// Dart note: even though we walk the type hierarchy in
// _getPublishedProperties, this will additionally include any names
// published via the `attributes` attribute.
_publish = new Map.from(superDecl._publish);
_publish = _getPublishedProperties(type, _publish);
// merge names from 'attributes' attribute
var attrs = element.attributes['attributes'];
if (attrs != null) {
// names='a b c' or names='a,b,c'
// record each name for publishing
for (var attr in attrs.split(_ATTRIBUTES_REGEX)) {
// remove excess ws
attr = attr.trim();
// do not override explicit entries
if (attr == '') continue;
var property = smoke.nameToSymbol(attr);
var path = new PropertyPath([property]);
if (_publish != null && _publish.containsKey(path)) {
var decl = smoke.getDeclaration(type, property);
if (decl == null || decl.isMethod || decl.isFinal) {
window.console.warn('property for attribute $attr of polymer-element '
'name=$name not found.');
if (_publish == null) _publish = {};
_publish[path] = decl;
// NOTE: the following is not possible in Dart; fields must be declared.
// install 'attributes' as properties on the prototype,
// but don't override
void accumulateInstanceAttributes() {
// inherit instance attributes
_instanceAttributes = new Map<String, Object>();
if (superDeclaration != null) {
// merge attributes from element
element.attributes.forEach((name, value) {
if (isInstanceAttribute(name)) {
_instanceAttributes[name] = value;
static bool isInstanceAttribute(name) {
// do not clone these attributes onto instances
final blackList = const {
'name': 1, 'extends': 1, 'constructor': 1, 'noscript': 1,
'attributes': 1};
return !blackList.containsKey(name) && !name.startsWith('on-');
/// Extracts events from the element tag attributes.
void parseHostEvents() {
void addAttributeDelegates(Map<String, String> delegates) {
element.attributes.forEach((name, value) {
if (_hasEventPrefix(name)) {
var start = value.indexOf('{{');
var end = value.lastIndexOf('}}');
if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
delegates[_removeEventPrefix(name)] =
value.substring(start + 2, end).trim();
String urlToPath(String url) {
if (url == null) return '';
return (url.split('/')..removeLast()..add('')).join('/');
/// Install external stylesheets loaded in <element> elements into the
/// element's template.
void installSheets() {
void cacheSheets() {
_sheets = findNodes(_SHEET_SELECTOR);
for (var s in sheets) s.remove();
void cacheStyles() {
_styles = findNodes('$_STYLE_SELECTOR[$_SCOPE_ATTR]');
for (var s in styles) s.remove();
/// Takes external stylesheets loaded in an `<element>` element and moves
/// their content into a style element inside the `<element>`'s template.
/// The sheet is then removed from the `<element>`. This is done only so
/// that if the element is loaded in the main document, the sheet does
/// not become active.
/// Note, ignores sheets with the attribute 'polymer-scope'.
void installLocalSheets() {
var sheets = this.sheets.where(
(s) => !s.attributes.containsKey(_SCOPE_ATTR));
var content = templateContent;
if (content != null) {
var cssText = new StringBuffer();
for (var sheet in sheets) {
if (cssText.length > 0) {
new StyleElement()..text = '$cssText',
List<Element> findNodes(String selector, [bool matcher(Element e)]) {
var nodes = element.querySelectorAll(selector).toList();
var content = templateContent;
if (content != null) {
nodes = nodes..addAll(content.querySelectorAll(selector));
if (matcher != null) return nodes.where(matcher).toList();
return nodes;
/// Promotes external stylesheets and style elements with the attribute
/// polymer-scope='global' into global scope.
/// This is particularly useful for defining @keyframe rules which
/// currently do not function in scoped or shadow style elements.
/// (See
// TODO(sorvell): remove when is addressed.
void installGlobalStyles() {
var style = styleForScope(_STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE);
Polymer.applyStyleToScope(style, document.head);
String cssTextForScope(String scopeDescriptor) {
var cssText = new StringBuffer();
// handle stylesheets
var selector = '[$_SCOPE_ATTR=$scopeDescriptor]';
matcher(s) => s.matches(selector);
for (var sheet in sheets.where(matcher)) {
// handle cached style elements
for (var style in styles.where(matcher)) {
return cssText.toString();
StyleElement styleForScope(String scopeDescriptor) {
var cssText = cssTextForScope(scopeDescriptor);
return cssTextToScopeStyle(cssText, scopeDescriptor);
StyleElement cssTextToScopeStyle(String cssText, String scopeDescriptor) {
if (cssText == '') return null;
return new StyleElement()
..text = cssText
..attributes[_STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE] = '$name-$scopeDescriptor';
/// Fetch a list of all *Changed methods so we can observe the associated
/// properties.
void inferObservers() {
for (var decl in smoke.query(type, _changedMethodQueryOptions)) {
// TODO(jmesserly): now that we have a better system, should we
// deprecate *Changed methods?
if (_observe == null) _observe = new HashMap();
var name = smoke.symbolToName(;
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 7);
_observe[new PropertyPath(name)] = [];
/// Fetch a list of all methods annotated with [ObserveProperty] so we can
/// observe the associated properties.
