blob: 29598b83915e1c752d24bcf4185551247ed75a50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mock.mock;
// TOOD(kevmoo): just use `Map`
import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'action.dart';
import 'behavior.dart';
import 'call_matcher.dart';
import 'log_entry.dart';
import 'log_entry_list.dart';
import 'responder.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/** The base class for all mocked objects. */
class Mock {
/** The mock name. Needed if the log is shared; optional otherwise. */
final String name;
/** The set of [Behavior]s supported. */
final LinkedHashMap<String,Behavior> _behaviors;
/** How to handle unknown method calls - swallow or throw. */
final bool _throwIfNoBehavior;
/** For spys, the real object that we are spying on. */
final Object _realObject;
/** The [log] of calls made. Only used if [name] is null. */
LogEntryList log;
/** Whether to create an audit log or not. */
bool _logging;
bool get logging => _logging;
set logging(bool value) {
if (value && log == null) {
log = new LogEntryList();
_logging = value;
* Default constructor. Unknown method calls are allowed and logged,
* the mock has no name, and has its own log.
Mock() :
_throwIfNoBehavior = false, log = null, name = null, _realObject = null,
_behaviors = new LinkedHashMap<String,Behavior>() {
logging = true;
* This constructor makes a mock that has a [name] and possibly uses
* a shared [log]. If [throwIfNoBehavior] is true, any calls to methods
* that have no defined behaviors will throw an exception; otherwise they
* will be allowed and logged (but will not do anything).
* If [enableLogging] is false, no logging will be done initially (whether
* or not a [log] is supplied), but [logging] can be set to true later.
throwIfNoBehavior: false,
enableLogging: true})
: _throwIfNoBehavior = throwIfNoBehavior, _realObject = null,
_behaviors = new LinkedHashMap<String,Behavior>() {
if (log != null && name == null) {
throw new Exception("Mocks with shared logs must have a name.");
logging = enableLogging;
* This constructor creates a spy with no user-defined behavior.
* This is simply a proxy for a real object that passes calls
* through to that real object but captures an audit trail of
* calls made to the object that can be queried and validated
* later.
Mock.spy(this._realObject, {, this.log})
: _behaviors = null,
_throwIfNoBehavior = true {
logging = true;
* [when] is used to create a new or extend an existing [Behavior].
* A [CallMatcher] [filter] must be supplied, and the [Behavior]s for
* that signature are returned (being created first if needed).
* Typical use case:
* mock.when(callsTo(...)).alwaysReturn(...);
Behavior when(CallMatcher logFilter) {
String key = logFilter.toString();
if (!_behaviors.containsKey(key)) {
Behavior b = new Behavior(logFilter);
_behaviors[key] = b;
return b;
} else {
return _behaviors[key];
* This is the handler for method calls. We loop through the list
* of [Behavior]s, and find the first match that still has return
* values available, and then do the action specified by that
* return value. If we find no [Behavior] to apply an exception is
* thrown.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
var method = MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName);
var args = invocation.positionalArguments;
if (invocation.isGetter) {
method = 'get $method';
} else if (invocation.isSetter) {
method = 'set $method';
// Remove the trailing '='.
if (method[method.length-1] == '=') {
method = method.substring(0, method.length - 1);
if (_behaviors == null) { // Spy.
var mirror = reflect(_realObject);
try {
var result = mirror.delegate(invocation);
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, Action.PROXY, result));
return result;
} catch (e) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, Action.THROW, e));
throw e;
bool matchedMethodName = false;
Map matchState = {};
for (String k in _behaviors.keys) {
Behavior b = _behaviors[k];
if (b.matcher.nameFilter.matches(method, matchState)) {
matchedMethodName = true;
if (b.matches(method, args)) {
List actions = b.actions;
if (actions == null || actions.length == 0) {
continue; // No return values left in this Behavior.
// Get the first response.
Responder response = actions[0];
// If it is exhausted, remove it from the list.
// Note that for endlessly repeating values, we started the count at
// 0, so we get a potentially useful value here, which is the
// (negation of) the number of times we returned the value.
if (--response.count == 0) {
actions.removeRange(0, 1);
// Do the response.
Action action = response.action;
var value = response.value;
if (action == Action.RETURN) {
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, value));
return value;
} else if (action == Action.THROW) {
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, value));
throw value;
} else if (action == Action.PROXY) {
// TODO(gram): Replace all this with:
// var rtn = reflect(value).apply(invocation.positionalArguments,
// invocation.namedArguments);
// once that is supported.
var rtn;
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
rtn = value();
case 1:
rtn = value(args[0]);
case 2:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case 4:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
case 5:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
case 6:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5]);
case 7:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6]);
case 8:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]);
case 9:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]);
case 9:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]);
throw new Exception(
"Cannot proxy calls with more than 10 parameters.");
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, rtn));
return rtn;
if (matchedMethodName) {
// User did specify behavior for this method, but all the
// actions are exhausted. This is considered an error.
throw new Exception('No more actions for method '
'${qualifiedName(name, method)}.');
} else if (_throwIfNoBehavior) {
throw new Exception('No behavior specified for method '
'${qualifiedName(name, method)}.');
// Otherwise user hasn't specified behavior for this method; we don't throw
// so we can underspecify.
if (_logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, Action.IGNORE));
/** [verifyZeroInteractions] returns true if no calls were made */
bool verifyZeroInteractions() {
if (log == null) {
// This means we created the mock with logging off and have never turned
// it on, so it doesn't make sense to verify behavior on such a mock.
throw new
Exception("Can't verify behavior when logging was never enabled.");
return log.logs.length == 0;
* [getLogs] extracts all calls from the call log that match the
* [logFilter], and returns the matching list of [LogEntry]s. If
* [destructive] is false (the default) the matching calls are left
* in the log, else they are removed. Removal allows us to verify a
* set of interactions and then verify that there are no other
* interactions left. [actionMatcher] can be used to further
* restrict the returned logs based on the action the mock performed.
* [logFilter] can be a [CallMatcher] or a predicate function that
* takes a [LogEntry] and returns a bool.
* Typical usage:
* getLogs(callsTo(...)).verify(...);
LogEntryList getLogs([CallMatcher logFilter,
Matcher actionMatcher,
bool destructive = false]) {
if (log == null) {
// This means we created the mock with logging off and have never turned
// it on, so it doesn't make sense to get logs from such a mock.
throw new
Exception("Can't retrieve logs when logging was never enabled.");
} else {
return log.getMatches(name, logFilter, actionMatcher, destructive);
* Useful shorthand method that creates a [CallMatcher] from its arguments
* and then calls [getLogs].
LogEntryList calls(method,
[arg0 = NO_ARG,
arg1 = NO_ARG,
arg2 = NO_ARG,
arg3 = NO_ARG,
arg4 = NO_ARG,
arg5 = NO_ARG,
arg6 = NO_ARG,
arg7 = NO_ARG,
arg8 = NO_ARG,
arg9 = NO_ARG]) =>
getLogs(callsTo(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9));
/** Clear the behaviors for the Mock. */
void resetBehavior() => _behaviors.clear();
/** Clear the logs for the Mock. */
void clearLogs() {
if (log != null) {
if (name == null) { // This log is not shared.
} else { // This log may be shared.
log.logs = log.logs.where((e) => e.mockName != name).toList();
/** Clear both logs and behavior. */
void reset() {