void explodeObservers() {
var options = const smoke.QueryOptions(includeFields: false,
includeProperties: false, includeMethods: true, includeInherited: true,
includeUpTo: HtmlElement, withAnnotations: const [ObserveProperty]);
for (var decl in smoke.query(type, options)) {
for (var meta in decl.annotations) {
if (meta is! ObserveProperty) continue;
if (_observe == null) _observe = new HashMap();
for (String name in meta.names) {
_observe.putIfAbsent(new PropertyPath(name), () => []).add(;
void publishProperties() {
// Dart note: _publish was already populated by publishAttributes
if (_publish != null) _publishLC = _lowerCaseMap(_publish);
Map<String, dynamic> _lowerCaseMap(Map<PropertyPath, dynamic> properties) {
final map = new Map<String, dynamic>();
properties.forEach((PropertyPath path, value) {
map['$path'.toLowerCase()] = value;
return map;
/// maps tag names to prototypes
final Map _typesByName = new Map<String, Type>();
Type _getRegisteredType(String name) => _typesByName[name];
/// track document.register'ed tag names and their declarations
final Map _declarations = new Map<String, PolymerDeclaration>();
bool _isRegistered(String name) => _declarations.containsKey(name);
PolymerDeclaration _getDeclaration(String name) => _declarations[name];
Map<PropertyPath, smoke.Declaration> _getPublishedProperties(
Type type, Map<PropertyPath, smoke.Declaration> props) {
var options = const smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
includeUpTo: HtmlElement, withAnnotations: const [PublishedProperty]);
for (var decl in smoke.query(type, options)) {
if (decl.isFinal) continue;
if (props == null) props = {};
props[new PropertyPath([])] = decl;
return props;
/// Attribute prefix used for declarative event handlers.
const _EVENT_PREFIX = 'on-';
/// Whether an attribute declares an event.
bool _hasEventPrefix(String attr) => attr.startsWith(_EVENT_PREFIX);
String _removeEventPrefix(String name) => name.substring(_EVENT_PREFIX.length);
/// Using Polymer's platform/src/ShadowCSS.js passing the style tag's content.
void _shimShadowDomStyling(DocumentFragment template, String name,
String extendee) {
if (template == null || !_hasShadowDomPolyfill) return;
var platform = js.context['Platform'];
if (platform == null) return;
var shadowCss = platform['ShadowCSS'];
if (shadowCss == null) return;
shadowCss.callMethod('shimStyling', [template, name, extendee]);
final bool _hasShadowDomPolyfill = js.context.hasProperty('ShadowDOMPolyfill');
const _STYLE_SELECTOR = 'style';
const _SHEET_SELECTOR = '[rel=stylesheet]';
const _STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE = 'global';
const _SCOPE_ATTR = 'polymer-scope';
const _STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = 'element';
const _STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE = 'controller';
String _cssTextFromSheet(LinkElement sheet) {
if (sheet == null) return '';
// In deploy mode we should never do a sync XHR; link rel=stylesheet will
// be inlined into a <style> tag by ImportInliner.
if (_deployMode) return '';
// TODO(jmesserly): sometimes the href property is wrong after deployment.
var href = sheet.href;
if (href == '') href = sheet.attributes["href"];
// TODO(jmesserly): it seems like polymer-js is always polyfilling
// HTMLImports, because their code depends on "__resource" to work, so I
// don't see how it can work with native HTML Imports. We use a sync-XHR
// under the assumption that the file is likely to have been already
// downloaded and cached by HTML Imports.
try {
return (new HttpRequest()'GET', href, async: false)
} on DomException catch (e, t) {
_sheetLog.fine('failed to XHR stylesheet text href="$href" error: '
'$e, trace: $t');
return '';
final Logger _sheetLog = new Logger('polymer.stylesheet');
final smoke.QueryOptions _changedMethodQueryOptions = new smoke.QueryOptions(
includeFields: false, includeProperties: false, includeMethods: true,
includeInherited: true, includeUpTo: HtmlElement,
matches: _isObserverMethod);
bool _isObserverMethod(Symbol symbol) {
String name = smoke.symbolToName(symbol);
if (name == null) return false;
return name.endsWith('Changed') && name != 'attributeChanged';
// TODO(jmesserly): is this list complete?
final _eventTranslations = const {
// TODO(jmesserly): these three Polymer.js translations won't work in Dart,
// because we strip the webkit prefix (below). Reconcile.
'webkitanimationstart': 'webkitAnimationStart',
'webkitanimationend': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'webkittransitionend': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'domfocusout': 'DOMFocusOut',
'domfocusin': 'DOMFocusIn',
'dommousescroll': 'DOMMouseScroll',
// TODO(jmesserly): Dart specific renames. Reconcile with Polymer.js
'animationend': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'animationiteration': 'webkitAnimationIteration',
'animationstart': 'webkitAnimationStart',
'doubleclick': 'dblclick',
'fullscreenchange': 'webkitfullscreenchange',
'fullscreenerror': 'webkitfullscreenerror',
'keyadded': 'webkitkeyadded',
'keyerror': 'webkitkeyerror',
'keymessage': 'webkitkeymessage',
'needkey': 'webkitneedkey',
'speechchange': 'webkitSpeechChange',
final _reverseEventTranslations = () {
final map = new Map<String, String>();
_eventTranslations.forEach((onName, eventType) {
map[eventType] = onName;
return map;
// Dart note: we need this function because we have additional renames JS does
// not have. The JS renames are simply case differences, whereas we have ones
// like doubleclick -> dblclick and stripping the webkit prefix.
String _eventNameFromType(String eventType) {
final result = _reverseEventTranslations[eventType];
return result != null ? result : eventType;
final _ATTRIBUTES_REGEX = new RegExp(r'\s|,');